Chapter 21

Stubborn Heart
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"Jungie I have to tell you something" Jiyeon said.


"What?" I ask.


I knew there's something bothering her.


She bit her lower lip and I her grip on my shirt tightens.


"Wae Baby? Tell me what's wrong?" I ask her.


I can't help but to feel nervous at this situation.


She look at me and her eyes gone teary.


"Hey, say something. You’re seriously going to freak me out" I said.


She took a deep breath.


"Remember the day when we officially are together as a couple?" She said.


"Yes. Of course I do remember that day. How can I forget that when it's the most magical day of my life?" I said to her but I'm still nervous.


"'re not going to tell me that it was all a joke right?" I ask her.


"What if I tell you it is?" She asks.


"Hmm. I won't believe you. I see the way your eyes sparkle every time you look at me like this. Plus I'm really handsome now. There's no way you're going to let me go" I said proudly to her.


She smile and pinch my nose.


"It's true but you don't have to mention the obvious baby" She said and kiss my lips.


"Ok. So that's not what you're trying to tell me." I said.


"Yes, it's not that" She said and became serious again.


I waited for her to tell me.


We are just staring into each other and it's really obvious that she's afraid of something.


She sat up and look at me.


"What baby? Tell me. Don't be scared. I love you no matter what." I said to her.


She sat on the bed too and hugs me.


She buried her head on the crook of my neck.


"I meet my parents on that day with your Dad" She said and hugs me tighter.




"My Dad? Why is he here?" I ask.


"They want me to disappear." She said.


"What?!" I'm getting confused.


I make her face me


"Baby. Please explain it to me. I don't get it" I said.


"They let me sign an agreement that I will leave after graduation and never show up again. They know about our plan Jungie. They know what's the real score between you and Hyomin unnie. They want me to disappear coz they want you to marry Hyomin for the merging their companies." She said..


My Dad did that?


All this time I thought he cares for me.


"Just that?" I ask coz I don't think she will sign a stupid agreement for that reason.


She shook her head.


"My grandfather left something important under my name. I remember him telling me before that he wanted me to take care of it. The problem is I don't know what is it but my parents do. They will only let me have it if I follow the agreement" She explains.


"That's ridiculous Jiyeon! They want you to disappear?! If they want that I'd rather forget that he is my father!...Please don't do this baby. I don't want to be away from you" I said and pleaded her.


"I don't want it either but what should I do Jungie? I wanted to get what my grandfather left for me but right now I'm kinda regretting that I signed that contract. I wasn't really thinking at all that time. I thought it will be ok if I disappear coz I thought you still love unnie" she said while looking down.


I know that she did that thing without thinking but I can't be mad at her.


I guess I really love this girl more than I know.


I held her chin and make her look at me.


"It's ok. We will find a way out of this but we must act like you haven't told us anything. We have to figure out first what is that thing left by your grandfather. They could be just bluffing to make you do what they want" I said.


"But Jungie. How are we gonna go against my parents and your Dad?" she ask.


I sigh.


"I think what you said before was right. I think I need Mom's help to this" I said.


I never thought that I would need her again.


She's the only person I think that could help us and can be trusted at the same time


"You're going to make up with your Mom?" she asks me.


"I have to. I don't wanna lose you. I don't want to marry Hyomin. I want you and only you" I said and pull her into a hug.


"Thank you Jungie" She said.


"Don't thank me. I haven't done anything yet." I said.


"You've done a lot for me already. You make me happy. You fill all the emptiness inside me. For that I'm very thankful" she said.


I smiled.


"You don't have to thank me. I love that's why I'm doing this." I said to her.


She smiles at me.


"I'm so lucky to have you" she said.


"Lucky? I'd like to call it destiny" I said to her.


She giggled.


"Wae?" I ask.


"You just cut your hair and you became romantic." She said while fixing my hair.


"I was born this way. It has nothing to do with the hair" I said.


"Ok...but honestly you look really hot to be a man. Eunjung oppa “she said and giggles.


I smirk and wink at her.


"You should stop doing that" She said


"Ok. Then I'll just do this" I said and lean forward to kiss her.


She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer to her.


I love this girl so much.






I received Eunjung's message last night before I sleep.


She said that she wanted to meet Mom...




I'm not sure what's going on but I'm sure it's confidential.


Anyway Mom would be very happy to know that.


I get up and start preparing myself for school.


It's still early but I'd like to go to school early.


I wonder if Minnie was already awake now.


I'm happy that at least I spend time with her yesterday even though we're cleaning the restrooms at least I had some alone time with her.


I spend a few more minutes in the shower


I just need it a lot right now.


After I had enough I go out of the bathroom to change.


I check my phone.


And there was a message.


Goodmorning my sunshine. Gonna fetch you today. I LOVE YOU.

Lots of kisses.

- Minnie


I smile upon reading her message.


But she's going to fetch me today?


It's a miracle.


I go out of my room and downstairs.


I found Mom and Ahjumma preparing the table.


"Good morning Mom. Good morning Ahjumma. Where is Daddy?" I ask them.


"Your Dad left early. He has a meeting with a client" Mom said.


Then I remember about Eunjung's message.


"By the way Mom I had good news for you" I said and hug her.


"Really? What is it? Your punishment was lifted?" She asks.


"No. I'm actually wishing for an extension" I said.


"Huh? Why?" Mom curiously asks.


"Nothing....its sarcastic Mom" I said and laugh awkwardly.


I haven't told her what kind of mess we're into right now.


"Ok. So what was the good news?" She asks.


"Eunjung wants to talk to you but it should be secretly." I said to her.


It was obvious that she was surprised and unable to believe it.


"Are you serious about this Kyul?" she asks and I nod.


Mom sit down and cry.


It was tears of Joy for sure because after how many years that she waited for her daughter to talk to her and let her explain finally her prayers have been heard.


"I'll ask her when will you two meet. Mom" I said and Mom just not.





I get up on my bed and look outside the window while I'm stretching.


I saw a black car near the house and it seems like the man standing near that vehicle is checking on our house.




I wonder who is that.


After few minutes the man gets into the car and leave.


That was weird.


And suspicious


I decided to go downstairs and got surprise when I saw Boram helping my Mom to in the kitchen.


What time did she come here?


"Good morning Soyeonnie. I didn't know you're prettier early in the morning with your messy hair" She said and I blush then look away.




I forgot to fix myself before coming here and I wasn't even expecting that she was here already


"Soyeonnie. Your girlfriend volunteered to cook breakfast for you" Mom said and give me a teasing look.


Mom is so not helping.


I regret telling her that I had a huge crush on Boram.


"Soyeonnie. I have to tell you something" Boram said and drag me into the corner.


"Wae?" I ask.


"There's a man in front of our house early this morning. He seems like checking on our house. I saw him too the other day but I thought that time that he just passed by or he's someone from the neighborhood but now that I saw him again I think someone want something from my family which is weird coz we're not even rich" She said.


Her too.


My suspicions are getting stronger.


"I saw something like that too this morning. I just don't know if we saw the same person" I said.


"Who do you think could that be?" she asks.


"I don't know but I think this have something to do with the triplets' parents." I said.


"Hey you two look so sweet. You don't have to whisper sweet words to each other. It's fine with me. I had been to that stage" Mom said.


And I just notice that Boram and I we're so close.


I blush again.


"Sorry about my Mom" I said to her and look down.


"No. It's ok. Your Mom is cool actually" She said and goes back to the kitchen.


My heart beat wasn't normal.


I just go back to my room and prepare myself too.




I open my eyes and the first one I saw was my love's face an inch close to mine.


I smile.


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
Dashtara #2
Good story
Richa01 #3
Chapter 65: How did they end up being pregnant? I mean the four of them... I really don't understand it even though i already read the story itself
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 1: And another awesome fic of your is over waaaaaa i will miss this childish people on this fic but well its time to move on to another one hahah i just love the end you can really see a happy ending here ..everyone is happy so were their kids and thanks for making this imagination of us happens haha now im excited to see what on the next fic heheh
PJY_loveEunyeon #5
Chapter 65: Wow Congrats bestfriend!! It's a happy ending once again. I really love the way you make happy endings though sometimes I wanted more. Hahaha but it's still awesome. I'm proud of you really. Get well soon ok? I know you'll never stop writing. I'm always supporting your fics thou sometimes i failed to drop comments. Fighting!!
Nangnang #6
Chapter 65: happy ending yeahhhhh
gorgeous goddess & super handsome and cool heol so cute hahaha
baby too cute and funny i love to read the innocence talk to parent they like thier parent so much
ramyeon too cuteee jimin & hyereum seem like eunyeon hahaha loveeeee
i reading with big smile till the end ^^
thank you for the best fanfic authornim i always love you fic kk
always support you woohhh fightinggg
Chapter 65: Woahhh....... I love it! I love it so much! From the first until the end their love story is so sweets ~~~ until I smiling like an idiot while reading each part of them. Hehehe... Even EunYeon was separated for a moment for a long time. But they still being together in the end. Hmm... my love for T-ara become more and more because of this... huhuhu... Thank you author-ssi for your love story about them. Thank you very much! Chuu~~
OnlyEunyeon #8
Chapter 65: Wahhhh it's the end of it. TT^TT I'm gonna miss this fic. Congratulations for this story authornim. You finish another wonderful story and it's an awesome happy ending. DAEBAK!! I love the kids so much. They're like their parents and Jijung Jimin and Hyereum love triangle too haha. So funny. And wahh you ended the story with another race in baby making. I feel like it's not yet the ending but it is really the ending now. I'm gonna wait for the update on your next fic. I'm gonna see you again there authornim. Thanks for again for this story about Eunyeon
OnlyEunyeon #9
Chapter 64: Wow the babies were born on the same day that was awesome authornim. And the next chapter will be the last?? Wahh!! Love their names. But Ramyeon really got me. Hahaha thanks for the update authornim. You seem really busy.
Nangnang #10
Chapter 64: wow the baby born in same day what a special day for them ><!!
i love ramyeon baby name haha rambo who love to eat choose this name right? kkk
i can't imangine when thier kids birthday party will be more funny and frantic