Chapter 61

Stubborn Heart
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"Is it what I think it is?" Boram ask.


Eunyeon just left right now.


"I guess so. Jiyeon ate everything in the fridge then she throw up. Then, she just go upstairs to change and started to crave for food again" Minnie said.


"So we are all thinking here that Jiyeon is pregnant" I said and they all nodded.


"I'm sure Eunjung knows how to handle her fiancée but they have to get married as soon as possible" Soyeon said.


"Right. But we all know Eunjung. She knows what to do at this situation" I said.


"Agree. So I guess we have to go home now. Soyeonnie needs to rest" Boram said and they bid goodbye.


Now there's just me and Minnie.


There's no declaration of war between us but I do feel awkward.


We're just standing there without saying a single word and we didn't even bother to look at each other.


"Sorry" She mutters.


I look at her and she was looking down.


"For what?" I ask.


"For leaving without telling you...." She said


I didn't respond.


Not because I hate her but because I don't know what should I say to her.


"Sorry for arguing with you about the surname. Now I want you to know that I'm more than willing to be Mrs. Lee as long as you'll be the one that I will marry" She said and this time she was looking at me.


I'm speechless but I'm happy.


"Do still want to marry me Kyul?" She step closer and hold my hand.


I smile to her.


"Of course I'll marry you" I said and pull her into a hug.


"We won't argue about this again alright?" I said to her.


"We never argue" She said to me and we laugh.


"So you wanna go home now or you still wanted stroll for a while?" I ask.


"Let's just stay here for a while. We've got nothing to do at home" She said and we walk around holding each other's hand.




Jungie and I were still here in the hospital waiting for the result but I had this strong feeling in me that it's positive.


Hospitals still makes me feel uncomfortable and I'm wishing to leave this place as soon as possible.


What's helping me to stay in here without freaking out is Jungie holding my hand.


What's funny is that she looks excited and more nervous than me.


She's squeezing my hand while shaking her legs.


"Baby" She called me out.


I just look at her.


"Don't be scared ok. Just relax coz I'm here beside you" She said and that makes me giggle.


"Jungie I'm nervous but not as nervous as you are" I said to her


"Right. I can't just help it you know." She said.


"I know but calm down. I had a strong feeling that I'm carrying our first baby inside me" I said and place her hand over my tummy.


She smile and kiss my cheek.


"Then I will be really happy" She said


Then the doctor calls us giving us the good news.


"Thank you so much doctor!!" Jungie repeatedly saying thank you to the doctor.


She looks really happy.


I'm pregnant and I'm really happy seeing Jungie this happy.


"YES! WE'RE HAVING OUR FIRST BABY!" Jungie started to run around and scream at the hallway.


Everyone was looking at us now.


"Yah! Stop it" I said to her.


She run back to me and lifts me.


"I can't contain my happiness right now baby." She said and kiss my lips.


Now I'm really blushing hard.


Why does she have to do that in the middle of the hallway?


"I know and I'm very happy too. Especially that now that I could see you this happy. Put me down now please" I said to her.


"No. You'll get tired on walking let me carry you to the car" She said and started to walk while she was carrying me


"Hey Jungie. I can walk. Don't overreact please" I said to her.


"I'm not overreacting baby" She said and by the tone of her voice I could say that she's not going to put me down no matter what.


I just buried my head on the crook of her neck so that I could see everyone staring at us.


They're not saying bad things but I still feel shy.


Jungie put me down when we reach the car.


I notice that she was staring at me with a smile plastered on her face.


My heart flutters seeing that smile.


I smile back to her and then suddenly her eyes went teary.


"Wae?" I worriedly ask.


Instead of answering my question she took a step closer and pulls me for a sweet passionate kiss.


Yeah, who cares if lots of people see us like this?


I saw her in tears after we kiss and so I wipe them.


I know these are tears of joy.


"Hey don't cry. You make me wanna cry too." I said to her.


My eyes start to become teary.


"Yeah. Let's go and buy the ice cream that you want" She said and open the door for me to get in.


She drove us to the convenience store to buy ice cream and other sweets that I want to eat all of a sudden.


And just like the first time we go to buy groceries together I am now riding on the cart.


That was years ago but I still wanna do it again.


"Jungie buy me that one...oh and that one too" I excitedly said and she giggles.


"Seems like our baby love foods that you don't usually eat." She said.


"Yeah seems like it. I wanna walk help me up" I said to her and she help me to go down.


I just cling on her arms while she was pushing the cart.


"So is this all?" Jungie ask me when I can't decide what to buy anymore and I also realize that we have tons in the cart.


The cashier will take a long time punching in these items.


"I guess so." I said and we headed to the counter.


"Jungie I think I'll just wait for you over there. I need to sit" I said to her and she nodded.


I sit on the chair on the corner while waiting for Jungie.


I check my phone and saw message from unnie.


Hey fetch Hannah this afternoon. I can't make it.

-Tweeny Unnie.


I just replied to her that I will.


She's obviously commanding me here so I had no choice.


And besides I kinda miss that kid too.


I keep my phone and look at Jungie's direction.


I frown when I saw the cashier flirting with my fiancée.


That is unacceptable.


I stand up and walk closer to them.


The cashier keeps giving my Jungie flirty looks and gestures.

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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
Dashtara #2
Good story
Richa01 #3
Chapter 65: How did they end up being pregnant? I mean the four of them... I really don't understand it even though i already read the story itself
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 1: And another awesome fic of your is over waaaaaa i will miss this childish people on this fic but well its time to move on to another one hahah i just love the end you can really see a happy ending here ..everyone is happy so were their kids and thanks for making this imagination of us happens haha now im excited to see what on the next fic heheh
PJY_loveEunyeon #5
Chapter 65: Wow Congrats bestfriend!! It's a happy ending once again. I really love the way you make happy endings though sometimes I wanted more. Hahaha but it's still awesome. I'm proud of you really. Get well soon ok? I know you'll never stop writing. I'm always supporting your fics thou sometimes i failed to drop comments. Fighting!!
Nangnang #6
Chapter 65: happy ending yeahhhhh
gorgeous goddess & super handsome and cool heol so cute hahaha
baby too cute and funny i love to read the innocence talk to parent they like thier parent so much
ramyeon too cuteee jimin & hyereum seem like eunyeon hahaha loveeeee
i reading with big smile till the end ^^
thank you for the best fanfic authornim i always love you fic kk
always support you woohhh fightinggg
Chapter 65: Woahhh....... I love it! I love it so much! From the first until the end their love story is so sweets ~~~ until I smiling like an idiot while reading each part of them. Hehehe... Even EunYeon was separated for a moment for a long time. But they still being together in the end. Hmm... my love for T-ara become more and more because of this... huhuhu... Thank you author-ssi for your love story about them. Thank you very much! Chuu~~
OnlyEunyeon #8
Chapter 65: Wahhhh it's the end of it. TT^TT I'm gonna miss this fic. Congratulations for this story authornim. You finish another wonderful story and it's an awesome happy ending. DAEBAK!! I love the kids so much. They're like their parents and Jijung Jimin and Hyereum love triangle too haha. So funny. And wahh you ended the story with another race in baby making. I feel like it's not yet the ending but it is really the ending now. I'm gonna wait for the update on your next fic. I'm gonna see you again there authornim. Thanks for again for this story about Eunyeon
OnlyEunyeon #9
Chapter 64: Wow the babies were born on the same day that was awesome authornim. And the next chapter will be the last?? Wahh!! Love their names. But Ramyeon really got me. Hahaha thanks for the update authornim. You seem really busy.
Nangnang #10
Chapter 64: wow the baby born in same day what a special day for them ><!!
i love ramyeon baby name haha rambo who love to eat choose this name right? kkk
i can't imangine when thier kids birthday party will be more funny and frantic