Chapter 10

Stubborn Heart
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Few minutes after Jiyeon and Eunjung left we already left that place too.


Boram is with me while Hyomin is with Qri of course.


"Boramie. What's was Jiyeon's relationship to Hyomin? Are they related?" I ask.


"I don't know. I always ask that question to her but she never told me the answer. It was like she was avoiding that topic. Actually, she changes the topic every time I try to open up about family" She replied.


"So, how does the two of you end up being bestfriends? I mean she always bully you at school" I said.


"Jiyeon may look and act tough but she is actually a kid and she never bullies me. Well, let say it looks like that but that is with consent. I kinda let her do that me" She said.




She let Jiyeon bully her?


"Jiyeon and I were bestfriends since we were young. She does help me a lot especially in my studies. This is the least I could do for her" She said.


"To let her bully you in exchange of all those things?" I ask.


"Oh gosh Soyeonnie. This whole journey will be tragic before it ends up to church" She said.




"What do you mean?" I ask her.


Her explanation about Jiyeon and her is quite confusing for me and now she's talking something about getting into church.


"Oh It was nothing. Just forget about what I say" she said and looks away.


She's weird.


But she's cute.


"Uhm...where's your place?" I ask.


"Just bring me to Jiyeon's house. I'm worried about her" She said.


She always worries about Jiyeon.


"Ok." I simply replied.


Speaking of Jiyeon her connection to Hyomin is still a mystery to me.


"Soyeonnie?" Boram suddenly speaks while I'm so focus on driving.


"Wae?" I ask.


"What kind of wedding are you dreaming of?" She asks.






"I don't want to get married" I replied.


"Mwo? Wae?" She asks.


"What's the use of getting married when you're just gonna broke your vows to each other and the thing is people break it when everything was almost perfect" I said.


"My Mom and Dad got divorced when I was young. There's no third-party involved but their reason is that they don't love each other anymore. I live with my Mom and sometimes I visit my Dad. Only sometimes because he's usually out of the country. I never believe in marriages now coz they don't last. There's no till death do us part. Coz they're still alive but they already parted. Those vows were just for show. They themselves ruined it. The sad part it's not them who suffers the most. It's us their kids who can do nothing but to accept the fact that your parents decided to that for your own good. Even though I don't know which part of it was good except for the word itself?" I explained to her.


"Oh. I didn't know your story was like that." She said.


"Yeah. It was like that" I just said.


"Rich people have really complicated lives. Now I'm having a second thought" she said.


"Of getting married?" I ask.


"No. About dreaming to become a billionaire someday" She said and I giggle


"You have this fascination about weddings and marriages" I said to her


"Fascination...I like that term. You know Jiyeon calls it my weird obsession." She said


Yeah, I think she's really into this thing.


We're opposite but I still like her.




What's really wrong with my heart?


Why do things turns into slow motion when I look at Jiyeon and I ended up staring at her?


"Jungie!" She snaps her fingers in front of me.




"I know I'm pretty but I'm melting with your stares" she said and smile at me.






I stand up.


We are still here in the living room.


"Jiyeon I think you should go home now coz I'm not feeling well and I need to rest" I said while pushing her to the door.


I know this may seem rude but I need some time alone to figure out this kind of I'm feeling right now.


I never felt like this before.




I guess I did.


But that was a long time ago when I first met her.


"Eh. Jungie why are you pushing me away? Let me stay here I'll take care of you." She insisted.


"No. I need to be alone Jiyeon. Please. How can I rest when you're here?" I said


Her face suddenly becomes sad.


"Mianhae. I never thought I was disturbing you" She said and run to her house.




Ahrrghh it's not what I mean!


I just ruffled my hair in frustration.


I sighed.


"Why so sensitive?"


I just go upstairs coz I think I will only make things worse if I talk to her right now but I hope she wasn't that upset with me.


Maybe I should clear my mind right now and stop thinking about Jiyeon.


I slump myself on the bed and hug my pillow.


Hmm. This pillow smells so sweet.


Smells like Jiyeon.




Jiyeon Jiyeon Jiyeon Jiyeon


Since I met that girl I can't stop thinking about her.


I keep telling her to stay away from me before but she was not around I'm wishing that she was here with me bugging me and stealing kisses.




I smile.


I think I'm crazy but I like the feeling every time our skin touches.


Especially when it's our lips.


Am I in love with you Jiyeon?


I gotta make sure of that first.


I have to be sure that I'm really over with Hyomin.


I don't want to end up hurting her.




Soyeon sent me here in Jiyeon's house.


"Thanks for the ride" I said.


"No problem" she said and smile at me.


We bid goodbye and then she left.


I watch her leave.


I sighed.


My happy thoughts about my wedding is wearing off.


She doesn't like to get married.




I just get inside Jiyeon's house.


It's so quiet in here.


Well, it's not new to me.


It's always like this in here.


I think she's upstairs in her room so I go there.


And there she is lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.




"Hey. Is there something interesting at the ceiling?" I ask her and sit on the edge of the bed.


"Ramie. Do you think I'm bugging Jungie so much instead of courting her?" She asks.

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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
Dashtara #2
Good story
Richa01 #3
Chapter 65: How did they end up being pregnant? I mean the four of them... I really don't understand it even though i already read the story itself
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 1: And another awesome fic of your is over waaaaaa i will miss this childish people on this fic but well its time to move on to another one hahah i just love the end you can really see a happy ending here ..everyone is happy so were their kids and thanks for making this imagination of us happens haha now im excited to see what on the next fic heheh
PJY_loveEunyeon #5
Chapter 65: Wow Congrats bestfriend!! It's a happy ending once again. I really love the way you make happy endings though sometimes I wanted more. Hahaha but it's still awesome. I'm proud of you really. Get well soon ok? I know you'll never stop writing. I'm always supporting your fics thou sometimes i failed to drop comments. Fighting!!
Nangnang #6
Chapter 65: happy ending yeahhhhh
gorgeous goddess & super handsome and cool heol so cute hahaha
baby too cute and funny i love to read the innocence talk to parent they like thier parent so much
ramyeon too cuteee jimin & hyereum seem like eunyeon hahaha loveeeee
i reading with big smile till the end ^^
thank you for the best fanfic authornim i always love you fic kk
always support you woohhh fightinggg
Chapter 65: Woahhh....... I love it! I love it so much! From the first until the end their love story is so sweets ~~~ until I smiling like an idiot while reading each part of them. Hehehe... Even EunYeon was separated for a moment for a long time. But they still being together in the end. Hmm... my love for T-ara become more and more because of this... huhuhu... Thank you author-ssi for your love story about them. Thank you very much! Chuu~~
OnlyEunyeon #8
Chapter 65: Wahhhh it's the end of it. TT^TT I'm gonna miss this fic. Congratulations for this story authornim. You finish another wonderful story and it's an awesome happy ending. DAEBAK!! I love the kids so much. They're like their parents and Jijung Jimin and Hyereum love triangle too haha. So funny. And wahh you ended the story with another race in baby making. I feel like it's not yet the ending but it is really the ending now. I'm gonna wait for the update on your next fic. I'm gonna see you again there authornim. Thanks for again for this story about Eunyeon
OnlyEunyeon #9
Chapter 64: Wow the babies were born on the same day that was awesome authornim. And the next chapter will be the last?? Wahh!! Love their names. But Ramyeon really got me. Hahaha thanks for the update authornim. You seem really busy.
Nangnang #10
Chapter 64: wow the baby born in same day what a special day for them ><!!
i love ramyeon baby name haha rambo who love to eat choose this name right? kkk
i can't imangine when thier kids birthday party will be more funny and frantic