Celebrations & Love

School & Life (Book 1)

Author POV

The party soon ended and everyone went to their own room. Of course everyone had to share since there was only 5 rooms so

Hoseok, Taehyung and Jenny shared one

Jimin and Kayla shared one

Yoongi and Kim shared one

Jungkook and Greaty shared one

And Namjoon and Jin shared one

Yoongi POV

I was laying on the bed and relaxing while waiting for Kim. "AH SERIOUSLY THIS HAS TO BE A JOKE!"

I heard her shout. "Babe are you alright?" I called out. She didn't answer but then a minute later she did. "I only have my summer clothing here and it's very light!" She said.

I smiled, "babe it's fine just come out so we can cuddle. I need my cute and cuddly girlfriend here." She came out and cute and cuddly did not describe how she looks right now. She wore a tank top and shorts that definitely was not cute.

She came and climbed into bed beside me. Then something came to me and I really had to ask. "Hey babe. What kinks do you have?" She blinked and blushed really hard. I raised a brow curiously.

"uhm I have.. Too many kinks to actually list.. But to name a few.. I like roleplaying, any type of roleplaying, hair pulling, being tied up or even blindfolded, and ."

My jaw almost dropped. This innocent cute girl I met a few years ago, was anything but that. She yawned quietly.

"you guys are really amazing you know? Planning that entire party out for everyone." She said. Jimin was the one who brought it to our attention when he started panicking over what to get Kayla for her birthday. I still hadn't given Kim her birthday gift. Hopefully she would like it.

"I have a gift for you actually cutie" I said. She looked at me curiously and I gave her a medium sized box. She opened it and saw a charm bracelet inside. I bought it with a few charms on it. "Oh Yoongi it's beautiful"

I smiled and pointed to the small bag with the charms inside. She took them out. There was a Y and a K for our names, a rose and a music note, and half of a heart. She put them on the bracelet and looked at the heart curiously. "where's the other half?" I took out a necklace out of my shirt and showed her the other half of the heart.

"I'll be extremely careful and only wear this inside the dorm. But this is for us to have a couple item at least." She smiled and hugged me tightly.

"Yoongi that's so sweet of you~"

I smiled warmly. "I'm glad you think so."

We turned off the lights and hugged each other before falling asleep.

Jungkook POV

I was laying in bed and playing games on my phone. I couldn't believe the day, it was so much fun today and I made more good memories with everyone. I felt the bed dip beside me and looked up from my phone to see my girlfriend smiling right beside me. I hugged her close to me and cuddled her happily. "Today was fun wasn't it?" She asked curiously.

"It was super fun. I loved how today came out. It was even more hilarious when Tae hyung threw the cake at Namjoon hyung" We laughed at the memory "He looked so shocked and Jin was dying of laughter too" she shook her head in amusement. "It's too funny. I think Nam was also trying to hug Jin at one point while he was covered in cake"

I couldn't help but have the brightest smile as I watched her talk about today. It made me really happy to see.

I turned off the light and hugged her tightly. "let's sleep now love, I'm tired" She chuckled and nodded. I closed my eyes. "Goodnight, I love you" She said before falling asleep. "sweet dreams, I love you too" I whispered before falling asleep myself.

Jimin POV

Kayla and me were literally just fooling around rather then trying to go to sleep, we still had energy so of course we were just fooling around.

Get your mind out of the gutter!

We were playing video games and talking to each other you erts!

I just beat Kayla in Pokemon once again. "I win again!" She whined "yah that's unfair! The stats are still far apart even if the levels are the same!" She started pouting and I hugged her. "aww you're so cute~ but that doesn't fix the fact you chose more fire Pokemon while I chose more water Pokemon. Fire beats water everytime.

She scoffed and poked my chest." yeah yeah, let's go to sleep now I'm tired" I shook my head "nope I haven't given you my gift yet." She stared at me in confusion. "I thought the concert tickets for seventeen were my gift though." I nodded "well sorta. I have a more personal gift to give you." She nodded.

"close your eyes" She closed her eyes and I got out of bed to my bag, then took out the small gift wrapped box. I put it in her hand. She opened her eyes and unwrapped the box then opened it to reveal a simple yet beautiful necklace.

She gasped softly and immediately put it on then hugged me tightly

She gasped softly and immediately put it on then hugged me tightly. "Jimin oh my God thank you! This is beautiful, I'll treasure it completely" I smiled and hugged her back.

I'm glad she loved the necklace. "come on time for bed." we laid down and I turned off the lights, we said our goodnight and fell asleep happily.

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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^