Chapter 31

Stubborn Heart
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"Because you're important to me too. Very important actually. When I first give you the magnifying glass. I gave you half of my heart."




"Now I'm giving you its pair. I gave you my whole heart."




"I want you to know that the love I feel for you was no joke. I feel like I was going to explode with all the love I feel for you."




"I never actually thought I could love like this though my entire life I feel so unloved. I'm glad that I still believe in love and now I found you I'm even more glad" she said and smile to me.




"Goodbye Eunjung"


"Wait! Don't leave!"


Damn another dream of her again.


For the past five years I always dream of her every night.


I'm still hoping one day I would wake up that my gorgeous goddess baby would be back to me and everything will be ok.


I do love her.


I still love her.


Nothing change at all and I miss her so much already




I ignore the person who gets inside my room.


"Yah! You're ignoring me. You're so mean!" She irritably said.


"Why are you here Soyeon?" I ask her.


"Let's hang out." She said.


"I'll pass this time" I said and go to the bathroom.


"You'll pass this time? You always refuse to hang out with us Ham Eunjung! That is unacceptable!" She yelled from the outside.


I didn't respond.


I just go outside my house when I really have to other than that I just stay here and do nothing.


"You should go out today too!" she said.


"I am going out today" I said.


"Where to?! You're going to search for Jiyeon again?! It's been five years Eunjung! She already forget about us!" She yelled at me.


I didn't respond.


My heart tells me that Jiyeon still loves me.


She's still loves me.


I can feel it.


I change my and go out of the bathroom.


I thought Soyeon already left but she's still here sitting on my bed.


"What?" I ask her and she was staring at me.


"Qri needs your help in the company Eunjung. Right now we have a big problems with the investors. They're suddenly backing out" She said.


About the others.


Qri was now the CEO of Mom and her Dad's company and she hired the others as her employee.


Gladly, Hyojoon can walk now.


They're working together as a team.


I could be a part of the company too if I want but I'm not interested to any of it.


All I want right now is to find Jiyeon and get her back to me.


I didn't respond to Soyeon again.


I need to think first.


She sighed.


"Just in case you change your mind. We will meet up this lunch. Qri said she already have an idea on how to fix this but she needs help." She said and leaves my room.


I sighed.





Soyeon came to our office and slump herself in on her chair.


"Hey" I approach her and give her a kiss.


"I came from Eunjung's house today" She said.


"Oh. So happen? She's still wasting her time looking for Jiyeon?" I ask


"Yup. I hope she didn't waste her life to this. Jiyeon might already have a happy life with Hyeri and there she is, still hoping and can't even move on" she said.


"Ok. Stop stressing yourself. I'm sure Eunjung will get tired and will start to move on soon." I said to her.


"I hope so. Her craziness to Jiyeon is getting her nowhere" she said.


I don't know if I hate Jiyeon but I really think what she did was so stupid.


It's so not the gorgeous goddess way.


Sometimes I really hate it when she does things without thinking.


She's smart too but she doesn't know when to use it.


It gives us a damn stress.


Soyeon's phone rings.


"Hello. Yes, it's me why?...really? Where?...WHAT?!"


I curiously look at her.


She looks shocked.


"Wae? What happen?" I ask.


"They found my Dad" She said.


"Really? Isn't that a good thing?" I ask...


"He's in a mental hospital" she said.






"Jiyeon-ah! Wake up now! You're needed in the office today. Did you just forget the meeting early this morning?!"




This Lee Hyeri is so noisy


I cover my face with pillow.




There she started to yell


She's always like this.


I get up and throw the pillow right on her face.



"What time is it?" I ask


My eyes were still half close.


"9:00am" She said


9:00 am?


"WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER?! I WAS SUPPOSE TO B THERE AN HOUR AGO!" I yelled at her while preparing myself.








Damn this won't end.


I need to hurry up.


After I change I immediately go to my car and saw Hyeri leaning in there.


"Move!" I irritably said to her.


She should've try harder to wake me up.


"Hey. Don't act rude. Let's have some breakfast first" She said and get into the car.


I go to the driver's seat.


"What the hell are you talking about Lee Hyeri? I'm already late." I said irritably to her.


"You could just make an excuse for now. You're the owner / CEO of that company" She said to me and started to laugh.


I took a deep breath.



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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
Dashtara #2
Good story
Richa01 #3
Chapter 65: How did they end up being pregnant? I mean the four of them... I really don't understand it even though i already read the story itself
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 1: And another awesome fic of your is over waaaaaa i will miss this childish people on this fic but well its time to move on to another one hahah i just love the end you can really see a happy ending here ..everyone is happy so were their kids and thanks for making this imagination of us happens haha now im excited to see what on the next fic heheh
PJY_loveEunyeon #5
Chapter 65: Wow Congrats bestfriend!! It's a happy ending once again. I really love the way you make happy endings though sometimes I wanted more. Hahaha but it's still awesome. I'm proud of you really. Get well soon ok? I know you'll never stop writing. I'm always supporting your fics thou sometimes i failed to drop comments. Fighting!!
Nangnang #6
Chapter 65: happy ending yeahhhhh
gorgeous goddess & super handsome and cool heol so cute hahaha
baby too cute and funny i love to read the innocence talk to parent they like thier parent so much
ramyeon too cuteee jimin & hyereum seem like eunyeon hahaha loveeeee
i reading with big smile till the end ^^
thank you for the best fanfic authornim i always love you fic kk
always support you woohhh fightinggg
Chapter 65: Woahhh....... I love it! I love it so much! From the first until the end their love story is so sweets ~~~ until I smiling like an idiot while reading each part of them. Hehehe... Even EunYeon was separated for a moment for a long time. But they still being together in the end. Hmm... my love for T-ara become more and more because of this... huhuhu... Thank you author-ssi for your love story about them. Thank you very much! Chuu~~
OnlyEunyeon #8
Chapter 65: Wahhhh it's the end of it. TT^TT I'm gonna miss this fic. Congratulations for this story authornim. You finish another wonderful story and it's an awesome happy ending. DAEBAK!! I love the kids so much. They're like their parents and Jijung Jimin and Hyereum love triangle too haha. So funny. And wahh you ended the story with another race in baby making. I feel like it's not yet the ending but it is really the ending now. I'm gonna wait for the update on your next fic. I'm gonna see you again there authornim. Thanks for again for this story about Eunyeon
OnlyEunyeon #9
Chapter 64: Wow the babies were born on the same day that was awesome authornim. And the next chapter will be the last?? Wahh!! Love their names. But Ramyeon really got me. Hahaha thanks for the update authornim. You seem really busy.
Nangnang #10
Chapter 64: wow the baby born in same day what a special day for them ><!!
i love ramyeon baby name haha rambo who love to eat choose this name right? kkk
i can't imangine when thier kids birthday party will be more funny and frantic