
Blue Lotus
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About two weeks later, Mr Suriyon was in his residence, telling Arthit that he would be moving to Switzerland, to join his wife there.

“Dad… You’re heading to Switzerland?”

“Yes… They have redacted the lawsuit against me… I guess your meeting with Tharathep was a fruitful one.”

“Are you serious, dad?”

“I am! And I want you to come along too. I’ve got your tickets ready… I’ve been having a huge headache because of this issue… I need some time off from everything…”

Arthit was hesitant, causing his father to prompt him further, “Why Arthit? You don’t wish to see your mother?”

“I think I’ll stay here dad… I should be here while you’re not… The company needs to be taken care of. It won’t be a good look for both the Chairman and his son to be going away at the same time…”

“You are indeed a very responsible son… I am so proud of you… I don’t know what I’ve done in my previous life to have such a good son like you…” said Mr. Suriyon as he patted on his son’s cheek, before leaving his study.

Mr Suriyon then got himself ready to head out, accompanied by his bodyguards. The chauffer drove him all the way to the airport and was already waiting to get into the transit area for first class passengers, when his boarding pass failed to let him pass.

“I’m sorry sir… But you’ve been denied to step out of the country…” said the staff apologetically.

“What nonsense is this?! Do you know who I am?! What kind of service is this?!”

Amidst the commotion, plain clothes policemen came to apprehend him, with him being cuffed behind his back and took him to their car in a discreet manner to prevent any other unwanted attention. He struggled but was easily overpowered by the policemen who were escorting him.

They took him to the station and began interrogating him. They laid all of the allegations to him but he refused to speak and requested for his lawyer to be present.

Meanwhile on the outside, Arthit drove with a heavy heart to where he knew he would feel at ease with. There was a knock and she immediately opened the door to welcome him in. He took a seat on her couch before Wanfahmai gave him a tight hug as he broke down in her arms.

“I’m sorry… P’Arthit…” as she his hair to comfort him. Arthit did not say anything but he continued to tear up. She then kisses on the top of his head as she continued his hair.


Mr Tharathep told Wanfahmai who was staying at his place for her own safety, that he received an update in regards to Mr Haton from his connection.

“So, he is going to cooperate with the police?”

“Yes… He intends to tell the police everything he knows… And…”

“And what dad?”

“No lawyer wants to represent him…”

“Really?! So, Mr Suriyon has really abandoned him?”

“Seems like it…”

“Then dad… Let’s have our lawyers to represent him…”

“What?! Why should we do that?”

“It’s a proposition…”


“Yes… To convince him to get on our side… To help with our lawsuit as well… I’m afraid that Mr Suriyon will put all the blame on him, and let himself off the hook.”

“Do you think it will work?”

“Dad… He has no one left… We have to continue to shake him until he gets on our side… And the least we can offer him is a good defence to prevent him from getting all the blame and also the safety of his wife and daughter for the cooperation he would be providing us with…”

“Okay… Let’s get cracking…”

Mr Tharathep and Wanfahmai, along with their top lawyer, came by to visit Mr Haton in custody behind closed doors. He was angry when he saw Wanfahmai and refuses to see them at first, until she offered him a very tempting offer.

“You don’t have to be so mad at me for doing what I’m doing, Mr Haton… Because let’s face it… The fact that you kidnapped me remains…” as she paused to look at Mr Haton directly into his eyes before she continued, “But… I am willing to drop those charges if you work with us…”

“What do you mean?”

“Our lawyer here will defend your case…”


“Let’s not get our hopes too high, shall we? Logically he can only defend you in a way to prevent Mr

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Chapter 3: Dear your witty conversation between P'Tia and Ice is so refreshing re reading it worth while Thanks for publishing it for me to do my reading pilgrimage.Thanks❤️
Hi pieces of rainbow's been a long time worries whether it's minshin or some of other heroine stories.....I always love your stories......b
I also won't regret that once I was minshin shipper..... continue writing.... I am always your loyal fan......but I also miss jassey writer though.....
Chapter 16: Wow I am speechless ...
What a strong girl Nong Ice is.Yet she still a persons with feelings. Excited to know how P' Arthit going to get on her good side again.
Chapter 3: Wow you are back and loving it already pieces...The sassy heroine.Looking forward to next chapter.