Stay Beside Me Or Leave

Our Royal Hours

The classroom for the elite was significantly quiet that day. It could be the fact that everyone has to be screened before entering the room or also because there were bodyguards stationed beside Yunho and Jaejoong.

“You're taking it too far.” Yunho said, talking to Donghae who has been relocated to sit beside Yunho.

“You did say to double the guards on His Highness, Sir.” Donghae replied back.

Yunho looked at Jaejoong. It was clear that the man was uncomfortable with the extra security as his eyes dart around the classroom carefully.

“Just tell the guards to take a few steps back. We’re together in this room. If anything happen, I’ll be there to help him.” Yunho said. Donghae obeyed the order, signalling to the guards standing by Jaejoong to back down.

“Good morn-oh woah!” Their homeroom teacher was held back by the guards at the entrance of the room.

“Oh oh wait. Let me grab a picture first.” Changmin hurriedly said, whipping out his phone before taking a picture of his brother being held by the palace guards.

“Not funny, Changmin. Delete it or-”

“You threaten me and I’ll send this photo straight to all the numbers in your phone. Specifically, the female ones.” Changmin said, turning the tables on Jiho. The guards let go of the homeroom teacher, granting permission to enter.

“30 years old and I'm still being played by my own brother.” Jiho mumbled to himself as he head to his table.

“Alright, everyone. Before class starts, I'm going to announce something. There is a good news and a bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?” Jiho asked, facing the class full of students...

And guards.

The students had mixed views and instead of following the class opinion on giving out the bad news first, Jiho chose to say the good news. He takes a seat on the table, casually swinging his leg.

“The good news is that I just finished marking your test that you did last week. The bad news is almost the whole class failed except for a few. So, I’ve decided to have another test tomorrow for those who have failed.”

“But tomorrow is Saturday.” Heechul said after raising his hand.

Oh do you want it now then?” Jiho asked and the students immediately protested.

“Monday then.” The man concluded. He stands up, taking a piece of paper before pinning it on the board.

“Those names who are on this list will be having a test on Monday. For the lucky ones, you have free period.” The homeroom teacher said before officially starting class.

As soon as the class had ended and Jiho had left, the students gathered in front as they looked through the list of people who are being blacklisted.

Wait, no...

I meant being called for a retest.

Heechul was the first one standing in front of the board and the scream that he made clearly told everyone that he was on the list.

“Why me?” Heechul cried although his eyes were still going over the list.

He screamed again, causing the other rich students to chide him for it. Heechul made his way to Jaejoong who couldn’t be bothered with the list. Jaejoong knew he was smart enough to ace the test.

Even when he didn’t study the night before because of a function in the Palace.

“Jae, your name is on the list.” Heechul said, also shocked to see it.

“Wait what?” Jaejoong questioned, surprised to hear that.

“Even worse, Changmin’s name is not on that list.” Jaejoong’s jaw dropped when he heard that.

He hurriedly went to the board that has already been cleared. Jaejoong’s eyes scanned through the list, gasping when he sees his name on it.

“No no. This is impossible. I’m a smart guy. Why did Mr Shim put my name? It must be a mistake, right Chul? I mean...I’m Kim Jaejoong. Everybody knows I’m smart.” Jaejoong rambled on.

“Oh great. I have free period.” Yunho said when he didn’t see his name on the list as he stands behind Jaejoong.

“Me too.” Junsu speak out, already celebrating.

“This is not fair. We went to the same function. How can you not fail the test?” Jaejoong asked, looking at Yunho.

“Oh easy. I cheated.” Yunho said casually, turning his back on Jaejoong.

“Wait you cheated? That’s against the rules.” Jaejoong said, walking up to Yunho and blocking the Prince from going anywhere.

Yunho chuckled, seeing how Jaejoong was pouting. He grabbed hold of Jaejoong’s face, hands on Jaejoong’s cheeks.

“You’re so cute when you’re angry.” Yunho cooed, laughing at the man.

“Yunho.” Jaejoong called, almost whining as he pulled Yunho’s hands away from his face.

“I lied. I studied the whole night before the test. I have a reputation to uphold, smart guy.” Yunho said. Jaejoong grumbled as he head back to his locker to grab his clothes.

“You don’t need that.” Yunho said, resting himself by Jaejoong’s locker.

“What do you mean? It’s curricular time. I’m going horse riding.” Jaejoong questioned, wanting to leave so he won’t be late for his class.

“Well that’s just it. You’re not going for horse riding. We’re exempted from extra outdoor activities classes.” Yunho explained.

“And the reason being? If you said it’s because I’m a royal now, that’s just your random excuse because I went for political studies just two days ago.” Jaejoong mentioned, remembering that he had three other extra activities outside of his school curriculum.

“Because I quote from what you said yesterday night, I just painted a red target on myself. So you being my wife, you’re in that target too.” Yunho said, taking the clothes from Jaejoong before placing it back in the locker.

He grabbed Jaejoong’s hand before walking out.

“Jae, where are you going?” Changmin called, reaching out for Jaejoong but Changmin had missed an inch from trying to hold Jaejoong’s hand.

“We’ll be in our room, everyone.” Yunho announced, pulling Jaejoong out of the classroom.

“Hey you could have at least tell me that beforehand.” Jaejoong said, shaking his hand so Yunho would let go.

“And risk you running away with Changmin. No thank you.” Yunho said, letting go of Jaejoong’s hand.

“But it’s just horse riding, Yunho.” Jaejoong replied as they walked to their room.

“That doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. A sniper can hit you while you’re riding the damn horse.”

“Great. Now you’ve given an idea for a random sniper to hit me.”

“Is it so hard for you to stay with me?” Yunho asked, stopping and turning Jaejoong to face him. They were alone in the middle of the deserted hallway.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Well you’re making it seem like it’s difficult for you.” Sensing another fight coming up, Jaejoong sigh.

“Alright. I’m sorry. Can we go to the room now?”

“No.” Yunho stated, pushing Jaejoong to the wall.

The Crown Prince stared at Jaejoong closely, looking into Jaejoong’s fear stricken eyes.

“What’s so scary about me that you can’t stay with me? I told you, Jaejoong. We need to be together. You need to stick beside me. Is that so difficult for you to do?”


“If you don’t like me, you tell me now.” Yunho said, resting his forehead on Jaejoong’s. Jaejoong’s eyes immediately softened.

“I’m just afraid that if I stick with you, they will target me again and hurt you.” Jaejoong said truthfully, pushing the man away.

“Let’s just go.” Jaejoong continued as he walked to the room, arms crossed.

A few more steps and Jaejoong felt himself being pushed from behind. Panic goes through his body as he sense the danger.

“Yunho, run!” Jaejoong cried out, only to realise that the assailant had his arms around Jaejoong’s waist. That was when Jaejoong spots the silver ring on the man’s pinky finger.

“Yunho? What the hell? Don’t scare me like that. I thought we were in danger again.” Jaejoong rambled on, trying to calm his heart.

“I don’t care if I’m hurt, Jae. I feel more pain when I see you being targeted by those scum. And when you cry, when you look me in the eyes with your eyes all so teary, I can’t help but to just want to hug you so tight that you won’t feel anymore pain. So please, don’t feel that way.”


“I know it’s going to be scary but I’m here for you and-”

“Yunho! Mr Shim is looking at us.” Jaejoong hissed, embarrassed for being caught in a situation like that by a close friend.

“Hmm? Oh.” Yunho’s hands immediately disappear as Yunho stand beside Jaejoong.

“You know, I don’t mind you two being married but this is a school so please behave properly.”

“Yes Sir.” Yunho said, bowing when the teacher left. He straightened up as Jaejoong laughs.

“It’s funny to you? Why didn’t you tell me Mr Shim was standing there?” Yunho asked, embarrassed.

“I did. Well, I tried. But you interrupted me with your sappy speech.” Jaejoong said, giggling again.

“Sappy? I tried to be truthful and honest and you make fun of me.”

“Oh my god Yunho, you’re blushing.” Jaejoong point out, finger poking at Yunho’s cheek.

“Let’s just go.” Yunho said, walking first.

Jaejoong continued poking the man’s cheek which caused Yunho to grab him by the waist and carrying Jaejoong over his shoulder into the room.

“Let me go! Yunho, it’s scary.” Jaejoong shouted, grabbing onto Yunho's shirt tightly.

“Oh so now it’s scary.” Yunho laughed as he walked to the couch.

Yunho’s intent was to put Jaejoong down on the couch but his feet gets caught on the rug and Yunho tripped. He falls down, throwing the two of them into the couch.


“Oh no. Jae, you alright?” Yunho asked, looking at Jaejoong’s face to check if the man was bleeding.

“I’m fine.” Jaejoong said, hands placed on Yunho’s chest instead.

Yunho stopped moving as his eyes met Jaejoong’s brown eyes. Yunho leaned closer, wanting to kiss Jaejoong but there were suddenly knocks on the open door.

“Your Highness, there is a delivery for you.” The bodyguard said and Yunho groaned which caused Jaejoong to laugh. Yunho pecks Jaejoong’s lips to make him keep quiet before getting up.

“You have no timing at all.” Yunho scolded the guard as he grabbed the bouquet of flowers.

“And you destroyed my flowers.” The Prince continued, slamming the door close on the bodyguard’s face as he turned to look at Jaejoong. The man was still laughing.

“I meant for this to be your daily serving of flowers. Now, it looks like a bomb detonated inside it.” Yunho grumbled once again, sitting down beside Jaejoong.

“It’s alright. You don’t have to bring me flowers anymore. It’s wasteful.” Jaejoong said, gladly taking the flowers that have probably been searched by the bodyguards just now.

“I’m going to catch up on sleeping. You go and study for your test.” Yunho ordered, getting comfortable on the couch.

“That’s not fair.” Jaejoong said, looking at the man who already had his eyes closed.

“Yunho?” Jaejoong called, thinking that the Prince have gone straight to sleep.

“Yunho...Jung Yunho…”

“Jaejoong, I’m trying to sleep here.” Yunho said, shifting a little.

However, his eyes were still closed. Jaejoong looked at Yunho’s rough hands, seeing the callouses on his knuckles.

“Did the man say anything yesterday? Are those wounds because of him?” Yunho popped his eyes open when Jaejoong suddenly asked those question.

“Why do you want to know about him?”

“Well...I think that if my life is in danger, I would want to know why.”

“It’s not you they’re targeting, Jaejoong. You’ll be fine.” Yunho said, closing his eyes again as he didn’t want to tell Jaejoong the truth.

The truth that is always so close to Jaejoong.


“Jaejoong, just go and study.”

“Then who is he targeting?” Jaejoong asked, obviously not taking Yunho’s answer into consideration. Yunho sit up, forcing Jaejoong to look at him.

“Listen to me. I feel that it’s better for you not to know but since you want to know about family has been fighting an organisation that is keen in destroying the royal family. They feel that we shouldn’t exist and that is why these attacks happen.” Jaejoong’s eyes grew wide open when he heard Yunho.

Only until the Prince suddenly started laughing.

“You can actually believe that?” Yunho asked, laughing at Jaejoong.

“Yeah funny. Laugh as much as you want. I’m going to study.” Jaejoong scowled, standing up after realising he’s been fooled by Yunho.

Before he could start walking away, Yunho hold on to his wrist.

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, Jae. It’s just that I don’t want to put you in harm’s way for knowing too much. Actually, the protocol for situations like this is for the royal couple to be separated until the crisis dies down. But I didn’t want that to happen. The last time that happen, my sister died. I would like you to stay with me, without questions. Can you do that for me?”



“His Majesty would like to have an audience with you at the throne room, Sir.” Donghae said as soon as he hang up from his call.

The royal couple were on their way back from school, thinking that they would get their free time. After all, they will be going to Jeju Island the next day for a gathering.

“Just me?” Yunho asked.

“He said both of you, Sir.” Donghae replied and Yunho ordered for them to stop at the Main Palace instead.

Once they reach the Palace, the two head to the throne room. The King was alone, his wife gone for a golf trip.

“Sit down, both of you.” Ilwoo said grimly.

“Is something wrong, Father?” Yunho asked, taking a seat beside Jaejoong.

“It’s regarding tomorrow’s gathering. In light of yesterday’s events, I feel that we should cancel tomorrow’s gathering. I would like to know your opinions.” Ilwoo said.

“Don’t you think it’s too late to cancel? After all, I’m sure by now, the international dignitaries have arrived at the hotel. If we don’t make an appearance, I think they will be quite upset.” Jaejoong said when Yunho motioned for him to say something.

“That is true but your safety-”

“If you’re worried about our safety, then just send one of us there. We have been holding these gatherings annually. I don’t think we can miss it just because of a security issue.” Yunho said and Jaejoong nod, agreeing to what Yunho said.

“Then, I’m sorry but I will have to separate you two for this weekend.” Ilwoo decided.

“I can go for the gathering. Having Jaejoong to go by himself could give him a burden. Plus, Jaejoong has a test to study on.” Yunho said.

Ilwoo nod, happy that Yunho has decided to take the responsibility of going to the event. Usually, Yunho would prefer not going for these gatherings. After all, they were just networking sessions with other royals which Yunho usually can’t be bothered with.

“Alright then. That is all. You can leave.” Ilwoo said, dismissing the two.

“We will leave first.” Yunho said, leaving the throne room. Jaejoong followed suit, weirded out that Yunho was somehow extra happy to hear that he was going alone.

“Donghae, pack my bags.” Yunho ordered as soon as they were in the East Palace.

“Together with Jaejoong?” Donghae asked, not knowing the situation that has just changed.

“Oh right.” Yunho said, looking for Jaejoong who had silently gone into his bedroom.

“Jae!” Yunho called, walking over to Jaejoong’s bedroom.

“Hey Jae.” Yunho called again, stopping the man from walking away.


“Sorry. Did you want to go for the trip?” Yunho asked, forgetting about Jaejoong momentarily.

“No no. Like you said, I have to study for my test on Monday.” Jaejoong said, feigning innocence that he was alright with it.

“Oh great then.”

“You sound really happy.” Jaejoong stated.

“Yeah I am.” Yunho immediately said before realising his mistake.

“I’s a trip to meet my royal buddies. Whatever…” Yunho said, acting disinterested.

“Right…” Jaejoong trailed off. Yunho stared at the man for awhile.


“I’m sorry. You really wanted to go, didn’t you?”

“What? No no. Your decision was great, Yunho.” Jaejoong said, turning away.

“Hey.” Yunho called, turning Jaejoong to look at him.

“I promise once I come back on Tuesday, we can go for a trip of our own. Anywhere you want.” Yunho promised, not wanting to see the boy frown so hard.

“OK. Just get home safe.” Jaejoong said before heading into the bathroom and leaving Yunho alone.

Yunho walked out of the room and head back to his room where Donghae was already packing his things.

“What time is the flight tomorrow?”

“Six in the morning.”

“So early?” Yunho asked, sitting down in front of the TV.

“Well, the breakfast starts at seven. You don’t want to be late.” Donghae said.

“You’re coming too, right?” Yunho asked, taking out his phone to text someone.

“Yes. Yejin will take over my duties for Jaejoong.” Donghae replied. Yunho gave a thumbs up, too busy typing on his phone.

“Who is it you’re typing to?” Donghae asked, taking a look at Yunho’s phone.

“Oh. He’s coming too?” The butler questioned again.

“You saw his reply.” Yunho said.

“Should I book one plane ticket for him too? And a hotel room?”

“Yes please. Don’t worry about the room. He can stay with me.” Donghae nod, zipping the luggage before setting it aside.

He left the room, seeing Yunho calling someone. Donghae looked to Jaejoong’s room where the man was sitting, a frown clear on his face.

“You make someone happy and you disappoint someone else. That’s how love goes, I guess.” Donghae said to himself.


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yunboojj #1
Please update....!!!!!
Rockerlyn #2
Chapter 49: wow this is soo thrilling
Everoselen314 #3
Chapter 49: When will you be able to next chapters plz make a happy ending give them lots of children's of course jae should give birth :p plz plz write next chapters I read it in one shot love u
Chapter 49: Nice story. Waiting for a new chap or maybe chaps? Hahahahaha. Keep up the good work
turyka #5
Chapter 49: I missed u!!!! I love this update .. i'm so mad at Changmin and Yoochun.. And the king is a complete moron
Chapter 49: I want to slap Yoochun ugh!
shimdia #7
Chapter 49: I miss you authornim and ofcourse our royal couple Yunjae.. thank you for the update, and good luck for your new career <3 <3
sheilapiglet #8
Chapter 49: I still don't understand the king and his decisions.....and Yoochun is still as annoying as ever.....can't believe Yunho was expected to go on the trip right after being shot....that doesn't even make sense. Anyways, I hope that the story will speed up in the sense of uncovering YC's's getting a bit draggy since it's been almost 50 chapters and the bad guys are still walking around freely to do whatever they want. Thanks for taking the time to update.
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 49: That King is so blinded..just to have his other son in and not considering the possibility. And where is the security...don't they have a team to investigate into the case.