
In love there are no impossibilities~


kekeke :D sorry for taking so long to update ^^

I was having a BBQ party with my family last night and today I was out ^^

Hope this chapter can be considered a christmas present from me to you :D

Will be back soon hopefully ^^

Till then~

“What?!! Such things really happened?!! What was unnie thinking?!! Chaerin ah are you alright?” Dara mama asked.

“Thank you for your concern mama~ I’m fine.”

“No wonder unnie is being grounded. Anyway unnie deserved it. How could he do something to someone like Chaerin? Aigoo I bet if we dolled her up a bit, tons of Prince would be fighting for her don’t you think Jiyong?” Dara mama said as we both look at Jiyong mama but when he caught me looking, I quickly look away.

“N…neh…” why is he stuttering? Is it because he was forced to agree because I’m here?

“No I think she looks better without makeup~ She look so innocent this way.” Dara mama said.

“Dara ah what do you want to do? You came here to get me to accompany you right?”

“I don’t know oppa. What do you suggest?”

“Hmmm want to go out?”

“Really oppa? You mean like how we like it to be?”


“Yay!!! It has been long since we’ve done that!!!”

“Alright you stay here. I’ll go get change.”

“Wait oppa what about Chaerin?” Dara mama asks.

“Chaerin? Rinnie ah you want to join us?” Jiyong mama asks.

“Mama I’m not allowed to leave the palace without the king’s permission.”

“Aigoo Chaerin ah the king wouldn’t mind if we bring you out. Right Jiyong oppa?”


“Come on Chaerin~ Come on huh? It’s going to be fun really!!!” Dara mama said as she shakes me.

“If Jiyong mama don’t mind…”

“Rinnie come on let’s go huh?” Jiyong mama gave me a smile.

“Wait we’ve got another problem here.” Dara mama said as she stood beside Jiyong mama looking at me up and down.

“Rinnie can’t go out in the maid uniform. Dara I will leave her to you alright?” Jiyong mama said as he ruffles her hair. “Oh and another thing Dara, I want her hair down.”

“Neh oppa!” Dara mama said before she pulled me towards the villa.

“Mama where are we going?” I ask.

“If you go out like that, we would be busted so you have to change.”

“Change mama?”

“Just come with me alright?” She said giving me a smile before we enter the villa.


“Change into this~” She said as she handed me a hanbok after rummaging the closet in one of the rooms.

I recognize that room. Normally when the mamas come over to the villa and stay over, all the mamas have their own rooms including Jiyong mama and Seunghyun mama’s room although their quarters is just a few meters away. Even when sometimes Bom mama would be sleeping with Seunghyun mama, sometimes the guys sleep together in Jiyong mama’s room, there were still 2 rooms that were forever empty and this was one of the rooms.

“But mama…” I said as I was wondering why I had to put this hanbok on since I was wearing a hanbok as well at this point of time.

“I know you must be wondering why we want you to change into a hanbok. You’ll see later alright?” Dara mama said giving me a smile.

When we were done changing, the both of us head out to the living room to see that Jiyong mama has already changed into a hanbok as well. Jiyong mama was in a light blue Durumagi (overcoat) and  a gat (hat) while us girls were in a hanbok. Dara mama has a yellow and black top with red skirt at the bottom while mine was green on the top and red at the bottom similar to Dara mama’s.


(in the middle the male wear is what jiyong is wearing)

(Chaerin's hanbok)

(Dara's hanbok)

“Dara ah~” Jiyong mama called out as he gave the both of us a frown face.

“Wae oppa?” Dara mama asked.

“I thought I told you to let her hair down?” Jiyong mama ask making Dara mama chuckle.

“Yah and I thought what happened. My dear Jiyong mama may I ask you what are we wearing now?” Dara mama ask as she spread her arms out.


“Correct! And for the 21 years you have been a Korean, may I ask if you have seen someone wearing a hanbok with her hair down?”


“Precisely oppa!” Dara mama said making Jiyong mama give her a pout.

“Fine pretend I didn’t say anything~” Jiyong mama said as he got his gat that was resting on the side and stood up.

“Oppa I seriously don’t know why you insisted in wanting Chaerin’s hair to be down. Wait oppa do you happen to have something for Chaerin?” Dara mama said as she looks at Jiyong mama then to me and back to Jiyong mama.

“Dara don’t make assumptions. I have been telling you time to time not do so. You always end up getting into trouble with them.” Jiyong mama said.

“Oppa you know, I’ve known you for more than 10 years. I know what is going through your mind.” Dara mama said until he covered to refrain her from talking more.

“Aish would it kill you to keep your mouth close for one second? Yah where are your jeonmo?” He asks the younger girl.

(Jeonmo is the hat like thing :D)

“Ah I left it in the room! Chaerin ah could you help me fetch it? Oh and take your time~ I might want to have a small talk with this mama over here~”

“Neh mama~” I said bowing to them before I left to get the headgear.

As soon as I turn, I could hear the two of them whispering to one another as they giggled at whatever they told one another. Time to time Jiyong mama would receive slaps on his arm and before you know it, Jiyong mama was trying to stop Dara mama from whatever she was saying. I felt a pinch at my heart. I never had this feeling before in 19 years of my life but it seems like I would only get this pinch when Jiyong mama and Dara mama are together.

“Shhh~ She’s back. You better not say anything!” I heard Jiyong mama say to Dara mama before the both of them stop what they were doing before looking at me with a smile.

“Mama here is the jeonmo.”

“Thanks darling. I guess we should leave now!” Dara mama said getting one of the jeonmo and tie it on her head while I do so too before she came and wrap her arms around mine.

“Mama~” I said as soon as we step out of the palace.

“Chaerin can you do the both of us a favor?” Dara mama asks making me look at them.

“Mama even if it isn’t within my means I would try my best.” I said.

“Erm…well…aish I don’t know how to say this. Oppa can you do it instead?” Dara mama asks.

“Rinnie ah now that we are in the public, we want you to call us oppa and unnie.” Jiyong mama said.

“Neh?!!” I ask in shock only to realize that I wasn’t supposed to do this. “Mama I’m sorry for my outburst.”

“Chaerin ah do you know why we are all in hanbok?” Dara mama asks and I shook my head.

“I’m still clueless mama~”

“Aigoo oppa do something to your Rinnie~” Dara mama said before Jiyong mama came closer to me.

“Rinnie the reason why we changed is because we don’t want anyone to know us. Since young, we have been receiving special treatment because of our status. That is why we have to throw on a disguise. Everyone here knows that we are western influenced so if we were to wear what we usually wear, we will be known.”

“But mama~”

“Oh and another thing Rinnie ah you can’t call us mama out here. Not even our names. When we are out here, I want you to treat us like commoners. Outside here, we are just like everyone, you are not a gungnyeo but Lee Chaerin while both of us are just Kwon Jiyong and Park Ssandara.”

“Yah what Ssandara!!! Chaerin ah oppa is bullying me~” Dara mama said as she urge me to do something about it.

“Rinnie ah just call us oppa and unnie outside here. After all no matter how good our disguise is, our names can easily attract people’s attention. Or if you want you can call her Ssandara too.” Jiyong mama said before the both of them have a tongue sticking competition.

“Mama~” I said trying to stop them but was completely ignored. Am I doing it the wrong way? Must I really do it? “Unnie…” I mumbled softly as I try my luck and just then the both of them turn to look at me with a huge smile.

“Neh maknae?” Dara mama asked.

“It’s nothing ma…”

“Yah don’t you say that word!” Dara mama said as she pointed her finger at my nose.

“Dongsaeng don’t be so harsh on maknae. She needs time to get used to it.” Jiyong mama said as he pulls her hand back down.

“Alright then. Oppa maknae let’s go?” Dara mama said as she wraps one of her arms around Jiyong mama’s and another around my arm as she pulls us towards the market place.

Like what we have in the village, the market place here was of no difference. The only difference is that there were more shops, more people around as well as more variety of items. Dara mama was pulling the both of us around from shops to shops as we tried on all the different street food that the mamas never get to taste in the palace.

“Ma…” I said and before I could continue she stared at me as if telling me she wouldn’t entertain that word again. “Unnie?” I ask and that was when she gave me a smile

“Neh maknae?”

“Do you like street food unnie?”

“Neh~ In fact oppa was the one who loves it. You know this oppa here in the past is so sly. He would always sneak out on his own!”

“Yah I didn’t!!!” Jiyong mama said as he bites into a piece of tteokbokki.

“Oh yes you did oppa. If it wasn’t for me who decided to stalk you that day when you were sneaking out, I wouldn’t have knew it.”

“But you fell in love with the food here too didn’t you?”

“You’re right~” Dara mama said as she fed Jiyong mama another piece of tteokbokki.

“Maknae ah actually I envy you. You have been eating all these delicacies almost on a daily basis aren’t you?” Jiyong mama asks.

“It’s funny how commoners yearn for good food served in the palace when all of you prefer what we commoners eat. If only life could be simple.”

“Why do you say that maknae ah?” Dara mama asks.

“I’ve seen how greed can destroy one person. For money, one could sell her body, for money, one could even sell his or her daughter to the brothel. For money, some would steal and even kill. People are never contented with whatever is in their life.”

“Not just you my darling. To the outside world, it seems like we in the palace get all the attentions, gets all the food and have all the money to do whatever we want to but what they don’t know is how lonely we are. Since young our parents have been busy with the nation and we practically grew up with the sanggung’s care. I think that is the reason as to why we really value one another’s company.” Dara mama said as she hugs Jiyong mama by the side on his waist.

“If only we could live an easy life with nothing to worry about~”

“Maknae ah you know what? I really like you.” Dara mama said making me bow to her.

“Rinnie ah I’m amazed. You should be promoted to be the royal advisor or something.”

“I’m not that good mama~”

“Call me oppa.”


“Good girl~” He said before patting my head.

“Aigoo come on we’ve still got a lot more to explore before the sun sets!!!” Dara mama said before she head off and shortly Jiyong mama joined her by the side.

Looking from behind, Jiyong mama and Dara mama looks really cute together. Jiyong mama is considered really small in size but Dara mama was even smaller in size. Standing beside Jiyong mama, she was one head shorter than him and Jiyong mama looks like the best candidate to be with Dara mama. Seunghyun mama is going out with Bom mama and they are actually going to marry in a few years’ time so would King YG want Jiyong mama and Dara mama to wed too?

“Maknae ah quickly catch up!” Dara mama called out.

“Neh!!!” I said before running towards them.

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Chapter 54: When you will update this story authornim ??
Chapter 55: Update please :')
cipluk #3
Chapter 55: Update please . It was the chapter that we all wait for
blackwonderer #4
oooohhhh finally serious story about skydragon! so hard to find the ship in kingdom story or fairytale story (that's what i'm interest to) i'll read it good n leave feedback ^^
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 55: Omo update juseyo!!!!
Pheana #6
Chapter 7: Update? Please
Songsong123 #7
Chapter 55: Please update soon I really miss this story
thetiffanyy #8
Chapter 55: Pleaseee updatee
GiianeGZB #9
Chapter 55: update please!!!
Chapter 55: where's the update ? chapter i think i've allready read this chapter in march 2013 ...