The Little Girl


Dawon propped her elbow on the white table with a few elementary school book arranged on it with other stationery. She looked around the empty tutor room. She sighed and pouted. “Why should I study when I’m in this situation?” she asked the same question for the hundredth times.

“Because you’re still a student, kid” Hyunbin’s voice lingered in her head. She snorted again. “It turn out that this is a nightmare after all”

The door was opened. Taedong walked into the room with a few books in his grip. “Hi, Dawon”

“Hi, Taedong-ssi”

He put the books on the tutor’s table in front of her desk. “You know why we are here, right?” “Yes. For me to study” she sighed. “I don’t like to study, remember. But for the sake of my bright future, I’ll study hard” “That’s the spirit! You do remember what your sister always tells you”

Dawon smiled a tad as Dabin’s voice came into her mind.

“You should study for the sake of your bright future”

“Just so you don’t feel too bad” Taedong grabbed the marker and started to write on the white board. “Wendy always come here for classes whenever she’s free”

“Why would Wendy eonni take class? She already finished her study right?” “Yes but she believes one should never stop study even they turn to ripe old age. Don’t you agree with her?” he continued to write. “That’s why she loves to attend classes just to get more knowledge”


Donghyun peeked through the window of the tutor room. Dawon was still studying. “She used to be so lazy to study. She looks different now”

“You think we should take her to Dabin’s school tomorrow?” Donghan who was seating nearby asked. “Yeah. I already clear her schedule for tomorrow” “But do you think she’ll be okay?”

Donghyun turned to him. “What do you mean?”

“I mean Dawon is in a different body. Will she be upset when her sister doesn’t recognise her?”

“Of course she will” Hyunbin stated. “But that’s the only way to help both of them. Dawon need to grow up and overcome her sadness. And Dabin. She need to stay alive. Both of them need each other”

“Yeah” Moonbok nodded. “Dabin need to stay alive. That’s why we’re taking her to see her”

* * *

Dawon threw herself on the bed that night. The guys sank into the sofa. She let out a sigh. “I’m so tired today”

“Me too” Moonbok replied.

“Hey” she sat up and faced them. “All of you aren’t sleeping here in this room too, right?”

“Nah” Hyunbin jerked his head to the doll house. “We have our own house”

“So you’re turning into dolls again?” “Yeah. When we want to rest” Yehyeon answered.

“But can I” Dawon looked away in embarrassment. “If I’m scared…well…”

“You need us to accompany you sleep like always?” Taedong smirked. Dawon nodded. The guys chuckled.

“Of course, Dawon. We can always be beside you”

Her smile grew wider. “Thank you, everyone”



Dawon got out from the bathroom after cleaned herself. She wiped her face and paused. She smiled. All of her dolls were already arranged in her bed. “Thank you, guys” she whispered.


She ran her finger to the book shelf. “This eonni sure love to read. I wish I can be like her” she glanced to the dolls. “I should stop using ‘wish’. I don’t want any other weird thing to happen”

“Will I wake up from this weird dream if I go to sleep” she continued to run her view to the book. Dawon’s eyes landed to a series of hard cover notebooks. She took one of them and ran through the empty pages.

She sank into the armrest sofa with the lamp beside it. She grabbed a pen and curled into the corner of the sofa. She started to write the diary.

| Wednesday (7 May)

I hope Wendy eonni is not angry that I took one of her notebook. I’m writing this because this could be another amazing dream. And I wish to share with someone. At least someone who know me. Well, Wendy eonni might know me. So I’ll be glad if she knows about my dream.

This dream is…kind of extraordinary. I never have a dream so long and so real like this. My weird dream starts when my favourite dolls become human. And they talk! They sound so real! Like they really know me. They tell me what happen. And I have a hard time believing in them. Until this very moment. But what’s make my day looks like dream is that I grew up. I’m not a small girl, Lee Dawon. But in a 26-year-old eonni that is Wendy Son. I get to eat steak for breakfast that both Dabin eonni and I impossible to purchase even for a snack. Next I tried many new things that I always wanted. And I meet someone that quite disturbing. I mean I don’t think I will like his personality. He seems like a bossy person, like my classmates from my previous school. And I promise I will hate him. Well... I’m curious. If I sleep tonight, will I wake up and continue to live in this dream? Talk about tomorrow. They said I can meet Dabin eonni tomorrow! I’m so happy! I want to tell her everything abt my day!|

* * *

The white luxurious car stopped outside of a school compound. Donghyun turned to Dawon who dozed off on his shoulder. Moonbok glanced back at her. “You don’t know how much I like to see her asleep. She’s really at peace, away from the ugly reality”

“Tell me about it” Donghan smiled from the driver seat. “You okay, Donghyun? Now that we’re here”

Donghyun smiled and nodded. “Sure. I need to be okay, right?”

“Dawon-ah” Donghyun patted her shoulder and called her softly. She slowly blinked her eyes open.

“She must be tired from waking up early” Donghan stated. “Since she’s excited to see Dabin”

“Dabin eonni?!” Dawon’s eyes widened and darted around. “Where’s she?”

Donghyun chuckled. “We are in front of her school. Don’t worry you can see her in a few moments, I promise. But you need to do a few things first”

“What is it?” “Well…since you’re the director of this school. You’ll be treated like VIP” “And?”

“Donghyun’s point is he hope you play your role as a grown up lady when in front of the teachers” Moonbok added. “Kind of like that” Donghyun smirked.

“Nae I can do that” she nodded. “No worry. I won’t be too excited to see Dabin eonni”

“So we’re ready right?” Hyunbin glanced at them before turned back out the window towards the group of teachers approached their car. “Nae” she nodded.


“Welcome, miss Wendy” Principal Yoon bowed as Dawon stepped out from the car, followed by the other teachers. “Nae. Thank you” Dawon bowed to them again. Her eyes wandered around the school compound.

Dawon joined the tour around the school but failed to see any sight of her sister.

“Donghyun” Moonbok pulled him away from the crowd for a while. “What did you said to the teachers about Dawon coming here today?”

“Oh” Donghyun began. “I told them she wants to see the school for a while since she hasn’t been here for quite a while. Why?”

“My legs are worn out” he rubbed his knees that started to sore. Donghyun chuckled.

“Donghyun-ssi” Dawon called. He looked up to her “Nae”

Donghyun approached her again. Dawon pointed to one of the roof of a lab from where they were standing that was at the 2nd floor of the academicals building. “Do you think we can request for that to be fix? The sooner the better”

“I will schedule for it immediately, miss” Donghyun took out a smart phone from his coat and began to type. He glanced at her and smiled. *She’s doing great*

The group continued to walk.

“Miss Wendy” Principal Yoon took her attention. “Yes, Principal” Dawon turned to him. “You’re totally recover right? From the accident a few weeks ago”

“Of course. Fully” “Because we went to visit you at the hospital the other day. And the accident seems serious. We visited you for 2 days but you never wake up” “2 days?” “Yes”

Dawon glanced at the guys who seems to avoid her eyes.

“Since this case looks serious, I thought you’d sue the driver who hit you. But I heard your family just forgave that person” he continued. “Oh about that” her lips twitched into a nervous smile. “My parent always like that. They don’t like to make thing complicated” she looked away. *Now that he mentions it, who hit the real Wendy?*




“I hope you understand, Principal Yoon” Dawon bowed to him and the rest of the teacher. “And thank you for the tour”

“Nae” Principal Yoon flashed his smile to them. “We’re the one who should thank you”


The teachers left Dawon with the other guy.

“Thank goodness they let us stay in the school for a while” Dawon sighed in relief. She sat at the bench in the school garden. She rubbed her sore feet. “This school sure is big”

Moonbok sat beside her. “You think that principal will forbid you from hanging out in your own school?” he chuckled. “Of course. I’m still a kid who afraid of adults, remember?” “Yea right”

Dawon looked at Hyunbin, then to Donghyun. “Where’s Donghan? I thought he’s joining us?”

“He hibernate” Hyunbin replied. “Hibernate?” “In the car. Since he said he’s too lazy to walk around so he hibernates in the car” “By hibernate, you mean?” “Turn into dolls again” “Oh” she clapped her hands, finally realizing what she had been puzzling about. “So you can control whether you want to turn into human or dolls?”

“Yes. We can easily turn into human when we have loads of energy and turn into dolls again when we’re nearly out of energy. And we’re recharging our energy slowly, bit by bit when we’re in dolls form” “What happen when you ran out of energy?” “We die”

Dawon gulped.

“Vanished without a trace” Hyunbin continued. “Without anyone remembering our presence” his eyes shifted to her. “Including you”

“What?” she whispered in disbelieve.

“So that’s why we need our energy all the time”

She lifted her head to him again.

“And that energy” he pointed to her. “Comes from you. When you believe in us, we gain more energy and can adapt to human body easily. But once you think all of this is just another lunatic dream, I’m afraid we have to bid each other goodbye then”

“Yah, isn’t that harsh?” Taedong slung his arm to Hyunbin’s neck.

“Taedong-ah” Dawon called. “So you can call us casually, do you?” he ruffled her head.

“Tsk” Hyunbin pouted. “I’m just saying the truth. We’re at the urge of disappearing. Look at Donghyun’s arm” he jerked her head to Donghyun.

“Yah” Donghyun quickly hid his arm to his back. “I told you not to mention about it”

He met eyes with Dawon. She grabbed his arm and ed the sleeve. A long wound was on his fair skin. “What happen?”

“Well” he looked away. “Nothing big” he grabbed her hand to let go off his hand. But Dawon held onto his arm. “I need to know about this, Donghyun”

“On the day of your accident, I fell onto the road and scratched myself”

She gasped.

“But that’s not what supposed to happen” Moonbok interrupted. “You see, Donghyun’s magic is healing. He supposed to heal himself easily but he failed to do so”

“Because he doesn’t have energy to do so” her eyes sadden. Dawon lifted her head to Donghyun then down to the ground. “I’m sorry. It’s all because of me that you-“

“Dawon-ah” Donghyun called softly. “Don’t say so”

“I wish I can help heal you”


There was a gasp.

“Dawon-ah” Taedong called. Dawon lifted her head to him. “That” he pointed to Donghyun’s arm with his eyes widened. She saw both Moonbok and Hyunbin were in shock too. Dawon looked down to Donghyun’s arm. was left ajar. The wound glowed a tad and slowly healed itself.

“What just happen?” Hyunbin asked. “Don’t know” Donghyun examined his healed arm with a wide smile. “I guess I got my energy and magic back!”

“Thank you, Dawon” he turned to Dawon. “For believing in us”

Dawon smiled. “Well, you did the same for me too”

“But isn’t it amazing?” she looked down to her hand. “It’s like I get what I wish easily. Daebak! Are you guys genie or what?”

“It’s me who used my own magic because I suddenly feel a gust of energy came into my body” Donghyun interrupted. “What?” she pouted. “I thought I did that”


They strolled around the school.

“You have no class right now?” Moonbok asked Taedong. “No” Taedong replied. “My next class in an hour or so” he lifted his head to Dawon. Her eyes darted from one corner of the school to another.

“You know you can ask me to look for your sister right?” Taedong asked Dawon. She turned to him and tilted her head. “Why didn’t I think about it?” she sighed. “Silly me”

“Well your sister’s class is there” he pointed to the 3rd level of the building. “Since recess just over, I guess she’s on her way to the class”

“Can I go see her?” “Yes sure” “Yay!” she skipped ahead.

They walked passed the lab building.

“Wait” Moonbok halted in front of an alley to the back of the school. His ears caught a commotion nearby. They approached him again.

“What’s wrong?” Dawon asked. “That” he looked far to the alley. “Someone is there. No. Maybe a few” he replied.

“You know we don’t have strong sense like yours, right?” Hyunbin replied. “Why? Do you see anyone around?”

Dawon looked around but only to find them at that remote area. Moonbok turned to the wall of the building. “Yes. Behind this building” he squinted his eyes to see clearer.

“What did you see?” Donghyun asked.


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Chapter 26: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hehehehehheheehhehehheh