Songwriting & Secrets

School & Life (Book 1)

(so this is a small Flashback to before they debuted in the story to explain a few things)


I was working in my office and was thinking for a moment.. I just realized this.. The boys have to keep any relationship they have completely secret... My heart broke a little. Yoongi could find another girl who was much better then me just by being at fanmeets...

It was honestly better to break up with him now. But I couldn't. I love him too much to leave him. I called everyone in my office. I waited quietly and sighed softly. Yoongi was the first one to come.

"Hey what's up?" slowly one by one all the other members and the girls came. I cleared my throat "so the boys debut day is coming. And I need to set some rules before that happens. Everyone except Hobi, Tae, and Jenny are in relationships right? Well. You are all going to have to keep it a complete secret. If a relationship comes out this early their career will go faster then you can say BTS."

Everyone looked at each other. "Jenny even you and Tae need to be careful. You might be friends but people can and will make it seem like you both are dating. I know we can say you are close friends but nobody will really believe us and keep bothering you all."

They all nodded. I could see the disappointment in their eyes but.. This was for everyone's own good. If they came out with dating someone already then.. Greaty, Kayla, and even Jenny would be attacked, Greaty would have to be fired to help the company. And they would send me out the door and I wouldn't be the ceo anymore...

The boys would lose their career already. Kayla and Jenny would be attacked by anyone who was a fan to the boys... I don't want them getting hurt. I don't want anyone getting hurt. As ceo I should have told them all to break up. But I couldn't do that. It hurt me to do that to them.

I dismissed them and sighed tiredly. I felt someone kiss my head and saw Jin. What? "don't get this wrong I'm doing it like a mother would to her child" I snorted "hush. Kim don't beat yourself up over this. You are trying your best and doing what you need to. Everyone knows how hard it must be to have to make these choices."

I rubbed my eyes "Jin as CEO you know I was supposed to tell everyone to break up. And I have to break up with Yoongi as well!"

He just rubbed my back as I left my head on the desk.

Taehyung POV

I blinked in shock.. What I just heard.. Was I wrong?


".... And I have to break up with Yoongi as well!"

-Flashback end-

Why would Kim have to break up with Yoongi? Hmm.. I mean as much as I want him dead for touching my sister.. They love each other right? I should go talk to Yoongi and see what's wrong.

I chased after the group and grabbed Yoongi's shoulder. "we need to talk seriously. Come on" I dragged him away from the group and into the recording studio. Nobody was there. "What is it V?"

"did you and Kim fight?" I asked. He seemed confused and shook his head. "no we didn't. Why?" I bit my lip but.. He deserved to know right?

"I overheard Kin talking to Jin in her office. She said she has to break up with you" he stood there. Silent. And he didn't even move an inch for a few minutes. But when he did he ran out of the room quick as lightning. Hmm I hope they are okay...

Yoongi POV

I ran to Kim's office as quick as I could. It wasn't true right? Kim wouldn't break up with me right? She loves me why would she break up with me? This time I had done nothing wrong.

I slammed the door open and Kim snapped up. Seemed like she was sleeping. She grabbed her glasses and looked at me "huh? Yoongi what's wrong babe?" She mumbled sleepily. I would have found it adorable if it wasn't for the emotions fighting inside me now.

"are you breaking up with me?" She looked confused "huh? No why would I?" She seemed to wake up more. "Tae overheard you speaking to Jin in your office. He said you said you had to Break up with me" I felt angry.

"He didn't hear the beginning. I said as the ceo I should have told everyone to break up. And I have to break up with you. I mean if I told everyone to break up and we were still dating that wouldn't be fair. So that's why I said just be careful and keep the relationships a secret"

I felt so stupid.. God dammit Taehyung. I'm gonna smack him.

"my brother is an idiot don't worry." I smiled and she yawned "come on let's go home you need to sleep cutie" She shook her head "I have some work to do before your debut day and bit enough time to finish if I leave now." I looked at her and watched her work. "you need to sleep though you have a schedule tomorrow so go and I'm not taking no for an answer"

I nodded and kissed her cheek before going back to the dorm. I walked into he dorm and hit Taehyung's head. "ouch! What was that for?!"

I scoffed "for making me think your sister was gonna dump me. You misunderstood " he whined and I just went to my room. Laid down in bee and fell asleep immediately.

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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^