Friends of Hope


Min Rin is lying on her bed, with an empty mind ans soul. She didn't sleep much after all. The night might have been oneof the worst she's ever lived. Her eyes and lips are dry. Her body doesn't hurt anymore. She has a weird feeling,some kind of paranoia. Like if she goes out there will be these insane jealous dancers who caught her and locked her in that dark room. Jealous dancer. That's what Yong In is. She doesn't think he'd go as far as the one who tortured her but she can't stand the idea of being touched or hit by this guy ever again. But it happens almost everu day, she just can't go to school. Anyway she wouldn't have been able to go today. Even facing her friends like nothing happened would have been hard. She needs this day to bring up her courage. Sunddenly the doorbell rings. She doesn't want to go down, she doesn't want to see anyone, she's scared, she's sad. The bell won't stop, she doesn't care. Huge knocks fall on the door.

- Rin-ah! Min Rin! Oppen! You're okay?

It's Ho Seok's voice. She can hear it even if she's up stairs. She brings enough strength to get up and go down. The others are here too, they just arrived. She can't sse as many people right now... Her mind is too low, she's feeling too bad to see even one person so eight... She approaches the door.

- I'm a bit sick, i'll be back tomorrow. She says.

They hear her but also see the lie.

- Are you okay?

- It's just a cold. Her voice is breaking.

- Can cold kick you? Asks Ha Neul.

Min Rin frowns. Yong In is even pround of himself enough to tell her friends.

- I'm fine, i just need to rest a day or two.

- Won't you open that door? Shouts Jungkook.

- I don't want you guys to catch my cold...

- Min Rin! Hey come back! Open this door!

She avoids Ho Seok and goes back to her room. She falls on her bed and tears start to show up. She's too weak to hold them back. She's not ready to face people, and she won't be tomorrow... She starts to wish she never remembered, she could've been sleeping for ten years or could be dead. As memory force their way into her mind she let's a scream out of . She shakes her head, punches her pillow, dries her tears with her fists, scratches her scars to blood. No one can save her from her nightmare, and she's having it while she's awake. 

They all hear the scream outside. 

- What's wrong with her? Asks Jimin, worried. 

- Is it about Yong In? Wonders Jin.

- Oh! Guys, what's wrong?

They all turn around to see Mimi, with a curious look. 

- Min Rin's locked in there, and she seems in a really bad state... answers Ha Neul.

The girls look at each other with mean eyes, killing auras. Mimi walks towards the door and takes out a weird black key.

- You have her father's key?! Shouts Ha Neul.

- He gave it to me before leaving for his business trip, answers Mimi. Because he knows i'm the one who cares the most about his daugther.

Another exchange of dark glances. She unlocks the door and runs inside. The others follow her. Mimi knocks on Min Rin's door. The girl inside breaks down. 

- Don't come in! Stay away!

- Rin-ah... it's me. Mimi.

- I don't care! Don't come in!

- Hey, cheer up comrade.

- Don't call me this!

Mimi's eyes widden. She turns around to look at Ha Neul.

- I think she remembers...

Silence. Ho Seok pushes Mimi away and open the door.

- Don't come in! Yah! Don't touch me! Let me go!

The others all look in the room to see the guy carrying her while she's struggling. 

- Put me down!

He gets out and puts her down in the corridor. She's still hitting him, in shock.

- Here! You see? You're safe! 

She rises her head with red eyes.

- But am i safe from my mind?

Ho Seok turns around to look at his friends. They leave tand go down stairs since they don't understand anything. Suga goes with them to explain a bit the situation. Ha Neul and Mimi are looking at the girl shaking her head in front of Ho Seok. 

- Look. Mimi built her life once again... he says to her.

- But i'm not Mimi! I'm not strong okay!

Her voices breaks once again. Her whole body is shaking. Ho Seok puts a hand on her shoulder.

- Then we'll help you, we're your friends. You can rely on us.

- No... if i do this it'll eat you too...

She shakes her head once again. This girl is lost and hopeless... Ha Neul suddenly notices her physical state.

- Rin-ah! You're bleeding!

- Oh really? 

She turns around with tears in the eyes. She can't do anything before Mimi hugs her.

- Min Rin. Let's talk.

A long silent minute passes before Min Rin gives her answer.

- Okay...

Ho Seok and Ha Neul go down stairs where all the others are, in shock. They sit on the big couches, feeling powerless. Up stairs Mimi brought Min Rin to the bathroom to treat the scratches she did and tries to talk.

- Rin-ah, you're way stronger than me. 

- No, it's not true... I fear memories.

- And so do i, but you were strong enough to pay for me and find an solution right?

Min Rin starts to shake, thinking about the episode of the kidney. 

- You were weak when your brain was working for you, when you had nothing to fear. Now you have to overcome what happened like i did. And just like this Ho Seok kid said, you have friends. 

Min Rin turns around to look at her friend.

- The two other girls...

- They didn't make it.

Mimi looks at the floor when Min Rin hugs her to cry. She didn't cry so loud since Ha Ran's death. But this time she's desperate. 

- You remember why you made us escape?

Because she wanted to live.

- It'd be a waste to stay in you room after all this.

Mimi's right. I escaped because i didn't want to die. It would mean nothing to hide in my house, hidding is like death. I don't want to die. Ihave to live because people like Ha Ran couldn't. Ha Ran! She left a note! She didn't even read it! She runs to her room. There's Ho Seok's too... Mimi comes in to get her back.

- What are you doing with this letter?

- It's my dead friend, she left it for me.

The others hear the last sentences. Dead friend? Might be Ha Ran... Ho seok goes up. Mimi tries to make him go back but Min Rin stops her and gives the second letter to him. He looks at her with sad eyes, she nods. They both sit on the bed and start to read the last words of their friend. They prefer to read it out loud. Min Rin reads it first.

Hey Park Min Rin! I don't really know you, and don't know where you're hurt but i hope you'll overcome it and will be able to live strong and smiling like you looked like when we met. Your voice and song really brought me hapiness. Even if we don't know each other you were so kind and caring to me, it made me truly happy. I wil wish with all my heart that you'll be healty forever and won't be too hurt in your life and will live and die old. That's all i can say with thousands of thanks since you paid atention to the sick. I really admire you, i hope i won't see you soon. Goodbye. Ha Ran.

That's what Min Rin needed. It gives her hope, gives her strength. Mimi understands why she got here to read the note in this kind of situation. She's afraid the effect won't be the same on Ho Seok. Well it's not like she cares about this guy but since all his friends got up stairs to see what's happening she feels like it's the beggining. They don't want to bother the two since they're sharing the last words of a friend. Ho Seok starts to read his note.

To Ho Seok, my dearest and best friend. I won't talk about lovers here because i know you were doing all this for me. I truly loved you and i hope you find someone like you were for me, and that i won't be one-sided. Also i wanted to thank you, you didn't look down on my family who abandonned me and didn't beat my brother because i asked you too. I know he's doing something wrong to one of her friends but he's still my twin brother and you were his friend back in time. I'm losing my self... Well i hope you can find someone who will bring you warmth and hapiness like you did to me. I'll watch you from where i am and will scold you if you don't take care of yourself. Live for me and be happy. I love you. Your childhood friend: Kim Ha Ran.

When Ha Ran died, he didn't cry, neither did he at her funeral, but this note... it's too much for him. He holds the piece of paper like he's finally realising that he won't see his friend ever again. Tears fall silently on the letter while he's trying to get ahold of his self. He's suddenly grabbed by a pair of arms. He crashes on Min Rin's shoulder. 

- Giving you the hug back... she whispers.

Seeing the scene the others decide to leave them in their personnal moment, crying Ha Ran's death together and overcoming their sad and scary memories. I was useless after all... thinks Mimi while sighing. She got really good friends while i was away, way much better than Ha Neul. How could a dead girl cheer up her a better than me? No what gave her strength was this guy's weakness... because she needs to be someone's hero even if she doesn't know it.

Min Rin is patting Ho Seok's back while his tears are rolling in her neck. She doesn't know what to say, and it's not like any of her words would actually help him. His body seems dead, only shaking because of his sobbs. Since she doesn't know what to do she holds him tighter and starts to sing. His hands grips her sweater and he moves his head deeper in her shoulder. She hugs and sings until he calms down. She caresses his hair to calm him down a bit more. He rises his head and looks at her with his red eyes.

- Come back... i need you...

Her heart squeezes. That's what she needed, someone to help, someone to hug. She nods.

- I'll try my best

- Thank you...

He grabs her waist and hold her tight, against him, looking for warmth.





A/N Wooooaaaah his might be the saddest thing i've ever written! I'm almost crying at my own thing (listening to sad songs doesn't help i'd say) so i'm really in the mood of writing these days! (bet you didn't see) So i think i'll update tomorrow! Tell me what you think about what you've just read and thanks if you did read also thanks the the subs :3 hehe see you guys~~ i love you <3 

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nastiush310 #1
Kookies_Kookie #2

Kookies_Kookie #3
yasmin_yeol #4
Chapter 28: keep updating ^^
Kookies_Kookie #5
yasmin_yeol #6
Chapter 19: update :):)
Chapter 19: I heard about what happens and I send my prayers to you,France, and the victims. Please be safe.
Chapter 9: I like your story, just got to wait a bit while I finish reading your chapters and you'll have a new reader!
alex16502 #9
Chapter 19: Bon courage pour ta semaine!
Je suis Charlie...
frapblu #10
Chapter 16: you write so well! :O