Fights & Final Confessions

School & Life (Book 1)


I can't believe Yoonji slapped me like that. My cheek actually stung painfully, and Yoongi was absolutely furious with her. "What do you mean she deserved it?!" Was it because I slapped Yoongi last time? "She's dating you! I don't approve of this at all! I don't like her, how can you even like her Yoongi!?" Ouch.. I mean I know I don't deserve someone like him but... It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt me..

"Yoonji shut up right now! You don't have the right to choose who I date or not. Only mom and dad have that right, they are my parents they are allowed to approve or disapprove" Yoongi gently made me show my cheek to him. "Greaty let's go to your house quickly, Kim needs ice for this. Yoonji go home immeidately and you tell our parents what you did to another student." She only got more angry.

"Suga I don't think she deserves that, let her come with the rest of us, besides Greaty wanted to do the confession circle or whatever she said" I finally spoke up. Everyone stared at me in shock. "What? You think because she slapped me we'd be enemies? Jeez this isn't a fanfiction guys" (uhm it kinda is but yunno whatever)

I led the way with Greaty "Hey Kim.. Are you alright?" She asked quietly. I shrugged "yeah I'll be fine it's just a slap it won't kill me" She nodded. "Hey I know we aren't really friends but if you need to talk to someone I got your back." She smiled at me. And I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Kayla "I got your back as well girl" I felt myself smile at the kind words of support. "thank you, both of you really. I appreciate it a lot"

Yoongi POV

I watched Kim as she talked with Kayla and Greaty, she seemed to be happier now, which calmed me a bit. I glanced at Yoonji who still seemed angry. "Min Yoonji tell me why she deserved it" I said clearly. She looked at me "She slapped you though!" I sighed "I deserved it. I did wrong to her. I deserved it. I will explain when we get to Greaty and Kayla's place"

I kept walking with Jin and Namjoon. I got angry though. I understand Yoonji's concern but I did deserve what I got. Finally we got to their house and Kayla unlocked the door. Everyone got settled in and me and Jin got fixed up. So did Kim who needed ice for her slap.

Finally we all sat down in a circle and Greaty spoke "ok so I want to hear everyone's secrets. No more secrets between all of us. This is our friendship group and nobody is to keep a secret now. We will start with Kim and Yoongi." everyone looked at us. And Kim spoke up "we are hiding a secret from you all. For a long time now." She looked at me. I got more nervous. My throat seemed to close up and I almost thought of denying it.

My mind said deny it. My heart said tell the truth. And I regret what I did next. "we aren't hiding anything. You heard wrong. We aren't dating I swear." the room was completely silent. I almost thought I heard Kim's heart shatter. Her eyes filled with tears immediately, they fell down her cheeks quickly.

Greaty just got up. And so did Kayla. And they spoke in unison.
"Min Yoongi, never get near her again"
"Min Yoongi, never get near her again"

If looks could kill I'd be dead a bunch of times now. Hoseok was hugging her tightly, she was crying into his chest, my heart was in pain, watching someone else hold her to comfort her. "N-no Kim wait" I tried to go to her. Jungkook and Jimin stopped me. "No wait! Kim wait I'm sorry!" Jungkook and Jimin grabbed my arms and started to try to lead me away.

"you had another chance and you ed it up yourself." is all Jimin said. "No!" Hoseok walked over to me as he let Kim go over to Jin. "Yoongi. You had your chance. Now I'll be the one to love her, and do it right I won't hide her away and I will protect her no matter what." I glared at him "To hell you will! She's mine Jung Hoseok!!"

And then I was thrown out. Yoonji followed me out and she was so angry "ugh we don't need them oppa. It's alright" I shook my head "no Yoonji I love her I don't know why I did what I did. I was an idiot. I let my fear cloud over Me again I should have admitted it." I hated myself now.


Poor Yoongi. But what to do

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specxy #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting update soon please ^•^