Chapter 5

Stubborn Heart
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I brought Jiyeon to the clinic but the nurse was not there so I had no choice but to carry her to my car to bring her to the hospital.


"Where are we going?" She weakly asks.


"Hospital" I replied.


"No! Please don't bring me there! I'm ok now." She said while obviously enduring the pain she feels and trying hard to look ok.


"Can you just sit there? I should take you to the hospital." I said to her.


"No. Please Eunjung don't take me there I beg you. Just send me home." She said while shaking me.


I stop the car before we could meet an accident because of her.


Even though she's at this state she could still be so annoying.




I stop when I saw her crying.


"Please" she begs.


I sighed.


"Fine. I'll send you home but it's not my fault when something happens to you" I said and start to drive back home.


She just sits properly and closes her eyes while holding her tummy.


She doesn't want to go to hospital so there's nothing I can do.


It was her choice.


When we arrive at our house...


Our house was just in front of each other remember?


"Hey, we're already here" I said and nudge her.


She's so not the crazy girl right now.


She slowly opens her eyes.


"Thanks you." She said and removes her seatbelt and then goes outside the car.


I waited for her to get inside their gate before I go to my house.


Will she be fine?


Well, I think she will be just fine.


I just go to my room and change then I go downstairs again to have my dinner.


Did she eat already?


I scratch my head.


I can't stop worrying about her.


I hate her and I don't like her but I can't get her out of my mind.


"Stop thinking about her Eunjung!" I scolded myself.


"She's old enough to take care of herself." I still try to convince myself and started to eat.


But while I'm eating Jiyeon's face flashes to my mind.


A while ago when she's crying begging me not to take her to the hospital she look so fragile.


Her eyes were filled with sadness and fear.


I sighed again and immediately finish my food.


And because I can't stop thinking about that crazy girl I decided to go out and go to the house across the street.


I pressed the doorbell few times but no one's coming out.


All the lights were off too.


Is she already asleep?


Maybe she's ok now and having some rest.


I should stop caring about that girl.


I was about to leave when I notice something at the bottom part of the gate.


Is that a hand?




I tried to open the gate but it seems like she's blocking it.


"Alright Ham Eunjung now is the time for your athletic skills." I said to myself and do some stretching.


I'm not going to kick the gate don't worry.


I'm climbing on the fence instead.


I hope no one sees me here and mistaken me as a thief.


Gladly there's none but I get a few scratches on my arm.


I found Jiyeon sitting on the ground leaning on the gate.


"Hey!" I immediately rush to her.


"It h-hurts" She said weakly with her eyes close while holding her tummy.




I lift her and headed to her house.


It's open.


Don't tell me she forgets to lock the door when she leaves her house?


It's too dark inside but I can see the stairs.


I think her room is somewhere upstairs.


I took her to the first room I saw.


I open the door and place her on bed before I search for the switch and turn on the lights


I think it is her room that is the balcony where I saw her yesterday.


"Hey does this always happen to you? Do you have medicine?" I ask her coz I know she's awake even though her eyes were close.


I remove her shoes and sat beside her.


"I'm hungry" She said.




"Wait here. I'll just go downstairs and get you some food." I said and headed to the kitchen.


Instant foods?




I don't think it's good for her.


So I decided to go back to my house to get some food.


I'll just reheat this one and she could eat this.


I sighed.


What am I doing?


Why am I so concern to her?


I go back to her room with the food


"Hey are you asleep already?" I ask.


She opens her eyes and look at me.


I help her to sit up and started to feed her coz I don't think she can't do it by herself.


She eats like she hasn’t eaten for years.


"When was the last time you eat?" I ask her.


"Yesterday? At breakfast?" She said


And my eyes widen.


"Mwo? No wonder you're like this" I said and scratch my head.


She looks better now so I think I can leave her alone.


"I'm going now since you look fine now" I said.


"Andwae! Don't leave me here please"


There she goes again with her pleading look.


A look that I don't think I could say no.


I sighed.


"You look fine now I should go home" I insisted and she pout.


"Wow I didn't know you know how to act cute" I said.


I saw her smile but she still ignores me and pretends to be sulking.


"So I can leave now. If I stay here I bet you'll be just like that and wouldn't talk to me so bye" I said and started to walk towards the door but a pillow hits the back of my head.


What the!


I turn around and face her with a frown.


"Yah! Is this the way how you'll thank me after all that I've done to you?!" I yelled at her.


She looks down and shook her head.


"I'm leaving" I said and headed to the door but I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.


"Please Jungie stay here for tonight. I don't want to be alone please." She said with a very sad tone.


I could also feel that she's a little bit hot.


Maybe that's why she's being emotional.


I sighed.


I keep telling myself to stop caring about her but look at what I'm doing right now?


"Fine. I'll stay here till you fall asleep" I said.


"Thank you" She said.


"Hmm. Go to sleep now" I said to her.


She headed back to bed and I just sit on the chair waiting for her to fall asleep.


It's been an hour but she's still not asleep.


I'm doing nothing here and we didn't talk too coz if I did that she would never really fall asleep.


"Jungie I can't sleep." She suddenly breaks the silence.


"Why do you keep calling me Jungie? Are we close?" I ask her and again I see her pout.


"Can you hug me to sleep?" She asks while looking down.


Is she being shy right now?


I didn't know she knows how to be shy.


"Yah. Are you taking advantage of everything?" I ask.


"No! Just go back to house!" She suddenly became like the brat Jiyeon again and hides herself under her blanket.


I sighed again.


I can't believe I keep agreeing to her.


I go and sit on her bed.


"Jiyeon-ah I'm here now. Come out there before I change my mind" I said as I lie down beside her.


She slowly removes the cover on her face.


"I'm not taking advantage of you. I just need a hug" She said while pouting


She so damn cute.


I admit

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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
Dashtara #2
Good story
Richa01 #3
Chapter 65: How did they end up being pregnant? I mean the four of them... I really don't understand it even though i already read the story itself
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 1: And another awesome fic of your is over waaaaaa i will miss this childish people on this fic but well its time to move on to another one hahah i just love the end you can really see a happy ending here ..everyone is happy so were their kids and thanks for making this imagination of us happens haha now im excited to see what on the next fic heheh
PJY_loveEunyeon #5
Chapter 65: Wow Congrats bestfriend!! It's a happy ending once again. I really love the way you make happy endings though sometimes I wanted more. Hahaha but it's still awesome. I'm proud of you really. Get well soon ok? I know you'll never stop writing. I'm always supporting your fics thou sometimes i failed to drop comments. Fighting!!
Nangnang #6
Chapter 65: happy ending yeahhhhh
gorgeous goddess & super handsome and cool heol so cute hahaha
baby too cute and funny i love to read the innocence talk to parent they like thier parent so much
ramyeon too cuteee jimin & hyereum seem like eunyeon hahaha loveeeee
i reading with big smile till the end ^^
thank you for the best fanfic authornim i always love you fic kk
always support you woohhh fightinggg
Chapter 65: Woahhh....... I love it! I love it so much! From the first until the end their love story is so sweets ~~~ until I smiling like an idiot while reading each part of them. Hehehe... Even EunYeon was separated for a moment for a long time. But they still being together in the end. Hmm... my love for T-ara become more and more because of this... huhuhu... Thank you author-ssi for your love story about them. Thank you very much! Chuu~~
OnlyEunyeon #8
Chapter 65: Wahhhh it's the end of it. TT^TT I'm gonna miss this fic. Congratulations for this story authornim. You finish another wonderful story and it's an awesome happy ending. DAEBAK!! I love the kids so much. They're like their parents and Jijung Jimin and Hyereum love triangle too haha. So funny. And wahh you ended the story with another race in baby making. I feel like it's not yet the ending but it is really the ending now. I'm gonna wait for the update on your next fic. I'm gonna see you again there authornim. Thanks for again for this story about Eunyeon
OnlyEunyeon #9
Chapter 64: Wow the babies were born on the same day that was awesome authornim. And the next chapter will be the last?? Wahh!! Love their names. But Ramyeon really got me. Hahaha thanks for the update authornim. You seem really busy.
Nangnang #10
Chapter 64: wow the baby born in same day what a special day for them ><!!
i love ramyeon baby name haha rambo who love to eat choose this name right? kkk
i can't imangine when thier kids birthday party will be more funny and frantic