
100 Days with Mr. Arrogant aka Lee Taemin



-Haerin's POV-


"I'm terminating the contract."





I couldn't believe what i was hearing, And by the look in Taemin's face, he couldn't believe it either. 


"These pictures will spread fast. Best to stop it while it's still starting. Besides, it's been almost three months, you should've expected this to happen already.", he said. 

"We don't need to break up. I can fix the stupid rumors.", Taemin argued.

"Don't argue with me, Taemin. It's not that easy to "fix" rumors. Trust me, i know what's best", the president said sternly

"President Lee, i've always followed your orders and i never complain when you ask me to do something i don't like. But please please please let things go my way this time. Just this once!"


I looked at Taemin as he pleaded. I've never seen him bring down his pride to anyone before. I looked at the president. His face was stern and emotionless.


"You can't change my final decision.", he said. President Lee stood up from his chair and took his things. "You have an interview tomorrow, and you can officially confirm the breakup. After the interview, you are not allowed to see each other and have any sort of contact. Like you don't know each other and you've never met. Understand?", he said and took his things and left the room.


Without another word, Taemin stood up and left the room leaving me behind. I really feel like hitting myself in the head. I know this is all my fault. I couldn't handle the pressure in my chest and tell Taemin the truth. That the reason Jinyoung did that was because i told him i started having feelings for the person that i never thought i'd have feelings for. I quickly went out the room and out the door. I saw Taemin just down the hallway.




He stopped and looked behind while i ran towards him. 


"What?", he asked


I gulped. 


"Mianhae..", i said under my breath. "I'm sorry for making things worse"


Taemin looked at me. Like he was waiting for me to say something more. I searched for a random spot on the floor to avoid his gaze.


"It's just that I..", i started. "Nothing", i instead said. I don't know why, but im just the type of person who finds it hard to tell my feelings. 


His face turned from being curious turned to a hopeless one. "You dont have to say sorry. I know you wouldnt do that to me.", he said. "I'll see you during the interview tomorrow. Haerin", he said and started walking away.




I was walking on my way home when i passed by a quaint little resto with glowing lights. I checked the time. It's 9:30 in the evening. Maybe i coudl just eat here, rather than going home to an empty house with not much food in it. There weren't a lot of people inside. A couple of businessmen having a drink after a hard day's work, a cute couple, and some lady drinking soju. I ordered a plate of bibimbap and sat at the nearest table. To be honest, i didnt even feel like eating. Which is weird, especially for me. I just fumbled with my fork and kept on mixing my bowl. 


"Haerin?". i heard a lady call out my name so i looked around. "Oh, it is you! Ya, Kim Haerin!", the lady who was drinking soju waved at me and called me over. As i came over, i realized it was my old friend Minhwa. She was my classmate before she moved to another school and i guess you could say the she was sort of my unni. 


 She started talking about all these sorts of things and reminiscing and stuff. I can see move but im honestly not hearing anything..Now matter how hard i try to listen to her, Taemin's voice keep blocking my thoughts. 

She suddenly offered me a glass of soju. I don't usually drink these kind of stuff but i dont want to be rude and refuse. 


[A/N: Important korean custom: if an older korean offers a younger korean a drink, it is RUDE for the younger one to refuse.] 




Taemin's POV

I threw myself to the bed and just laid there, staring up at the ceiling. I can't believe this is happening. The pictured of haerin with jinyoung flashed in the back of my mind. Even though i believe her, that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. When she told me she was sorry, i honestly just wanted to hug her. But im afraid that if i do, i wouldnt be able to let her go and it's just gonna hurt me some more. Aishh..tomorrow at the interview might be the last time that im gonna see her again. I dont know what to do. Somebody give me a sig-

*ring ring, ring ring*

My phone suddenly rang and interrupted my thoughts. 


"Hello?", i answered

"Um hello? Is this Taemin?"

"Yeah, who is this?"

"This is Haerin's friend. You gotta come here, i sorta gave Haerin too many shots of soju and now she's-

"MWO?? Wait right there, im coming over"




I got to the place the lady on the phone told me as soon as i could. 

"YA! Why would you giver her soju in the first place??", i asked her worriedly

"Well i didnt expect her to get drunk just after a few shots of it! I dont really know who to call for help but she just kept mentioning your name so i figured.."

"She d-did?"

I saw Haerin sitting on the floor and playing with an empty bottle of soju. Both of us were looking at her while she was talking to herself.


"So this is what liking someone feels like..now that i know what it feels like i wish i just didn't.", haerin mumbled to herself. YAH LEE TAEMIN YOU SICK BASTARD!!", she screamed and threw the glass bottle. It fell to the ground and broke into little glass pieces.

And then something unusual happened. She just broke down. It was the first time i saw her crying. Not the type of cry that you get when you scratched yourself, but the type that was just too painful to explain. Seeing her like that teared me to bits. 


"I'll take her home", i told her



-Haerin's POV-

I had the weirdest dream. The president cut the contract and the thing between me and taemin was now over. It was weird because i wasn't happy. The very first time i signed that contract, i eagerly waited for the last day to end, but now it didn't feel the same anymore. I sat upright and saw myself in a different place and realized that I was lying on the sofa of shinee's dorm. Then i started to get a headache. I saw Taemin coming in. Flashbacks of yesterday quickly came back to my mind. I remembered everything. It wasn't a dream. Oh no. If i got drunk yesterday, how did i get here..


I gulped. I didnt exactly remembered what happened that night but i knew Taemin was there. 


"T-taemin. I didn't do anything stupid yesterday right?", i said, trying to sound as if it was a statement and i really did nothing stupid last night. 

"You told me you like me", he said.


It completely shut me up. I remembered it, but i was hoping that he wasn;t there when i said it. He walked towards me and looked at me. He smirked. "You should get an award for being so evil. You wait all this time to tell me you like me and then leave me the next day."


I couldnt say anything. How am i supposed to when he made me feel like im such a bad person? And i know i am. He went to his bedroom and i just let him. There was nothing else i could say. I laid back down in the sofa and screamed as hard as i can with a pillow covering my mouth.



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnQWYAUcSMY [DO NOT CLICK IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO CRY]



-Key's POV- 


I know i shouldn't in when it comes to things like these. And i usually don't. But i just cant help thinking about the news about Taemn and Haerin. Sigh..i could only hope for things to get better..


I stood up from my bed and went out my room. Maybe i could at least cheer him up by preparing him breakfast. I walked over to Taemin's room, but i didn't fully open it when i saw him sitting at the corner of his bed. He silently sat there, hunched over and his hand pressed over his forehead. From that moment i knew he was in tears. I knew him. He was the type who would deal with the pain in his room by himself where no one could see him. And i knew exactly how he felt. When you just break down and cry because no matter what, things will never be the same again. Taemin rarely every cries, but when he does, it's only because that person means so much to him than any other person does. 


Haerin is one lucky girl. I just can't believe this is happening to them.







i know im a slow author TT_TT mianhae............

let me just use this extra space to say..



SPOILER: last two or three chapters left keke <<--- highlighteu pleaseu


btw..i changed the font lol. does that even make a difference? lol and is the story starting to get too dramatic for you guise? i can make it happier if you want >.< 

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Chapter 34: Aigoooo amazing story!!!!! ♥
This is like, the 4th time i've read this story because this supplies my daily craving of shinee fluff and wew, I still feel giddy whenever I read this. Good job!
Chapter 34: ahhh, now I remembered how this story finished. I READ THIS STORY 3 TIMES BECAUSE I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF IT.
Chapter 34: AWWWWW I FINISHED ITTTT! OOOOMMGG! i'm so happy they're together again! Hahaha! That sparky story! Thanks to onew's pet ♥ aww i'm going to miss reading this! Such a nice story~
Chapter 5: Ohh my! Such a daebak story line! I think i'm in love with this. You write so well. Omg! I squealing here cause i'm so excited to read more lol
PrincessTisha #6
Chapter 10: Lolz, Onew and his Chicken stories... :P
PrincessTisha #7
Chapter 2: Awww, Taemin is so cute the way he still claims that Sparky is his!
PrincessTisha #8
Chapter 1: Hehehe... Taemin found her ID... Great start, btw! :3
Dimple_Lady #9
Chapter 34: I totally loved it!!!! Usually the endings bother me...but yours was just amazing!
xoxo1499 #10
this is the third times i reading this story, still laughing out loud XD