The Famous Cheating Lab Partners

100 Days with Mr. Arrogant aka Lee Taemin


=Haeirn's POV=


We were supposed to have our science test today, but because of the new student aka Jinyoung, we did lab work instead and called off the test till the next day.

Me and Minyoung were supposedly partners, but she didn't show up today so yeah, Jinyoung's my partner now. I guess it's fine. I'm not sure why i feel awkward around him now unlike when we were kids.

Oh crap. My official "haerin-haters" club will probably have another reason to despise me =.= 


The teacher led us to the lab room. 

"Today we'll be mixing chemicals and do observation work", she said and appointed each pair into their own stations.


Man do i hate lab work..I'm really bad at mixing chemicals and sutff like that. It's a miracle that i haven''t got the school exploded because of my chemical-mixing talent. 

But i stand corrected. Jinyoung was WORSE. Turns out, neither of us were even listening to the teacher's instructions and neither of us were looking at the demostration that the teacher showed us. The only reason why i didn't listen is because i thought he was taking down notes, but instead he was just playing tic-tac-toe against himself on a piece of paper T_T


I looked at everyone else, and they all seemed to be working on the experiment already

"What now? I have no idea how to do this!", i told him

"Uhh..why don't we copy that guy? Looks like he's just about to start too anyway", he pointed to the guy working on table beside us.

"Aright fine. I'll do the mixing and you do the cheating looking and tell me which ones do i mix. And try not to look so obvious =.= "

"Yeah, yeah"


The guy was down to his last chemical, and so were we. Jinyoung told me to mix the same chemical as the guy and so i did. I peeped over to look at the guy's work and his experiment resulted to a dark greenish liquid chemical. I looked at what i was mixing. It was brilliant blue in color.


"Why is that blue? o_o ", Jinyoung asked me

"I have no idea.."


"Time's up! I'll go over to each of your stations to insepct your work!", the teacher said

"Now what?", he asked me


I panicked a little when i saw the teacher going over their work. The guy turned his back from his experiment cause he was talking to someone. I quickly grabbed our flask and switched it with his, seconds before the teacher came into our table.

What? I panicked.. T_T


She insepcted "our" work and mixed it to check. "Not bad", she said. "Alright, you can go to your next class. Both of you get an A. Well done!". She seemed to be talking to just Jinyoung and not me. Did i ever mention that our science teacheri s kind of a pedonoona..  


She then went to the next table, with "his" work. The guy was just as surprised as the teacher was.

"What did you mix with this thing?" the teacher asked, and started to mix the mixture.


The next thing i knew, the chemical started bubbling and BOOM. All over the teacher's face.  





"Dont' worry. I'd probably do the same thing too", he laughed, along with everyone else in the room.





-after school-


"Haerin-ah!", i was on my way out of school when i heard Jinyoung's voice trailing behind me.

"Have you eaten yet?", he asked and i shooked my head.

"Well i haven't eaten yet too. Let's eat at that noodlehouse nearby. My treat ^^ 


I hesitated at first when i remembered about something that happened a while back.



"Look, about not buying you water, the store was REALLY closed and that time i was REALLY hungry and i smelt food and my stomach was grumbling and i happen to know a bbq place nearby so i figured-

"Forget it, it's just water. Ya, do you have any idea how worried i was?? I thought you got mobbed or something!"

"Since when did even start to worry about me anyway?" i said.


He looked taken aback with what i said, like he didn't know the answer to the question. 


" gahh whatever that's not the point!  The point is next time you should tell me where you're going off to!", he said and mumbled the last part. "And if you're ever planning on eating, tell me. We'll eat together, araso?"


"I guess i'll never have a good lunch ever again =.= ", i muttered.


-end of flashback-



But then again..when life gives you free food, you don't question.

I know Taemin's schedule today is pretty booked so i guess he wouldn't know ^^




We went to eat at the noodlehouse nearby. I was so into my bowl of noodles that i didn't notice that he hadn't even touched his food yet and was just watching me eat.


"What are you looking at? Go eat"


He chuckled. "For someone so thin, you REALLY eat a lot'


I'm not exactly sure if that was a complement or he was implying that i eat like a pig. 


"So how did you and Taemin meet?"


"What?", i asked him, like i didn't hear him the first time.


"I said how'd you guy meet? And how did you guys fall in love?"


I choked on a piece of meat that got stuck in my throat. And it took me a whole glass of water to slide it down my esophagus.


"Oh..that", i said, clearing my throat. 



I got myself in a 100-day contract to be Lee Taemin's girlfriend because i killed his pet parrot. Stupid. I doubt anyone would believe me with that story.  

Besides, that contract is a secret between Shinee, me, and SMent and no one else. I feel like i shouldn't tell him about it yet, so here goes my completely irrelevant story-telling -_-



=Jinyoung's POV=


"Oh..that", she cleared . Her eyes were searching for something. Like answers.

"Well, we met at the uh, i mean i bumped into him this one time and he, i mean, we liked each other. Yep, that's, that;s how we liked each other"


I was amused by her obvious lies and how she was tripping over her own words. I've known her since we were kids and i know if she's telling the truth or not. But seriously, even the stupidest person on earth would know she's making them up cause she's just so bad at on-the-spot lying.



=Haerin's POV=

"So that's how..",he said. I can't believe he's actualy buying it :D



"Ya Kimchi"

"What?", I looked up to see Jinyoung staring at my face. "What? Do i have something on my face?", As I was about to feel my face for signs of rice, he grabbed my wrist with his hand.


"Hold still, you have a loose eylash on your face", he said and pulled it off gently with his other hand. I felt his touch linger on my cheek and for some reason, it made me nervous and draw back a little.




=Taemin's POV=


I was on my way to Haerin's school cause i have a show to go to and the producers wanted Haerin to be in it as well. Actually, there was another person who was supposed to go get her from school, but i don't mind getting some excercise so i volunteered to fetch her myself.


I wonder if she's hungry..maybe i should get her something to eat? There's a really good noodlehouse somewhere here and they really make the BEST noodles. 



I went inside the noodlehouse and ordered noodles. Obviously. While waiting for the food, i sat down in one of the tables. Today's a slow day for the restaurant cause the weren't a lot of customers. Just me, an old ahjumma eating in another table and a young couple in another table. My eyes fell on the couple. I couldn't see the girl's face cause she was sitting with her back in front of me. The guy on the other hand, looked awfully familiar. 


Out of curiousity, i sat in a closer table so i could have a closer look.



NO WAY. o_o




=Haerin's POV=


Jinyoung was finishing the last of his noodles. I didn't have anything else to do cause i was already done with mine so I looked around the restaurant out of boredom.


And then i met eyes with the last person i never expected to see. Taemin. 






Btw, i remember saying something about having jealousy scenes in thes chapter but for some reason i just felt like pushing it forward to another chapter cause i have no idea yet lol. 

A lot of switching of POV's in this one, hope you guys didn't get all confused >.< :D

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Chapter 34: Aigoooo amazing story!!!!! ♥
This is like, the 4th time i've read this story because this supplies my daily craving of shinee fluff and wew, I still feel giddy whenever I read this. Good job!
Chapter 34: ahhh, now I remembered how this story finished. I READ THIS STORY 3 TIMES BECAUSE I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF IT.
Chapter 34: AWWWWW I FINISHED ITTTT! OOOOMMGG! i'm so happy they're together again! Hahaha! That sparky story! Thanks to onew's pet ♥ aww i'm going to miss reading this! Such a nice story~
Chapter 5: Ohh my! Such a daebak story line! I think i'm in love with this. You write so well. Omg! I squealing here cause i'm so excited to read more lol
PrincessTisha #6
Chapter 10: Lolz, Onew and his Chicken stories... :P
PrincessTisha #7
Chapter 2: Awww, Taemin is so cute the way he still claims that Sparky is his!
PrincessTisha #8
Chapter 1: Hehehe... Taemin found her ID... Great start, btw! :3
Dimple_Lady #9
Chapter 34: I totally loved it!!!! Usually the endings bother me...but yours was just amazing!
xoxo1499 #10
this is the third times i reading this story, still laughing out loud XD