Secret Revealed

100 Days with Mr. Arrogant aka Lee Taemin


=Haerin's POV=


"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Jung Jinyoung! Nice to meet you"
"He decided to study in school instead of home schooling like the rest of the B1A4 members for personal reasons, if you all were wondering", she said. For a teacher, she knows her news =.=  Well it looks like she's still in her late twenties anyway. I've heard of B1A4 from Minyoung but i never tried listening to them.
"You can sit beside that girl over there", the teacher pointed out to the empty seat beside me. I can feel every girl in the clasroom's begrudging stares lingering on me. 
The teacher clasped her hands to get the everyone's attention.
"Because of our new transfer student, i decided to postone the test till tomorrow", she said and everyone in the classroom cheered. "So instead, we're going to have a class activity. Okay class, pick a partner"
Aishh..Minyoung-ah, why do you have to be so late? T_T 
"Jinyoung-shhi! Let's be partners!", the queenka in our classroom said. 
Jinyoung looked up at her. 
"Oh sorry, i already have a partner"
Haha that's what you get. I don't know why but I just love seeing those y queenkas get rejected >:D
"You do? Who?"
It took me by surprise when Jinyoung suddenly intertwined his hands with mine and raised it up to show it to her.
"See?", he answered.
"Oh. Araso..", she frowned and went away, as well as the other girls who saw and wanted to be partners with him as well. 
"Ya, i already have a partner!", i said 
"Then where is she?"
"Uh, not here..", i said with my voice trailing off. He chuckled.
"Ya kimchi, is this how you treat someone who you haven;t seen in 6 years?"
I racked my brain for answers. There's only one person i know who calls me kimchi..
-flashback [9 years ago]-
It was my brother's 4th birthday and i was just 11 years old. Everyone was in the living room having some party games and stuff while me and my bestfriend were hanging out in the kitchen, eating before anyone else. 
He was my bestfriend since i was 8 years old. I remembered it like it was just yesterday. I was the new kid at school and i didn't know anyone. While other girls in my school would play dolls and dressup, i'd be that one girl who would rather play with tops and robot cars which lead to my abnormal lack of girl friends. I was really pissed that time and was close to crying whle i was waiting for my ride. I was annoyed because my baby tooth was wriggling a lot and it hurts so bad, so i decided to end the pain once and for all by punching my own cheek so it would fall off. I was 8, what did i know -_- . Well it did fall off, but the pain didn't go away and the pain in my cheek added to the burden. A boy saw me crying and went over and asked me what's wrong, so i told him what happened. The next day he came back and asked me if my tooth was okay now. I nodded. I didn't like being bothered by people and i just wanted him to go away but he kept annoying me that eventually, we just became bestfriends.
Well anyway, back to my brother's birthday party. Both of us were in the kitchen eating. I spotted a huge container of kimchi. It was my favorite, Especially when i eat it with rice and grilled pork. I was so hungry at that time that i ate half of its content in minutes. My bestfriend told me not to eat a lot cause i would get indigestion and get all gassy and stuff, but i didn't listen to him and kept eating. I did regret it though cause after some time, i got the bad case of gas and he kept laughing at me. And after that incident, he teased me and called me kimchi.
For some reason, we had to move to another home and school and i didn't get to see him ever since. He was my first best friend and i still remember his name. Jung Jinyoung.
-end of flashback-
"J-jung Jinyoung??", i couldn't believe myself. Now that i look at him, he does look like that same guy from 6 years ago. But with finer and more chiseled features.
"I can't believe you didnt even remember me =.= The moment i saw you, i knew it was you"
"Oh", i said, feeling a little guilty. "So you're famous now huh?", i said changing the topic.
"Duh. With a face like mine, who wouldn't?"
I laughed at him and he frowned at me. 
=Jinyoung's POV=
"But Haerin-ah, i heard you're dating Taemin, is it true?"
I hesitated to ask her about it at first, but i just really wanted to hear it from her own mouth. 
"Oh that.."
Her expression suddenly turned different. I knew her too well to know that she's trying to look for the right words to say
"Yeah", she said flatly. But i also knew she was doing it for a price. 
You see, there's a reason why I got sent to this school. But that's to be kept a secret until the last 15th day of their "relationship contract"
A/N: another cliffhanger >.< I'm still thinking about what kind of personality should Jinyoung have lol. The bad guy, the "other" good guy, the bag who turns good, or the good guy who turns bad. But for now, this is what my brain could come up with. 
I just noticed, Taemin isn't here! -__- lmao ill make sure he gets a lot of jealousy scenes in the next chapter. 
btw, i was supposed to post the new poster but photobucket's wouldn't upload.  TT__TT i'll try it in the next chapter ^^ 
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Chapter 34: Aigoooo amazing story!!!!! ♥
This is like, the 4th time i've read this story because this supplies my daily craving of shinee fluff and wew, I still feel giddy whenever I read this. Good job!
Chapter 34: ahhh, now I remembered how this story finished. I READ THIS STORY 3 TIMES BECAUSE I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF IT.
Chapter 34: AWWWWW I FINISHED ITTTT! OOOOMMGG! i'm so happy they're together again! Hahaha! That sparky story! Thanks to onew's pet ♥ aww i'm going to miss reading this! Such a nice story~
Chapter 5: Ohh my! Such a daebak story line! I think i'm in love with this. You write so well. Omg! I squealing here cause i'm so excited to read more lol
PrincessTisha #6
Chapter 10: Lolz, Onew and his Chicken stories... :P
PrincessTisha #7
Chapter 2: Awww, Taemin is so cute the way he still claims that Sparky is his!
PrincessTisha #8
Chapter 1: Hehehe... Taemin found her ID... Great start, btw! :3
Dimple_Lady #9
Chapter 34: I totally loved it!!!! Usually the endings bother me...but yours was just amazing!
xoxo1499 #10
this is the third times i reading this story, still laughing out loud XD