mama's friend?!!

In love there are no impossibilities~

Sneak peek of the new characters that would be popping by in the next chapter or the next next :D

Continue reading to find out who's coming up ^^

“Lee gungnyeo~” I heard someone say as we turn to greet Jejo sanggung who have come to the kitchen.

“Jejo sanggung~” We greeted and I swear my heart was jumping out of my ribcage.

“The doctor has examined mama and…well it has got nothing to do with the food. Okay maybe a little. Bom mama has poor immune system since young and she just returned from experiencing winter. It might be early summer now but her body has yet to get used to it. The menu that you kitchen prepared was too heaty. The heat that the food has causes her body to react and that’s the reason as to why mama developed rashes. So I want you guys to stay alert, not just considering the royal family’s allergies but also according to the circumstances.”

“Neh Jejo sanggung.” The kitchen team replied.

“As for you Lee gungnyeo, I want you in my office now.”

“Neh Jejo sanggung.” I said before she left the kitchen.

“Chaerin don’t worry. Everything is going to be fine alright?” Yoon Ji unnie comforted.

“Yes Lee gungnyeo. If we are let off, you definitely have no problems with Jejo sanggung. If anything happens, we would be behind you huh?” Chef Gong said as they all gave a nod, telling me they were in for it too.

“I would take my leave now.” I bow to them with a smile before heading towards the office.

“Come in Lee gungnyeo.” Jejo sanggung said as I enter to see that Jiyong mama was in the room too.

“Mama~” I bowed to him, making him give me a smile.

“Lee gungnyeo although this time it isn’t your fault but I want you to know that as a personal gungnyeo to the mama, this kind of things shouldn’t be happening. I know you just started and I’m going to let it pass this time round. Like I said, as the personal gungnyeo, you have to keep your eyes open and be observant to your mamas. They don’t have the time to tell you everything. Let this be a lesson learnt for you and I hope that this would not happen again you got me?”

“Yes Jejo sanggung.”

“And you ought to thank Jiyong mama. If it wasn’t for mama’s help, there is no way we could convince Seunghyun mama and Bom mama to not pursue about this matter.”

“Thank you mama~” I said bowing to him.

“I’m glad I could help.”

“Now if there is nothing else Lee gungnyeo I want you to stay in your room for the day.”

“Jejo sanggung what do you mean by that?” Jiyong mama questioned.

“My apologies mama but Seunghyun mama has leave instructions that he would not like to see Lee gungnyeo for the day.”

“What? Aish this guy is so petty.” Jiyong mama said as he cross his arms in front of his chest.

“Lee gungnyeo do you hear me?”

“Neh Jejo sanggung. As for tomorrow…” I asked.

“Don’t worry. You would still be needed at Seunghyun mama’s quarters and I hope that by then you would be forgiven or else we would have to transfer you to another department.” Jejo sanggung informed.

“I understand Jejo sanggung. I should take my leave now.” I said before excusing myself.

“Lee gungnyeo! Lee gungnyeo!” I heard Jiyong mama said making me stop in my step and see him running towards him.

“Neh mama, Is there anything I can assist you with?” I said turning back to face him.

“Why do I have a feeling you are avoiding me?”

“Mama there is not such things.”

“You sure.”

“Yes mama.”

“Can I not call you Lee gungnyeo? I want to be friends with you and if we continue being so formal it’s going to be hard.”

“Friends mama? How is that possible?”

“How is that impossible?”

“You’re a mama while I’m just a maid that serves people like you mama. I’m just a nobody. Mama should be with friends who are of the same status.”

“So what if I’m a mama?” He said as he sat at the bench by the hall. “I’m just like you, a human who was given a chance to survive in this world.”

“Pardon me for saying this mama but the fact that we are from two different worlds is something we can’t change. You were right that we are the same but one thing that differentiates you from me is the fact that you were born in a royal family. Royal blood is what flows in your body while I have a commoner’s blood. I’ve never seen my parents, I don’t know how they look like and you were right. The reason I came into the palace is to survive.”

“So? I don’t see a good reason for me to not make friends with you.”

“Mama if anyone finds out that you are hanging out with a palace maid who has no background, no education and nothing but a name, your name would be affected.”

“I care less about name. Let me be completely honest with you. I don’t have many friends here. I may look like I do but all of them are after my mama’s status. If I weren’t a mama, these people whom they called themselves as my friend wouldn’t give me a damn. All I want is a real friend. Someone whom is a friend to Kwon Ji Yong. Someone whom I can let my guard down and share my troubles without having to worry that they might one day betray me or use it as a tool to threaten me.”

“I’m sorry mama…I”

“Hey don’t apologies~ You did nothing wrong.” He said, forcing a smile.

“Jiyong mama I still think it’s inappropriate for me to be considered a friend of you.”

“Okay fine. But can I call you something else at the moment? Maybe when you are more comfortable, we can talk about this matter again?”

“Neh mama~”

“Can I call you Rinnie? Since hyung is calling you Chae.”

“I don’t know mama.”

“I’ll only call you that when we are alone?”

“Alright then mama~”

“If hyung and noona give you trouble tomorrow, feel free to come to me. You might see me as mama right now but in my eyes you’re my friend now. From today onwards, Lee Chaerin’s problem is Kwon Jiyong’s problem you hear me?”


“Just say yes.”

“Yes mama.”

“Alright today must be a tiring day for you. Rest for the night huh? I should take my leave as well.”

“Neh mama. Have a goodnight.” I said bowing to him before moving off.

“Rinnie~” I heard him shout.

“Neh mama” I ask looking at him over my shoulders.

“Aniyo. Just want to see if you would respond to me.” He said with a wide grin.


“Good night.”

“Good night to you too mama~” I said bowing to him one last time before heading to my quarters to rest for the night.

-Next day-

With a heavy heart, I made my way towards Prince Seunghyun’s quarters. A heavy heart not because of what happened last night but worried what would happen today. Carefully, I knocked the main door and enter even without an answer cause, well, that’s how it has always been. I peep into the quarters and realize that it was empty. I guess Seunghyun mama has yet to wake up.

“Why are you sneaking around?” A low voice asks making me turn frantically with my hands over my heart and stumble a little.

“Seunghyun mama you’re awake.” I greeted as he got his cup of coffee, settling down at the sofa while I follow him.

“What? I can’t be awake?”

“No mama that’s not what I mean.”

“All thanks to you I had to spend the night comforting Bom that I didn’t get to sleep.” He said as he rest his back against the sofa back, his arm across his eyes as he threw his head back.

“Mama Bom mama…”

“Thankfully she is fine or else I swear you’re in deep trouble.”

“I’m sorry mama.”

“Don’t get me started. I’m going to catch up with my sleep so other than my room, just do whatever you have to do. If Bom drop by, get her in my room. Other than that don’t you come and disturb me.” He said as he got up.

“Yes mama.”

“Oh yes before I forget.” Seunghyun mama said before he set foot on the stairs. “Tomorrow Jiyong and I would be entertaining our close brothers. You know the building at the back?”

“Perhaps is mama referring to the entertainment room?” I asked. I remember Jejo sanggung telling me about this room whereby the Prince would normally visit whenever they have guest. It was at the back of the palace.

“Yes. When you’re done with your work here, I want you to head to the kitchen to make sure that they know what to do. After which I want you to do a site inspection. Make sure that the place is neat. It has been quite some time since we’ve headed there so tomorrow I wouldn’t want to see a speck of dust you hear me?”

“Neh mama.”

“Be careful when you are there. There are many things that are way more expensive then what we have here. When you’re done there, you can then rest for the day. Don’t let me catch you skiving off you hear me?!! This gathering is very important.”

“Yes mama I would pay 100% attention to it.” I said before he left for his sleep.

I began with the Prince’s quarters and tidy up the area. You might think that I don’t have much to do since I cleared up the night before but you are wrong. This place is huge!!! If you need 30 minutes to clean your room up, I would need at least 3 hours to clean this whole place up. Besides I’m the only one here so I had to do everything myself. Polishing the glasses, changing fresh flowers on the table every day and even to watering the plants, all of which is in my job scope. Especially the fact that Prince Seunghyun loves the colour white, and you know how difficult it is to maintain white furniture, I have to be really careful and cleaning must be done daily.

Planning ahead, I’ve decided to head to the second floor whereby the only place that I could clean up was the lounge area as well as the study room. The lounge area took me an hour to finish and although the study room is a tiny bit smaller compared to the lounge, it took me an hour and a half to finish for I had to remove the books one by one, dusting it before placing back on the shelf.



(just imagine the furnitures here is white :D)

The first floor took me another 4 hours including outdoors in total to finish since the place was so so so much bigger. If I had to do Prince Seunghyun’s room today as well, I would need another hour or two to be able to complete the upper floor. As for the lower floor, from dusting the paintings, polishing the staircase railings, cleaning the floors and walls, it was actually so much more work as compared to the upper floor.


Upon finishing, I was already drained in sweat and I swear that if I was going to keep up with such a workload, I’m bound to lose at least 2KG in a week. Satisfied with my cleaning, I head back to my quarters to freshen up and time passed by so fast that it was already 2pm in the afternoon. I head to the kitchen and confirmed with the chef that they do know who the guest are for tomorrow and what they had to take note when preparing the food.

While having lunch after ensuring that there were no problems with kitchen, the chefs filled me in with all the information that I need to know. According to the guest list, it is said that Prince Seunghyun and Prince Jiyong would be entertaining Prince Youngbae and Prince Daesung, along with Princess Bom and Princess Dara. The six of them have been growing up together since young and even study abroad together. Like what Prince Seunghyun said, they are close brothers and sisters.

“It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” I said as I handed the chefs my plate, whom they told me that they would take care of it for me.

“Yeah I bet so. Look at you. You’re already dying from cleaning the Prince’s quarters.” Chef Gong said.

“Plus I heard the entertainment room is really huge.” Yoon Ji unnie said.

“Really?!! Arghhh I better start work now or else I doubt I can catch any sleep today. I’ll be taking my leave now.” I said, bowing to them before I left for second round of work for the day. 

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Chapter 54: When you will update this story authornim ??
Chapter 55: Update please :')
cipluk #3
Chapter 55: Update please . It was the chapter that we all wait for
blackwonderer #4
oooohhhh finally serious story about skydragon! so hard to find the ship in kingdom story or fairytale story (that's what i'm interest to) i'll read it good n leave feedback ^^
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 55: Omo update juseyo!!!!
Pheana #6
Chapter 7: Update? Please
Songsong123 #7
Chapter 55: Please update soon I really miss this story
thetiffanyy #8
Chapter 55: Pleaseee updatee
GiianeGZB #9
Chapter 55: update please!!!
Chapter 55: where's the update ? chapter i think i've allready read this chapter in march 2013 ...