Chapter 10: We Meet Again

A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)
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We had a wonderful dinner last night with BigBang and Hyo-rin, who joined us later on that evening, courtesy of Taeyang, Christine and I since we did all the cooking. Everything turned out delicious. It was the first time I ever tried cooking different cuisines and it was exciting since Christine and I had the best chef to teach us, that is Taeyang, of course.

After supper, Collins and Lee came to pick us up, though my brothers were really insisting on staying over at BigBang's apartment for the night. But it was pointless convincing Collins. Not after what happened earlier on during the day with Zoey meeting EXO and Christine causing a mess at the grocery store after meeting BTS. He was more concerned about Christine's case because it would seriously have made her and the rest of us Toxins get into a lot of trouble.

He wasn't really mad to the point of scolding her, but he didn't talk much the whole way back to the hotel. And no one dared try to talk about BTS or EXO in the car. Much less, say anything at all.

After a good night's sleep, I was all dressed up and heading to the lounge when I heard laughter and chattering coming from the lounge. I could recognise Lee, Christine and my two brothers' voices. But there were other voices in the lounge too. There was no way Collins was here. He told us last night that he was going to have a busy day today and that he would be up early. We had cancelled our usual morning dance practise because we were exhausted from last night.

As soon as I stepped into the lounge, I stopped in my tracks. There seated with Christine, Lee and my two brothers at the dinning table were WINNER. All four of them. And they were all having breakfast. Well, this was a surprise. I didn't move as they all stopped talking and laughing immediately I appeared before them.

"Wow," I said, first looking at Mino, then Jinwoo, Seunghoon and Seungyoon. "I wasn't expecting you guys for breakfast today."

"They asked Collins' for permission to come see you and he said it was okay," said Lee. "I suggested they come over for breakfast so that you can all start the day together."

"Oookay," I said giving Lee the eyebrow. "I didn't expect Collins to even allow this."

"Why?" Seungyoon asked. "Considering what happened yesterday?"

"Ya," I replied as I went over to the dinning table and I reached out to Mino first and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. "But I'll admit, it's good to see you guys."

Mino smiled up at me and said, "it's good to see you too."

I hugged Jinwoo and Seunghoon in the same manner. Seunghoon in return took my hand and kissed the other side of my palm.

"Good morning, my lovely princess," he said as he smiled at me.

I gave out a smile laugh. "Morning," I said. "I've to admit, I missed you a lot, Seunghoon."

"You did?" Mike and Daniel who sat at the opposite side of the table asked at the same time, looking at me.

"Is it weird to be honest?" I asked as I looked back at them.

I didn't give them the time to answer as I went to hug Seungyoon. I sat at the end of the table where Collins usually sat.

"Well, you seem to be in a good mood this morning," said Christine who sat next to Mike. "Mind telling us why?"

"It's because of what happened yesterday, of course," I answered as I grabbed a plate and two slices of toast.

"Christine was just telling us what happened," said Jinwoo, with a cup of tea in his hand. "We read the story on the entertainment news, but we wanted to hear the story first hand ourselves."

"Explains why you were all laughing." I filled my glass with orange juice. "I'm even surprised that Christine even told you. I thought she wouldn't say a word about yesterday."

"As embarrassing as it was, I got over it," said Christine.

"I'm just waiting for Zoey to explain to me how she met EXO," said Lee.

"You don't want to hear it," I said. "I had to stay up an extra hour last night just to hear her side of the story."

"Explains why she isn't here," said Mino. "She must be exhausted."

"Maybe you can tell us, Sam," said Daniel after putting a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"You know it's better if she tells you herself, right?" I suggested. I soon bit into my toast.

"Zoey might be a good storyteller, but she will add things that weren't even supposed to be mentioned, making the story ten times long."

"Mmmm," Lee muttered as she sipped her coffee and put the cup back down on the table. "Looks like you know Zoey after all."

"Most of us have known her forever it's like we're her best friends too," said Mike as he rolled his eyes and bit into his toast.

We all laughed, except Mike.

"You're right," I said. "You, Mike, have known her forever."

"I wonder what she would say if she heard you say that," said Seunghoon.

"Obviously lock horns with him," said Jinwoo.

"You, my friend, are very correct," said Mike as he gave a thumbs up to Jinwoo.

"Don't you think she has slept for far too long?" Christine asked as she looked at me. "It's best she wakes up now."

"No, let her rest," said Mike. "Right now, I'm enjoying my breakfast without her around. It's only nine in the morning, anyway."

"So, Sam," said Seungyoon who sat beside me. "How was it meeting BTS?"

I raised an eyebrow at him as I drank my juice. "Do you really want to know?" I asked putting the glass aside.

"I don't," said Seunghoon, not looking at me as he played with his breakfast.

"The same way I was excited meeting you guys was the same way I felt when I met BTS," I replied.

"But wasn't it that Seunghoon scared you by jumping out of the closet?" Mino asked.

"Seriously? Are you really bringing that up now?" Seunghoon asked as he looked at Mino.

"I forgot that even happened," I said with a little laugh. "But that was one totally weird surprise."

"It's always good to make an extraordinary entrance." Seunghoon smiled at me.

"Ya, it is." I smiled back.

I noticed Mino roll his eyes and apparently, they landed at the entrance of the lounge. I followed his eyes and coming into the lounge in her pink sleeping gown, was Zoey.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes. She still looked really sleepy with her hair all scruffy looking. When she looked at us at the dinning table, she tried to open her eyes wide enough, but she couldn't. She rubbed them again.

"Wait, am I dreaming or are WINNER sitting at the dinning table eating breakfast?"

"Yes, they are," Daniel answered.

Zoey's eyes flew wide open and so was as she held her face in shock. "Oh, my goodness! Morning, guys," she greeted them. "I better go take a shower. This is so embarrassing."

Zoey quickly turned back around and disappeared down the hall.

"Thank goodness," said Mike after he heard the door to the room slam shut. "As much as I didn't want to eat breakfast with her because of her tattle tales, I wasn't going to eat with her looking like that."

Christine hit Mike on the shoulder and he wailed in pain. "You take that back," she told him. "It's so not funny."

"Please, even you know Zoey always looks funny when she gets straight out of bed."

Mino laughed. "Mike's right," he said. "She does."

"So, what do you guys plan on doing today?" Lee asked changing the subject.

"I don't know," I replied. "No idea."

"Don't tell me you've to babysit us and make sure things don't get out of hand," Christine looked at Lee beside her.

"Collins told me to keep an eye on you," said Lee. "Remember that you all have to keep a low profile."

"Any suggestions?" Daniel asked as he looked across the table at WINNER.

"None at all," said Seungyoon.

"It will be so much easier for me if you're all here then," said Lee.

"No, I want to go out," said Christine.

"Same here," I said.

"Mmmm," Mike muttered to himself. "But where?"

"Ding, ding, ding!" Seunghoon exclaimed so as to draw all our attention to him. "I think I know where we should go."

"Really?" Daniel asked. "Where?"

"I'm glad you're the one who asked, Daniel, because you and Mike are going to love it."

"Okay," said Christine, shifting with excitement in her seat. "Even I am anxious."

"Why not go to an arcade?"

Christine's mouth dropped open and my two brothers muttered "yes!" and high fived each other. Lee on the other hand, didn't say a word. I, eventually smiled at Christine.

"An arcade?" Christine asked as she scratched her head.

"You don't seem to like the idea," said Jinwoo as he looked at her.

"I don't know," Christine seemed to be thinking to herself whether to agree. "When was the last time I ever went to an arcade back home?"

"It's been forever," said Mike.

"And where we're going is the hottest arcade spot in town," said Seunghoon as he winked at Christine. "It's totally legit. You won't regret it."

"It's Funny Land, isn't it?" Seungyoon asked.

Seunghoon nodded his head with a smile. "The same one."

"Even the name sounds fun," said Mike. He turned to look at Lee. "Can we go, Lee?"

"I think it won't hurt to go there," said Lee. "Since you boys love to play video games all the time and you don't give the chance for the girls to showcase their gaming talent."

"Well, I know Sam is a lot of a gamer than Christine and Zoey," said Daniel.

"You're a gamer, Sam?" Mino asked.

"Well," I shrugged my shoulders. "I was a lot of a gamer during my school years. I still am though I just prefer to watch my brothers when I have the time to understand the game."

"I'm also just a spectator," said Christine.

"Ya, but you can play on those arcade games too," said Mike. "I remember the last time we had fun at the arcade, you never wanted to leave."

"That's why I don't want what happened then to ever happen again." Christine rolled her eyes.

"Come on, that day was your birthday, wasn't it?" I asked. "I saw no reason for you to want to play some more."

"I'll admit, it was one of the best birthdays ever," said Christine as she smiled.

"So it's settled then?" Jinwoo asked. "We're going to Funny Land?"

"Definitely," the four of us Toxins answered at the same time.

"Whoa," Lee warned us as she held her hands up in mid-air, "before we decide on anything, we have to ask Zoey too."

"For a moment there, I thought you were going to mention Collins," said Mike.

"Yes, he has to know too, though I don't think he would mind. As long as we don't cause mayhem like what happened yesterday." Lee and each one of us at the table turned to look at Christine.

"What? It was just that one time," said Christine shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't think Zoey would mind going to the arcade," said Seungyoon. "For starter's, it's one fun place to go to."

"Zoey is a little difficult with such things," I said. "She can play a simple Pac Man game, but she isn't a real fan of games like the rest of us."

"Ya, I remember on my birthday, she didn't even stay long in the arcade and went out window shopping instead," said Christine.

"So, you've a bad feeling that she might say no?" Mino asked.

I nodded my head, even when I didn't want to. My two brothers and Christine groaned in frustration.

"But," I said with my index finger raised. "All hope isn't lost."

"What do you mean?" Seungyoon asked, looking at me.

"We don't have to convince her to come with us. Just say we're all going, and she will gladly come along."

"Why?" Jinwoo asked. "You just said it yourself, she's not much of a fan of the arcade."

I pointed across the table and everyone else followed the direction of my finger to what it was pointing at. We were all now staring at Mino.

He looked surprised and he gave me a questioning look. "Me?" he asked.

"It's obvious she likes you," I said as I smiled at him. "So, she won't refuse."

"We'll just have to wait and see," said Lee.

We soon heard a door opening and closing down the hall. Speaking of the devil. We all remained quiet as soon as Zoey appeared in the lounge.

"I had to shower quickly," said Zoey as she flipped her black shiny hair to the side and she sat at the other end of the table, facing me. "Hope I didn't take long."

"No, you were actually really quick," I said.

"Thank goodness," said Zoey as she got a white mug and poured in some coffee. "So, what are the plans for the day?" She looked at me.

"We're going to an arcade centre."

She paused for a minute, trying to take in what I said. She soon looked at each and everyone of us at the table. I could tell this wasn't what she expected and I gave her time to sink it in a little more.

"Oh," she said, her voice felt a little shaky and not everyone could be able to catch it. Besides, she did have a calm composure. "Everyone wants to go to the arcade, then?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Okay," Zoey turned to look at Mino with a smile. "If we are all going then, why shouldn't I?"

"Yay!" I said cheerfully. "We're going to have so much fun."

Everyone else apart from Zoey didn't seem so enthusiastic as they were before she joined us seconds ago. I bet they were still taking in what I said about Zoey and watching all that unfold in front of them. I received a few glances, especially from WINNER. My two brothers just looked at Zoey, not believing that she even agreed to come along without a complaint. Christine's mouth was partly wide open as she looked at me.

"You better eat your breakfast then," said Lee. "I'll call for the chauffeurs to come pick us up."

Along with Lee, I stood up from the table. The others slowly did the same, leaving Zoey and Mino together at the dinning table. Lee went in the hall to make a call while the rest of us went to sit by the comfortable sofas on the other side of the lounge.

"Sam," Seunghoon who sat beside me started to ask in a low tone. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked as I looked at him.

"You know what I mean. How did you know that Zoey was going to do exactly what you said she would do?"

"Sam knows her very well," said Mike who sat on my other side. "She's pretty good at predicting things. She can tell you what I'm thinking of right now, and she will be right."

"Okay," said Jinwoo, who sat on the other couch with Seungyoon and Christine. "So, Sam, what's Mike thinking of right now?"

"Playing games at the arcade," I answered.

I turned to look at Mike and he beamed at me.

"You're right," he said.

"Isn't that obvious?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Daniel is probably thinking the same thing too."

"I just can't wait," said Daniel excitedly who sat next to Mike.

After Zoey finished her breakfast, WINNER, us The Toxins and Lee went downstairs and as usual, our rides were waiting. We got in and we were taken to Gangnam. The place brought back memories of when we went bowling with BigBang and had a challenge with them which, we, The Toxins, emerged victorious. The thought of that day made me smile that Seunghoon who sat beside me couldn't stop staring at me when he noticed it.

"And why are you smiling like that?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing," I said. I sat close to the window and looked out, still smiling.

"Well, you seem to be remembering something." Seunghoon leaned in closer to me and our shoulders touched. "Or someone with the way you're smiling like that."

I raised an eyebrow and turned to look at him. "Just because I'm smiling like this doesn't mean I'm thinking of someone. I just remembered the time we came here bowling with BigBang."

"Oh, that bowling challenge you guys won," said Seungyoon who sat at the backseat with my two brothers.

"Looks like you and I were thinking the same thing, Sam," said Mike.

"Who couldn't remember that day?" Daniel asked. "It was awesome."

"And I did my first ever split. I had to admit, I was scared until Sam calmed me down."

"Ya, that was a pretty awesome day," said Lee who sat in the front passenger seat.

"I feel today is going to be a whole lot fun," said Mike.

"That, I agree," said Seunghoon.

"Oh, here we are," said Lee.

The car parked along the sidewalk of a small street and there was a store with the yellow bright coloured words "Funny Land" beaming out for our eyes to see. I bet it looked even better at night with its bright yellow lights.

There was no time to waste. Seunghoon quickly opened the car door and stepped out. Like a gentleman, he led me out of the car and the others soon followed. Zoey and the rest who were in the other car packed behind the vehicle I was in, also joined us on the sidewalk.

Just by looking through the glass windows and the glass door, I could see a lot of machines inside. Most of them were doll claw machines with pretty tiny cute dolls inside. I could feel that the best of what the place had to offer was deep inside the store.

"I can't believe we are actually here," said Daniel who stood to my left and rubbing his fingers. "My fingers are just itching with excitement."

"Wait," said Zoey. We al

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Chapter 41: Please continue to update