
Gamer to Player

We just finished eating Key’s delicious Tom Yum Soup. It has shrimps, mushrooms and calamari in it. Seriously, this guy could cook up anything you want. He’s a really, really talented cook. A good housewife, like my mom said.

Taemin and Yoogeun were watching some TV while Jinki hyung already left to shower back at his place. Key and I were still in the kitchen. He was washing the dishes and humming to a random song. I just sat back on my seat and watched him as he scrubbed the plates and silverwares. 

Key was just perfect. He’s beautiful both on the inside and the outside, he cares about me and supports me, he’s my best friend and he cooks like a pro. But best of all, he’s mine. And my heart swells with pride when I thought of that.

“Key?” I blurted out. He hummed in reply without turning around to see me. I grinned and made my way to him. I hugged him from the back. He tensed for a while but eventually melted in my arms.

“What’s up, Jjong?” He said whilst continuing rinsing the dishes. I planted a kiss on his jaw and felt him shudder a bit.

“Nothing…” I rested my chin on his shoulder and inhaled his sweet scent.

“You better go to your place and tell your folks that you’ll be spending the night here.” Key said. I just hugged him tighter.

“I don’t want to. I want to stay with you.” Key clicked his tongue and turned around to face me.

“You’ll be spending the night with me, stupid. Go back and take a shower first. And take your blanket with you.” I only pouted and pursed my lower lip. Key giggled and pecked my pout away with his smooth lips.

“Go, Jonghyun.” He had his charming smirk on his face and I figured I should just hurry up and get it over with.

“Don’t miss me too much, yeobo.” I winked at him. Key’s laugh was like a beautiful sound of bells in my ears.

“I won’t, Jjongie.” I kissed his cheek and made my way to the door. I seriously sprinted to my apartment. I knew I was being out of it, but I didn’t want to leave Key even for a while. Come on, we just got together for real, I just wanted to be close to him.

“Hey, I’m home!” I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I didn’t even wait for anyone to reply, I just wanted to shower and go back to Key. I got out and put on a t-shirt and sweat pants, packed my toothbrush, grabbed my blanket and guitar then ran to the living room.

“You’re going to stay at Kibum’s place tonight, Jonghyun?” My mom shouted from the kitchen. I finally realized that she was baking some cookies. I had no idea how I could miss the smell of my mom’s famous honey and almond cookies when I entered the apartment.

“Yeah, Mom. Sorry I was in a hurry so I ran straight to take a shower.” I entered the kitchen to see lots of fresh baked cookies in the cooling rack and some already in a jar. My mom was keeping an eye on what seemed to be the last batch that was in the oven.

“It’s okay. I know you’re just excited about staying over at Kibum’s place. Like always, that is.” She smiled and I just grinned.

“What’s not to like about being with Kibum?” She nodded and laughed.

“That’s true. So, how’s your relationship with him?” She motioned me to sit down on the stool near the kitchen counter. I took the cookie that was still warm and munched on it.

“We just got together yesterday, Mom.” Her eyes widened and shock was written all over her face.

“What? Don’t lie to your mother, Jonghyun.” I frowned.

“Why would I? I’m serious.” She just stood there, silently looking at the floor.

“So that’s why he dropped the plate… Oh wow.” What? Did I miss something important here?

“Huh? What are you talking about? Who dropped the plate? Are you talking about Key? Key dropping the plate yesterday?” She suddenly grinned and handed me the jar of cookies.

“Never mind! Go take this to Key. I remember you saying that Key loves this cookie. So go and have fun, okay?” She pushed me out of the kitchen and handed me my stuff. What’s up with her?

“Okay, okay! Tell Dad and Noona that I’m at Key’s place if they ever need something from me.” My mom just nodded and shoved me out the door. Geez, why was she so eager to get me out of the house anyways.

I walked back to Key’s apartment. When I opened the door, Jinki hyung was already there in his navy t-shirt and sweat pants sitting beside Taemin who had Yoogeun in his lap. Key was also there, sitting on the other sofa, eyes glued to the screen. He probably showered when I was gone because he already had his purple pajamas on.

“Hey, guys.” Key looked up at me and patted the empty spot beside him. Jinki hyung nodded at me, Taemin and Yoogeun just waved.

“Hey, Jjongie. That was really fast.” I sat down beside Key and kissed his forehead.

“I don’t want to stay away from you for too long. By the way, my mom made some honey and almond cookies for you.” Key perked up and took the jar from my hands. He opened it and started nibbling on one.

“This is amazing… I should thank your mom later.” I looked at Yoogeun who was eyeing the cookie jar. I nudged Key and pointed at Yoogeun. He smiled and offered one to the little boy.

“Do you want one, Yoogeunnie? Hyunnie’s mommy made it for us.” Yoogeun’s eyes lit up and he reached for the cookie. He took a bite out of it and smiled happily.

“It’s really yummy! Thank you, Bummie, Hyunnie!” He ate happily and Key gave him another one.

“You know, I have lived here longer than Key but Jonghyun’s mother never made cookies for me.” Jinki hyung frowned. Key smirked and offered the cookies to Jinki hyung and Taemin.

“That’s because you never even go out from your apartment. You meet up with Jonghyun’s family whenever it’s time to pay rent.” Key chuckled when Jinki hyung made a pouty face.

It was true though. Jinki hyung never stay and talk much with my family. He always acted nice and polite, but he never opened up that much to my family. My family, especially my dad, really wanted to talk to him and ask him to stay for dinner, but they figured Jinki hyung was too busy and not comfortable to be around them. My family once asked me to get Jinki hyung to stay and have dinner with us, but he had to work that time. I told my folks about it but they figured they shouldn’t ask anymore.

“Yeah, hyung. It’s not that my family hates you, it’s just that you don’t talk to them that much and they figured you don’t want to be bothered.” I shrugged. Jinki hyung’s brows knotted and he just sighed.

“I’ll talk to them. I want cookies too…” Jinki hyung mumbled. Taemin just giggled and hugged him. Like, really draped himself all over Jinki hyung.

“Silly hyung! I can make cookies too. I’ll make some for you, okay? I hope you like butter cookies.” Taemin looked up at Jinki hyung and smiled at him. Jinki smiled and ruffled Taemin’s hair.

Seriously. I kept asking Taemin whether he liked Jinki hyung or not. I mean like-like. Then he kept saying that he liked him as a friend. That’s complete nonsense based on how he acted though.

“I love butter cookies! I guess I’ll be looking forward to it.” Jinki hyung smiled at Taemin and he kept hugging hyung as if his life depended on it. They went back on watching the movie. It was so obvious.

“Jonghyun.” Key called out to me. I looked at Key who was smiling sweetly.

“What’s up, yeobo?” He giggled and rested his head on my shoulder.

“I like that nickname. I like that a lot.” He started playing with my fingers. I pulled him closer and hugged him tight.

“Thank you. For waiting all these times…” He whispered only for me to hear. He was being really adorable and I absolutely love the way he acted.

“You’re worth the wait, Key. What’s up with you anyways? You don’t usually say this kind of thing.” His cheeks slightly flushed and he just snuggled me. God, he was so cute.

“I’m just happy, I guess… Why? Aren’t you happy that I’m happy?!” He smacked my hand, suddenly in his diva mode again.

“No, no. I’m glad you’re happy! It’s just that you’re being overly cute and I’m shocked. In a good way, though.” He nodded and hummed. I hugged him by the waist and he linked his arms around my neck, burying his face there. Suddenly Yoogeun giggled.

“Bummie and Hyunnie look just like Mommy and Daddy at home!” Yoogeun came running up to us and jumped up on Key’s lap. Key kissed his plump cheek and Yoogeun hugged him. Key just stared at Yoogeun and suddenly turned to me.

“Jonghyun, I want a baby.” My brain exploded at that time. What was that? A trick question? A test? A statement coming from him out of a whim? Or was that an invitation for ?! I had no idea what to think about!

“Oooh, isn’t that a bit soon for you guys?” Jinki hyung roared with laughter. I was still speechless, I couldn’t think of a meaningful comeback.

“Umma, I really am getting a new sibling?” Taemin’s eyes were twinkling and I was still dumbstruck.

“Maybe.” Key wiggled his eyebrows at me and had his trademark smug grin on his beautiful, flawless face.

“Jjongie, yeobo. Close your mouth.” I didn’t realize my mouth was hanging open until Key gently touched my chin.

“W-wha?” Genius, Kim Jonghyun.

“You know I’m only joking, right, Jjong?” I recollected myself and shook my head.

“Of course you were. It’s too soon for us. Maybe in about 5 years, yeobo?” I grinned. Key’s eyes widened and he started laughing.

“Yes, 5 years and we’ll have a baby girl of our own.”

We continued watching movie after movie and without realizing it, it was already 9PM. It was already late for Yoogeun so we decided to go to bed. Jinki hyung volunteered to sleep in the living room since Key had a big sofa that could be folded out as a bed. Fancy, isn’t it? And of course, Taemin wanted to be with Jinki hyung. Key let me sleep with him and Yoogeun could sleep anywhere he liked.

“Come on, Yoogeunnie. You have to brush your teeth.” Key ushered Yoogeun to the bathroom and helped him brush his teeth. I followed them and stood by the doorway to watch. Key used his bubblegum toothpaste and squeezed it for Yoogeun. Key also grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his pearly whites, putting a little demo for Yoogeun. Both of them made really cute faces as Key somehow made a bubble.

It was really fun to watch them. It’s as if little Yoogeunnie was his son. And Key’s my lover. So that means it’s as if Yoogeun was my son too. I don’t know… It just made me really happy, really proud to have a lover like Key. He’s beautiful, he’s loyal, dedicated, sweet, caring, he loves kids, he’s a great cook, he stays by my side, he’s my best friend, he’s creative and the best part is that he loves me. It might be really weird, or perhaps too fast, but what Key said really got me thinking of building a family life with him.

They rinsed their mouth and Key was pointing at the mirror, telling Yoogeun to bare his teeth and look at just how sparkly and clean they were. Yoogeun giggled and then he yawned. Key picked him up and carried him.

“Go brush your teeth, Jjong. I’ll tuck Yoogeun in with Taemin and Jinki.” I nodded and did as he said. I used his bubblegum toothpaste and chuckled after realizing how childishly cute Key was.

I finished brushing my teeth and went to the living room. The sofa bed was already laid out and Jinki hyung was already snuggled up in his blanket. Taemin was tucking Yoogeun between him and Jinki hyung while Key set down a glass of water for Yoogeun.

“You can go to bed, Key. I’ll take care of Yoogeun.” Taemin draped the blanket over them and let out a little yawn.

“Yeah and I’ll take care of them, I guess…” Jinki hyung chimed in.

“Okay, I’ll go to sleep now. You can wake me up if you need something okay? Good night.” Key flicked the lamp switch off but left the night light on. Jinki hyung went straight to sleep while Taemin hugged Yoogeun.

“We should go to bed too.” Key tugged my hand.

“You go first, I’m going to get something to drink.” Key nodded and headed to his room. I grabbed a glass of water and emptied it in a flash. Why was I so nervous? It’s not like I would be doing anything tonight. I guess it’s just because I would be spending the night with Key, on his bed, the first time ever as his official boyfriend. My heart nearly skipped a beat at that thought. I refilled the glass and went to Key’s room.

I opened the door to see the room already dim. The light source only came from Key’s table lamp. He was already tucked in nicely under the covers, checking his phone.

“Hey.” Key didn’t reply but only lifted the covers, silently asking me to slip in. I walked up to him, put the glass on the side table and slipped under the covers. I lay down on my side and stared at him. Key put down his phone and smiled at me.

“Hey.” We chuckled and did nothing but stare into each other’s eyes. His eyes were sparkling, somehow. It could you in, left you wondering just how deep his stare could get. His eyes were feline like. Incredibly charming.

I could feel his delicate fingers caressing my cheek, tracing my jaw line. Key bit his lower lip and something in his eyes shifted. But before I could comment on anything, he scooted closer and hugged me, burying his face in my chest.

“Jonghyun…” I shivered when he said my name in a breathy whisper.

“What’s the matter?” I croaked out. He looked up at me with uncertainty in his face.

“I’m sorry… It’s just that… Can I… You know….” He averted his gaze and started nibbling on his lower lip.

“What is it? Just tell me, Key.” His face suddenly went red and I just frowned at his weird behavior.

“Can I… Can I kiss you?” I chuckled and cupped his face in my hands.

“You’re adorable, Key.” I leaned in to feel his soft lips upon mine. It was just a light graze, skin to skin. I was a gentle touch but it meant so much to me. I hope it meant a lot to him too. I pulled away just a tiny bit, letting our breaths mingle.

“Don’t ask for my permission next time. Kiss me anytime you want.” Key giggled and pecked my lips.

“Yeah, just like that, Key.” I hugged him and he also hugged back.

“I love you, Jonghyun.” I felt this huge wave of happiness wash over me. I really felt like drowning in complete joy!

“I love you too, Key.” I pulled away to tilt his chin and brought our lips back together. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer, if that was even possible. I rested my hands on his slim waist and enjoyed our touches.

“Bummie? Hyunnie?” Yoogeun called out from the doorway. I sat up to see him rubbing his eyes and staring at us.

“Hey, Yoogeun. Can’t sleep?” I asked. He nodded weakly and trotted to our bed.

“Can I sleep with Bummie and Hyunnie?” I immediately picked him up and settled him between Key and me.

“Sure you can, Yoogeunnie. Now go to sleep.” Key made sure Yoogeun was comfortable and Yoogeun stared at me.

“Can Hyunnie sing for me? Daddy usually sings for me before I go to sleep…” I looked at Key and he smiled, encouraging me to sing.

“Okay then. Close your eyes and I’ll sing for you.” The little boy snapped his eyes shut and Key couldn’t hold back his giggle. I racked my brain for a soft melody and started singing.







I know an interesting experiment

If you put a few drops of soap into a cup

The divided oil and water

That had their back to each other, mixes as one

This is so much like us

We fight like we will never see each other again

And then become mixed in the soap called love

Suddenly all the animosity disappears


I looked into Key’s eyes and he seemed surprised. It was the newest song I wrote, no one had heard of it yet. He seemed interested though, so he kept listening.






We fight a hundred times,

and our hearts breaks a hundred times

But like tangled pieces of string,

our love can’t be pulled apart

We fix our faults, learn each other’s hearts

I know that one day,

only our happiness will be left


He grinned and started Yoogeun’s hair. I reached out my hand to play with Key’s hair instead.









I’ll try to say the awkward words of love

(I love you, I love you)

Even on days where I’m tired,

I’ll hide my tired expression just for you

In my daily dairies

There is nothing but talks of you

Showing each other once in a while

It would be nice if we were happy


I poured out my feelings in every word, hoping that they would get through to Key.


Love’s way! Love’s way!

You’re my true Love~!





Though our hobbies are different,

And our thoughts are different,

Our habits have become similar

The way we talk becomes similar,

And even the times that we fall asleep,

after we talk at night

Have become the same.


“It’s not that we fight that much anyways.” I said barely above a whisper. I glanced at Yoogeun who was fast asleep.

“I know. It’s still a great song, Jjong.” Key covered his mouth and yawned.

“Go to sleep, yeobo. Good night.” Key gave out a tired smile and his eyes fluttered close.

“Good night, Jonghyun.” He went to sleep with a beautiful smile on his lips. I also went to sleep with a big smile on my face.

A/N : Sorry for the long delay, people! Here's the latest chapter. Not as fluffy as how I wanted it to be, but I guess it's okay...

Happy Mother's Day by the way :D And talking about Mother's Day, I kinda like how Jonghyun's Mom is acting in this chapter. And I kinda just realised how Taemin and Key were acting like complete moms in here.


So anyways, I'm sorry for this stupid excuse for a chapter. In the next one we'll be going back on track and continue with the plot, okay?

The song in this chapter is SHINee's Love's Way, without the rap part. So yeah. Cuz Hyunnie can't rap. Or can he...

Anyways, comments, people? :D

p.s This chapter is 3.277 words long! I think that's just because I put the lyrics in... *cries in corner*

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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG