more about the mamas

In love there are no impossibilities~

This chapter is really a bore...

It was supposed to be more boring but suddenly a thought came to my mind...

I could use this chance to talk more about the mamas' life...

Anyway I hope the flow is still smooth...

And as for Seungri when he mentioned in the last chapter that he wouldn't be able to save her anymore, that doesn't mean that he would be gone forever in the story ^^

He would be back to disturb Chaerin don't worry ^^

Remember me telling you guys Seungri was supposed to appear only later in the story?

Well yeah it doesn't mean that when I push his entrance to the story early means he wouldn't appear later :D

He would still return as planned ^^

As for the aliens, they would only appear once in a while now cause I'm going to focus on SKYDRAGON :D

So please don't be angry at them anymore ok?

I will make SKYDRAGON love life interesting to make you all forget about what TOPBOM did...hopefully ^^

Their punishment for torturing Chae is stopping them from appearing in the next few chapters of this story!!! kekeke :D

it's 24th Dec in Singapore now...


I would try to update again tomorrow and even on Christmas day itself cause well...I'm not Christian so I don't really celebrate...

But still it's the weekends and my parents might want to go out so I will try to write as much as I can :D

Happy holidays my love <3


“Oh you’re here? I see that you are back to your gungnyeo uniform~” Jiyong mama said and I nodded.

“Neh mama. Since I’m not working for Seunghyun mama, I had to return him the uniform.”

“Well aren’t you happy that you don’t have to wear that now?”


“I know you never like that uniform.”

“Mama I’m just not used to it.”

“You know why I like you? Being abroad for such a long time, I have seen women wanting to show off their assets but you rather to stick to tradition.”

“Mama everyone here is like that too~”

“Aigoo why do you always want to be like the norm? You’re special in your own way.”

“Thank you for your compliment mama~”

“Well if only I could make you put your hair down. You know I’m not joking when you look really pretty with your hair down.”

“Mama if you prefer for me to put my hair down…” I said reaching for my hairband when he caught my wrist.

“Hey I’m just saying~ Besides it would hinder you when you are doing your work so you should just keep it up.” He said and I nodded until I look at my hand.

“Mama…” I said getting his attention and when he notices it he immediately let my hands go.


“Mama it’s alright. So mama what can I do for you?”

Today is the first day I start work with Jiyong mama. That day when King YG assigned me to Jiyong mama, he too told me to rest my body until I feel better. I actually told him I didn’t need to rest and knowing me, he even ordered me to rest for at least a day before I start work. Actually to be honest even when I was given a off day, I used the time wisely to study instead of resting.

“Well…To be honest I don’t know. What do you normally do?”

“I clean the quarter mama.”

“Hmm then you could just clean like you usually do.”

“Mama your quarter…”

“It’s a little bit too clean right?” He asks scratching his nape.

“Yes mama. It’s so clean I don’t know what to do. Mama trust me I don’t mean to say this because I want to skive but it’s…it’s really clean.”

“I know. You know, you don’t have to be so tensed when you are with me.” He said with a smile.

“Mama how about I looking around to see if there is anything I can do?” I asked.

“Well feel free to.”

“Mama is there anything I have to take note? Like which room I have to keep away?”

“I trust you~ Besides there is nothing for me to hide.” He said giving me a smile.

“Neh mama~” I said before I explore his quarters.

“What are you thinking?” Jiyong mama asks, making me turn only to realize that we were standing way too close that I could feel his breathe. I took a few steps back but instead trip against the steps but Jiyong mama caught me in time. His arm was around my waist and my hands on his chest.

“I’m sorry mama!” I said as I quickly got up.

“It’s alright.” He replied.

“Mama what was it that you was asking me earlier?”

“Ah you look deep in your thoughts.”

“Mama I was just looking around. Mama’s quarter and Seunghyun mama’s quarter is so different.”

“How different is it?”

“The second floor~” I said.

“Well I don’t need so much room so I decided to knock them out. Besides without the second floor, the living room has a higher ceiling and it feels more airy that way.”

“I see mama~” I said as we head up to the second floor.

“What is it again?” He asked.

“Neh mama?”

“You’re frowning.” He said making me touch my forehead.

“I didn’t even realize that mama.”

“You know, you always frown when you are troubled or when you are debating something in your mind.”


“It’s all written on your face.”

“Mama pardon me but may I ask why is the first floor so different from the second? Seunghyun mama’s quarter is all white but Jiyong mama’s quarter on the first floor is white just like Seunghyun mama’s and the second floor is mustard color?”

“Ah that’s all because of hyung. You know how much he loves modern. Before we came back, he told me that he wanted to change the concept of our rooms. I was sent to study overseas with hyung at the age of 11. I was young and to me this is home. I was against hyung’s idea of changing it modern like how he like it to be. I wanted it to stay the way it is but hyung is against of it. In the end the both of us compromised. Since hyung would always come by, we came to an agreement that the first floor would be decided by him. You know that hyung really likes modern and if it isn’t, he wouldn’t want to even step in. That is how this house ended up with two different concepts.”

“I see…”

“My bedroom is on the right.” He said.

“It’s beautiful mama~” I said as soon as I enter the room according to the direction given.

“You like it?” He asks as he stood beside me.

“It feels so comfortable and warm here.”


“The colors. Seunghyun mama’s quarter is all white but here it’s mustard…oh mama I’m sorry. I’m talking too much aren’t I?” I said as I bow to him.

(Seunghyun's room. Doesn't this picture remind you of an alien war that just ended? :D)

“Aniya~ Besides, I like how you feel comfortable with me. I’ve never seen you talk so much comfortably when you are with hyung.” He said making me blush.



“Mama why are you so good to me?” I ask making him sit on the bed as he cross his legs and his arm supporting him against the mattress.

“I don’t know. I just felt that I have to protect you.”

“Mama is it because of my Haraboji? Is it because Haraboji and the Royal Highness are good friends which is why you pay special care to me?”

“Maybe? Maybe not? I just felt that you are different. When you first came in, you give me a feeling that you need to be protected. Why are you asking me this?”   

“I don’t know mama. I just felt that you are helping me too much and its…I can’t help but feel a little burdened.”

“Is it because of what the others are talking about behind your back?” He asks as he got up and walks towards me.

“I’m just a gungnyeo mama.”

“Like I told you before, you are human too. Stop seeing me as a mama.” He said leaving the room and I follow him as he leads me to his study room.

“Stop seeing mama as mama?”

“Maybe you should start by calling me oppa instead of mama. Or even Jiyong-ssi. Maybe that could pull us closer.” He said but my attention was at the photo frame one the study table.

“Mama I don’t think that is a good idea. I’ve been taught since young that respect is important. Especially to the royal family. Maybe Haraboji has already expected this day, where he would have to use his relationship with the Royal highness and get me into the palace.”

“I notice that you’ve been looking at this picture. Since I know so much about you, should I tell you something about me?” He said as he handed me the photo frame.


“That picture was taken before hyung and I left for studies. We haven’t changed have we? Youngbae and I are always together like brothers and the both of us like to hang around with Dara. Dara and Daesung are the team maknaes and were 10 years old then while Youngbae and I are 11. Because of this, Youngbae and I would always take care of Dara. As for Bom noona, since we are all younger than her and only Seunghyun hyung is older than her, she tends to seek support from him. Can you believe it? The both of them fight every single second they are together in the pass until they fell in love for one another and now they can’t be separated.”

“What about Daesung mama?” I ask.

“Daesung? Ah yes since the both of us always takes care of Dara, we always forget him and therefore he would instead seek love from Seunghyun hyung and Bom noona. However in the very end, he would become the mediator between the both of them. We own him a lot and that is why whenever I’m with him now, I would always make sure he gets all the attention he needs.”

“Is this Dara mama and Youngbae mama?” I ask as I pointed to the picture of him and Youngbae mama with Dara mama in the middle of them.

“Mmm…A year after we were gone, neither of us 6 were doing well. Basically it just means that we miss one another. Since hyung and my results are not bad, YG appa manage to persuade the other’s parents in letting them come join us. Youngbae was the first to come to us for his parents trusted him. Since young he was able to live alone. Although he is a mama, he cooks at home on a regular basis. He loves cooking. And besides the both of us live like blood related brothers so his parents agreed really quickly when Youngbae raise this up to him.”

“Then what about the other mamas?”

“With the three of us in another land and Dara being so used to having us around more than her parents, she desperately wanted to join us. After much persuasion, the Parks decided to let them come join us but only when they turn 12. Daesung’s parents didn’t want him to leave too so in the meantime, we got him to take good care of the Park sisters for us. 2 years down the road, we finally reunited with the Park sisters and thankfully they were able to bring Daesung with them too. Apparently he did a good job in taking care of the sisters that the sisters’ parents persuaded Daesung’s parents to let him bring the girls to join us.”

“So mama has been overseas for 10 years while the other mamas were with you for 8 years?”

“Yeah. That is why our relationship is so close and that is also how the aliens got together.”


“Aish hyung is going to kill me! Anyway since you already know, we call the couple aliens.”

“Why aliens mama?”

“These two are really weird characters. Only they can understand what is going on with one another. For example when we talk about food, they will be talking about families.”


“Uh huh~ But it’s cute at the same time to us bystanders.”

“What about…Dara mama?”

“Dara?” He asks and just then the doorbell rang. “Who could it be?”

“Mama may I go get the door.”

“Rinnie you don’t have to ask me that.” Jiyong mama said, giving me a smile before I left the room.

“Mama~” I greeted the petite girl standing in front of me.

“Omo Chaerin?!! What are you doing here?” Dara mama said as she launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around me.

“Dara is that you?” Jiyong mama called out as he got down from the second floor.

“Oppa!!!” Dara mama said as she gives Jiyong mama a hug.

“What are you doing here? You should have told me that you were coming.” Jiyong mama said as he ruffles her hair.

“Unnie got grounded and I have nothing to do so I’m here. Anyway why is Chaerin here instead of being at Seunghyun oppa’s?”

“Well she is here because of the same reason that noona got grounded. Come let’s sit and talk alright? Rinnie can you get us some water?”

“Neh mama~”

Is Dara mama going out with Jiyong mama? Wait Lee Chaerin what do you think you are doing? So what if Dara mama and Jiyong mama are together? Isn’t that expected? After all they are mamas. And why are you thinking about all this? You must be crazy.

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Chapter 54: When you will update this story authornim ??
Chapter 55: Update please :')
cipluk #3
Chapter 55: Update please . It was the chapter that we all wait for
blackwonderer #4
oooohhhh finally serious story about skydragon! so hard to find the ship in kingdom story or fairytale story (that's what i'm interest to) i'll read it good n leave feedback ^^
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 55: Omo update juseyo!!!!
Pheana #6
Chapter 7: Update? Please
Songsong123 #7
Chapter 55: Please update soon I really miss this story
thetiffanyy #8
Chapter 55: Pleaseee updatee
GiianeGZB #9
Chapter 55: update please!!!
Chapter 55: where's the update ? chapter i think i've allready read this chapter in march 2013 ...