Bonus: Q & A

Undeniably Lost

Not too long ago, I collected a number of questions to answer from readers who directly contacted me and expressed their appreciation for the fic. The idea sparked when a person I know who read this story gave me some questions for the characters of the fic, and I thought it was a good idea. So here they are. 

Questions for Jongin:

Do you expect any of your children to take over J.KEH?

No. The rationale behind this resolve is quite a story. The long story is I established J.KEH with the mere reason that I had a strong desire that I wanted to work upon my own conditions. Truthfully, I was a lucky person. I started the business from scratch and despite coming from a wealthy family, I didn’t really have anything with me apart from what I wanted and my knowledge that I got from getting my degree and with having my parents willing enough, who trusts me enough to give me a large sum of money enough to start my business, you could say that the company, compared to others who were at the same standing as me, started at a competitive standing. They didn’t ask for anything in return. They just wanted my endeavours to prosper and really, not be doomed. And that was it for them. It was a big risk. But nevertheless, they brought me to the starting point, but the rest of it was on my own. I knew they were guiding and watching me but they allowed me to fail so that I could get back up on my feet. It was through that I was able to test my capabilities and limits as a businessman. I was able to grow too in that sense too. And that is why when the business was getting known, and slowly reached to the point it’s listed, I knew I owed it to my parents. With that in mind, I gave back the money they let me start with and it is not because I wanted to boast as a businessman but rather, I just wanted to give back as a son who is terribly grateful. Grateful because neither of them pushed their careers to me. My father didn’t force me to take law and take after him, nor did my Mum. Instead, they gave me the liberty to establish who I am and discover what I really wanted to do. Like I said, it was mostly guidance they gave to me in that aspect. The start wasn’t easy, it got a little rocky but I managed because they didn’t feed me everything. They allowed me to fail and they allowed me to get back up on my own. It is because of that I can say that succeeding and maximising that became possible for me and I want to do the same for my children. I want them to discover themselves on their own. I want them to succeed and pushing them to manage and take over J.KEH surely wouldn’t guarantee that. I am here to support my kids but I cannot dictate the path they must take. And the short version of it, just like how my parents did with me, I intend to give my children the liberty in discovering what they want to do in life, and that means, I am not expecting either of them to manage and take over J.KEH when the time comes.

Nightlife, did you ever regret doing it?
No. A lot of people must be thinking that I should. But, I don't. I regret the decisions I made that grew from that decision, but I don't regret the decision itself. I am a busy CEO, I have a company to lead and manage and hence, going evey night was just impossible. Nightlife is, as known, something I have but it wasn't something I did night after night. But I do it when I can, as often as I could do it during the nights I am. Though unsurprisingly, the older I got during my 20s, the more seldom it became.

I don't regret it because... of course, nightlife isn't for everyone. But I think, it was something that I needed to go through, that I needed to experience because that night life I had, which preceded from my need and desperation to understand my birth mother, led me to make a decision I incredibly messed up with and through that I felt pain— a kind of pain I never thought I'd be confronted with. But that one single yet significant pain was enough for me to dwell for a bit and in the end grow, after all the blaming I've put upon my myself. It was through those events that I learned to start how to forgive myself for everything that I felt was accounted towards. That I started to accept to myself, that just like everyone, I am susceptible to mistakes, the same time, growth. Then I met Aeiyoung, and that’s where it all came fully to its place.

If ever Aeiyoung didn't get pregnant, was adoption at some point considered? If so, now that you and Aeiyoung have the family either of you dreamed of, having Jino and Aena, is it not any more considered?
To answer your first question, definitely. I know how much my wife wanted to give me a child of my own, to build a family of our own. But to me, family isn't limited with blood relation. This is a fact my step-mother, my father and Sehun proved to me. Sehun treats me like his real brother, while my father loved and treated Jaein like she is his own blood and flesh. And I know for a fact, my step-mother loves me, Sera and Jaein. To her, it didn't matter if we didn't come from her. To her, we are her children and no one could tell her otherwise. And that selfless love instilled to me. She showed me what a love of a parent could be, even if they weren't their own. So adopting was definitely considered and Aeiyoung was more than willing. Loving someone, a child who isn't yours as yours isn't easy. To others, it is difficult. I understand. But it is a little different for Aeiyoung and I. After all, my wife is an amazing woman. *chuckles* Am I too proud as a husband?

Following the second question, I am not sure if I am allowed to say this, but Aeiyoung and I have started looking for our options in adopting our third child. We’ve already opened the idea to the kids. With Jino, he’s totally open and fine with the idea. He's keen, as a matter of fact. Aena, on the other hand, I think she’s just excited with the idea that she’ll have another person to play with. It’s understandable, she just turned four a few weeks ago. But to answer that, no as my family and I are definitely considering it and currently on our way to make it a reality.

If there is one word that you would described the life you have now, what would it be?

If there is anything you want to go back in life and do again, what would it be?
That would be two things. First, would be the most obvious one. I wish I could go back to the time Seomi came back and told me she was pregnant. Because if I could, I would've done things differently. I should've known better. I should've known to take responsibility of what I did because if I can take responsibility over the lives of many employees thats works under my company, together with their families, then what was another life to take care, especially when it's my own blood. Maybe, if things had been done differently, my son and my youngest daughter would have an older sister to rely on. Aeiyoung could've nurtured her so well, like how she's doing now with our children. I know my wife, and just by looking how she fully accepted me despite how much I messed up in the past, is enough assurance that she would have treated my eldest daughter like her own, love and care for her like she was hers - like how my mother took care of Sera, Jaein and I.

Second one would be, I want to go back to the time I saw my mother for the first time after so many years. That time when I was seventeen and we saw her at the mall with another man. That incident preceded my decision to engage with nightlife because I wanted to know and I guess you could say, understand what about it that my birth mother couldn’t give up for us. I want to go back there because if I had confronted, perhaps I could’ve understood her better. Maybe, I could’ve forgiven her sooner and let her know that when she was still alive. But I suppose, things do really happen for a reason. There’s a reason and a purpose to it. It may not be ideal, but we have to cope around it and soon, when we look back, we’d understand.

Do you believe that the universe has everything planned out? That because of Seomi, you got to meet Aeiyoung?
Are you referring to destiny? I wouldn't say entirely, but in some way it does. If anything, I would have known Aeiyoung sooner if Sehun and Mina introduced her to me earlier. If they had done so, maybe I would’ve met her long before Seomi came into my, or our (Sehun and I), life. If that happened, probably Seomi won’t even come into picture. But like I said, Seomi happened because there was a purpose to it. Yes, it brought pain but isn’t that part of life? We need pain to learn and to live. I say that in some way the universe has everything planned because, I think the story Aeiyoung and I would have were already written in the stars. We were bound to meet and be with each other until the end, regardless whether Seomi happened or not.


Questions for Aeiyoung:

How would you describe Jongin as a father?
The best father. The kind of father who would always choose to spend time with his kids no matter how tired he is. A kind of father who gets energised just by looking at his children. He is the kind of father who is willing to drop everything for the sake of his children. He is the kind of father who wishes that when the time comes, his children would proudly yell and let everyone know that he is their father and does something for it to happen. He is the type of father who keeps his promises and if ever at times he really couldn't, he makes up for it. He is the type of father who makes up so well for the times he has committed some shortcomings. He is the type of father who would take the kids out on a date when he picks them up from school. Jongin as a father is adorable. And whereas I am the disciplinarian, Jongin is a soft-hearted father who would console and explain things to our children at the times they don't really understand why I had to discipline them. I know how hard it must be for him, to be both a father to his kids and to the company but to Jongin, his kids will always come first before his company.

Was the marriage everything you expected?
A lot of people would look at us and think it is, that our marriage is a dream, an expectation or epitome to many couples. But as a matter of fact, my answer to the question is a no. Though I held onto the promises Jongin and I made to each other, I didn't have any expectations. To me, expectation could lead into two ways, it could either be delectation or disappointment whereas the former can slowly lead to disappointment, sometimes even emptiness, the latter, in matrimonial terms could lead towards the lost of trust, love and ultimately, separation. So the moment I vowed to share and commit the rest of my life with Jongin, despite the love, I chose not to expect anything. Jongin and I both knew we were still a work in progress. We dated for about a year, we were nearing two years when we got married but in the end, we both decided to stay, and bend our ways, respectively, to fit each other's pieces and grow together both as an individual and as a married couple. It wasn't easy but because we both wanted it, it became possible.

Future aspirations for your children? What or who would you like your children to be in the future?
I just want them to be a good person when they grow up. I want my kids to be happy and contented with what they're doing. As a mother, that is all I want to see and what I want my kids to be.

To date, you have made countless of sacrifices for Jongin and the family you have now, of all the things you've done, what more are you willing to do for him?
A lot more, anything for Jongin, Jino and Aena. Right now, I am both a mother and a wife, and above the duties, obligations and responsibilities I have in taking up both roles, it is something that I want to do. I love my family. I love my husband. I love my children. And I would do everything for them, just as much as Jongin is willing to do everything for me and the kids.

Who do you prefer more, the Jongin then or the Jongin now?
They're both men I loved and love, how could I possible choose one over the other?

Though you are working as one of the directors of the foundation established by J.KEH, do you have any plans getting back to work force, back to the career you love? Maybe work from home? Or perhaps, establish an event management company of your own?
At the moment, I have to regretfully admit that my involvement with the foundation has decreased in comparison to the days I wasn't pregnant and haven't gave birth to Aena. But now that our princess is growing up and my eldest is going to school, I try to be as involved as I could be without neglecting the time I want to dedicate to my children. Their childhood is an important and critical part of their life and it is the stage where development is rapid and sensitive. That is the reason why I want to be there and I want to give as much time for them as possible. I don't want them to feel that they are less important and that we are choosing other things like work over them. And because though I can always go back to the career I’ve always had, I cannot take back the time I would lose with them. So with this in mind, I don't think I would go back to being an event coordinator full time. And that is because, to be effective in delivering the role, you have to give as much of your time as possible, and for a stretch, you may need to sacrifice your time outside working hours to make sure big events will pull through smoothly, according to plan and meet your client's expectations. For me, as it is a career I consider myself to be passionate with, I think it will demand a whole lot of my time, despite having a team and hence, will push me to sacrifice the extra time I could use for my family. Though, I must be clear that I am not closing any opportunities. I actually have coordinated and supervised few big and significant events that are hosted by J.KEH and I think I am happy and satisfied with doing that— I get to work with the job I've always loved and did right after I graduated from time to time. At the moment though, I think I would dedicate more of my time, less than the time I give to my children of course, to the position my husband entrusted me with. It was also a position that I can work under my terms. It isn't as demanding. And it’s nice. The company my husband leads is able to reach out and help those who are less-fortunate and also, my children gets to be exposed and will learn not to take the privileges they have for granted and actually use these to help and be compassionate towards others.

If you never met Jongin, do you think you could ever come to love Kangjun?
No one would know for sure. But looking back at the time, I don't think so. Kangjun to me is very precious and he deserves so much more than just having me as the woman of his life. I am not the one for him and for the many times I've turned him down and hurt him, he deserves so much more than just a girl who constantly hurt him. I would always be grateful that Kangjun came into my life but I know to myself that I want to see him happy and be loved the way he deserves and I don't think I would be able to give that. Kangjun is a great and lovely man. Honestly, he's very ideal but he just wasn't for me just as much as I wasn't meant for him. I am sure Kangjun is happy now with his family. He found the woman for him and he has now a family of his own.

Have you ever thought about the what if’s? What if Jongin, or even Kangjun, never entered your life?
I remember myself thinking about this at some point. I was filled with questions of what if's. What if my birth mum met a good guy who loved her and accepted me wholeheartedly and we lived a good life, would I have ever met my stepmum and my Dad? What if what Yoo did never happened, would I have ever thought of myself more in general and more deserving of love? What if. What if. I could have thousands of what ifs and but in the end, it all comes to one conclusive answer: they will always remain what they are— what if. It is a thought, a construct, but it is something that never should be dwelled into, enough to ignore what is currently happening in your or my life.


Questions for Jongin's (Step) Mum:

Why did you keep Jongin's nightlife and the pregnancy from your husband and your two other children?
Should I tell you a secret? Jeho knows. Jongin just doesn't know. I told him not long after the apparent change in our son showed, which was about a month after Seomi died. He was disappointed both in me and Jongin and I get where he was coming from. But Jeho knew, as much as he cared, that healing must come from Jongin himself. And we both could see that our son was trying. In fact, we are proud that Jongin, despite the pain he must've felt, never committed to self-destruction. He was breaking inside. We could see that but no matter how much we wanted to help our Jongin, we didn't want him to think that we doubt that he could help himself back up. Jongin grew up as an independent kid and we didn't want to hurt his pride further by making him feel that he was incapable of collecting himself together. So we did what we thought was for the best: and that was to stay behind our son, guide him and be there just in case it gets a little too much for him to handle.

Now, it is a little different with the case for his two sisters. Though both Sera and Jaein knows Jongin does clubbing, he drinks and he has this nightlife, that was it. They didn’t know anything beyond. They know nothing of the real extent of Jongin’s nightlife. Sera, being the critical and sharp person she is, could have an idea but I doubt she knows anything concrete. I didn't say anything to the girls because I don't have the means to. It wasn't something that should come from me and above that, I didn't want to disrespect my son. I didn't want to take the last pride he had of himself at that point. I didn't want Jongin to feel that we were pitying him. It was the last thing he needed. Sera and Jaein has always seen their brother as someone strong and reliable, Jongin at the time already thinks so low of himself when I found out, and he didn't need more of it. I guess, the girls’ oblivion was something that Jongin needed to remain strong, so he wouldn't crumble to the point he, himself, would find it impossible to get back up. Before Aeiyoung, it was through that, that I think Jongin still felt needed, that his worth still mattered and though he chose to silently deal with the pain that was excruciating him, he chose to stay because he knows, he still needs to be a good and reliable brother like he has always been to his sisters. And gosh, I am so thankful Aeiyoung came, healed my son and taught him to accept the mistakes he has done and the scars his heart gained.

Was it hard? To care for children that weren't your own?
Similar question could go for my kids: "Was it hard? To welcome and love the woman, who one day just came in their lives for good. To welcome a woman who was bound to be a mother to them?". But to answer the question, it wasn't all me. It wouldn't have been possible if the kids weren't open and welcoming towards idea of having me as their step-mother. Jongin and Sera... they were both apprehensive. It could be because of what had happened with their birth mother prior, I wouldn't know for sure but I did what I think could. And perhaps, despite the apparent apprehension they had, they didn't close their hearts and I might need to thank their father for that. Jeho did an incredible job raising them. That having said, I've noticed that they were all for their good father's happiness. When they saw how happy their father was with me, the kids opened their hearts and made it so easy for me to love and care for them. It was as easy as loving their father. Nevertheless, what I'm about say goes without saying, though I am going to put it out here. Sera, Jongin and Jaein are my children. They are my own children.


Questions for Sehun:

How did you meet your queen?
I actually first met her at a social event when I was in Boston. We shared some kind of connection but I didn’t realise that at the time. And then I met her next at Fiji when my brother and his family along with my niece, Jongin and Aeiyoung— who had just Jino at the time, I think he was three—, Sera with her boyfriend and Jaein and I were there for a holiday and she was there for the same reason too. I guess you could say that, that’s where our actual love story began. When I met her again, it all brought me back to the first time. Like there wasn’t this many years that we hadn’t seen each other. The rest was history after that.

How did meeting your queen changed your life? Your priorities?
When I knew that my forever is with her, my priorities changed. She became my priority. And I slowly found myself constantly wanting to be with her, to make her happy. I want to be love her and be loved by her for a long, long time. And I am blessed. Now, I have a family of my own, with my wife and with our only daughter.

Did it ever come to you that you wanted to stop and give up the friendship you have with Jongin? Did it ever get too hard?
No, not at all. All of what I did for Jongin was out of my own decision and willingness. Just as much as you can’t give up on family, I knew to myself I could never give up the brotherhood Jongin and I have.

Why does Jongin mean so much to you?
Because it’s as simple as he is Jongin. He's my brother.

Was there at any point you liked Jaein?
I did actually. I was attracted to her to an extent at some point of time but I didn't make any move towards her because it quickly went away before I even got to realise it.


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My friend, after reading this, gave me questions for the characters. And I decided I'm going to answer them according to their character's perspective. So, I am wondering if you have any questions you have for Jongin and/or Aeiyoung, or any of its other characters? Leave it and I'll answer them.


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tang53 #1
Chapter 36: I finally finished reading the story and I must say it is beautiful and amazing. I glad I came across this story. Hope to read your other stories in the future.
tang53 #2
Chapter 1: I just came across this story and start reading it. I find it very interesting. I will finish the story taking time reading it.
Chapter 4: They just- they both are just so cute 😭
Pxnellyxq #4
Chapter 35: This is truly an underrated masterpiece, I love stories that don’t have dramatised problems (like the stereotypical breakups or miscommunication ) they worked through their struggles together, you love to see it
Pxnellyxq #5
Chapter 5: It’s only ch5 and it’s already this good, bruh worth the upvote istg
Chapter 35: rereading this again and i gotta say that this fic is soooo underrated, deserves more love!! it’s so good that i will reread this once i’m being reminded of it! you really did a great work with this one <3
This was such a beautiful story and I am so shocked it has not been featured. Loved how calmy the storyline developed and honestly the pace at which the events developed was just so sweet. Read it all in one go and now I'm sad cause it's over ❤
KeemNoona #8
baekdoodle #9
Chapter 35: Thankyou for your hardwork. This is a beautiful story♡