He Mi


She wakes up lazily before the alarm and decides to take a shower. Then she eats a piece of the cake she found yesterday.

- Wooaah! It's even better than last time! I need to meet that person...

She eats another slight piece and gets ready for school. She goes out just when Jungkook and Jimin pass her house. She waves with a bright smile.

- Where are the others? She asks.

- Suga and Taehyung went before us and the others must be on their own way. Answers Jimin.

Min Rin nods and starts to walk with them. They talk about useless stuff and laugh until they reach school. There's a big crowd at the entrance. Min Rin and the two boys walk towards the people. Thanks to her small height she gets to pass between the people here and there and sees what happens. Sun Ha and the other twin are fighting against each other. It's a shock. Sun Ha's using dirty tricks to make the other fall or else. Everyone is looking but nobody is acting... Finally Min Rin steps forward and makes them stop. Sun Ha is about to punch her when Suga stops her. The blue haired girl leaves with a dark look, pushing everybody on her way. Suga helps the other girl to get up.

- He Mi! You okay? What happened?

Min Rin never saw him like this. But what surprises her is the fear in the other twin's eyes. It feels like she's tired and Suga seems to be worried about her. The rest of Bangtan comes, running towards the three. He Mi is in a bad state... Suga decides to carry her to the infirmary. They watch him running to the school with the hurt girl in his arms.

- Can someone explain me? Asks Min Rin, confused.

- It always seemed like Sun Ha forced He Mi to be like this... i guess she tried to tell her what she really feels... explains Jin. Last time it happened she got beaten hard and they disapeared after this.

- Suga seems to care about her a lot...

- Yes, she's the only one who know his real name. Answers Namjoon.

Someone suddenly bumps into Min Rin, making her fall on the ground. When she expected to see Yong In with a sadistic grin she just saw a girl with an angry look. Must be one of Bangtan's fangirls... She sighs and gets up. She wonders how many things actually happened to these guys. And they're still able to smile and live happily... She feels weird. The real problem seems to be Sun Ha after all. Forcing He Mi to stay, playing with Ho Seok... bullying people too. Min Rin starts to hate this girl. They walk to the infirmary because they're worried. They don't come in when they see Suga holding the girl in his arms. She's crying.

- I don't want this anymore! I want to be a normal person, or to be able to stay with you guys! Just like this girl, Min Rin.

The said girl's heart squeezes. She's sensitive, even more when people are badly hurt on the inside. The guys look at the ground, they feel powerless. Suddenly someone rushes in the corridor. It's Sun Ha. Of course she's here to get the girl back. Min Rin doesn't feel like letting her in the room. And for the first time Sun Ha sees Bangtan rising agaisnt her. Even Ho Seok. And it's because of this single girl. Park Min Rin, i swear i'll make you fall. She smiles and leaves, saying a small " you" before slamming the door. He Mi heard and now looks at Suga with scared eyes. He bites his lips. He doesn't really know what to do. Min Rin's voice helps him.

- Guys, let's skip class today. Maybe we can practice at my house, like this people won't find anyone.

They all sigh. Namjoon silently nods. Suga puts the girl on his back and they all go back to Min Rin's home. She gets the cake she got yesterday to give a piece to He Mi. Even if the girl has been a bit mean to her she can't help but feel bad for her since she saw her cry. Min Rin's just like this, once you cry she wants to help you. She offers some cake to the others too.

- The mysterious person again? 

- Yes, i really wonder who it is though... 

They smile. A heavy silence falls on them, nobody really knows what to do or say...

- So... He Mi, right?

The red haired girl nods. 

- Maybe i can get to know you a bit? Asks Min Rin.

- You don't hate me? she answers, confused.

- Not really, you don't seem to be that bad, i don't hate human beings. She winks at her.

- Well... there's nothing to know... My name is Lee He Mi, i'm 18 and i like music, just like eveybody but...

- You got involved with Sun Ha.

- Yay...

The girl's eyes sadden. Suga squeezes her shoulder softly to make her feel better. She bites her lips.

- What kind of things did she make you do? Asks Min Rin.

If they didn't know her the guys would have scolded her, but maybe it's just a way to make her open a bit to the girl.

- Well... Beat people, robbing and..; psychological torture...

She breathes heavily. Min Rin puts a hand on her shoulder.

- I can't keep on doing this... He Mi's voice breaks. I don't even know you but i tell you all this. I'm trapped, i have nowhere to go...

- You can stay at our place. Says Suga.

- She'd find me. Answers He Mi.

- You can hide here. 

They all turn to Min Rin.

- I found the keys and there are plenty of rooms in here, anybody can stay.

- Won't it bother you to have me in your house?

- You didn't do anything right? Says Min Rin. I don't mind. 

- You're just acting because of pity, you should hate me because of the tort...

- Not really, i know what torture is. She doesn't let He Mi finsh. I have experienced it on the other side but... just seeing is awful, i know so i'm not saying this because of pity, but more because i understand. Plus i don't hate you, since i don't know you i don't like you either but it can change.

He Mi's eyes are full of tears, she doesn't know what to say. She just thanks her.

- Maybe you should rest. I'll give you the room near the kitchen, mine is upstairs so if you need something during the night you'll have to go up.

He Mi nods and follows Min Rin to a spacious room behind the kitchen. There's a piano in the room. He Mi can't believe her own eyes.

- I guess you want to stay here a bit.

She nods. Min Rin lets Suga come in the room and closes the door behind her. The guys are looking at her with shock. She sighs and gives them the "i do what i want look".

- You don't even know her Min Rin! Says Jimin.

- But you guys do, and she doesn't seem to be a bad person.

- When she's not with Sun Ha, yes, she's kind of the sweetest girl we've ever met but... 

- Then it's okay, it's not like Sun Ha is here anyway...

She sighs and looks at them. They want to be happy for He Mi because she's an old friend but they worry about Min Rin too. She should have been scared when the girl talked about psychological torture. 

- We'll stay here for a few days then. Says Namjoon. To make sure nothing bad happens. 

Min Rin sighs for the hundredth time but nods. Ho Seok is confused since this morning. He wonders what's going to happen now... And what will Sun Ha do. He's a bit affraid fo Min Rin actually. He shakes his head and asks the girl if he can dance.

- Of course, just do as you want guys. 

- What are you going to do? Asks Jungkook.

- I don't know yet. She answers.

- Then just...

Her phone rings. 

- Yoboseyo?

- Min Rin-ah! Help me! Oh my... Jiho is hurt!

- Ha Neul?

- You have to come! There is blood everywhere!

She hangs up and without thinking rushes.

- Where are you going? The guys ask.

- I'll be back soon!





A/N Hello ~~ this chapter was weird >.< hehe what kind of people let others stay at their home when they don't know them... well it's just like this XD haha just tell me what you thought about all this~~ and thanks for reading! I love you peole see you soon <3

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nastiush310 #1
Kookies_Kookie #2

Kookies_Kookie #3
yasmin_yeol #4
Chapter 28: keep updating ^^
Kookies_Kookie #5
yasmin_yeol #6
Chapter 19: update :):)
Chapter 19: I heard about what happens and I send my prayers to you,France, and the victims. Please be safe.
Chapter 9: I like your story, just got to wait a bit while I finish reading your chapters and you'll have a new reader!
alex16502 #9
Chapter 19: Bon courage pour ta semaine!
Je suis Charlie...
frapblu #10
Chapter 16: you write so well! :O