New Friends - Burning Troubles

School & Life (Book 1)

Kayla POV

I was walking into school with Jimin, he kept pouting since me and Greaty are gonna go back home today now that the teacher is arrested. Thank goodness for that. I saw Taehyung and Kim up ahead and shouted "Kim! Tae!" They turned and smiled before waving at us so we walked over and started traveling to our lockers all together. Then I saw Jenny and started to call her until Taehyung paled. "Tae? Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" He turned bright red "Why do you look like a fricking tomato?!" He ran off in the opposite direction and accidentally hit the wall.. is he alright? "Tae!" Me and Jimin ran over to him and helped him up while Kim just shook her head "This " 

Jenny heard the commotion since she walked over it seems "Hey everyone, what's going on?" Tae turned around "Uh Tae just hit the wall by mistake" She turned bright red and I raised a brow, what's going on with these two?? They are acting really weird. "I hope he is alright then, I have to go sorry!" She scurried off and I could hear Tae sigh quietly.. Seriously What's up with them??? I looked at Kim who looked at Tae and shook her head, She knows what's going on. 

But I doubt she is gonna tell me so I'm just going to have to get it out of Tae or out of Jenny.. hmm.... Taehyung is easier to crack then Jenny, she's a complete closed book when she wants nobody knowing something. I'll talk to him during lunch. First I should help him to the nurse's office. Jimin and me walked to the infirmary before getting ice for his head. I held it to his head where a bruise was forming and told Jimin to go to class and let our teacher know where I was. 

"Tae.. What's going on with you and Jenny? You both are acting super weird and we are just worried, did you two have a fight or something?" He shook his head "we didn't fight." So then what is going on with them? "Then why are you both acting so weird and trying to avoid each other?" His face turned bright red.. but why? it's not like they kissed or something... or... maybe... "did you guys kiss or something?!" he covered my mouth "shh!" this brat.. seems like that's what happened. "it was by accident. She fell and i tried to catch her but then we fell and our lips hit each other by accident." I nodded and he let go of me.

"So thats why you two are acting so weird?" He nodded "Yeah" I scoffed at him and he frowned "what was that for??" I hit him with the ice and he whined in pain. "Go talk to her! You two wanna break your friendship over an accident?! Go and apologize to her and be good friends again!" I made him hold the ice and he pouted before nodding "I'll talk to her during lunch then."

"Alright good! Jeez you two are idiots" I shook my head "Hey I'm a genius!" I raised a brow at him and he just whined more. "Alright Tae I'm going to class see you weirdo, remember to go talk to her and fix this so you guys can be good friends again!" He nodded and smiled, I smiled back then walked off to class. Man I hope they'll be alright by lunch time. Hm Greaty and Jungkook are together so, I can work on matchmaking the alien and the otaku now. 


Taehyung POV

I walked to my first class after the nurse gave me the okay. I sat down and thought a bit about what Kayla said, I  mean it was just embarassing for us. It's understandable why we are acting like this. I looked over at Jenny who was sitting beside Jungkook and the others in the group, she spoke with them so happily, I felt like I shouldn't come over there, she might feel uncomfortable. So I just stayed in my seat and listened to music. I closed my eyes, and started singing along.


I've been Hiding it 

I tell you something

Just to leave it buried

Now I can't endure it anymore

why couldn't I say it then

I have been hurting anyway

really I won't be able to endure it

Now cry

It's only that I am very sorry towards you

again, cry because I couldn't protect you


I stopped singing when someone tapped my shoulder. I opened my eyes and took off my headphones and saw Jenny near me. Wait why? "Tae come over here with us, don't be such a loner. I'm sorry for acting the way I did, it just embarassed me a lot and I felt bad for what I caused. I blinked in surprise. Why would she apologize?! I'm not upset with her at all "Don't apologize Jenny you didn't do anything wrong! I should be apologizing for what happened, look let's leave that in the past and keep being friends no awkwardness or anything just stupidity like normal" She grinned and nodded. So we hugged and I went over with the others.


We just talked even though we were presenting our skit tomorrow, We at least knew what we were doing and everyone memorized their lines and when to say it, Thank God for that. I looked around, Jimin and Kayla were watching videos together on her phone, Jungkook and Greaty were talking and cuddling in their seats, damn I need someone to date.. Well at least Jenny isn't dating someone either. 

"Hey guys" Greaty called out, we all looked at her "wanna hang out all together today? We need all of our friends together here" I nodded, Jenny gave a thumbs up, Kayla and Jimin just gave sounds of agreement and Jungkook obviously followed his girlfriend's lead, it's kinda cute, but also bugs me. I wanna date someone and be cute like them! "Taetae.. You're pouting.." I blushed a bit and stopped, I didn't even know I was pouting. "Ah really? Sorry! I didn't mean to pout." Jenny smiled and shook her head to say it's fine. "Hey Jenny? How come you aren't dating anyone?" I was just curious but I also wanted to see if maybe she likes someone. Maybe I can help her ask out whoever she might like. 

"I'm Aual" ... wait what? "eh?" 

"I'm Aual. I'm not attracted to either Gender" I just blanked out for a moment "wow seriously?" she nodded. Well I guess that makes sense. "well alright then, That's suprising to know but also makes sense" She nodded and went back to doing something on her tablet. That explains a lot about her actually.. "Hey Taetae? How come you aren't dating anyoone then?" I kinda thought for a bit. There were lots of people who wanted to date me. So how come I didn't try dating any of them? "hm cause it feels like everyone wants to date me just cause I'm good looking, nobody wants to date me cause of me, just me as a person. Everyone wants to date a face, not a soul." She looked at me sadly. "I'm sure there's someone who would want to date you because of your personality Taetae, you just need to wait for them to appear."

I smiled softly, she really knew the right thing to say sometimes, "Thanks Jenny, you're a really good friend" She smiled at me as well. "No problem Taetae, now smile you're beautiful~" Greaty and Jungkook started laughing at the creepy smile I gave "Holy Taehyung that's creepy not beautiful!" I started laughing and so did everyone else, man I love my friends. 

Jenny POV

I was drawing on my tablet after all that, and started just letting my hands do all the work, whatever I drew would be a complete surprise to me. What surprised me more was I finished the drawing.. and the person looked too familiar to me. I drew a young boy, perhaps 4 years old. But he looked so familiar to me. Why did I draw him? Who is this boy? I sighed softly and just saved the drawing in my tablet before working on another drawing. Greaty came and put her head on my shoulder "Jenny get your friend off my boyfriend please~" I looked over and laughed at the ridiculous sight of Jungkook holding a sleeping Taehyung, Taehyung was almsot covering his entire body "Holy Tae I can't even see Jungkook's body." Kayla said which made everyone burst into laughter. Which woke up Taehyung. He mumbled "What's going on?" I tried not to laugh anymore ot explain to him "Taetae you're like covering Jungkook's entire body we can hardly see him" Jungkook whined "Get him off of me!" Taehyung shook his head and just leaned more into Jungkook "Goddamn it Taehyung! Get off of me man!" He laughed and got off of Jungkook, and then Greaty took his spot and cuddled Jungkook.

"She can cuddle you but I can't?" I snorted quietly "She's my girlfrined she can cuddle me whenever she wants" and Tae pretended to cry which just made Kayla and Jimin start laughing at him "aww it's okay Tae go cuddle Jenny" I shook my head "nope don't even think about it" He whined and tried cuddling me so I smacked him with my tablet jokingly his eyes got wide for a minute then he whined more "wahh Jenny is so mean to her bestie!" I blinked "I'm not mean to Greaty" and everyone died in laughter at Tae's expression.

He pouted "Nuuuu I'm your bestie!" I laughed and put away my tablet "okay come here bestie I will cuddle you" He frowned so I grabbed his hand and made him sit beside me" "stop sulking and just cuddle" He laughed at my bluntness and cuddled me "jeez you guys are just like a couple, date already man!" Jimin shouted, I turned red and so did Taehyung. "Shut up Jimin and go face with your girl!" Then it was his turn to turn red alogn with Kayla "damn it Taehyung!" I laughed at their friendship, and went back to drawing on my tablet for the rest of class.

-Bell ringing-


"Okay so remember we're all meeting up after school, Tae let your sister know and make sure she tells the others okay?" Taehyung nodded and me and him went off to Math class where Kim was talking to someone.. hmm looks familiar as well. Kim saw us and waved I looked back at Tae and he was looking over at Yoonji then I turned back and only Kim was there... I walked over to her and sat down "Hey Kim" She smiled "Hey, what's my idiot brother up to over there?" I shrugged "He was looking at Yoonji maybe he needed to talk to her or something" She shrugged "or maybe ask her out on a date?" weird. Why did my heart hurt a bit? ah maybe I'm one of those friends who is afraid their best friend will keep ditching them for another person. Nah Tae wouldn't do that to me though. I shrugged in response "Anyways I needed some help with the homework actually. Can you help me?" she nodded and looked at the question before explaining it to me.

We just kept talking until Taehyung came back and sat down "Hey we saw you lookin at Yoonji, did you ask her out?" Kim asked and Tae smacked her arm "no I didn't, I don't like yoonji that way, I was actually asking her if she could give me Yoongi's number so I could ask him for some help with stuff" we nodded in response. Then the teacher came in.

"Good morning students, we have a few new students here today, They will be here as tutors for the class if help is needed, please introduce yourselves boys." The first one walked up "Hello! I'm Kim Seokjin nice to meet you all! I'm a grade 12 student and I'm nice until you make me mad" I snorted, Jin is such an awesome person. "I'm Kim Nmajoon, no me and jin aren't related, maybe in the future though" I ship it- it's canon I ship it- "I'm shipping them" Tae whispered to me and I noddded in agreement. "Anyways I'm in grade 11 and I'm just a chill guy, but I do have a temper if I hit my limit" well good to know.

Then that person Kim was talking to came up, "Hello I'm-" and the fire alarm went off, wow nice timing author- We all got out of our seats and walked outside, thank god it was good weather today. If it wasn't I'd hate everything. We just waited outside and Jin was taking attendance and making sure everyone was out safely. how responsible of him- "oh also guys, me and Namjoon aren't together, he's dating my sister that's why." DAMN IT MY SHIP SUNK DAMN YOU AUTHOR DAMN YOU JIN DAMN YOU NAMJOON UGH MY SHIP IT'S GONE FOREVER GODDAMN IT.

We were to stay outside and everyone started going to tlak to their friends. our friend group all met up but yoonji was frantic "Yoongi! Where is he?!" We looked around and a few of us went through the entire crowd, he wasn't there we went back hoping he was there, he wasn't.. "Oh God" I got really worried... he must be back in the school.. "the school.." Greaty looked worried as hell, Jimin was biting his nails nervously, Jungkook was trying to calm Greaty, and Kayla was quiet, Taehyung was hugging Kim and Yoonji because they both finally broke into tears. Jin swore which surprised everyone and went to go back into the school "No Jin!"

I ran after him, he was gonna get himself killed in there, but Taehyung grabbed me along with a teacher "Jenny no we can't let someone else go inside it's seriously bad in there" I was about to cry Jin is one of my close friends if I lose him I won't forgive myself. Jin please make it out okay with Yoongi.. please...









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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^