New people


- Rin-ah!

The girl runs towardsher and hugs her really tightly. Min Rin's happy too and tighten her arms around her friend's waist.

- Woooaaah! You know Ha Neul? says the puppy-boy, shily and surprised, amazed by the beautiful Ha Neul.

- Yay we're childhoohd friends! Giggles the girl. So... means you're out of hospital?

Shock. All the guys got intersted when Ha Neul but now they know Min Rin lied... but they understand too. The blonde one looks a bit shocked, but more sympathetic. 

- Not really.... i'll be out in two weeks.

- Will you come to school with us? Asks her friend, full of hope.

- Of course!

The both girls are in their world, the boys thinks they're really cute. They know Ha Neul since the beginning of high school, she's really pretty and cool but the girls don't really like her. They're happy to see she has a close friend, the latter seems weak and mysterious but still really pretty, well maybe not pretty but there's something pretty  about her. The guys all think it's a good think for Ha Neul to have this girl, since stuff always happen to her at school.

- And... you still dance? Asks Ha Neul to Min Rin.

- You dance?!

A guy, the smiling one, seems to wake up. Jimin and the puppy look like they're getting interested in her too.

- Yay... but i'm too bad.

- It's not true! pouts Ha Neul.

- Anyway... My name's Ho Seok, nice to meet ya! Let's be friends!

- You guys didn't even tell her your names?!

- Only Jimin... answers Min Rin with a smile.

- What kind of people are you? So here's Jungkook, he looks like a puppy doesn't he? (Min Rin nods) Jin, Taehyung the 4D, Namjoon and...

- Suga. Answers the said boy makes Ha Neul sigh.

- Nobody knows his real name! She says before laughing.

- Nice to meet you!!! Shouts Taehyung in a weird way.

He starts to jump everywhere and lands near Min Rin, trying to hug her to seal their new friendship but the others stop him, they don't want her to get scared or embarassed. Ha Neul also gets in the way.

- Nobody touches my Min Rin!

And she hugs her friend while chuckling. The girls (fangirls?) are still looking at them. One starts t speak loudly so everyone can is able to hear.

- Actually Ha Neul can also seduce girls... No limits!

Throws silence at the group. The guys choose to avoid the es, once again, Ha Neul looks sad and Min Rin can feel her blood boiling in her veins. Nobody hurts her friend.

- Look at her pretty girlfriend and their harem.

- Yah! Shouts Min Rin, stop hurting just because of jealous. You want people to notice you, to like you? Then don't be a .

Hit a the right spot, the girl can't even talk back, she's too shocked. Min Rin realises that she's been too harsh and apologises to the others but they only smile at her and her friend hugs her once again.

- You're really the best!

Min Rin has to go, a nurse is looking for her, she's just noticed the woman in uniform at the edge of the park. She sighs and leaves the place with a smile, waving to the others happily. The nurse scolds her but she doesn't really care. Her phone rings ans she's happy to see a text from Ha Neul #tomorrow i'll bring you your guitar after school, nighty night ^.~ # Her guitar! She's so happy! She gave it to her friend because she was scared her step mother would've thrown it away. This is how she falls asleep, smiling heart full of hapiness.


After having a bath Ha Neul sends a text to Min Rin,she's really happy to talk to her again. She was really worried too, her father said Min Rin couldn't remember what happened. She think it's a good thing she doesn't because she won't live with awful memories of blades coming through her body. Ha Neul remembers quickly how her friend came back, covered in blood, with that will of life burning in her eyes. Ha Neul frowns, she doesn't want to think about Min Rin's suffering face. She never understood why her step mom wouldn't let them see each other, neither why she had to stay in hospital because you can live without a kidney and damaged reproductive organs. Ha Neul is worried about Min Rin but she seems fine.

- Anyway Ha Neul! Let's just sleep!


Min Rin gets up to do her daily check ups. She still doesn't know why she's in hospital but she doesn't care anymore. She's too happy because she'll be able to go back to school and be with Ha Neul. The guys she met yesterday at the park are really nice too, and they're super hot!

After the check up she eats something and decide to "visit" the hopital. In two years of stay she never got to see other people who could be like her, or just notice a coffee machine or else. She meets a girl with a bright smile and they start to talk, about their stay here, their diseases, even if Min Rin can't tell anything since she doesn't know if she's really sick or hurt. This is how Min Rin gets to meet a new kind of person. The girl she's talking to is going to die, soon. Nobody never comes to see her in hospital and she doesn't want to end at home because she became a burden. The girl explains everything with a pretty sad smile on her face. It hurts Min Rin's heart and she really feels like crying. The girls smiles again and says

- I hope i can hear you sing someday.

- How do you know i'm singing?

- I don't, i just like your voice.

She thinks this girl is really amazing.

- I'm getting my guitar tonight.

- Great! Can't wait to hear you!

They part ways and Min Rin goes back to her room. She dances all day long, until she feels a deep pain inside. It's time to meet Ha Neul at the park now. She gets dressed and goes out. Whe she arrives her friend's already here.

- Sorry to make you wait.

- Nah it's okay.

They hug each other and start talking. They're laughing when someone shouts.

- Yah Ha Neul say godbye when you leave!

And the guys from yesterday appear, Jungkook pouting and acting like a sad puppy. Min Rin can't help but laugh at him.

- Well i'm going.

- Already? Says Ha Neul, a bit sad.

- Yay i promised someone i'd sing for her.

- And you won't for me?

Ha Neul looks at her with sparkling eyes.

- Then come with me at the hospital.

She gets unsure, don't really know what she'd do if Min Rin's step mom appeared and found her there. The guys break the mood for her.

- Owww :/

- Give up Taehyung, she doesn't want us to hear her... pouts Jin.

- You're so cruel Min Rin.

She looks away and blushes and Jimin looks satisfied of his own words, chuckling at her cuteness.

- Then you can all come right?

They're all surprised but still hapy. They have to refuse though, because of practice. Min Rin smiles at them before leaving with her guitar. When she reaches the hospital an angry woman bumps into her and doesn't even bother to say sorry. She walks near the hall and sees the girl she met, crying silently. She waits for her to calm down and approaches her.

- Hey! I thought u could ask your name.

- Oh yes, of course, i'm sorry. I'm Kim Ha Ran and you?

- Park Min Rin.

They both smile.

- So you really brought your guitar!

- Of course... you seemed so happy.

- Then you're gonna sing?

- Well only if you want me to.

Ha Ran smiles and say a small "please" then Min Rin starts to play on her friendly old red guitar. It's been a really long time since she's played or sung in front of someone but the feeling is still the same. It feels like she lives again. The song is soft but happy, makes Ha Ran smile widely.




A/N hehehe here~~ i'm done :3 well thanks for reading as always ;) and hope you liked it. tell me what you think about it. Should i update longer chapters? saty like this? or just about the story x3 haha see you next time and once again hope you enjoyed ;3

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nastiush310 #1
Kookies_Kookie #2

Kookies_Kookie #3
yasmin_yeol #4
Chapter 28: keep updating ^^
Kookies_Kookie #5
yasmin_yeol #6
Chapter 19: update :):)
Chapter 19: I heard about what happens and I send my prayers to you,France, and the victims. Please be safe.
Chapter 9: I like your story, just got to wait a bit while I finish reading your chapters and you'll have a new reader!
alex16502 #9
Chapter 19: Bon courage pour ta semaine!
Je suis Charlie...
frapblu #10
Chapter 16: you write so well! :O