Second Mystery

School & Life (Book 1)

Jungkook POV

I ran to the club room and opened the door "Guys! Mr Lee did it!" Kayla snapped her head in my direction "What's the proof Jungkook?" I walked in "I just spoke to him and he lied to me, I told him there was a news story about Greaty but there wasn't one and he said he saw it! Why would he lie if he didn't do it? Think about it guys! Kayla and Jimin looked at each other "... we need to find his house. Once we know where he lives we can make a plan and bust Greaty out.


I thought "I'm in his class I can just ask for help after school, he doesn't like staying after school so he's probably let me go over to his house. " Kayla thought for a while. "... It's really risky but alright. Be extremely careful and make sure he doesn't figure us out. I won't forgive myself if you got hurt Jeon Jungkook" she said strictly. I nodded and we started making a plan with the last 10 minutes we had before classes start.


Once we finished up the plan I went off to drama class and once the bell rang, me and my group in drama started working on the skit, i acted badly on purpose so the teacher could see I was struggling "hmm Jungkook I want you to come with me to my house after school in order to work on your acting skills." I nodded in response. Success!!! My group grinned and we talked quietly until class was over.

finally eventually the end of the day came and i went to the club room first "Alright guys I'll tell you if I find Greaty there or not" they all nodded "Jungkook remember to be extremely careful or else you both could get hurt. Kayla reminded me and I nodded "Okay then." I went to the theater and waved to the teacher. "Ah Jungkook I see you remembered about our extra practice after school. alright follow me"

I nodded and followed him to his car, he unolcked the door and we both got in, once we were ready he drove us to his house, I got more nervous, but this is to see if he has Greaty or not. God I hope she's there and safe.. it felt like years had gone by when we reached his house but it was only 5 minutes.. I got out of the car and waited for him to open the door. I didn't hear anything. "Alright Jungkook I'm just going to go shower then I will return. Just wait here" and He left. once I heard the shower turn on I started exploring the place, I found a key, hm I'll take it with me just in case. I went through all the rooms but then.

There was a door that was locked, I tried using the key and it fit. So I opened the door, my heart broke, There on the ground was Greaty. "Greaty.." She looked up and tears filled her eyes "Jungkook..." I hugged her but it ended up hurting her since i heard her wince in pain, so I loosened my grip and carefully held her "I can't believe you found me so quickly.." I smiled softly at her "I'll always find you Greaty. I love you" finally it was said, those three words that could mean so much. "I love you too." I snapped out of it when I realized something. the water... i can't hear it running. ! "Greaty we need to run now. I mean now!" I picked her up and grabbed my bag before running out of the house.

I ran all the way back to my house before stopping, I opened the door "EOMMA, APPA, HELP PLEASE!" They ran downstairs and gasped as they saw Greaty all wounded and cut up "oh my goodness what happened to her?!" They both ran around and started working on fixing her wounds. "A teacher kidnapped her, ... I cna't believe how sick he is! to hurt her!" I felt like going back to the house and hitting him for dare even hurting her. "Eomma can I invite some friends over so they know she's alright?"

She nodded "alright no problem" I called the others and sent them my home address and told them to come over asap. Then I went over to look at Greaty.. "Hey Greaty. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, I promise I will protect you with my entire life. I love you" I kissed her head gently, I didn't care my parents were there, I didn't care about anything, only her.

Then someone knocked on the door, so I went to go answer it and everyone was there. "come in and be careful" Kayla went in first and she saw Greaty and started crying before going to hug her carefully "Greaty! Thank god you are here now! I was so ing worried about you!" Greaty hugged her back and everyone just had a group hug cause why not. "So Mr Lee really did have Greaty... But... Why?" I shrugged, I didn't know why.

"Greaty, did Mr Lee tell you why he did this?" She shook her head. "No, he just said I deserved what he was doing to me. But I don't know why, I never did anything to him." I wrapped my arms around her gently and held her against me. "You didn't deserve that at all but we are going to get him arrested for what he's done. She shook her head "No don't. If we do we won't know why, let him go for now, once we find out why we can arrest him." I looked at her in shock

How could she not want to arrest him immediately?! "Greaty we really should have him arrested.. he might come after you again you know." I watched her nervously "No we are gonna let him go for now until we know why he wants me to suffer so much. If we have him arrested he won't tell us why" I sighed softly.. "alright fine, but until he is arrested you and Kayla aren't safe at home, so Kayla can stay with Junior, Greaty you should stay with me here" I looked at my parents and they nodded in agreement "We have a spare room where you can rest, as long as someone is with you then you should be perfectly safe."

We all smiled. "Of course we'd look for you even if it meant going out of the continent for you!" Jimin shouted. "Alright we should let Greaty rest now she had a lot to deal with." I picked her up and brought her upstairs to our spare room. putting her in bed and even tucking her in. "Jungkook... did you really mean it before? When you told me you love me?" I looked at her "Of course I meant it. Greaty I have loved you since the day I rescued you from those guys. I've always only loved you." She smiled softly, I kissed her lips softly "now rest dear angel, I'll be right here, just scream my name and I'll always come." she nodded and I turned off the lights before going downstairs to say goodbye to all our friends.

I talked to my parents and my eomma and me made dinner, I made a little extra in case Greaty was hungry and put it aside for her. Then I sat at the table and ate dinner with my parents. Once we finished eating I washed the dishes and got ready for bed, but then I stopped. hmm i wonder if Greaty is alright. I'm gonna go check up on her. I opened the door to ehr room carefully and saw her tossing and turning in her bed, she was having a nightmare, I tried to wake her up "Hey Greaty! Wake up it's alright!" She woke up and started crying. I hugged her tightly.

"Shhhh~ I'm here for you, he won't hurt you anymore. I promise he won't hurt you anymore." I held her and spoke to her until she calmed down. "Jungkook, can you stay with me here tonight? I don't wanna sleep by myself" she looked so scared. I nodded and layed down besid eher, hugging her close. "good night Greaty. rest well" I kissed her head once again then fell asleep along with her happily. She slept perfectly that night.



Okay chapter done wow two updates in a day?! I'm surprised with myself ahahahahaha

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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^