secret hideout

In love there are no impossibilities~

Guys I'm really sorry for the slow update...

But good news is...

Schools ending this Wednesday for me as a Year 2 student!!!

After which I would be heading off to my internships in March most probably for one semester/ 6 months and things would get really hectic for me...

I'm posted to the concierge department!!!

Seems like a cool job for me and I can't wait...

You guys know Marina Bay Sands?

The one that 2NE1 stayed at during MAMA in Singapore?

Yup that's where I'm interning at ^^ (secretly wishing the girls or even BigBang boys would come during my internship and I get to see them!!!)

It's like the other end of Singapore to where I'm living tho ><

But it's like that isn't it? :D

Anyway since it is the last week of school I would be busy too so please pardon me if the updates are really slow...

Will update more over the weekends cause tonight I'm going to my theory test for driving...

And up till now I've yet to study ><

I'm so dead...

Hope you like this update!!!

“KYA!!!” we heard and instantly turn our head towards the door to see a shocked Minzy staring back at us with her eyes wide open and her hands over .

“Seriously Mingkki? Aish you guys really know how to choose the right time to barge into the room!” Jiyong mama said as he close his eyes, apparently really irritated by the fact but still holding me in position on top of him.

“I’m sorry oppa!!! I didn’t know…I just want to check…check on unnie~” Mingkki said and this time she was covering her eyes.

“Then what are you waiting for?” Jiyong oppa ask as we see a flustered Minzy click the lock from inside the doors that if she pulls the door close, it would be locked from inside and no one would be able to barge in again.

“Sorry oppa unnie…you…you guys carry on…” Minzy said as she quickly close the door.

“How can I forget to lock the door earlier on?” Jiyong oppa mumbled and before he could continue his sentence, Minzy shouted back from the other side of the room again.

“Oppa unnie…we are expected to be at the dining area at…at 8…for…for breakfast.” Aish I guess this poor girl is really traumatized.

“Ahrasso!!! Aish this girl…” Jiyong oppa shouted back and soon we could hear her footsteps die down, telling us that we are once again left alone. “So where were we?” Jiyong oppa ask as he gave me a smile. Seriously this guy is still in the mood with whatever just happened?!!

“Oppa…I should go get ready for breakfast~” I said resting my palm against his chest below me as I push myself up with all the strength I have and head to the washroom.

-Jiyong’s POV-

Aish seriously what is wrong with everyone?!! Last night the adults had to barge in and I was alright but I almost get to kiss Chaerin!!! Does Mingkki or anyone else know that I have been waiting for more than a year just to taste those luscious lips of hers? Seriously I have to lock the door, or maybe I should bring Chaerin somewhere where no one can disturb us.

I’m glad Chaerin ran away to wash up. The reason why I didn’t stop her is because now thinking back, I would have hated myself if I really kissed her in such circumstances. I mean come on!!! It’s after all her first kiss. And first kiss have got to be romantic and special rather than driven by lust. If I were to kiss her, I swear she would hate me for life for stealing something so special just because of my desires.

Now that we are on the topic of first kiss, I should seriously start to work out a perfect plan to make it special for Chaerin. Should I bring her to a quiet garden with historical Greek architecture? Or should I bring her to the beach and kiss her under the breathtaking sun set? Or maybe I could bring her out to France or somewhere out of this Kingdom? Aish I never knew a first kiss could be so complex!

“Oppa?” I heard her angelic voice call out for my attention as I woke up from my thoughts.

“Yes darling? You’re ready?” I asked.

“Oppa what was in your mind earlier on?” She asked as she tilts her head to the side. Aish she is so cute I feel like biting her and doing all sorts of things to her now! Jiyong calm down and practice self-control you idiot!!!

“Nothing?” I said but she shows no sign of backing down.

“I’ve been out for 5 minutes and tried calling you but you look so out of it.” She said and this time I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me as I rest my head against her stomach.

“I’m really fine. I guess I just missed you too much.” I said as I turn my head to look up at her while this time my chin was resting against her womb area.

“But…I was only away for like…a few minutes?” She stuttered as her cheeks blush cherry red.

“Precisely. That’s why from today onwards we have to stick to one another neh?” I asked as I could see her trying not to laugh. “Yah is that funny?!!” I asked making her compose herself.

“Aniya it’s not…just that…oppa looks so cute like that…” She said with a smile that made her eyes turn into beautiful crescents as she my hair.

“You love it don’t you?” I said and it was as if my words jolted her out of her mind and she immediately withdraws her hand but fortunately, I was fast enough to catch her wrist and pull it back to return to my head. “I like it when you do this.” I said giving her a smile. I swear she freaked out a little but tried to open up shortly after.

“A…are you sure you are alright? You’re not sick right?” She asked as she feels my forehead, reminding me of how she took care of me when I was sick.

“I’m really fine~ I like it when you care so much for me.” 

“That’s…that’s what I’m…supposed to do right?”

“If you mean as a girlfriend or soon to be wife of mine, yes you are supposed to but it should be from your heart and not to see it as a duty.”

“We should leave now. We shouldn’t let the adults wait.” She says, trying to change the subject and with a smirk, I intertwine my hands with hers.

“Let’s go now.” I said before leading her out of the room.

Heading to the dining area, the both of us noticed that we were the last at the table although we were 10 minutes earlier. Compared to the one we were at last night, today we were having breakfast in the private dining room that was actually meant for our family dinners. When we have guest like yesterday with Youngbae and the rest, we were in those typical dining area where there is a large rectangle table that could fit more than 15 and even 20 people at one go, mostly just for us to host dinners with either delegates or maybe just friends around.

I knew this was Chaerin’s style. Brown filled the room and not only does it feel luxurious yet comfortable like home but also executes elegance. It was a round table with 4 sofa chairs that could sit two and 4 individual dining chairs between the sofas. Chaerin’s Haraboji was sitting opposite to appa while Minzy was sitting beside appa. On appa’s right with their back facing the door was Seunghyun hyung and Bom noona while the other sofa was left empty. Taking it as a cue for us, I got Chaerin towards the sofa and made her sit beside me. Tentatively the individual chairs were removes to introduce more space.


“Good Morning~” the both of us greeted the able before settling down.

“Chaerin did you rest well last night?” Appa asked.

“Yes Your Highness. Thank you for asking~” I replied.

“Appa where is Haraboji?” I asked.

“He’s doing his morning routine. Told us to start without him.” Appa said.

Breakfast this morning was hansik (Korean food) and I could see that hyung and noona wasn’t really happy about it. After all they were used to American breakfast and breakfast seems to be specially catered to Chaerin who is not used to American breakfast. I guess Chaerin sense that pressure building as she starts to tense up but I got a piece of grilled fish and place it on her plate before patting her hand under the table, telling her that I was there for her and thankfully she loosen up a little, giving me a smile as she continues to consume her breakfast.

After breakfast, we were served our morning tea and coffee respectively, this time according to each preferences, I had my daily dose of coffee and since knowing that Chaerin wouldn’t be able to choose, I offered to get her a cup of coffee as well. This was the time where we will be having our family time talking about just anything under the sun. However to be really honest, I wasn’t listening to the conversation at all and was busted for not paying attention when I felt Chaerin pat my hands, making me look up to her who had worry plaster across her face.

“Jiyong are you listening to me?” Appa asked making me turn my direction to him and notice that everyone was looking at me.

“Sorry appa you were saying?”

“I was saying Chaerin would be going to her parent’s grave after this. Would you like to accompany Chaerin?” appa asked as I nodded.

“I will take good care of Chaerin appa~”

“Not just take care of Chaerin. I want you to be there on my behalf to visit her parents. You know how me and your mom is very close to hers. Send my regards to them and at the same time you should re-introduce yourself to them if you think that we can anticipate something from the supposed arrange marriage.”

“Don’t worry appa. I will do my best.”

“Appa can I go too?!!” Mingkki asked with her weird aegyo that honestly wasn’t really suitable for every single person, well other than our beautiful Chaerin over here who seems to weaken when it comes to Mingkki’s agyeo.

“That is if Chaerin don’t mind~”

“Not at all your Highness.” Chaerin said politely. Gosh I swear I’m going to get obsessed with her really hard.

“Alright then you guys should go get ready while I speak to Royal Highness Lee.” Appa said and we youngsters nod before leaving the room.

“We should be going back~” Seunghyun hyung said as he quickly pull Bom noona back to his quarters.

“Oppa I should go get ready too. Unnie I’ll see you later?”

“Neh Mingkki ah~” I said as she too left.

“Let me walk you back before I go get ready.” I offered and with a nod, the both of us head back to her room.

The journey back to her room was quiet. After all the distance wasn’t too far but I still held her hand in mine as I lead her down the hall way. Time to time I would look down at her and give her a smile but all that I could see on her face was elements of worried even though she attempts to hide it with a smile. Noticing that there were some time left on our hands, my face light up as I snap my fingers, making Chaerin look at me.

“Chaerin can you come with me somewhere? I promise it wouldn’t take long neh?” I said and although she was unsure, she still gave me a nod.

“Oppa where are you bringing me to?”

“Somewhere special~” I said and soon I lead her outdoors and turns after turns, we finally each the place I was referring to.

“This place…”

“I used to come here with omma when I was young and it somehow became my secret hideout. Now I’m introducing this place to you and I hope that from today, it would also be one of our special places.” I said with a smile.

“Oppa…” I said softly as I pull the sleeves of his shirt lightly.

“What’s wrong? You seems so worried the whole day~” I said as I cup her cheeks with my hands but instead she caught my wrist and pull my hands down her face.

“Oppa did I do something wrong?” She asked softly making me look at her confused. Why is she asking a question out of nowhere like this?

“Hey did I do something that causes you to misunderstand?” I asked as I caress her cheeks.

“But you were so lost today…did something happen?” She asked.

Ah so she is referring to this. Aigoo why is my Chaerin so cute? But should I tell her the truth? What if the truth freaks her out? I mean we’ve only been together officially for two days. Besides she isn’t like Dara and Bom noona who are exposed to the open society overseas. I guess I would scare Chaerin if I tell her the truth so it can wait. As for now, I should say something quickly to not expose myself.

“Yeah something happened…”

“What happen oppa?!!” She asked worriedly making me rest my forehead on her shoulders, causing her to tense up for a moment.

“I lost something important.”

“What is it oppa?!! Omo then you should be looking for it!!! Did you remember where you last left it?” She asked.

“I left it with someone.”

“Someone?” She asked looking at me confused when I got up and reaches for her hand to place it over my chest.

“Someone by the name of Lee Chaerin stole my heart~”

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Chapter 54: When you will update this story authornim ??
Chapter 55: Update please :')
cipluk #3
Chapter 55: Update please . It was the chapter that we all wait for
blackwonderer #4
oooohhhh finally serious story about skydragon! so hard to find the ship in kingdom story or fairytale story (that's what i'm interest to) i'll read it good n leave feedback ^^
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 55: Omo update juseyo!!!!
Pheana #6
Chapter 7: Update? Please
Songsong123 #7
Chapter 55: Please update soon I really miss this story
thetiffanyy #8
Chapter 55: Pleaseee updatee
GiianeGZB #9
Chapter 55: update please!!!
Chapter 55: where's the update ? chapter i think i've allready read this chapter in march 2013 ...