Secrets & Confessions

School & Life (Book 1)

Taehyung POV

I was praying so hard for Jin and Yoongi's safety, Jungkook was trying to calm Greaty who broke down when Jin ran into the school, Jimin was calming down Kayla who absolutely started sobbing, Namjoon was with Yoonji who was already crying but just cried even harder, and that person.. he didn't get to say his name before the fire started he was trying to calm down Kim who was even worse then anyone else, and I was here holding Jenny who was trying to run into the school to get Jin back. "Jenny please Jin will be alright so will Yoongi but if you run into the school you will put yourself in danger and Jin will never forgive himself if he found out you went into the school as well."

She looked so miserable, all of us wanted to get into the school and help them but we couldn't. Jin slipped by the teachers so he got in but we would be caught. God you two better be alright or I'm gonna freak out..



Running into the school wasn't the best idea, I will agree, but Suga needs help, I don't even know where he is, and it's really hot in here, the fire really spread in a small amount of time. "Suga! Suga! Please answer!" I kept looking around and screaming his name I was worried as hell.. "Jin?" I heard a weak voice say. "Yoongi! keep speaking please help me find you!" I heard more weak calls of my name and ran to the source, he was on the floor weak. "Yoongi! Hang on we're going to get out of here I swear on my life"

He just mumbled "Please stay awake for Yoonji! please!" He mumbled again but... it wasn't his sister's name "Kim..." I nodded "Stay awake for Kim then. for Kim and Yoonji!" That woke up enough and I ran as best as I could out of the school with him on my back. It was difficult but we finally escaped and we fell onto thegrassy area where Tae let go of Jenny who tackled me "DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU PIECE OF !!" Suga dragged himself to the ohers and Kim and Yoonji ran over and hugged him tightly, crying their eyes out. Namjoon came and hugged me as well "ing your sister would have killed me if I let you die!"

I chuckled tiredly and sighed, just staying on the grass, "I had to help Suga.. I couldn't leave him in there.." he patted my back and I just stayed relaxed


Suga POV

I was trying to calm down Yoonji and Kim.. wait Kim? I looked at her and gently pushed her away a bit. I felt so awful.. but her next action actually shocked me. She slapped me across the face, which sent my sister and the others into shock, Kim would never hit someone, not even in self defense, yeah she jokingly hit us but this was a real slap. "I'm ing sick of it. Min Yoongi if you are going to act like this even in this time! Fine! Don't date me! I can't do it anymore. I don't want to be hidden and let a possibility that someone else would be able to take you away, I'm tired of acting like we aren't even friends. I can only hide and hide and hide! All because you are so scared of what people think! Even our ing friends don't know. You don't even wear the necklace I bought you.." the tears that were from worry, became tears of pain and sadness... no.. I don't want her to leave me.. "I can't be with someone who is only going to make it difficult for us to date.."

Pain crashed into my heart like a speeding train. I didn't want it to be true. But she deserves better.. she isn't wrong, I'm afraid of what people think, I'm afraid we will get hurt, I have friends who don't like her, I'm afraid of what they would think if they found out I was in a relationship with her.. But I really love her.. I love her, I love her, I love her. So why won't I run after her? Why am I still here. Why is my face wet as I touch it? "oppa don't cry!" Yoonji hugged me tightly... I was crying? I was crying.

I had Yoonji let me go. And I slowly made my way ro follow her, she would have tried to go home by now. I went to her bus stop, and I saw her crying by herself. I slowly went to her, and I held her in my arms, waiting for her to stop crying, hoping she would take confort in my arms, I didn't want her to keep crying, she doesn't deserve to cry sad tears because of me. Eventually she stopped crying and she looked up at me with so much sadness and pain, my heart shattered more seeing her this way. "Ani.. don't cry anymore.." I wiped her tears away gently, "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have done that to you.. I should have just let anyone accept or not accept us. If my friends can't accept us, then they aren't good friends to me are they?" She shook her head "If they are really good friends then they should accept your relationship whether they like your partner or not. "I smiled softly and nodded. "yeah they should. Come on. We should head back to the others" She nodded.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I acted like that and you just got out of a burning building! Are you alright?" I chuckled and nodded "Yes I'm fine and you had every right to act like that, I pushed you away even when you were crying your eyes out in relief of my safety" She sighed "You really worried me, I thought you were really hurt or even dead when I didn't see you with everyone. Yoonji and me were the worst out of everyone." I held her close and kissed her head gently "I'm here now though. That reminds me" I helped her up and got up as well "I owe Jin a huge thank you for saving me, but also gotta smack him for putting himself into danger like that" She laughed softly "I owe him lots of thanks as well for saving you anyways" 

I held her hand and we walked back to the school. I just hope everyone won't kill me, or her, or both of us, if they do they should bury us beside each other though (Suga ing chill I ain't dying till I'm old) we got back and everyone was preparing to leave, Greaty saw us and ran over then punched me in the arm "ouch!!" I rubbed my arm "it hurts!!" 

"Good!! Don't hurt Kim again! Now s we're all going back to mine and Kayla's place and we are all going to talk about this and any other ing secrets we all have!" I whined I just wanted to go back home now "Yoongi are you alright? Shouldn't we bring him to the hospital before anything?" Kim said a bit nervously. Kayla walked over and nodded "Yeah we should and we are. same with Jin he needs to go to the hospital, you both might have inhaled a lot of smoke and we need to make sure you both are alright." I looked at the others then heard a high pitched scream We all looked over and Namjoon picked up Jin and Jin freaked out "HOLY KIM NAMJOON LET ME DOWN YOU " I snickered softly at the sight and everyone else was chuckling. "They are so shippable it almost hurts" 

Kim mumbled and I laughed at her words "it's very true, but Namjoon does like Jin's sister." She shook her head "not the same- by the way oppa do you know who that other guy is?" She pointed over to the group of three "His name is Hoseok but we call him J-Hope" she nodded and we waited for the others, Yoonji came up to us first, She looked at me then looked at Kim, and She slapped her, it was really hard, I know because one it made a really loud sound that Greaty and the others heard it and froze, and second Kim's cheek was already turning red. "Yoonji!" I widened my eyes and looked at her angrily "Why did you hit her?!" 

She scoffed "she deserved it."




Well - Now what's gonna happen? Find out tomorrow when a new chapter comes out.







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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^