Mystery solved

School & Life (Book 1)

Greaty POV

I took a few days off of school in order to recover properly from my injuries, Jungkook's mom was very kind in helping me recover. I feel so thankful to her for letting me stay here while Kayla is at Jimin's place. Jungkook has also been super kind, he always brings me my homework and teaches me the lessons so I won't be behind my class in the work, and after every lesson he gives me a sweet candy and a kiss on the cheek. My heart is very happy, but not completely. I still don't understand why our teacher would have kidnapped me...

He said it was my fault... but how could it have been my fault? What was my fault anyways? I sighed softly and looked up at the ceiling while I thought to myself. 'oof!" Jungkook literally just laid down on top of me "Yah Jeon Jungkook get off of me you're squishing me!" I whined and he laughed then rolled off of me laying down beside me. 

"What's wrong babe? You didn't notice me when I came in a minute ago" He asked with concern laced in his voice. I only shook my head "Ani.. it's nothing I just I'm just thinking about the whole thing and the motive behind it all.. It just doesn't make any sense. I'm starting to get frustrated with this" He hugged me close and kissed my head gently to calm me down "We'll figure it out soon enough. I promise we will"


Jenny POV (Bet you forgot about her huh?)

I walked out of the school tiredly, for once i had no energy, I was still thinking about the whole kidnapping thing... I really wish Greaty would let us arrest him and have him be gone already. I kept walking and suddenly something hit me in the face "okay ouch!!" I grabbed whatever paper hit me on the face and looked at it" This is a newspaper from 2006?" I was gonna throw it out but then... The article on it... HOLY I GOTTA GET TO GREATY. Then i got tapped on the shoulder. 

"Hey Jenny what's going on?" it was Taehyung. "Ah hey Taehyung, I think I just got a clue to why the teacher wants Greaty dead look at this article" He took it from me and started reading it before his eyes widened" we should go to Greaty immediately then." I nodded and we both started running over to Jungkook's house, he should be there since he didn't go to clubs today. Once we got there we took a moment to catch our breaths then Taehyung knocked on the door. 

The door opened and Jungkook was there staring at us weirdly since we were panting hard and red faced, in all fairness his house is sorta far from the school in walking terms. "Were you guys kissing on my doorstep?!" We turned even more red this time from embarassement "NO WE RAN FROM THE SCHOOL TO HERE! WE HAVE A CLUE AS TO WHY THAT TEACHER WANTS GREATY DEAD!" I screamed Oh god me and Taehyung kissing?! How could Jungkook even think that way!? He nodded "ohhh okay then well come in and Greaty is upstairs second door to the right" We walked in and went upstairs where Greaty was playing with Jungkook's phone and taking random photos.

"Hey Greaty" she jumped and dropped the phone on her face. Taehyung had to contain a chuckle, I smiled a bit at the funny scene, and Jungkook laughed before checking to see if she was alright. Awww poor thing "sorry to scare you but Greaty" She looked at me before Taehyung continued "We found a clue, this might be the reason why our teacher wanted you dead and suffering" She sat up and looked at us "What's the clue?" I gave her the newspaper and she scanned the entire thing.

"oh ... I remember this.. this is what.. he was the one who..." She looked down and Jungkook read the paper before hugging Greaty tightly "so it's confirmed... Our teacher wants her dead because, Greaty survived the abduction his daughter didn't." She sniffled softly "I tried to save her though! While we were stuck in that place I tried to save her! I tried to protect her I was only 5! He can't blame me for that!" She looked so wrecked with Guilt... I felt so much sadness "We know why now... We should go and have him arrested.. or at least have the police know what he did, he might get sent away to fix what is bothering him before he can return.. we'll be doing him a favour." Jungkook spoke properly, we all agreed and finally called the police.

Once the police came Greaty told them everything and answered all questions asked. They told us depending on his side he won't be arrested but most likely sent away to a special place to get him help and be alright, We were alright with that and once they finished up they left. Greaty looked a lot more calm and happy now.

"Greaty are you gonna be okay?" She smiled and nodded to me "Yeah I'll be fine, thanks guys" I smiled "ah Taehyung we should leave plus Your sister might be wondering where you went" He nodded "yeah that's true. Time to leave then. He went downstairs first after saying goodbye to them. I went and gave Greaty a hug before touching her hair "fluffy fluffy~" She just stared at me weirdly I laughed "I'm weird you know" She started laughing and nodded "Yeah I know, alright go home before it get's late" I nodded and said bye to Jungkook as well before going downstairs.

Of course my bad luck strikes now. I tripped and almost fell, but Taehyung saw and rushed over to catch me. Before something shocking happened.. oh.. soft.. warm.. sweet... Our lips touched by mistake and we froze in shock, my face was probably the same red as Taehyung's was right now, we just... HOLY ACTUAL ING HELL KIM TAEHYUNG AND ME JUST ACTUALLY KISSED WE JUST KISSED OH MY GOD, "UH I GOTTA GO SEE YA!" I ran out the door as fast as possible.

I can't believe we kissed! It was an accident though but we still kissed! Why don't I feel grossed out though?! But I do feel a lot of butterflies right now... AHHHHHHHHH GOD DAMN IT I HATE MY LIFE SOMETIMES!!!

Taehyung POV (hehehe gotta know what he thought too)

I looked at the door in shock. For someone small like her she sure runs really quickly.. I touched my lips and remembered how her lips felt against mine... My face got hot again, I can't believe we accidentally kissed.. and I kinda liked it.. "Whoa Taehyung why is your face so red?" Jungkook asked and I got more red I'm sure "NO REASON GOTTA GO BYE!" I ran out myself all the way to my house and I didn't even bother to greet my sister or mom and just locked myself in my room, I jumped into bed and screamed into my pillow... Oh god what if Jenny stops being friends with me over this?? Oh god How can I even face her tomorrow "AHHHHH KIM TAEHYUNG GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF SERIOUSLY!!" 

I heard a knock on the door "who is it?" "It's your sister!" I sighed "Key on the top of the door frame!" I heard shuffling then the door unlock before my sister came in and sat on the edge of the bed "Taetae what's wrong?" I sighed "Promise not to freak out or tell anyone?" "Yes I promise" I bushed but then said it "Jenny and me Accidentally kissed today" I heard nothing then lifted my face from my pillow and saw her with her jaw dropped in shock "You and Jenny? You guys kissed??" I blushed harder "It was an accident though!" She looked at me "Did you like it though?

I stayed silent cause I had no clue how to answer that... Did I like it though? "I don't know if i liked it honestly.." She patted my head "I'll make you dinner and bring it up, Don't worry Taehyung you guys won't stop being friends cause of this. Just try to relax for now. Take a nap and I'll wake you up when dinner is ready" I nodded "Thanks sis you're the best" She smiled and left my room. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep..

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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^