
100 Days with Mr. Arrogant aka Lee Taemin

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxJ4TU-20Kg <-- I cant believe im even putting an OST for this one xD oh well.




"Want to hear something funny?", Taemin asked out of the blue.

"What?", Haerin replied uninterestingly, adding another piece of card to her almost complete playing-card castle.

"Remember when we first met? When you killed my pet Sparky?"

Haerin paused. She tried to recall that moment..




“Fine. I-I’ll pay you then” she said, holding back.

I scoffed. “Do you even know how much that costs?”

“I dunno, maybe around twent-

“300 000 won [$300]”

“MWO? 300 000 WON FOR A BIRD??”

“Well duh. That’s a one of a kind uh, uh,,Golden…tropical Venomoth. What do you expect?”

-end of flashback-



"Oh..that billion dollar pet of yours..yeah i remember. Wae?", she asked, going back to completeing her house of cards.


"I was joking. Onew hyung bought it for 20 bucks at some pet store. When you poke him, it plays dead. Funny story huh?", he said, laughing. His laugh slowly dies when he sees Haerin's -you-what-did-you-just-say- face on. And on top of that, her 3-feet house of cards that took her an hour and a half to finish  completely fell apart. 




"YAAAAA LEEEE TAEEEEMINNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




















Thanks for reading you guise 8D KOMAWOO ~ I cant believe it's done xD im gonna miss those mental breakdowns in the middle of the night when i cant think of a good enough update. lmao


Now this seems quick but..i want to make a new fic already lol. L.joe, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, B1A4, or shinee again gahh so many choices. 

and another sidenote, i was THIS close to making it a sad ending. lol. hopefully i made the right decision making it a cliche happy ending? 

aaaand another sidenote, have you guys seen the jongtae concert kiss. /idunnowuttopheel =.=;;


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Chapter 34: Aigoooo amazing story!!!!! ♥
This is like, the 4th time i've read this story because this supplies my daily craving of shinee fluff and wew, I still feel giddy whenever I read this. Good job!
Chapter 34: ahhh, now I remembered how this story finished. I READ THIS STORY 3 TIMES BECAUSE I WILL NEVER GET BORED OF IT.
Chapter 34: AWWWWW I FINISHED ITTTT! OOOOMMGG! i'm so happy they're together again! Hahaha! That sparky story! Thanks to onew's pet ♥ aww i'm going to miss reading this! Such a nice story~
Chapter 5: Ohh my! Such a daebak story line! I think i'm in love with this. You write so well. Omg! I squealing here cause i'm so excited to read more lol
PrincessTisha #6
Chapter 10: Lolz, Onew and his Chicken stories... :P
PrincessTisha #7
Chapter 2: Awww, Taemin is so cute the way he still claims that Sparky is his!
PrincessTisha #8
Chapter 1: Hehehe... Taemin found her ID... Great start, btw! :3
Dimple_Lady #9
Chapter 34: I totally loved it!!!! Usually the endings bother me...but yours was just amazing!
xoxo1499 #10
this is the third times i reading this story, still laughing out loud XD