
100 Days with Mr. Arrogant aka Lee Taemin <== listen to while reading ^^ [I LOVE THIS SONG BTW =D]



=Haerin's POV=

We reached the building where the tv show will air. Both of us noticed that we were still holding hands and we both awkwardly let go. i really going to this show? I don't think i'm ready for that kind of public exposure just yet. Besides, i get nervous in front of cameras and large crowds, but i never told anyone that. I tend to get really clumsy when that happens 

"Don't worry, you won't be on the show", he assured me

"Then why am i even coming here with you? "

"You like asking the obvious questions, don't you?", he smirked "Well if you're supposed to be my "girlfriend", then you're supposed to come watch the show and support me like what girlfriends do!"

"Oh..right. So..i'm just gonna sit there in the audience until the show ends?", i asked him to confirm myself that it was going to be a pretty easy job to earn money for.


"Yep.", he said. 

"Alright fine. Let's just get this over with", i said.


I was about to enter the building when he stopped me and grabbed my wrist.




"Do me a favor and put your hair up"

"What? Why?", i said irritatingly

"Because!", he beginned, and then i noticed how he started to blink quite a lot and tried to look somewhere else other than my eyes

"Cause..It looks pretty that way, so yeah go put your hair up. ", he said and went inside the building first.


=Taemin's POV=

AHH SO EMBARASSING. I can't believe i just said THAT to her. I went inside the building first without waiting for her out of sheer awkwardness and of shock that i couldn't keep my mouth shut from saying that. I gotta stop meeting her eyes..everytime i do, i feel like her eyes would give off some sort of truth serum that makes me speak odd truths. It's weird cause i rarely give compliments to anyone other than myself. I guess that's one of the reasons why i chose her, cause she gradually changes me into someone i never thought i was. Okay that was creepy..i'm actually going through one of those i-just-realized-something-and-now-i'm-going-to-think-hard-about-it-whilst-waking-briskly moments..

I got over that "blinking when nervous" twitch a long time ago, but now it's back because of her. 



"Live in 3...2....", i looked at the audience and looked for Haerin. I finally found her sitting in a seat in the corner, looking bored. Even from afar, i can tell that she'd rather be doing something else right now. Just the look of her face marks her obvious disinterest. But eitherway, the bored and pissed look she's wearing just made me laugh a little.



After a series of random talking, fake laughing, and childish games, the host seemed to notice one person from the audience and turned to me.

"Taemin-sshi, you don't mind if i ask..and i don't meant to point but...*points to Haerin* that girl, she's the one you're seeing, right?"


=Haerin's POV=

The host pointed at me and i felt everyone in the audience shifted their attention to me. There's no point of slipping off this chair and quickly making my way out of the studio. The facts are here and i have to face it even if i don't want to. I looked Taemin with a questioning look. What do i do now? He answered my questioning stare with a face that reads: Just wing it, Haerin

"Ne", Taemin answered the host with a small smile forming on his lips

"Well since she's already here, why don't we do a mini-interview huh? I'm sure everyone watching would like to hear a few words from the lucky girl don't you think?", the host beamed at Taemin, like he already said yes. Tch. Like he would say ye-

"Yeah i think so too", Taemin said. He assured me that he won't let me be in the show and now this happens. Aishh...

He motioned me to sit next to him. I awkwardly stood up from my seat, trying to avoid the intense stares coming from the audience, and sat next to next to him, but with a huge gap between us. Mann i feel so uncomfortable being on a LIVE show where EVERYONE is watching right now..


"Sit closer", he whispered and patted the empty space where i was supposed to sit. So i sat closer to him, still feeling unseasy.

I don't need to tell you how it went. IT WAS HORRIBLE. I don't like being in front of alot of people and even cameras. But to be honest, i admire Taemin for his unbelievably eloquent and legit-appearing answers. Alhough all of this was a lie, he managed to talk it through smoothly and made everyone including the host think that we're actually in love. Most of the time, i only nod in agreement while Taemin goes on inventing stories of how we met, and stuff like that.

"One last question!", the host squealed. The whole time Taemin was talking, the host was all ears and i could tell deep inside he was squealing. "How did you know you were in love?" Pretty cliche question if you ask me. I wonder what Taemin answers to that this time 


He paused for a while.


"The moment i first saw her, i knew i had to make her mine.  Whenever i try to talk to her, i feel nervous and I don't know why I was acting like that. I couldn't even take my eyes off her and I was like what the heck is wrong with me? I went home one night and couldn't stop thinking about her. 

Then it hit me and I just knew." 


I don't know why but it felt weird hearing those words coming out of his mouth. I'm pretty sure he's never had a girlfriend before but he talks like he's already experienced being in love with someone. I didn't want to say this either, and i really mean it when i say i didn't want to admit it but..i felt my hands shivering at that time. 


=Taemin's POV=

Since Haerin didn't really talked a lot during the show, i did most of the talking. Being the smart guy i am, i managed to make people actually believe me. Although, that last question got me thinking if i was really making up those words.

But then again, you know what makes a good lie believable? When it's not.  

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Chapter 34: Aigoooo amazing story!!!!! ♥
This is like, the 4th time i've read this story because this supplies my daily craving of shinee fluff and wew, I still feel giddy whenever I read this. Good job!
Chapter 34: ahhh, now I remembered how this story finished. I READ THIS STORY 3 TIMES BECAUSE I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF IT.
Chapter 34: AWWWWW I FINISHED ITTTT! OOOOMMGG! i'm so happy they're together again! Hahaha! That sparky story! Thanks to onew's pet ♥ aww i'm going to miss reading this! Such a nice story~
Chapter 5: Ohh my! Such a daebak story line! I think i'm in love with this. You write so well. Omg! I squealing here cause i'm so excited to read more lol
PrincessTisha #6
Chapter 10: Lolz, Onew and his Chicken stories... :P
PrincessTisha #7
Chapter 2: Awww, Taemin is so cute the way he still claims that Sparky is his!
PrincessTisha #8
Chapter 1: Hehehe... Taemin found her ID... Great start, btw! :3
Dimple_Lady #9
Chapter 34: I totally loved it!!!! Usually the endings bother me...but yours was just amazing!
xoxo1499 #10
this is the third times i reading this story, still laughing out loud XD