Trials & Party planning

School & Life (Book 1)


As luck would have it the trial was the day after the funeral. Of course the only other person who could be a witness was dead. So it was only me who was there. Everyone else came just for moral support and I asked that Greaty and Yoongi were there beside me so I would have the strength to speak up.

I was terrified, Hwasa was the one who murdered Yoonji, who stabbed me, and who had the potential to kill me if the opportunity was given to her, of course I would be scared.

I walked into the courtroom.

(so uhm idk how this works so we'll just use my version of how the trial goes)

"we are here today to trail against Ahn Hye Jin, who is suspected for attempted murder of the witness Kim Eunae and murder of Min Yoonji. What do you say to this?" She glared at me "I'm innocent I never committed either of those crimes to either of them, what happened to Yoonji was horrible, and I didn't hurt Kim Eunae I swear."

I got angry. How dare she lie and especially for Yoonji's death. "objection your honor! She killed Yoonji and she did stab me. I'm the one who almost died by her hand and everyone of my friends can say that's the truth!" I shouted. I was scared, if she was let go she would kill me for sure. 

"it's true I saw it. I saw this attempted murder" Greaty and Yoongi said which made me feel so thankful for them being here by my side. everyone else said it too. Hwasa was getting nervous. I looked around the police officers were too far.

I quickly did the math. Hwasa would kill me by suffocation before they would reach her, if I held on long enough I'd be lucky, problem is I have problems with my breathing so in a few short seconds could mean my death immediately. My anxiety was reaching the point I could actually have an anxiety attack, though I never had one in front of any of them so they don't know I have anxiety, works better for me I suppose.

the judge looked at her papers, i looked around, everyone was on their phones... wow even now people are obsessed with technology. Yeah even you, reading this on your tech stuff. 

Hwasa looked over at me. I didn't dare look at her. I felt the attack coming I couldn't let it happen. She lept up and choked me I was already losing air, Yoongi and Greaty were trying to pull her off me. I passed out soon after.

Yoongi POV

Greaty and me managed to pull Hwasa off Kim, she was fainted. I knew she had problems with her lungs. Hwasa ed up now. She just attempted to murder the witness right in front of everyone's eyes. "Ahn Hye Jin you are sentenced to death for the attempted murder of Kim Eunae and the murder of Min Yoonji. Send her to her cell and get Eunae an ambulance."

I shook my head, she just needed to rest at home she would be fine for now. she wasn't showing any signs of being in danger, we took her home and everyone played in her room while we waited for her to wake up. "Hey guys what day is it today?" I looked at the calender she had in her room

"Uhm it's September 10th, why?" Jenny smiled and pointed to the dates circled in Kim's calender. "Cause. Namjoon and Kim's birthday is coming up!" She smiled "My birthday passed already" Jungkook pointed out. Greaty smacked him.

"ouch! Why did you hit me?!"





I shouted. Jesus so annoying "my birthday is two days from now, Kim's birthday is I think 3 days after. So on the 15th" I nodded so he knew he was right. "should we have a party for you both then? Like a joint party?" He nodded "I would love to have a joint party!" Kim exclaimed. I chuckled she woke up at the right time.

"since the two birthday kids agreed then we shall." She smiled "One condition the joint party is for three people. Since we didn't celebrate Jungkook's birthday let's do it now!" He smiled so brightly at that.

"Wah really? Thanks Kim!" he hugged her tightly and honestly If I didn't know better then I'd think Jungkook was starting to crush on her. But I knew better. He is lovesick over Greaty. I have no reason to be jealous. I laughed at the thought, jeez how weird would it be if he did.

Jenny POV

I was drawing and I felt someone's head on my shoulder and saw Taehyung. I smiled "Hey Taetae, what's up?" he sat beside me "What are you drawing?" I shrugged "nothing important" I put it away. I didn't want him to see since it was a little birthday gift I was working on. I know his birthday is in December but I wanted it to be prepared beforehand so It was ready on time.

I faced him. "What's up Tae" he shrugged "I'm tired~" I patted his head. "then sleep alien sleep" he shook his head and started poking me, and I poked him back each time. We just had a poking war for a long time.

I always felt happy around Taetae I don't know why.

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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^