Chapter 31: Last Saturday Night

A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)
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I poured myself a cup of orange juice as I looked at Christine who sat across from me at the table, having a bite of her toast. I looked at her and realised that she seemed more vibrant today. Was it because of the extra sleep we had yesterday?

I heard footsteps coming into the lounge and I turned to see Zoey approaching the table.

"Morning, girls," she said as she drew out a chair next to mine and sat down with a bright smile on her face.

"Morning," Christine and I answered at the same time.

"You ladies look very bright this morning," she said as she took a plate and placed it in front of her.

"So do you," said Christine as she took another bite out of her french toast.

"I guess the sleep we had really worked wonders," I said.

"Really?" Zoey asked as she looked at me and held her cheeks with her fingers as though she was massaging them. "Do I look like extra extra pretty?"

I smiled at her. "You've always looked pretty, Zoey."

"Morning, people," said Mike as both him and Daniel appeared and came straight for the table.

"Morning," we answered him. I gave Daniel, a bright smile. He smiled back.

"What's with Zoey feeling like she's all pretty?" Mike asked as he took a seat right next to Christine and Daniel sat right next to Zoey.

"Can't you see that I'm glowing?" Zoey asked as she beamed at Mike. "Sam says the extra sleep we had must have helped."

"Enough sleep is good for the body," said Daniel as he took the jug of orange juice.

"Are we going to meet with the others today and finish up on the song?" Mike asked as he looked at me.

"I haven't communicated with either of the two groups yet," I said.

"Mmm..., funny," said Zoey as she lifted her toast and looked at it like she was observing it. "I haven't been on my phone since last night."

"Really, that's all you can think about?" Christine asked.

"Well..., I guess we were all tired and needed a break. Besides, last night was quite fun."

"Tell me about it," said Daniel as he held a slice of toast and took a bite.

After we went to catch up on sleep yesterday afternoon, we woke up around 7PM and we all met in the lounge where we ended up playing board games with Lee. Before supper, Collins arrived and joined in on the fun and we told him about our progress on the new song. After supper, we all sat down to watch the Korean drama series, "Boys Over Flowers." We went to bed an hour early before our usual bedtime.

"We should have more sleeping hours, don't you think?" Mike asked.

"With what we are working on right now, I doubt it," I said. "Maybe after we finally head back home."

"This album is going to kill us," said Zoey as she leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling in frustration.

"You have to check up on these guys and ask if we're going to meet," said Christine as she looked at me.

"After breakfast," I said. I took a sip of my juice.

As we continued to have our breakfast and talked about the snakes and ladders game we had yesterday, Lee and Collins came into the lounge. Lee was taking down something on her tablet while Collins talked to her, almost like he was giving her instructions. I couldn't hear what he was saying because he talked in a low tone and Zoey at the same time was the one talking at the table.

"All I am saying is," she said, "if Daniel wasn't so lucky, I would have won that game."

"Too bad you got eaten by the snake towards the end," said Daniel as he smiled at Zoey.

"Sometimes I think you cheat."

"Cheating in snakes and ladders is almost impossible," said Christine as I saw her shrug her shoulders. "That's if you have the super power to row the dice to the number that's most suitable."

"Morning," said Collins as he and Lee came towards us. "I see Zoey still hasn't gotten over that snakes and ladders game."

Zoey looked down at her empty plate, not daring to look up at Collins. "Not really," she said.

"Will all of BTW be meeting today to continue working on the song?" Collins asked as he looked at me.

"I have to communicate with them and see if it's possible," I answered.

"Well, I sure hope so. I told Yang Hyun-suk that you already started. He wants to hear it tomorrow, so I really hope you do make progress."

"I better go give them a call, then."

I drew my chair back and left the table. I later found myself back in the room I shared with Zoey. I went straight for my phone that was beside the bed lamp. It felt like it had stayed there for a very long time because I barely touched it last night.

I checked my lock screen and found no messages whatsoever. Maybe its because I hadn't turned the wifi on on my phone. After I unlocked it and switched on the wifi, notifications came flooding in almost at the same time most of them from social networks like Instagram and Twitter. I ignored them all as I went on my WhatsApp to check if there were any messages on the BTW chat group. But nothing.

"Strange," I muttered to myself as I sat on my bed. I decided to leave a message, but that wasn't going to be enough.

I decided to make a call to one of the BlackPink members. Jennie was the first member on my contact list so I called her.

I put my phone to my ear. Her phone rang but she wasn't picking up. I waited until the voicemail came up and I cut the call right away. Maybe she was still asleep or she wasn't so close to the phone. I called again and still her phone went straight to voicemail.

I called Jisoo next, and just like Jennie's phone, it went straight to voicemail. Something didn't feel right. Why were they both not answering their phones?

I went on ahead to call Seunghoon and this time, I prayed that his phone wasn't going to act like the others. Upon the third ring, he answered.

"Hello?" Seunghoon answered. He sounded sleepy.

"Seunghoon? Hey, are you still asleep?" I asked.

"Sam?" he sounded surprised and more awake. "Oh, I didn't notice it was you."

"Are you guys coming to meet us here at the hotel? We have a song to work on, remember?"

"Oh, oh, ya, we do..., ummm, eish.....," I heard him mutter something in Korean. "You said we can meet either today or tomorrow, right?"

"Umm...," I raised an eyebrow. Something was definitely not right at the moment. "Yes, I did. That's why I called to see if you guys are up it."

"Oh, umm, let me ask if these guys are up for it." I heard movement, like someone was pushing away the sheets to try and get out of bed. "I'll call you right back."

"Ya, sure."

Seunghoon cut the call and I couldn't help but wonder. Maybe the others weren't up for meeting today. It was for the best to have it cancelled.

The door to the room flew open and Zoey came in.

"Anything?" Zoey asked.

"Couldn't reach Jennie or Jisoo," I answered. "But I did reach Seunghoon and he will get back to me as soon as he talks to the others."

"Okay, well, we can wait."

"Maybe we should cancel and meet tomorrow. Seunghoon was still asleep when I called."

"We could, but Yang Hyun-suk wants to hear the song tomorrow."

"We can tell Collins to tell him that he will have to wait a little longer."

"Geez, this is Yang Hyun-suk we're talking about. He wouldn't like taking orders from a missy like you."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's just a suggestion, not an order."

"Ooh, you know what I mean," she said irritatingly.

"We can't work on the song without them."

"True, but you started to work on the song way before we all met yesterday. You're a good songwriter after all."

"I hope we won't have to write the songs of the entire album ourselves. We will need to bring out some songwriters. We don't really have much time."

"Huh, funny. Collins was talking about it with Lee just now. You two seem to think alike."

"Yay, we will be working on one song," I said with less enthusiasm.

"Then get your guitar and notebook."

"May you help me with my guitar?" I asked. "It's in the closet."

"Really? Why do I get to carry the heavy stuff for you?"

"I never let you carry any of my heavy stuff. And besides, the guitar isn't so heavy."

"Whatever," Zoey rolled her eyes at me as she went to the closet to get it. I stretched out over my bed to get my notebook in one of the drawers on the other side of the bed.

Zoey and I soon left the room, Zoey with my guitar and me, with my phone and notebook. I expected Seunghoon to have called back by now but he hadn't. Strange.

"Aah, it's good to see that you are much more serious than I thought about the song," said Collins as we entered the lounge.

"Of course we are," said Zoey as she smiled at Collins seated in the lounge. My brothers and Christine weren't by the dining table.

"And what about the others?" Lee asked. She was standing right in front of us with the tablet still in her hands. "Are they going to make it?"

"Am yet to receive a reply," I answered.

"I hope all goes to plan," said Collins as he stood up. "Yang Hyun-suk is really looking forward to hearing the song."

I gulped. Something told me it was best if the managers heard the song another day.

"I actually think we need a little more time," I said to Collins.

"Really?" he raised his eyebrow at me.

I felt Zoey look at me. She knew what I was doing. I had no other choice but to stall.

"Yes, really," I answered.

"Whatever reason you have, fine. But you will have to finish the song because tomorrow we will meet other songwriters and composers for the album. But we will still need that song from you."

I nodded my head. "It will be a great song, trust me."

Collins smiled at Zoey and I, then left the lounge heading for the elevator. It looked like he was going out as always.

"Well, that went well," said Zoey after we were sure that Collins had gone.

"What went well?" Lee asked.

"Nothing, nothing," said Zoey as she went ahead to put the guitar on the nearest couch and smiled at Lee.

I knew Lee was going to stare at me to get an answer, so, I avoided her gaze by looking at my phone. Still nothing from Seunghoon. I debated on whether to give him another call.

I heard one of the doors open and shut in the hall followed by Christine's voice singing to a song by Maroon 5: "She will be loved" until she entered the lounge.

"Any news from the others yet?" she asked as she stood beside me.

I shook my head. "I can't reach BlackPink and Seunghoon said he would inform me soon if he and the rest are going to make it."

"Bummer," she said as she went over to sit on the couch. Zoey soon joined her.

"Now I see why you don't want the managers hearing the song tomorrow," said Lee. "You're not sure if these guys are going to show."

"I thought we agreed that we were all going to rest and then meet up," said Christine.

"The sad part was I suggested we meet either today or tomorrow," I said.

"I think I was the one who suggested that," said Lee as she winced.

"Judging by Sam's phone that should have rang minutes ago, we're likely to meet tomorrow," said

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Chapter 41: Please continue to update