Hospital Visits & Forgiveness

School & Life (Book 1)

Kayla POV

I heard someone scream Jimin's name. I opened the window of my room and what I saw, broke me more. Jimin was lying unconscious on the street, blood was pouring from his body, a car driving off and people taking photos of the plate number. I ran downstairs damn it Jimin!

I got out of the house and a girl was crying and kissing his head. Now wasn't the time to be jealous I know but even if I'm mad at him he's still my boyfriend. "give him to me" I carefully put his head on my lap and used the towel I was holding to stop his bleeding. "excuse me?! Who the are you !?"

She shrieked in anger. I gave her a death glare "His girlfriend. Have a problem with me trying to save my boyfriend from bleeding to death!? Believe me I'd beat your if I wasn't so worried about him!" I went back to focusing on him.

My heart cried for him. Jimin please be okay.. I'll forgive you.. I promise I'll forgive you just please be okay...

Eventually the ambulance came and took him to the hospital. I decided to change out of my bloody clothes first then went to the hospital. I texted Greaty to let her know. I went up to the reception desk.

"hello I'm here for Park Jimin. He might have just arrived" She nodded and typed the name into her computer. "please sign in first then you may go to his room. It's room 123" I nodded and signed in then went to room 123, I quietly knocked on the door. That same girl answered.

" why are you still here!?" I met all his family members before this isn't any of his female family members. "I love Jimin. I want him to love me as well" I shook my head "he loves me though. And I love him. Now leave his room. You can be friends with him but you can't date him. I already have his heart." then I heard

Footsteps and saw everyone come. "Is Jimin alright?" Kim said worried. Then she glanced over the girl "you look... Familiar.. Have we met before?" the girl shook her head. "Kayla who is she?" Namjoon said. I saw his hand holding Jin's tightly.. Boy... I'm gonna interrogate them later.

"I don't know bit I know she loves my boyfriend and want him and she isn't going to get him." I had enough. I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room. Then I saw a doctor and told him. "don't let her near Jimin she is just going to bother him." I let go of her but then I heard her and froze "he loves me.. I'm sure of it.. Otherwise why would he kiss me like that three years ago?".... She was the girl.

"he was drugged that night. And he thought you were me. When my friend told him, he felt absolutely guilty and was terrified he'd lose me if he said it. He won't lose me. But he has always been mine. Give up now and find someone who is actually going to love you and isn't taken."

I walked back to Jimin's room and took the sent beside him. Kim was his hair "Kim what are you doing?" She pouted "his hair is so soft and fluffy. Like Greaty's hair" then everyone just touched his hair. Even I did. I forgot how fluffy it felt.

I was curious about something "Hey girls? Who are you closest to here? I mean from the guys and not your boyfriends and for Kim not your brother" She chuckled and nodded.

They thought about it "I'd say I'm closest to Taetae" Greaty said. "I'm closest to Jin myself" Jenny said "I can't use my brother so I'd actually say Jimin. I talked to him the most. And we always hang out" I nodded

"he's still a loser though"

We all laughed at that and I heard a whine. "I'm not a loser" He woke up. "Jimin are you alright? He groaned in pain." I feel like I was hit by a car.." I smiled sadly "you were hit by a car baby" he blinked. Then his eyes widened "wait Kayla please baby I'm sorry. Im really sorry I didn't tell you. Please don't leave me. I need you here with me." He looked close to tears and I hugged him carefully "I forgive you. Just next time if that happens you tell me as soon as you can. Don't be an idiot this time"

He held me and nodded. my hair gently and he sighed in relief. "I was so scared to lose you. Thank the Lord" I smiled. Just then Kim snapped up "oh! I remember that girl now! She's one of my business partner's daughter! She's bad news for sure! Don't let Jimin near her! It doesn't matter if he loves Kayla if she wants something she always gets it no matter what. Kayla be careful cause you can or might have already made an enemy out of her"

We all stared "your business partner's daughter!?" Yoongi said in shock. She blinks "oh did I say MY business partner? I meant uhm... Uhm.." we all stared "alright my real parents. Died when I was young right? Their company wad handed down to me. When I was adopted by Taehyung's family his appa was running the company. I studied really hard and worked really hard. So when I was 10 I asked for the company back. He said if I can take it from him Then I can have it back.

Well I took it from him. Actually I took the documents back and had a lawyer come in to fix it for me. Now I run the company. His appa still works there just he works in the songwriting wing.

I have a music company. It's called bighit (y'all get it) of course nobody would accept me being the ceo since I'm young. So there is a friend of mine who is the ceo for me at public events. I tell him exactly what to do. He gives me the choices and I follow him to every meeting.

My company isn't the biggest like Sm or yg or jyp. But it's well known." Yoongi stood up "I auditioned there a while ago. I was rejected." She blinked "when did you audition?" She looked confused "I never saw your audition Yoongi" She went through her papers. Damn she's organized.

"your audition isn't here." She looked confused. "I auditioned though" She sighed "alright well there is an audition coming up soon. We need members for a new boy group. You are all welcome to come and audition. Though don't expect me to accept you because you are my friends. You need to be very talented." Namjoon smiled brightly.

"ew what's with the bright smile loser?" he whined "I'm part of that group. Actually we've been trying for a while. I think I'm the only one who is still there from the beginning" Kim nodded. "yeah you are. So I'm going to be going through the auditions myself. Like I said I won't be easy on you.

I might reject you if I feel you don't have the potential or determination to be successful in the entertainment industry. Check the Internet for your audition requirements. I wish you good luck and I'm going to go now. The auditions are in a month. Sign up and wait for an email from me. You don't have that email you can't audition."

She got all business like so quick. Damn. She left and Yoongi was left staring "uhh Yoongi? You alright?" I think this guy liked her business side.

" child" Jin said. Yoongi turned bright red and covered his face. "so is everyone auditioning besides Namjoon?" they all nodded. Even Jimin did. I was excited to see their talents but I'm sure Kim wouldn't let us go see. So I guess we have to wait. That means everyone's hair has to go back to black. I wonder how this would go.

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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^