Truth & Lie

School & Life (Book 1)

Kayla POV

I walked into school and was putting my books into my locker. Hm I wonder where the other losers are. I decided to go look around for Jimin. But while I was walking I overheard something. "Yoonji said that all this came from her brother. Man poor Suga no wonder their relationship wasn't public. She was a cheating "

I scoffed loudly enough for them to hear me and they turned their heads quickly to my direction. "Cheating , my . You only know one side of the story. You don't even know if it's true or not, and you're going to believe some bull. So pathetic. Do me a favor and mind your ing business."

I went around the school looking for that . I was going to kill him, How could he lie about that? I can't believe I called him a good friend! I felt so angry. I went through class after class and roamed the halls. Finally I found him "MIN YOONGI!" He looked at me and blinked in confusion. "Kayla.. how is-" I cut him off "YOU DON'T HAVE THE ING RIGHT TO ASK THAT, GET YOUR DAMN LYING OUT HERE IMMEDIATELY!"

He seemed surprised but didn't disagree and came out. I slapped him. But he didn't do anything. I punched him, he still did nothing. "Why aren't you doing anything?! Is it because you know why I'm so mad?! Because I found out the lies you told your sister who is telling everyone in the ing school?!"

I punched him again and this time he fell to the floor. "What lies?" He had the audacity to be confused?! I beat him, punched and kicked him till he was almost unrecognizable. "Kim is a cheating ?! You know that's bull so why tell your sister that?! Why Lie about her?! I thought you loved her?!" He looked more confused..

Why look so confused when you are at fault Min Yoongi? "I never told my sister that Kim cheated on me. I never said anything about my relationship with her to my sister. I love Kim no matter what." He never said anything? Wait a minute, if he denied their relationship to everyone why would he ever speak about it again? Oh my ing God I'm an idiot. "We need to find Yoonji."

He got up and I nodded. I felt bad for beating him but he kinda deserved it anyways for denying their relationship twice already. But then we heard it. "Get Jungkook! Get Suga!" We looked at each other and ran over to the source of the noise, There we saw Greaty and Yoonji, attacking each other, scratches bruises and cuts everywhere on them, Jungkook and Kim came and grabbed Greaty who went insane after that.

Suga and me grabbed Yoonji who went ballistic, she was scratching and leaving bruises on our arms and faces, Greaty was worse with Jungkook bleeding and Kim almost getting knocked out. Jesus Christ. Eventually Kim slapped Greaty and she snapped back.

Jungkook hugged her tightly and didn't let her see his bruised face. "what's going on here?!" All of us looked up and saw the principal "the six of you, My office now!" All of us got up and followed him to the office. He sat down. "someone explain why all of you are almost full of bruises and The siblings and Greaty are the worst of everyone"

None of us wanted to speak but then Kim spoke up. "we have a few problems with each other. I suppose Greaty and Yoonji just couldn't handle ot anymore, they might have snapped at the other. Yoongi I'm not sure of. Me, Kayla, and Jungkook were harmed while pulling the two girls away from each other.

Yoongi may have also gotten more hurt while helping Kayla" then I spoke up "I beat Yoongi. Because apparently rumours are going around and Yoonji is the one creating them, lying and saying her brother told her these rumours, when in reality he said nothing. I allowed my anger to control me and I regret it."

Yoongi POV

I felt angry myself. Why would Yoonji do this to me? "While we are here. Yoonji I want the truth from you now." the anger was seen very easily. If she was harming Kim I was going to be very angry. "oppa they are lying. I don't know how those rumours started but it wasn't me I swear" Greaty was about to attack her again I could see her murderous stare.

"Min Yoonji if you are lying and you get caught I won't pity you when you get expelled. So you are telling the truth?" She nodded "I'm telling the truth I swear I am oppa. I know they don't like Me and they want be to get into trouble I'm just trying to do my work"

Greaty was seriously about to kill her. But Kim whispered something and she somewhat calmed down but she definitely wasn't going to hurt someone now. "All 6 of you are suspended. For a week. Starting today you are not permitted to enter the school grounds." we all nodded and left to grab our things.

Kim was following me for some reason. I turned and asked "why are you following me?" She just walked past me but answered "we have songwriting class together." She went inside. I followed her and saw her speaking to Namjoon before he pat her back and she grabbed her bag and left the class texting someone. I grabbed my bag as well and started to leave for home.. But it bothered Me too much. I dropped my bag and went to the office.

I told the secretary I had an announcement to make. She allowed me to make an announcement. No going back now but. I want her back and I miss her too much. "hello. Teachers and students. I'm Min Yoongi, some know me better as Suga. The rumours you hear aren't true.

I never told anyone about my relationship with Kim. Stop hurting her. I love her deeply and knowing she is hurt only hurts me. I lost her because I was a coward and afraid of people judging me or her. But why should I be? It's none of your business who I date or not. And she makes me incredibly happy. That's all I have to say."

Me, Kayla, Greaty, and Jungkook all had our jaws on the floor in shock hearing the announcement. "did he just confess his love for you over the announcement?" Jungkook said in shock. I nodded. I didn't know how to feel. I saw him in the distance. I didn't know what to do anymore. I still love him. But he lied twice...

"Kim. Go to him. He made mistakes. But so have all of us. Go make up and be a couple again" Kayla said this time. "if he hurts you then we won't trust him again. Giving him one more chance" Greaty said. I nodded and dropped my bag then I ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

He was surprised but then immediately hugged me back, he refused to let go of me. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I don't deserve your forgiveness at all, I don't deserve to be holding you like this" I shook my head "don't think that way. It's over now. Don't think about it any longer."

I let go and saw Yoonji in the distance. She walked over then she did something that shocked me. She kneeled on her knees and bowed down compeltely to me. "I'm sorry Kim. I let someone spread rumours about you. I was blinded by my anger. Yoongi was hurt. I didn't want him to be hurt anymore. But now hopefully. People will stop messing with you." I helped her up and hugged her as well. "I forgive you. Come on let's all go home together."

I brought them both back and explained the situation. Yoongi was welcomed very easily. But Yoonji.. Well they needed time to accept her back.

We all walked out and were chatting then I saw Hwasa. She looked furious. And... Oh God.. Was that a knife in her hand? "you ing ! You dare hurt my Yoongi and then take him back!? You deserve this." She ran up to us. Then she lifted the knife and attacked. All of us gasped, blood splattered on everyone. And screams of a name was heard.

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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^