
In love there are no impossibilities~

Guys I need your help :D

I know I've asked for you help before but if you have not,

Can you lend this CLover a hand in winning an autograph 2NE1 album? The contest is ending on 19th January 6pm KST!!!

Really need you help ^^


Also do get your friends to help ^^

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I wanted to give up but with 200 likes already, I thought maybe I could try aiming for TOP 3 again...

If you can please help me alright? :D

I will repay everyone of you with better chapters ^^

“Unnie, thinking about the conversation between you and the King again?”

“What did that Panda tell you this time?” I asked the little girl who sits beside me.

“Yah it has been a year and you still can’t learn to respect me?!!” Seungri said as he joins us both who were sitting on the steps between the different sections of the hanok.

“Well that’s because you don’t deserve any respect from me at all~” I said nonchalantly.

“How can you say that when you help me so much? If I knew things were like this, I shouldn’t have help you get out of the palace.”

“Ahrasso ahrasso thank you then neh?” I said sarcastically.

“Mingkki ah why is your unnie so evil?” He said as he ruffles the youngest hair.

“Aigoo oppa stop messing my hair!!! I swear if I’m also like unnie who is a few months younger than you, I would be treating you the same way as Chaerin unnie~” Minzy said.

“Mingkki not you too?!!” Seungri exclaimed dramatically.

“Aish oppa you know I don’t mean it! I love you so much to even do that to you~” Minzy said as she hugs Seungri oppa.

“Yah she loves you but not me. Why did you tell Minzy about the King and me?” I ask as I got my books and left while the two follow me behind.

“Chaerin it’s not as if Minzy doesn’t know about you being in the palace a year ago~” Seungri oppa tried to cool me down.

“Yeah she didn’t know until you told her!” I said as I place the books I carried on the table.

“Unnie we’ve known one another for more than half a year and you treat me like your sister so why can’t I be told?” Minzy said with a pout on her face.

“Baby it’s not that I don’t want to tell you. It’s just that, I don’t find any reason for me to tell anyone.” I said as I her head.

“Unnie do you still love Jiyong mama?” She asked and thankfully a swarm of students came running into small courtyard.

“Mingkki we’ll talk later? Let’s start lesson~” I said giving her a smile and she obediently comply as she left with Seungri oppa to get ready for the day.

Since the day I left the palace with Seungri, we have been living together in a small village about an hour of house carriage ride away from the palace. Upon settling down, Seungri oppa and I immediately went to look for a place where we could study and thankfully to Seungri, we were able to enroll to a school 30 minutes’ walk away. Since I’m learning using the money paid to me serving the mamas, it lasted me for quite some time but still it wasn’t enough for me to even continue after half a year.

Knowing my condition, Teacher Kim, an elderly in his 70s agree into letting me continue provided over the weekends I have to teach the village kids. Along with free education for me, Seungri oppa and I were even offered to stay at the hanok that was situated closer to the school we’re studying at. This hanok’s owner is Teacher Kim himself but since he is all alone, he let us have the hanok. Teacher Kim used to teach the village kids that came by this hanok on weekends and on top of Teacher Kim being old, we agreed to his terms.

And there is where we are now, teaching the kids every weekends for a few hours. You must be wondering how Minzy joined us. I remember shortly after we settle at the hanok, Minzy came along and was touched by us teaching the kids for free. Well of cause you could say that we actually do benefit something from teaching the kids but according to Minzy, she was touched at the point where we could choose to just smoke through and not teach the kids while we enjoy all the privilege but instead we were teaching them with all our best.

After persuading Teacher Kim, the three of us ended up together living at the hanok together, teaching the kids every weekend. Minzy too started studying with us and when we get back home, we either revise while on Friday nights, we would prepare on what we were going to teach the next day. Days go by and the three of us have gotten really close together. The kids in the village know that education, much more free education is hard to come by and therefore they were really good kids that were willing to learn so it was easier for us too.

Getting the kids to gather at the gazebo for lessons, we started the day  with roll call, I called out everyone’s name as I made sure who was here and who wasn’t. It wasn’t necessary for roll call since as day pass more and more kids were joining us but still we would make an effort to take down who was here before and not here today.

“Kang Seojin~ Kang Seojin?” I said as I look up to try and spot for the familiar face but to no avail. “Anyone knows where is Kang Seojin?”

“Chaerin seonsaeng Seojin ie’s omma is sick so she can’t come to class today.” A small boy named Choi Seunggi informed me, making me look up to see Minzy and Seungri peeking through the door where they normally will be to monitor each other’s teaching. They both gave me a shrug while I just give them a nod and continue with today’s lesson.


(The teachers would be facing the doors that leads to the “living room” of the house while the kids would be looking out to the scenery. Whenever they want to monitor one another, the other two will be at the living room.) 

“Alright kids that’s all from me today.  Go have a short break and see Minzy seonsaeng here as in 10 minutes alright? If anyone of you is not feeling well come and look for us immediately. As for those who have questions, I will be here until Minzy seonsaeng comes to take over so don’t be shy and come to me alright?” I said as started to wrap up for my lesson today.

“Chaerin seonsaeng!!!”

As usual after every class ends, these kids never rush to take a break, instead they would come up to me as they bomb me with every single question they had in their mind. After answering all the curious kids’ question, it was finally Minzy’s turn to take over the lesson while I join Seungri outside. We were both silent for a second but we knew what was in one another’s mind. It didn’t took us long till Seungri decided to break the silence.

“Are you planning to visit Seojin later?”

“Well if you aren’t interested, I’m more than happy to go alone~”

“Chaerin you know I don’t mean that. I’ve talked to Minzy. When the kids finish their lessons, we would get them to bring us to Seojin’s.”


“Anyway Chaerin, your birthday is coming up in the following week if you didn’t notice.”

“I know Seungri. How can I forget?”

“You’re going back to the palace right? As promise to the King?”

“Do I have another choice?”

“Nope~ You know that if you don’t appear the King would get the guards to come pick you up.”

“I don’t know Ri~” I said as I got away from the door, afraid that our conversation would distract the kids studying.

“I can see you still like Jiyong mama. Are you worried that heading back, you would see him again and it would be hard for you to forget him?” Spot on dude~ Grrr why did this guy in front of me knows me so well? It has become my weakness that he can use against me.

“Not just Jiyong mama. I don’t know how to face Dara mama, Daesung mama as well as Youngbae mama although he is aware of my departure.”

“Chaerin the King must have the reason for calling you back one year later. Maybe he just wanted to check on you? See if you are doing well? And since you request for him to not find you when you are out, the only way he can check on you is for you to head for the palace and tell him himself.”

“But what if they make me stay?”

“Do you think the King would make you stay if you insist of leaving? Chaerin just go and see the king neh?”

“I don’t know Ri…”

“Yah stop using that sentence. It is starting to become a bad habit. Anyway don’t worry about meeting the King. Just like how I promise and stayed by you over the year, I promise you that this time I would be with you as well in meeting the King.”

“As if you will. I thought you say you can’t be seen by them?”

“I have my own ways don’t worry.”

“What are you guys talking about?” Minzy asked, shocking us with her sudden appearance.

“Minzy you ended your lessons so early?!!” I asked nervously.

“Well the kids are doing some self-studying with one another. Besides they didn’t have a break just now with all their questions so I thought that through this self-studying I could give them a short break. Now that I’ve answered your question, you answer mine unnie~”

“Minzy it’s nothing.”

“Unnie you know I don’t buy that…Oppa what are you guys talking about?”

“Its…oompft~” Seungri oppa said and before he could spill everything out, I stop him from doing so.

“Unnie if you’re not going to tell me I’m going to leave you two! And not come back!!!” She threatened. Aigoo why can’t I stand her threatens at all?

“Aish fine I will tell you alright? Remember the conversation between me and the King?” I asked her.

“Well all I know is that you love Jiyong mama, which is the reason as to why you are leaving.”

“The King let me go upon one condition.”

“Which is that Chaerin have to visit the palace on her birthday.”

“Unnie’s birthday? Isn’t that like next next Wednesday?” She asked since today is Sunday and my birthday wasn’t this Wednesday but the next.

“Yeah and this girl here is trying to defy the King’s order by considering not to do so.” Seungri oppa said.

“Yah I didn’t say…I’m not going right? Just thinking…what if…I happen to not make it…and stuffs.” I stuttered.

“Unnie what do you mean by not making it? Don’t tell me…YAH UNNIE YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!!” Minzy exclaimed as he lock me in a tight embrace that was choking me up.

“Mingkki what are you doing?!! Let me go!!!” I said as I tried to shake her off but instead she tightens her hug.

“No unnie I’m not going to let you go and die!!!”

“Aish Ri come and help me!!! What the hell is she thinking? She must be out of her mind~”

“Nope it’s between the both of you~” Seungri said as he stick his tongue out.

“This panda~ Mingkki I’m not going to die!!!” I shouted making her look at me.

“Really unnie? You’re not bluffing me right?!!” Minzy said as she looks in my eyes yet not letting me go.

“Yah what makes you think I’m seeking death?” I asked.

“Well you said you cannot make it…”

“Aigoo our maknae is so cute!!!” I said as I pinch her cheeks when she loosens her grip around me. “Just know that unnie isn’t trying to mean what you thought alright? The King takes really good care of me why would I want to die so that I can escape from him?”


“The kids are back. Quickly continue with the lesson neh? We’re going to Seojin’s after lesson.”

“Ahrasso~” Mingkki said giving us a pout before she left and continue with the lesson.

“Chaerin I know what is bothering you. Just don’t think about it for the moment alright? I’ll go prepare for your trip out to visit Seojin’s mom and we’ll take about this tonight ahrasso?” Seungri oppa said as he pat my head.


Did anyone notice something from the hanok?

Is it just me or does it looks like the one SHINee went for Hello Baby?

kekeke anyway I've fast forward the time to make the story short ^^

I'm week at filler chapters that covers such a long time...

Things would start to get interesting in the next 2 chapters :D

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Chapter 54: When you will update this story authornim ??
Chapter 55: Update please :')
cipluk #3
Chapter 55: Update please . It was the chapter that we all wait for
blackwonderer #4
oooohhhh finally serious story about skydragon! so hard to find the ship in kingdom story or fairytale story (that's what i'm interest to) i'll read it good n leave feedback ^^
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 55: Omo update juseyo!!!!
Pheana #6
Chapter 7: Update? Please
Songsong123 #7
Chapter 55: Please update soon I really miss this story
thetiffanyy #8
Chapter 55: Pleaseee updatee
GiianeGZB #9
Chapter 55: update please!!!
Chapter 55: where's the update ? chapter i think i've allready read this chapter in march 2013 ...