lunch time with the hoes & Clubs

School & Life (Book 1)

Ok so before I start this chapter I wanna say a few things. please read them to help you. The POV's will be in some oc characters Kayla and Greaty and Kim and to introduce their POV's I will have Jenny in the beginning but mostly those three. Kayla and Greaty are actual people and my friends who I am thankful for allowing me to have them in my story Kim is literally me so this is based off of my own life as well. Second off the club idea in this chapter was based off of sonam girl high school detectives (great drama btw watch it if you havent already) But the characters won't be like the drama characters and neither will the cases. But the plot in this story will need this club and the cases they solve in order to reveal a much bigger case. While I have the cases in the story please look for clues and try to solve the case yourself. I think It might bring a bit more of fun to my readers. Third there will be some flashbacks in the chapter so use them to solve some mysteries. And with that please enjoy the story -Author-nim Kimchi ^^

Jenny POV

We went to the cafeteria and heard someone call my name, I looked and saw Greaty with Kayla and Jimin so I led the group to sit at their table as well. "Oh who the new guy?" Kayla said and Jimin answered before we could say anything "He's JB He's a friend of mine, don't you remember Kayla?" She took a moment then nodded "oh yeah i remember" then she fed Jimin a fry. Ah I wanna do that with my partner one day.

Kayla POV (Finally oc characters can be here!)

I can see a ship happening right there. Jenny with V? Perfect!! I gotta tell Greaty so we can play cupid for those two~ I looked at her and she was looking at me, of course she'd know what I was thinking by now. "Ah Jenny!" I looked and saw a person come over "Ah Jungkook what's up?" He smiled "Can I sit with you guys?"" her and V agreed and told him to sit by Greaty. Who froze up a bit. Why would she- oh. OH. OH I GET WHY OH IMMA BE PLAYING CUPID FOR TWO COUPLES THEN. He totally has a crush on Greaty No doubt on that. Oh this year is gonna be super fun I'm sure


"Oh so Guys students have to join at least one club in the school. What club are you guys gonna do?" I think I'm gonna join the dance club. none of the other clubs interested me so yeah. "Just dance club same with Greaty" Jenny nodded "Some of us are doing choir, others are joining a sports team as well.. we need a club for all of us to join and be together." she pouted and V was so staring at her OH THAT SHIP. A few students walked by us "Yeah It was really weird I just know I had my phone in my bag hidden from sight it was in a secret pocket and now I can't find it anywhere"


Wow how could she have lost her phone like that? "It's too obvious her so called friend beside her stole her phone. a secret pocket only close friends would know about it that student only has one close friends everyone else she accounts as a classmate or someone she just knows" V spoke up and we all felt our jaws drop "h-how did you?" He looked a bit flustered "ah.. I know lots of students in the school since everyone speaks a lot to me though i don't speak to them" Jenny stood up "guys. let's solve cases like that together. a detective type of thing"


Detectives? We're just students though... but then again.. it sounds pretty fun "Let's do it. it sounds fun we can ask the principal for permission. we won't do too strong cases. maybe just finding lost or stolen items since we are only students." Everyone seemed to agree with me "but if students really need us to do a certian case that's important we should hear them out and then see if its ok for us to do" I nodded in agreement. I just didn't want us doing stuff that could put us into legal trouble or in any danger. 

I looked at Greaty who looked so nervous. Well to me she did but everyone else wouldn't be able to tell and Jungkook looked so shy near her, these two obviously have a crush on each other. They have to date soon or i'm gonna fricking die I swear to god. 



Greaty POV


Oh god my crush is sitting right beside me oh god oh god kay girl be cool you gotta show him you are likeable and dateable. Ah he is so handsome.. How can he not have a girlfriend already? Actually I'll be thankful for that fact because it means I have a bit of a chance to be with him. I looked down at my food and ate quietly but still listened to the others about planning the club. I wonder if Jungkook will join us as well. I don't think he said he would or wouldn't. I know he is joining the dance club, Kayla and me are joining as well since we love dancing. 

Ah it seems lunch is gonna end soon. I finished my food and grabbed my bag before grabbing my trash to throw out "Ah Greaty leave the trash I'll throw it out" I looked at who said it and found to my surprise it was Jungkook. Ahhhhh why would he "Ah no it's fine i'm leaving now I'll just throw it out while I'm leaving" I bowed my head a bit and scurried off throwing my trash away and going to my next class.

Ahhhhhhhh he spoke to me!! Ahhhhh his voice sounds so precious!! I gotta stop fangirling jeez. alright Let's just get class over and done with and go hang out with everyone today. Reminds me of how I fell for Jungkook anyways


I was in elementary school and I was walking home from a dance practice with some friends since we had a contest coming up, It was dark out and the way I was walking was the quickest way home but also somewhat dangerous, so I was a bit nervous but I kept walking but then I heard footsteps behind me, oh I should have taken the longer way, I started running trying to get to safety as quick as possible.

I heard a second pair of footsteps then a shout of pain, I turned and saw someone fighting the person who was running after me and was winning, he knocked the person out and then looked at me "You shouldn't be walking this way it's dangerous, come on I'll walk you the rest of the way home so you can be safe okay?" I nodded in response since I was still kinda scared and also, this guy was really handsome.. we started walking and I felt like I had to say thank you at least for saving me "Thank you, for helping me back there, If you didn't come I might have gotten killed back there"

He smiled "It was nothing, I couldn't let someone who goes to my school get hurt" wait this guy goes to my school?! HOW HAVE I NOT NOTICED HIM?! JEEZ I GOTTA PAY MORE ATTENTION "I'm Jungkook, what's your name?" Jungkook.. gotta remember that "I'm Greaty" He nodded "cool name" We got to my house "here is my house, thank yuo again Jungkook" he smiled "no problem, I'll get going now" and with that he left, and so began my crush on him.

*flash back end*




Kim POV (You gonna see some secrets here)

I don't wanna leave yet.. I was so comfortable on their shoulder "Do I really have to go to class? I'd rather spend time with you here while you have your spare period" They chuckled softly "Yes you have to go it's vocal music class and you love singing babe" I pouted "I still don't wanna go, but alright" I got up from my comfortable spot and grabbed my bag before giving them a hug" I'll see you after school?" They nodded at me and I smiled before reluctantly going to the music room to go to class. I walked in and I saw V and Jenny "Oh hey guys I didn't know you had Vocal music as well." Jenny responded "Well since we are in the school choir We decided to take it to improve a bit more" I nodded and took my seat at the front since I was a first soprano all through my three years of high school, The teacher knew me easily "Ah good afternoon class I'm Mrs Park and I will be your vocal music teacher for this semester I see a few familiar faces and some new ones so this will be super fun!

I knew how it started off so I just looked out the window. I miss them.. I wanna spend time with them so bad... It's their last year and we don't have too much time to spend. I dont even know if we'll be able to stay together after they graduate. I don't even wanna break up with them. Hm I remember when we first met.


I was in Grade 9 and I was pretty much a loner who was bullied in elementary school. I took the loner persona to high school and never allowed anyone to get close to me. In high school I met a few people who knew me because of V and wanted to be my friend to get close to V, nobody wants to be my friend because of me, just because of V, I don't hate him though. He can't control people, if he could he would make sure nobody bothers me for him.

I had two friends who knew I was V's sister and they never cared, which I was thankful for, So I tolerated them. One day though I was forced to go to Art club by one of my friends and I really didn't wanna deal with anyone, so I put my earphones in and just listened to music throughout art club, I was helping paint the nativity scene for christmas with my friend and someone else. My friend had tapped my shoulder.

I looked at her and she has pointed at the other person we were working with, I looked up and My heart skipped a beat.They were so captivating to me and so I took out my earphones and when they spoke they sounded so kind "Were you listening to History?" I nodded at their question and they smiled at me "cool, well what's your name?" I looked down and spoke "My name is Kim" they noddded "My name is-"

*flashback end*

"Kim!" I snapped out of my memory and looked at the teacher "sorry Mrs Park" She shook her head "I know you head this twice already but you still need to listen." I nodded and payed attention in class silently


I watched her go down to her class and sighed sadly, I'm being selfish like this aren't I? Keeping our relationship a secret like this that not even our friends know about it. But I'm trying to protect from a lot of things. My friends don't like her and if they found out about us they would have pretty bad opinions about me and her, I just don't want her to feel sad or hurt at all. That's why I'm trying to hide our relationship.

I care about her as she cares for me as well, I remember when we first met, and I always smile because of her, I need her, she gets me through my most difficult challenges and i always feel happy around her. I am thankful to her for dealing with this even though she deserves a lot better.








AND WITH THAT this chapter is over. thank you for reading and waiting for this chapter I will update every other day. so my next update will be Monday and I will continue like that until the story is over, next chapter I will introduce 4 more characters please comment so I know if you like this so far or not thank you


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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^