Broken Promises

Gamer to Player

Jinki hyung stormed out from the ice cream parlor and left me with Key and Jonghyun. They were acting all sweet and mushy! It’s not that I envy them or something but it’s just so… Ugh! I felt like I was being a third wheel or something.

“Taemin, are you okay?” Key asked. They finally stopped looking at each other in a creepy way and noticed me. Well at least for me it was creepy since they had this smile on their face and didn’t say a single word.

“I’m okay. By the way hyungs, I want to move in tomorrow.” I figured I had to hurry up and move in so I could keep my eyes on Jinki hyung. Who knows what Lee Joon might do.

“Really? Are you sure? I mean, are the papers done yet? You haven’t even contacted Jonghyun’s dad, Tae.” Key looked at Jonghyun hyung. Hyung shook his head and smiled at me.

“You don’t have to worry too much. I’m sure my dad will take care of it in no time. So just chill out. He’ll be cool with it.” I muttered a small ‘yay!’ and fished out my phone to contact my friends who happened to have a nice pickup truck. They were actually the ones who helped me with my first move so I kept their numbers just in case and I’m glad I did.

“What about your stuff? Do you need Jonghyun’s car?” I shook my head while texting my friends.

“No need, Jonghyun’s car is too small and we’ll have to make double trips to carry my stuff. Or even triple! I’ll have Seungho hyung and Sanghyun hyung to help me.” I sent the message and put my phone down.

“So anyways, hyungs. What are you guys  doing after this?” Jonghyun hyung looked at Key nervously looked at me.

“Oh, you’re going on a date? You know it’s fine with me! You don’t have to look all guilty like that.” I grinned and they loosened up.

“But if you need me you can always call me, Taemin.” Key said. I nodded got up to leave.

“Sure, Key. I’ll be going first then. I still need to continue packing for tomorrow. I’ll see you guys later!” I waved at them and made my way out.

The weather was pleasant that day so I took a longer way home and walked slowly. It’s really nice to take your surroundings and enjoy the outdoors once in a while. I observed everything I came across, starting from the little flowers on the sidewalk, the colorful signs of the cafés, the cute little shops, people passing by, Jinki hyung sitting in Starbucks across the street with Lee Joon…


I immediately rushed to hide behind restaurant dog mascot. I took another good look, hoping that it wasn’t Jinki hyung with Lee Joon. But unfortunately it was Jinki hyung. I flared up again. What was he doing with Joon? He said that he was going to pick up a game and go home to play. I fished out my phone and gave him a call. After a few rings he picked up.

Hey, Taemin. What’s up?” He sounded calm. I watched as he put his finger on his lips, as if telling Joon to shut up.

“Hi hyung. Are you already home?” I kept my eyes on Jinki hyung’s movements. Something was up and I didn’t think I would like it.

Ah, not yet. I’m not home yet.”

“Oh really? Where are you now then?” I faked a surprise tone.

I’m still in the game shop. They got lots of new ones stocked up! Isn’t it great?” Why would he lie to me…

“That’s amazing. Who are you with?”

I’m with Dongwon hyung. He’s my friend and the owner of the store. What’s the matter? Do you need me to help you out with something?” Why did he lie about being with Joon? Maybe… He had something to hide from me? Are they somehow dating now? Did Joon ask him out?!

“Oh. It’s fine. I have to go now.” I quickly hung up. I saw Jinki hyung’s face scrunched up. Then he shrugged and put his phone back in his pockets.

“Miss?” Jinki hyung talked to Joon again and the stupid friend stealer Joon grinned. He touched Jinki hyung’s knee!

“Hello, Miss?” Joon touched Jinki hyung’s knee. Joon touched him! He wasn’t supposed to touch my Jinki hyung!

“Excuse me, miss?”

“Are you blind?! I am not a girl!” I shouted at the voice who had been calling me. I turned to see a tall guy with weird wide eyes who seemed to be shocked at my response.

“Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry! It’s just that you look so much like a girl from your back…” He looked at me and I scowled at him.

“What do you want?” He didn’t seem mad at me but I was so pissed I couldn’t help to be snappy at this guy.

“Well I work at this restaurant and my boss wanted me to greet you and ask you not to cling on our restaurant mascot.” I realized I was gripping on the dog’s arm and so I let go.

“Thank you very much.” I growled at him and stomped my way out of there. I was a few steps away when he shouted.

“Choi Minho! That’s my name. Come over sometimes and I’ll treat you.” I stopped at my tracks and turned back. He was smiling. I stuck out my tongue at him and walked away.

I was so pissed off. First, Jinki hyung lied to me. He lied to me, for goodness sake! Why did he even do that? He’s not the type to lie to people, I know that. Then finding out he was actually with Joon, happily chatting over coffee. What’s worse than that? Seeing Joon touching Jinki hyung! What the hell was that all about?! And Jinki hyung let him! He didn’t even seem bothered by it this time!

Maybe they were on a date.

What date?! Even if stupid Joon would confess to Jinki hyung, he would never accept. I’m sure of that! I can’t imagine Jinki hyung dating that lame excuse of a guy, a playboy, a good for nothing cheapskate! Luna might be better. Wait, what was I thinking? Of course not! Luna was just the same!

If Jinki hyung would date anyone it better be me. I don’t care, okay? Jinki hyung needs to be with a nice person that wants to take care of him and make him feel good. I’m his friend so I can do that. I don’t give a rat’s about anything else!

I realized I was still walking down the street, stomping my way to nowhere in particular. Then I looked up to see that I was in front of the salon. I pouted and went in. Maybe there’s something I could do. Heechul hyung was talking to Taeyeon noona in the front desk and I went up to them.

“Hi hyung, noona.” They stopped their conversation and looked at me.

“Hey, Taemin. What are you doing here? I thought it’s your day off.” Taeyeon noona flashed her smile at me.

“Do you want to take over my shift, Taemin?” Heechul hyung chimed in with a playful tone. I roll my eyes and groaned.

“I was just passing by and I thought I could say hi or something. And no, I don’t want to take your shift, hyung.” Taeyeon noona and Heechul hyung just grinned. Suddenly the doorbell chimed and a mother with his son in tow entered the salon.

“Hello there, ma’am. How can I help you?” Taeyeon noona greeted in a friendly manner. I stepped aside and let the lady come closer.

“Hello there. I would like a haircut for my son please. His hair is getting long, he’s starting to look like a girl.” She said with a smile. Inconsiderate woman! I’m a guy with a long hair here! Heechul hyung had long hair too, couldn’t she see?!

“Certainly, ma’am. Please be seated and I’ll come back to you in a bit.” Taeyeon noona went to the back and looked for someone. Probably Nickhun hyung because he’s good with kids. But damn, I was pissed even more! There’s nothing wrong with long hair! This lady and that frog eyed guy just had to put the rotten cherry on my day. They don’t want guys with long hair, huh? Well you’ll get it!

“Heechul hyung. Cut my hair for me.” I turned to him. His eyes widened and he looked shocked.

“Taemin, did you fall and hit your head? Nickhun offered to cut your hair once and you almost cut his head instead. Are you sure it’s not a trick question for me? I was kidding about the shift thing, you know.” I shook my head and looked straight into his eyes.

“Cut my hair.” He gulped audibly and nodded.  You’ll get what you wanted, inconsiderate people!

I got my hair washed and Heechul hyung made me sit down and prepared everthing. He held my shoulder and looked at me through the mirror. He looked doubted but I just nodded, wanting him to get it over with. If there’s one person in the world I could trust to cut my hair, it would be Heechul hyung, no doubt.

He grabbed the scissors and looked at my hair for a while. Then he took a deep breath and made the first cut. I closed my eyes and listened to the familiar snip.  Heechul hyung continued to cut and cut and cut. Slowly I could feel my head getting lighter. I kept my eyes shut throughout the whole process until hyung tapped my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked at my reflection.

My hair’s short.

“….. short.” I mumbled quietly. Heechul hyung looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

“What? I didn’t hear you.” I looked at the mirror and suddenly emotions started to rush in. I watched as my eyes reddened.

“It’s so short, hyung. I cut my hair short.” Heechul hyung’s eyes widened and he looked like he was going to panic. I looked at my hair again to find no more long hair on me. The hair I grew for years. Gone.

“H-hey, T-taemin. Don’t cry. It doesn’t look bad, right? I think it suits you really well! Taemin? Taemin, don’t cry. Hey. Hey, Taemin answer me. Oh crap. Taeyeon! Call Key and ask him to get here! Taemin's panic attack is back! Hurry!” I didn’t know what was happening. It felt like everything was spinning and it was hard to breath. I was hyperventilating. I looked at my reflection and I was a mess. I touched my face and it was wet.

“Taemin, calm down. Breath, Tae. Key will be here soon, don’t lose it.” I started sobbing and I hugged Heechul hyung. I could faintly hear Key calling my name but everything blurred and faded to black.


I woke up on a bed to find a familiar ceiling hovering over me. I looked around and found out I was at my apartment.  I groggily got up and touched my neck. I remembered everything. Jinki hyung, Joon, frog eyes, the stupid lady and my hair.

“Oh God. What have I done.” I let everything sink in and I let out a scream. The door slammed open and Key together with Jonghyun came rushing in.

“Taemin, are you okay? Taemin, tell me what happened.” Key sat down on my bed and gently grabbed my hand. Even though I was panicking, Key’s gentleness always managed to calm me down.

“Umma. I cut my hair short.” Key shushed me and he scooted closer to hug me.

“Umma… Umma, what have I done? I cut my hair short. Umma. I broke my promise to Kai. Umma…” I cried in his arms and I sobbed uncontrollably. I could feel Jonghyun hyung hugged the both of us and told us that everything would be okay. But it was hard for me to take it all in. What if it wasn’t okay? What if Kai was disappointed in me? But Kai was my best friend, right? Would he be disappointed?

“Umma, what if Kai hates me now? What if Kai is looking down at me and hates me for cutting my hair?” I said in between sobs.

Kai was my best friend. I’ve been friends with him for a good 2 years back in high school. He helped me a lot during my tough times, especially during university entrance tests. He was the one who encouraged me to take dance major. He once told me that he liked my long hair and so I kept it that way. But then he got into a car accident and he died immediately. We couldn’t even say goodbye… And so I decided to keep my long hair as a part of my love and thanks for him.

“Taemin, I’m sure Kai loves you for who you are. It has nothing to do with your hair length. If I may say, I think he’s proud of you for cutting it. I think he’s happy that you’re moving on with your life now.” Key said while my freshly cut hair.

“But it’s my hair that kept me connected to Kai.” I sobbed again, remembering the times Kai played with my hair.

“That’s exactly the problem, baby. You have to move on… Kai will always be in your memories, in your heart. He will always look after you from Heaven. It’s time for you to start fresh.”  Key pulled away and wiped my tears with his thumb.

“I agree with Key, Taemin. I don’t think Kai would like it if you keep brooding over him. He would love to have you smile all the time. Come on, Taemin. Show us your smile.” I could feel a little smile tugging at the corner of my lips as Jonghyun hyung showed him his puppy pout.

“Yeah… Yeah, I think Kai would like that too.” I nodded and smiled. But after I got over my Kai related issues, the ones with Jinki resurfaced.

“Umma. I cut my hair because of Jinki hyung.” Key gasped in shock as I kept a straight face.

“Excuse me? Did I hear you right? What did he do?! Did he force you to? Did he insult you? Hm? Tell me and I’ll go kick his for you.” I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.

“Jinki hyung was hanging out with Joon at Starbucks. I saw them together. Joon was being touchy with Jinki hyung and hyung looked like he was fine with it. I was watching them from across the street. Then someone mistook me for a girl. Then I just got really mad and went to the salon. Then a lady said that his son’s long hair made him look girly. So I just snapped and asked Heechul hyung to cut my hair…” They both hummed and nodded. Key moved to sit beside me and Jonghyun hyung did too, squeezing me in the middle.

“Why is Joon bothering you so much, baby boy? And don’t tell me it’s because he’s stealing Jinki hyung.” Jonghyun hyung started. I thought for a while.

“But that’s exactly the reason why…” I pouted at him. Jonghyun only smiled and shook his head.

“No, I don’t think so. Jinki hyung is also our friend, but we don’t think Joon is threatening at all.” I frowned and turned to Key. He only smiled at me as if he knew something.

“Because Joon was touching Jinki hyung and Joon is a playboy?” Key shook his head at that too.

“I don’t know, hyungs! I just don’t like it when somebody else touches Jinki hyung and get too close to him, okay?” I fiddled with my super short hair and sighed.

“You know what we think?” Jonghyun hyung said. I shook my head. He looked over at Key and then back at me.

“We think you’re jealous.” I blinked at that statement. Jonghyun hyun only smirked at me. I turned to Key and he also nodded.


A/N : Oh yeah, you're jealous alright. Wow. A twist to the story. Guys, to tell you the truth I had some of this chapter come out of thin air. I mean, the Kai part? That popped outta nowhere. But I dunno, it kinda make sense to me why Taemin would keep his hair long in this story.

Choi Minho the flaming er is here.

*insert weird music here*

Anyways, comment would be loved as always, people. I'm sure you know how I live off of comments.
And this time I dare you to say something negative about the story. Any little thing you hate about the story, tell it to me. I swear. But don't say that Ontae aren't getting together fast enough.

Btw, gonna be gone on 15/06 - 19/06 followed by 21/06 - 27/06. I hope you'll stay tuned for the next chapter!

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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG