Favorite Commenter Nominations Post

2016 Exo Fan Fiction Awards

Favorite Commenter

And the nominees are.....


Name:  Kyanos
 Profile link here 


Name:  fopsyche94
 Profile link here 


Name:  eterninitys
 Profile link here 


Name:  ixxxrene
 Profile link here 


Name:  Soft_wallnuts
 Profile link here 


Name:  Lavaak
 Profile link here 


Name:  Sugar-And-Salt
 Profile link here 


Name:  ephemeral24
 Profile link here 


Name:  seafoamblues
 Profile link here 


Name:  Florie
 Profile link here 


Name:  Sarah
 Profile link here 



Voting for this category begins on December 10th and ends on December 24th. An official voting post with instructions and links will be released prior to that date.

Congrats again to all of the nominees! Be sure to show them some love and comment on their fics!

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Remember: You only get 1 vote per category! Pls do not vote multiple times & DON'T spam votes. Repeat/outrageous violators WILL be blocked!


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