Indirect Confession

100 Days with Mr. Arrogant aka Lee Taemin [I LOVE THIS SONG, BTW <33]


=Haerin's POV=


*commercial break*


I decided to spend the whole 5-minute commercial break in the bathroom. I do feel kinda sleepy all fo a sudden so maybe washing up wouldn't hurt. So i went to the bathroom and washed my face, like i said. 

I was all finish washing upe and was about to go out when i heard footsteps nearing me. For some reason,  i don't want anyone to see me so i quickly cramped myself inside a cubicle and sat there, waiting for them to go out.


"She pretty though..", i heard one girl say.

It's not like i'm eavesdropping or anything =.= Im inside a cubicle. I'd still hear them even if i don't want to.


"TCH. Yeah right! I'm way prettier than that bish! I don't even know why MY Taemin even liked her. Aishh...really pisses me off.., the other girl said.


"Whatever, she better have fun while im still being nice. One of these days, im really gonna get her. Let's go"


As soon as i heard their footsteps fading away, i slowly creeped out the cubicle. Psh. I wonder who those girls were. I didn't even get to see their stupid faces. Probably some coordinoonas, but they sounded like they were the same age as me. =.= Forget it. Time's too short to be wasting on people like them. 


*end of commercial break*



The show was about to start so i sat next to Taemin. 

"yah, you nervous or what?", he asked me
"jeez, what do you think? i've never been on an interview before -__- "
"Well you know i used to blink a lot before during interview like this, so yeah. dont worry too much, ill do the talking. i know how bad you are at public speaking so all you have to do is smile and nod your head and stuff like that.

"Yeah yeah, i know."



The show started and the host greeted the studio audience and talked to the camera and stuff. The host turned to us and was holding a small box. 

"So i know our audience are dying to know more about both of you so we'll have this interview with a twist!"

"Twist?", i muttered

"Ne! See this box? Inside this box are a bunch of questions that our studio audience have written before the start of the show. It's almost basically like a simple game of 21 questions. So..shall we start?", he said. Not waiting for an answer, he placed his hand inside the box and took out a random piece of paper. I know i'm not gonna be answering anything but i did feel somehow nervous. It would take a professional liar to be able to answer these questions without leaving the people doubting your answers >.<



1st question: Which fruit/vegetable does Kim Haerin resemble and why?

... wtf kind of question is that? I looked at taemin. he looked amused by the question.


"I think Haerin looks like a uh..", he said thinking. 

"an eggplant"


i glared at him.


"-__- do i look like an eggplant to you? "


"I'm not done explaining, don't in!", he told me and looked back at the host. "I think she definitely resembles an eggplant. Eggplants have a nasty bitter taste to some people, but when prepared right, they become tender and sweet although they never really show it."



2nd question: What goes through a boy's mind when he starts falling for a girl?

Taemin thought for a while. But it wasn't too long for him to make up an answer.

"i don't really know where to start but, for one thing, a guy in love is no easy thing like what most of girls think. a guy won't be able to concentrate on things that well as he used to do because she's always on his mind. He would think of her first thing in the morning and think of her last before he goes to sleep at night. As much as i'd like to say that's all, it's not. It actually gets worse, when he goes out and sees something in a shop, he thinks about how much she would like it so he buys it for her, when before he normally wouldn't look twice at it. when he sees a couple in the street, his thought would immediately jump to that girl imagining that the couple was them. When he's shopping, he absentmindedly buys things for her. And when she feels bad he doesn't try to cheer her up because he has to but because he can't help it so he does whatever it takes to make her stop crying." 


I don't know how he comes up with these stuff. He talks like he knows what he's saying. Why do i feel so awkward all of a sudden? Must be stage fright..


3rd question: Do you ever get jealous?

Taemin smirked. 

"When a guy sees her smile and know it's from him, that's where he gets jealous the most. like when he sees a girl eating with someone else and enjoying it. but no matter how mad he gets, he could could never ignore her, even if she says she hated him, he'd still be there giving his all and asking for almost none.

And no matter how jealous he is, he would never give her a reason to be jealous cause he'll make sure she and everyone else knows how much he loves her. Pretty cliche, but when a guy falls in love, they all just become completely true"


The uneasiness i feel gets worse by the minute. is this your way of revenge for what happened earlier? Making me feel uneasy on air? ><


"Last question before we end the show!"


4th question: If you could choose to have dinner with 3 people, who would they be?

"That's too obvious!", Taemin scoffed. "If i were to choose to have dinner with 3 people, they'd be kim haerin and her parents"
There were oooh's from the crowd and girls were spazzing. I didn't even notice the colors rushing to my cheeks. 
"Omo,omo! aren't you're one lucky girl to have him as your boyfriend!". one of the host said. "Before we end the show, do you have something else to say to Taemin?"
Oh crap, i didn't practice for this >< He told me to just keep my mouth shut and smile. I looked at Taemin with a what-do-i-do-now expresssion stamped on my face.
Taemin leaned closer to my ear. The proximity of his breath in my ear sent me chills. "I'll give you your favorite candies if you tell them you like me", he whispered.
Knowing that i'm on live television, i couldn't hit him as much as i'd like to
"You better or else..", i said behind my gritted teeth. 
So I did. With matching fake smile.  ==
After the interview, we went out the building. I didn't notice how dark it already was. I don't usually thank people, but because i have manners, i should probably thank taemin for AT LEAST making legit-sounding answers during the interview.
"Good job", i told him
"You know, for a while ago. If i was in your place, i would've stuttered to death think of what to say", 
"Why? You think i was lying?"
"Of course you were! I'm not stupid you know", i told him. "But that's okay, the feelings are mutual. I don't like you either"
He scoffed. "Well you know what? I like you"
"Right..", i just said. But i really didn't hear him the first time cause my mind was occupied by food once again. "Ya, why are you blinking so much?", i asked, when i noticed him. I do remember him telling me that when he was nervous, he blinks a lot. But he told me he got over that mannerism like a long time ago as well.
=Taemin's POV=
"I have dirt in my eye, can't you tell by looking?", i told her and scratched my eye to remove the non-existent dirt on my eye. Oh my god..that was TOO close...
And thanks to her, my blinking habit came back. Who knew, after all this time i've spent with her, she still makes me nervous. 
I cleared my throat loudly as i thought of something to change the topic. 
"Ya, it's getting dark. Our dorm is closer than your house so you should eat dinner with us first. Palli! I'm getting hungry,,", i quickly said and grabbed her arm until we reached the dorm. 
=.= I still can't get over the fact that i almost said some things that are not YET meant to be said. And i kept quiet the whole time we were walking. Aishh... 
A/N: MIANHAE YOU GUYS TT^TT  for my long break from aff and for having a lot of "cheese" in this story xD But i regret nothing. lol
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Chapter 34: Aigoooo amazing story!!!!! ♥
This is like, the 4th time i've read this story because this supplies my daily craving of shinee fluff and wew, I still feel giddy whenever I read this. Good job!
Chapter 34: ahhh, now I remembered how this story finished. I READ THIS STORY 3 TIMES BECAUSE I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF IT.
Chapter 34: AWWWWW I FINISHED ITTTT! OOOOMMGG! i'm so happy they're together again! Hahaha! That sparky story! Thanks to onew's pet ♥ aww i'm going to miss reading this! Such a nice story~
Chapter 5: Ohh my! Such a daebak story line! I think i'm in love with this. You write so well. Omg! I squealing here cause i'm so excited to read more lol
PrincessTisha #6
Chapter 10: Lolz, Onew and his Chicken stories... :P
PrincessTisha #7
Chapter 2: Awww, Taemin is so cute the way he still claims that Sparky is his!
PrincessTisha #8
Chapter 1: Hehehe... Taemin found her ID... Great start, btw! :3
Dimple_Lady #9
Chapter 34: I totally loved it!!!! Usually the endings bother me...but yours was just amazing!
xoxo1499 #10
this is the third times i reading this story, still laughing out loud XD