Teach Me

100 Days with Mr. Arrogant aka Lee Taemin

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzkJtr8BVIE - i love this song skadfadkjfa so underrated >.<



Haerin's POV


Everything was white. I saw colorful swirly things and next thing i knew i was in a sort of grassy area. The type of grass that were so tall that they go over my head. Whatever you call it. All of a sudden, a huge sea monster appeared out of nowhere. It was blue, big, scaly and dragon-like. Its face looked like a mad Jonghyun. It was a freakin Gyarados. I felt something in my hand and looked down to see myself holding a pokeball. I attempted to throw it at the pokemon but as soon as it shot in the air, it turned into small cubes of cheese and i ate them. I was about to die right there when someone pushed me aside and slayed the pokemon. I couldnt see his face. 

"Who are you?", i asked

He slowly turned around. It was Taemin. "You lost the bet. Now, I'm your husband"



I shot out of bed, screaming. What the heck just happened...o_o

Wait a minute..i dont even remember how i got home. The last thing i can remember from yesterday was sitting in the bus stop and waiting or a bus to arrive. Did we even ride the bus? Maybe i was just too tired that i forgot everything else. Gaahhh..forget it. At least now i can enjoy myself a month supply of rice cakes care of Minyoung. Told ya i'd win the bet. I better text her now and tell her the good news.

Now where'd i place that checklist again? I stood up and got my groceries from yesterday. I think i placed it in this paper bag somewhere..yup here it is.

I looked at it, expecting it to be full of empty boxes. My eyes widened. I held the paper so close to my eyes that my nose is almost touching the paper. WHY ARE THERE CHECK MARKS IN EVERY BOX?????

I dont remember checking this, and this and this and this. What is this sorcery.....

And worse of all, it's in BLUE ink. I don't own blue pens. I saw something written in the back of the list in a very familiar handwriting.


You lost the bet. 010-1234-8765. Apparently you're not very observant. 


Oh no. How did he find out? T___T lkadsjhgajskdhgahjfda i dont think i can ever show up in front of him EVER. Aiiiishh..this is so embarassing TT__TT Someone just kill me now.

Well there goes my spice rice cakes..


I dont feel like eating breakfast anymore. Weird dream. Lost bet. Taemin finding out. No rice cakes.


I lazily grabbed random clothes from the closet and changed. Im getting some fresh air -__- I opened the door and something blocked me. There something resting on the foot of the door. 




I looked like packed food. I looked around to see if someone just misplaced them here but no one seemed to own it. I took it inside and opened it. The smell of spicy rice cakes filled the room. Huh. I dont get it. But i didn't win the bet.. I read the small note attached to it.


Good Morning! I made this just for you so EAT IT. You haven't tasted the best spicy rice cakes until you've tried the Great Ddeokbokki Chef Lee Taemin's Special Ddeokbokki. 

P.s. I made it extra spicy, just how you like it 






Taemin's POV

I finally wrapped the finished product. I wiped of the sweat on my forehead. I never knew cooking would be so exhausting. What do you expect, it's my first time ACTUALLY cooking food. Im more of a just-pop-it-in-the-microwave kinda guy but i guess it wouldnt hurt cooking once in a while. I got a couple of cuts in my fingers but oh well. I cant wait to see her face when she sees this. Or maybe ill leave it in her door and surprise her. Yeah maybe i'll do that. I checked the time on my phone. 




What is sleep..


I still have to wake up early tomorrow to give this to Haerin. You know what, im not even gonna sleep. Im just too excited for sleep ><


*end of flashback*




Haerin's POV

Wahh so full~ I think my stomach's gonna burst any second now..


Dashi dorawa, dorawa, dorawa~ Dashi dorawa, doraw-



"Haerin-ah! It's me, Minyoung!"

Oh great. The last person i want to talk to -__-



"So.....how'd it go??? Yesterday with Taemin? I win didn't I???? Am i right or what?", she threw in all these questions at me excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah dont rub it in..Ok bye, im texting you Jonghyun's number. And keep it a secret!", i told her

"KOMAWOOOO!! Wait dont hang up!!! Im coming over at your house today araso?", she said


"We have to buy dresses. Duh, we have a senior ball to go to"


"Well for starters, you always sleep during our homeroom time so you never know what's going on in school, you pabo. Nevertheless, im going there now. Text me the number kay? Alright bye!"



Beep. beep. beep. beep.



I dont even dance. Gahh. And i dont wear dresses and trip on heels. Plus, I hate makeup. TT_TT




Ding dong~


Minyoung entered. She looked at me from head to toe. 

"Ya Haerin, is that what you're wearing to the mall?"

I looked at myself. Hoodie. Sneakers. Skinny jeans. Eh, not bad..

"What about it?"

"Oh forget it", she sighed loudly. "Let's just go to the mall already"

"Araso, araso"



I looked for a decent dress while Minyoung was already trying on like 23098423984 dresses already. 

"Im done!", Minyoung said and started looking for my dress too. "Hey what about this one"

I looked at it. Strapless black mini dress. Ew no thanks.

"I'll pass", i said and looked for some more. I finally found a dress that i found..wearable. Plain and simple. Could've been longer, but it's not that short anyway. "Ya Minyoung, what about this one?"


"Yeah..it's okay. It does look good on you though. But are you sure you dont want to weat this black dress? You would look so hot!"

"No. I'm gonna buy this now =.="



We ate lunch in McDonalds. Minyoung looked at me weirdly.

"You haven't touched your food. That's weird, especially for you"

"I dont think i can go to that senior ball thing ><"


"I dont even know how to dance. I feel like the the whole time im gonna be there, im gonna be tripping all over in my heels. What if i suddenly slip and spill juice all over some random guy's tuxedo? Oh crap, and then he's gonna beat the hell out of me and im gonna run away and he's gonna track me down and let me clean his tuxedo and have me chased down by some bounty hunters and im gonna start to live my life as a fugitive living in a cardboard box and eating bread crumbs all my entire life and die and-"

"YA! Here's an idea. Ask Taemin to teach you! He's literally dancing machine and im pretty sure he's going to help you."

"No way! It's just gonna be really awkward!", i said. Im not gonna face him. No way. Not after when he found out about the checklist >.<

"Well IM certainly not teaching you. Just ask Taemin. Geez. Either that or let tomorrow be your most embarassing night EVER. 



Minyoung went home ahead of me but i was still here in the mall. I dont feel like going home yet, for some reason. 

I was just walking around the mall, killing time, when i bumped into someone. 

"Mianhae!", i said and bowed

"That's okay"

I looked up and it was Taemin. 



"Ya, what are you doing here?", i asked him

"It's movie night. Minho hyung asked me to go rent movies", he said. A smile suddenly formed across his face. "So how'd you like my little surprise for you, yeobo?"

"DONT call me yeobo! anditwasdeliciousifyoumademesomemorethatwouldbegreatthanks..", i said and trailed off in the end. He laughed. "Dont worry ill make you some more. Expect your doorstep to have ddeokbokki every morning when you wake up. See you tomorrow"

He said and started walking the other way.



He stopped and looked my way. 


Get it together, Haerin. Just say it. Just say that one sentence and you'll never have to worry about senior ball emarassments tomorrow. JUST SAY IT. BLURT IT OUT HAERIN. YOU CAN DO IT. SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE AND JUST FREAKIN SAY IT.



"C-can you teach me how to dance?"






Gahh so excited to write the next chapter!! Expect one-on-one dance lessons with Taemin xD

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Chapter 34: Aigoooo amazing story!!!!! ♥
This is like, the 4th time i've read this story because this supplies my daily craving of shinee fluff and wew, I still feel giddy whenever I read this. Good job!
Chapter 34: ahhh, now I remembered how this story finished. I READ THIS STORY 3 TIMES BECAUSE I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF IT.
Chapter 34: AWWWWW I FINISHED ITTTT! OOOOMMGG! i'm so happy they're together again! Hahaha! That sparky story! Thanks to onew's pet ♥ aww i'm going to miss reading this! Such a nice story~
Chapter 5: Ohh my! Such a daebak story line! I think i'm in love with this. You write so well. Omg! I squealing here cause i'm so excited to read more lol
PrincessTisha #6
Chapter 10: Lolz, Onew and his Chicken stories... :P
PrincessTisha #7
Chapter 2: Awww, Taemin is so cute the way he still claims that Sparky is his!
PrincessTisha #8
Chapter 1: Hehehe... Taemin found her ID... Great start, btw! :3
Dimple_Lady #9
Chapter 34: I totally loved it!!!! Usually the endings bother me...but yours was just amazing!
xoxo1499 #10
this is the third times i reading this story, still laughing out loud XD