First Mystery

School & Life (Book 1)

Kayla POV

hmmm... it's getting late, where is Greaty? I looked at my phone for a minute and sighed "Nothing I already called her 20 times... where is she?? Hm Maybe Jungkook would know where she is" I called Jungkook and bit my lip nervously "Hello?" I thanked every god existing "Jungkook? It's Kayla is Greaty with you? She still isn't home and She isn't answering my phone calls" I was praying so hard that she was with him but what he said next made my heart drop a bit "No she isn't she was walking home herself last I saw her" I got so worried then "Jungkook she isn't home where did you last see her? The intersection?" He took a moment to think while I got dressed and sent a message to Yoonji, Suga, Jimin, and Kim about what happened.

"uhm I think it was xxx and xxx" I thought it isnt too far from here "okay I'm texting everyone else to meet up there so we can look for her together" He agreed and hung up before i sent the address to the others and ran over to the place where Jimin Yoonji and Suga were "okay Kayla what's going on exactly that we all had to sneak out of our houses at 11:30pm?" I looked at them and Jimin came over and hugged me tightly "hey what's wrong baby?" I sighed "Greaty is missing right now, she won't answer her phone, and she isn't with Jungkook" they all gasped "oh no, I hope she's alright" I heard footsteps and saw Jungkook running over "I'm here. Kayla she really didn't go home?" I shook my head.

He was already upset and this news upsetted him more "We'll find her.. I'm sure of it.." Kim finally came and brought two more people, V and Jenny "Hey we heard what happened, we wanna help look as well. let's all split into pairs and check the entire area." Suga instructed and we all nodded, I went with Jimin, Jungkook with Jenny, Kim with V, and Yoonji with Suga, we spent lots of time looking around then finally regrouped, i didn't see her with anyone but V and Kim were still not here.

"Guys..." I saw Kim and V come with a familiar phone... Greaty's phone.. "Please don't tell me this is Greaty's phone.." I nodded "It's her phone..." I almost wanted to cry and Jimin hugged me again. "shhh Don't cry Kayla we will find her soon" I nodded "can I sleep over at your place today?" He nodded and picked me up "We're gonna head back first. Get home safely everyone" I just closed my eyes... I hope this was all a horrible horrible dream, though I knew it was reality.. Greaty please be safe..


Greaty POV

I woke up in a dark bedroom... ouch my head... I went to hold my head in habit but I couldn't, I was ing tied up! "WHAT THE ?!?! WHY AM I TIED UP!!?? AND WHERE THE AM I?!?!" I tried to break free so much, I didn't care it hurt me I just wanted to be let go "ING HELL!!" I growled in anger. I was so mad. I sighed then I heard someone open the door and saw... huh? Mr Lee?! "oh you're awake? How are you feeling?" I was in shock "wha- s-sir, wat's happening, sir please let me go" I pleaded in fear "Hm I'll untie you but I won't let you go free." he put a tray of food down for me and untied me "you are here for a reason." That's all he said before locking the door.

"sir!!! sir!! what are you talking about?! Sir please let me go home!!" I banged on the door for 20 minutes before giving up and broke down crying on the floor "Kayla... Jungkook.. someone please save me..."



Jungkook POV

I was here sitting at the police station with Suga hyung and Yoonji noona with Greaty's broken phone in my hand.. god... this is all my fault! I should have taken her home first safely! I could feel the tears well up in my eyes "Jungkook... it'll be alright we will find her safe and sound" Yoonji noona gave me a hug "She will be alright I promise" she gently my hair, I almost started to cry because the truth is, we don't know that for sure, she could be dead for all we know! I didn't even get to tell her I love her...

Greaty I need you to be safe please... please please be safe. "Jeon Jungkook?" I looked up and an officer was in front of me, I got up and followed him to another room. I felt only sadness and worry right now "Alright mr Jeon please tell us what's going on?" I looked at him "One of my friends have gone missing sir... we split ways and went to our own homes after hanging out today and her roommate out of no where calls me asking if she was with me but she isn't. all we found is her phone. and it's broken too" I gave him the phone and he nodded "well... we can;t exactly investigate until 24 hours have gone by, if she doesn't show up after 24 hours then we will investigate her case"

I felt so much anger "SHE COULD POSSIBLY BE GETTING KILLED AND YOU S WANT TO WAIT 24 HOUS BEFORE THINKING BAOUT LOOKING FOR HER?! ARE YOU ING SERIOUS?!" He shook his head "Mr Jeon you need to calm down or we will have to make you calm down." I growled "find her! She could be dead now and you wouldn't give a until ing 24 hours!" He stood up "We have certain rules and we are expected to follow those rules."

They sent me out of the room and it just made me break down. I knelt on the floor and started crying loudly, Greaty I'm so sorry please be safe, when I find you I promise I will confess to you, I will protect you forever until the day I die. Greaty where are you?

Greaty POV

I woke up and groaned softly.. aish... I'm really stuck here.. what time is it? I don't even have my phone, "good morning Greaty" I glared at my drama teacher, what I ing prick " off" He laughed "oh my how rude" He slapped me hard "Don't be like that you little !" he punched me in the face 3 times before kicking my stomach making me cry out in pain, ... "You deserve all this! You don;t deserve to live! Now I will make you suffer till you wish you would die!" he took out a small knife and I screamed "SIR NO PLEASE!" He left small cuts in my arms, on my cheek, even at my neck, shallow but causing lots of pain for me. "hm time for school. i have to go for now" he left again and locked the door again. I sobbed out loud

Jungkook please save me, please please save me, I need you right now Jungkook

Kayla POV

I walked into school with Jimin but I was completely quiet, I didn't smile, I didn't speak... I was worried sick about Greaty, Jungkook broke down last night apparently when speaking to a police officer since they won't look for her until 24 hours have passed... aish... Jimin held me the entire night since I was crying myself to sleep.

We went to the club room where everyone else was already there. Everyone had a similar expression on their face. Worry, sadness, fear, pain, finally i decided to speak up "Where is Jungkook?" everyone didn't answer but then the door burst open and Jungkook was there "Guys we need to find Greaty now, we cant ing wait for 24 hours to pass before they decide to look for her" he was full of determination to find her "Jungkook we don't even know where to start looking" I spoke up "But I do! We need to go back and see if we can find more clues now that it's daylight out" 

I sighed softly.. He was right though, if we wait too long she could be dead by the time we find her." hm.. alright. First we need a list of everyone who doesn't like Greaty. They could all have a motive to get her kidnapped or kidnap her themselves. Jungkook nodded "Thhose two girls, the ones who beat me up" Yoonji said, I nodded "What's their names?" she wrote them down and we kept thinking and thinking... Aish "ah wait!" V suddenly shouted "Mr Lee was looking at Greaty for a while on the first day of school! But he looked as if he wanted to harm her!" We all looked at him.. I don't think he would hurt her... he's a teacher his job revolves around being with students, plus what would Greaty have done that would have occured his wrath? "V that sounds stupid, he's a teacher he wouldn't kidnap a student" 

Jungkook thought for a bit "She said that day she felt someone watching her sometimes, it has to be someone who can travel without being spotted.. but also someone who can go to all these places, like afford it "hmm maybe keep Mr Lee as a suspect, we never know now" I nodded and wrote his name down. I still don't think a teacher would dare harm a student but i guess we also can't rule him out until he is proven innocent. 

Jungkook POV

I sighed softly as I looked aorund the school for the two students who hurt Yoonji. ah I finally reached the class "excuse me! I need Park Misun and Kim Eunae right now" They looked at me and happily came, probably thought I was gonna ask one of them out or try a with them, no. "You two were the students who hurt Min Yoonji? Do you know anything about the disappearance of Greaty Justin?" They blinked in surprise "she's missing? I don't know anything about that, I might not like her but, to make her go missing is too much to do to a person" Eunae said, Misun nodded in agreement "we don't know anything about it, but if you need our help to find her just let us know, we will help, it isn't fair that she goes missing even if she was rude to us"

I nodded and thanked them as they went back to their class. It seems like they didnt do anything to her. I bumped into someone and fell on the floor "Oh dear sorry Jungkook" I saw Mr Lee.. he wouldn't... right? "It's fine sir sorry myself.. oh wait.. sir do you know anything about Greaty Justin disappearing?" I thought for a moment "It was on the news yesterday" I decided to lie to him "Oh yes I saw the story, I do hope she is alright sorry Jungkook I must get to class to prepare for today" He walked away.

He lied to me as well... since there was no story on the news about her going missing.. He has her...





OHHHHH JUNGKOOK IS SMART ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY FIGURE ALL THAT OUT IN A SINGLE DAY YES BOY IM PROUD. Anyways thats it for this chapter see you in the next chapter


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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^