He's Not Well

The Badass Wife and The Nerdy Husband (Sequel To: Being the Badass Bride of Byun Baekhyun, The Nerd)
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Soyu & Junggigo ft. Lil Boi - Some

Getting ready for school the next day what Baekhyun had been looking forward to was to finally make the two of you official. He didn’t care about the deathly glares thrown his way, or the mean comments he would probably receive from the several other students. All he cared about was to make sure everyone knew that you were taken, and he was the one who had stolen you.

Baekhyun stared at his reflection in the mirror and brushed away the invisible dust off his blazer, and suited out the wrinkles with his hand. His blank expression soon turned into a smile, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. Today was the day, you were going to sit in the same car as him and he would be your personal driver to school from now on. “Hey, Baek” He winked to his reflection and fixed his collar in a cool manner. “You’re the man”

“Oh my god” Baekhyun snapped his head towards the bedroom door and noticed you leaning against the doorframe with a smirk placed on your lips. He blinked several times this time being in utter shock. He believed you were probably in the kitchen now and making breakfast, he had no idea you had been watching him all this time.

“I…I..” He tried saving himself, but there was nothing he could do or say that could take him out of his awkward situation. With a giggle you pushed yourself off the doorframe and with each step neared him. You planted one of your hands on top of his shoulder followed by the other. He gazed back at you through his glasses with his round eyes. You rested your chin against your hands and batted with your eyelashes. He gulped having zero control of his emotions, he was sweating like crazy and he knew if he talked now he would stutter like a fool.

“You’re not just THE man, Byun Baekhyun…” You spoke and you noticed how he hung on every word that left your cherry lips. Even though your voice was deadly low you knew he heard everything, and he probably believed you were y too. “You’re my man” You winked at him getting on your tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips. The moment you were about to pull back you felt his hand slid behind your neck and draw your face closer to his, seemed like he wanted more than just a quick taste of your lips. But your moment was cut short due to the fact that your phone rang.

You pulled out of the kiss almost immediately and pulled your phone out of your blazer pocket. “Sangmin…” You mumbled under your breath reading the caller-id and Baekhyun frowned when you mentioned his name.

“What does he want?” He questioned but was soon hushed since you picked up the

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half-asian #1
This was great, loved all the drama!
it has bts too? wow
omg i really like this.. the way oc's being so cool and act for baek.. oh no..
gonna read the christmas edition hoho
Gladice #4
Chapter 35: aww mrs byun
Queenka94 #6
Ugh. Are you serious?? More drama!?
:P aishh, and here it was going perfectly. Lol
jessjejc #7
Chapter 36: Ooh I love that Mrs.Byun part!
I know this is late but congratulations on getting featured!
Chapter 35: so cutee..no dope my bestie told me the story..ure amazing author wth a simple short story..
Chapter 36: omfg this was so amazing and can't believe yoongs lied to her I was about to cry manTT TT but when she revealed she was pretending I was just like YASS GIRL THANK GOD U DONT HAVE AMNESIA PHEW