Cancelled Plans

100 Days with Mr. Arrogant aka Lee Taemin


Haerin's POV

"C-can you teach me how to dance?"

He looked at me and a smile crept across his face. He chuckled.

"Yeah okay"

"What do you mean no?! I REALLY NE-wait, what did you say?"

"I said yes, i'll teach you how to dance", he said, amused

I paused. Really? No catch? Whenever i ask something from him, there's usually something in return..

"Oh. Well, aren't you gonna ask me why?"

"No. I know you're itching to dance with me but it only took you up to this time to pluck up the courage to ask me", he said playfully




Taemin opened the door to shinee's dorm.

"Why are we here? I thought you were gonna teach me how to dance?", i asked

"The practice room is already closed and this is the only place i can think of. Don't worry, we're the only ones here. The guys went out for movie night. I just told them i'd stay behind"

"Oh. Okay"


We went to the living room and i sat on one of the sofas. 

"So what kind of dance do you want me to teach you huh?", he asked

"Well i kinda have this senior ball thing at school.."

"Ya, you DONT know how to waltz??", he looked at me in disbelief

"So what..-__- "


He ignored me and started walking towards me. He then and offered his left hand to me. I just stared at his hand.

"Take it"

"But there's no music -_-"

"Who needs music when there's a professional singer right here! Do you want dance lessons or not? Just take my hand already!"

"Araso, araso!"

I took his hand with my right hand and stood up. I know we've held hands a couple times before, but the weird, warm, and did i mention weird sensation is still there.


"Come closer"

"This is already as close as it can get"

"I can't waltz with someone standing an arm's length away from me =.= If you dont come closer, im gonna pull you closer myself."

"Fine", i said and took a little step closer.


He took my left hand and placed it on his upper arm. His right hand went around my waist. He grasped my other hand and held it with his left hand in a loose grip. He looked me in the eye and pulled me closer. 

"You said you wouldnt pull me closer if i do it myself", i muttered. The position was so close that i can feel his breath upon my skin. Im starting to think this dance lesson thing was not one of my best ideas..


"You were still too far", he smirked. "Anyway, the dance has three counts. It's pretty basic. When i step foward with my left foot, you just do the opposite and step back with your right. And vice versa. Just go with the flow and you wont trip and hopefully not step on my  foot "

I tried to process what he just said. when he moves forward with his right..i move forward with my left? and i move back with my right and he moves forward with left? gonna go with that one.


1 hour later...

Taemin's POV

Haerin's progress so far:

- stepped on my foot 24 times

- kicked me in the nuts

- elbowed me 8 times

Ugh. If i knew how hard this would be, i should've considered charging her per hour. But then again, having her so close to me is worth the pain ^^ 


30 minutes later..

Haerin's POV

"Ya, can we take a break? My feet are killing me >.<"

Without waiting for an answer, i pulled out and jumped on the sofa and massaged my aching feet. 

"Want me to massage you fe-


He chuckled and sat beside me. 

"Haerin-ah. If you're going to a senior ball, then who are you dancing with?"

Huh. I never really thought about that..I was more worried in messing up and embarassing myself rather than thinking about who to dance with.

"I dunno. I just wanna come prepared, i guess"

"Oh. Then can i come?", he asked. I hit him on the back of his head. 

"Are you crazy? The least thing i want to happen is to have some famous person with me and cause a scene!"

He sighed. "Yeah i guess so..", he muttered. "Ya, when some guy asks you to dance with them, tell them you HAVE a boyfriend, araso?"

"Tch. Whatever", i chuckled and nodded my head in its stupidity. 



Wake up yeobo! Wake up yeobo! Wake up yeobo!

I lazily opened my eyes. Where the hell am i? I sat down and looked around. I was still in shinee's dorm and apparently slept on the couch with a blanket on me. Beside me was a small table and on it was a phone with Taemin's pre-recorded alarm to wake me up. =.=

I stood up and went to the kitchen. No one was around though. I wonder where they sure they dont mind if i eat my breakfast here >:D 

I was about to open the fridghe when i saw a post-it note sticked to the fridge door.  


Good morning! Me and my hyungs went out for rehearsals. Lock up when you're about to leave araso?

P.s. I made you spicy rice cakes like i promised. but i didn't make it extra spicy today so you wont get a stomach ache.


Promised? I suddenly remembered what he said yesterday when i saw him at the mall:




"Ya, what are you doing here?", i asked him

"It's movie night. Minho hyung asked me to go rent movies", he said. A smile suddenly formed across his face. "So how'd you like my little surprise for you, yeobo?"

"DONT call me yeobo! anditwasdeliciousifyoumademesomemorethatwouldbegreatthanks..", i said and trailed off in the end. He laughed. "Dont worry ill make you some more. Expect your doorstep to have ddeokbokki every morning when you wake up. See you tomorrow"

end of flashback

I didnt think he meant it when he said that. 



30 minutes before the senior ball starts and im still here at home in my pj's, not doing anything. I bet Minyoung's almost done with her makeup and hair and whatever. I sighed loudly. Ugh, i guess i should start preparing now -__- 

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a can of dr. pepper cause my throat felt kinda dry. I went back to my bedroom and took out my dress and laid it flat on the bed. "Ugh -__- this dress is such a waste of money..", i muttered while taking a sip of my soda. I was just staring at the dress in disgust when i felt a slimy, gooey "thing" fell from the ceiling onto my arm.

It wiggled.

"GAAAAHHHHHH!!!" I tried to shake the "thing" off or whatever it was, spilling the can of dr pepper in the process. The unknown object flew across the room and sticked to the wall. It was a lizard. ;alfkdspja stupid lizard gave me a heart attack TT_TT 

The lizard seemed to mock me as it continued to crawl out the door with its annoying clicking noise. I turned to look at my dress again. It was now soaked in sticky soda. >.< How the hell am suppose get rid of the stains now? Aishh..

After many failed attempts of trying to wash out the stain, it still doesnt seem to fade away. I actually made it look worse. I tried ironing it but ended up burning some of the frills on the dress. Gahh eotteokhae...




Dashi dorawa, dorawa, dorawa~ Dashi dorawa, dorawa doraw-



"Ya Haerin-ah, it's me Taemin"

"What do you want? -__- ", i asked, still pissed out about the whole dress accident.


" how's prom going? Did you guys start dancing yet?", he asked curiously

"Yeah about not going anymore"

"MWO? WAE??"

"I spilled soda all over my dress and now there's a huge stain and i can't get it off..Well i don't wanna go anymore anyway. Im not gonna go to some big extrovert convention where im expected to pay so that i could socialize and have an over-priced sit-down meal with people that i loathed, while being forced to listen to mediocre music in the background. -__- ", i ranted. I heard him chuckle,


"So what are you doing for the rest of the evening then?"

"I dunno. Stay at home, watch tv, eat i guess"

"You are?? YAH. A girl just can't be alone at home on prom night! That's like, an unwritten rule >.< Stay right there, im coming over."




Beep. beep. beep.





Decided to cut the chapter in two. If i didn't then it would result to a REALLY long chapter. I think the next chapter's gonna be climatic

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Chapter 34: Aigoooo amazing story!!!!! ♥
This is like, the 4th time i've read this story because this supplies my daily craving of shinee fluff and wew, I still feel giddy whenever I read this. Good job!
Chapter 34: ahhh, now I remembered how this story finished. I READ THIS STORY 3 TIMES BECAUSE I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF IT.
Chapter 34: AWWWWW I FINISHED ITTTT! OOOOMMGG! i'm so happy they're together again! Hahaha! That sparky story! Thanks to onew's pet ♥ aww i'm going to miss reading this! Such a nice story~
Chapter 5: Ohh my! Such a daebak story line! I think i'm in love with this. You write so well. Omg! I squealing here cause i'm so excited to read more lol
PrincessTisha #6
Chapter 10: Lolz, Onew and his Chicken stories... :P
PrincessTisha #7
Chapter 2: Awww, Taemin is so cute the way he still claims that Sparky is his!
PrincessTisha #8
Chapter 1: Hehehe... Taemin found her ID... Great start, btw! :3
Dimple_Lady #9
Chapter 34: I totally loved it!!!! Usually the endings bother me...but yours was just amazing!
xoxo1499 #10
this is the third times i reading this story, still laughing out loud XD