Winners & Losers

School & Life (Book 1)

Jungkook POV

I respected Yoongi hyung but this time.. he really screwed up. Jimin closed the door once we threw him out, Kim was still crying and hugging Jin hyung who was trying his best to calm her down. Greaty walked over to me and looked at me "Hey you did the right thing Kookie, he shouldn't have said what he said, it only hurt her and the rest of us he lied, even when Kim gave him one more chance. He tried to deny everything. He loves her it's true but.. his fear is what controls him from allowing him to love her right."

I nodded in response "No I know that. I just feel disappointed in him for what he has done." I looked around. Jin hyung looked so sad, Namjoon hyung had a poker face, Hoseok hyung looked angry, Jimin hyung looked exhausted, Kayla looked.. well... like she was about to go and kill someone, Greaty looked upset, Kim looked like someone had literally went and murdered her entire family, Jenny looked so angry.

Taehyung got up. We all looked at him "I'm going to kill him" Jimin and Namjoon stopped him immediately, Taehyung may be kind and weird but when he's mad he is no joke, he really meant he was going to kill him, Kim and Taehyung are still siblings even if not blood related. 

"oppa" Kim said with a soft whisper, all of us looked at her and i could feel it.

Nobody's POV

Everyone's heart shattered at how she looked, her eyes were already swollen from crying, her eyes showed the pure pain Yoongi had caused her. The years she spent in love with him, had all gone to waste. It only made Taehyung more angry at Yoongi for breaking her heart. "Don't hurt him" Everyone was in shock. Why was she defending him? He had just hurt her completely and yet she defends him? "Please don't hurt him, any of you" nobody could find it in their heart to disobey her wishes. 

Her heart may have been in pieces at the moment but every piece was still full of kindness. "guys let's go to sleep, it's getting late and we had a really big day" Greaty spoke up after a moment of silence. With that everyone called their parents to let them know they would be sleeping over.

With their parents permission they started getting ready for bed, thankfully the author made Kayla and Greaty's house big enough that there were four rooms, everyone would have to share and girls and boys separated except for Taehyung who refused to leave his sister's side. While Jungkook and Jimin whined because they wanted to sleep beside their girlfriends who refused completely, the rooms went like this

 1st room: Kim & Taehyung

2nd room: Greaty & Kayla & Jenny

3rd room: Jungkook & Jimin 

4th room: Hoseok & Namjoon & Jin

Once everyone was ready for bed they went to their assigned room. Kim and Taehyung took Kayla's room, Greaty, Kayla, and Jenny took Greaty's room, Jungkook and Jimin took the first guest bedroom, and Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon took the second guest bedroom. 

Kim decided to go to Greaty's room where she saw Greaty, Kayla, and Jenny talking, she knocked on the door "Hey can I join you for a bit?" They nodded and she sat down in the circle with them all "thank you" Kim said quietly, the other three looked confused "thank you for what?" Kayla said, Kim smiled softly "for the support, I may have been crying earlier but I could feel the anger you all had, and Jimin and Jungkook did that for me as well. I just wanted to say thank you, so so much"

Jenny hugged Kim "hey we're friends, that's what friends do. They protect each other and care of each other" Kim smiled and nodded. After they all spoke about random things, laughing and joking around. Eventually it was getting late so Kim went back to her room where Taehyung was listening to music, he didn't notice her come in so she decided to scare him, she crawled on the floor and grabbed his foot, pulling.

He screamed bloody murder and ran out of the room screaming. "AHHHHHH JIN HYUNG THERE'S A GHOST IN MY ROOM HELP!!!!!!" Everyone came out of their rooms and went over to the room assigned and saw Kim laughing her head off, "sorry Tae but you looked too funny"

Everyone else started laughing while Taehyung was whining. Eventually everyone went back to bed.

Taehyung POV

I got into bed and I let Kim come into bed. I looked at her face and I felt sad. Her eyes were swollen from crying, and she looked exhausted, most likely emotionally drained. I hugged my sister, we might not be family by blood but I still love her just as much as I would a blood related sibling. "Tae?" I her hair gently "I'm sorry about Yoongi hyung. Don't cry over him anymore Kimchi." She chuckled softly at the nickname. "Thanks Tae. I love you" I smiled "I love you too" after that I sang her a song which I knew was her favorite.

(at this part totally optional but listen to hold me tight it's one of my favorite songs from BTS after Tomorrow)

Eventually she fell asleep, so I stopped and closed my eyes to fall asleep as well.

Unknown POV

She wouldn't get away with this, she couldn't get away with this. I went on the school's website where students were all there. This was hidden from teachers so students could post anything about them or another student. I started typing

Rumour after rumour, each one worse and worse. Quickly enough all the students believed and expressed their opinion. She was going to be ruined.

Kim. You will regret what you have done. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll see you dead on the ground because you won't be able to take the cruel bullying that will come when school starts in again. Have sweet dreams because once school begins again you'll wish it was all just a nightmare.

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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^