Chapter 1

When Love Stops



   Whurrrr.... A sudden panging noise woke me up. As I lift myself up, there is a flush of dizziness and blood flowing through my brains Argggh! It hurts. Rubbing my eyes, I was trying to focus where I am and the most important, what time is it.

   “Hye Ri, Hye Ri!!” I felt someone was gripping on me hard on the shoulder. I looked up and it was a blur. Once the blurriness subsides, right there, stood my best friend also known as my childhood friend, Suho. The real name was Kim Junmyeon but he prefers everyone to call him by his nickname, Suho.

   “Yah, pabo. What are you doing? School’s over already! Now it’s not the time to sleep!”

   Darn! I must have overslept! Without thinking straight, I quickly stood up and try to do gather back my thoughts on being alert.

   In a quick flash, a bag was flung at me and I managed to grab it fast.

      “You should thank me for doing that,” he smirked.

      “Thanks, Suho,” I said in relief.

      “Well, let’s go before your mum gets worried where you’ll be.”

   We walked in silence when getting out of the school. By the time, we’re reaching the school bus stop, Suho started a conversation, and “So, what are you going to to do for Valentine’s Day the next two weeks?”

   “Eeerr… what did you say?” I couldn’t have the urge to answer him as my head was heavy from sleeping too much.

    “HYE RI!!!!”  A pair of voices was shrieking right through my eardrums.

    It turns out that Joo Ee and Ha Eun were surprising me behind my back.

    “Gosh, you just gave me a heart attack!” I was annoyed there and showed them the “death glare”.

     Realizing that what they did was wrong, they bowed their heads down saying,”Sorry.”

      I gave them the evil grin and said,” It’s okay. Next time, it happens…  I’ll tie both you girls to a tree.”

      Both of them were just expressionless.

      Suddenly, I felt a hand smacked against the back of my head.

      “Oww! Oppa!”

      “Yah! They’re just fooling around. When are you going to take it as a joke?! You won’t get a boyfriend if you act like this!” Suho claimed.

      “You shush! I guarantee myself for the next 10 years, I. WOULD. NOT. GET. MARRIED. I want to be single and be free as a bird!”

      “Yada-yada-yada! Puh-lease! You already have a crush on someone!”

      “What did you just say?!” My volume of my voice tone was increasing with each argument with Suho.

      While Joo Ee and Ha Eun were feeling uncomfortable being placed in the middle of this situation, Joo Ee decided to change the subject.

       “Sooo… I heard you guys were talking about Valentine’s Day right?”

Suho gave me that I-just-won-over-you-in-a-heated-debate victory smile.

While realising that she’s waiting for an answer, I spoke up.

      “Er, yeah.”

      “What are you guys going to do on that day?” Ha Eun asked.

      “I don’t know. Maybe I should just stay at home and watch a movie,” I sulked.

      “How about you, Ha Eun?”

      “Well, Chanyeol and I already planning to go for a date at Lotte World followed by dinner at some new Italian restaurant nearby,” she replied and at the same time, her cheeks were blushing red.

     Gosh, Chanyeol is so sweet. They already have been together for 6 months and he’s being so lovey-dovey towards her and he’s always concern for her wellbeing. How I wished I have been in her shoes.

      “Joo Ee?” I asked.

      Joo Ee’s face looks sad and downtrodden.

      “What’s wrong?” Suho asked.

      “I have no absolute thought about Baekhyun. He’s always showing me these signs but I don’t think he has an interest in me.”

      “Cheer up, Joo Ee. Maybe he’s shy in asking you out. Some guys are like that. They’ll show you the signs but deep inside, they’re afraid they’re not worthy for you and fear that you might reject them. It takes time but you have to be wait for him to get ready,” Suho advised.

      Soon, Joo Ee lit up and said “Thanks, Suho. God, it that we can’t understand men. How I wish I can be a mind reader!”

       “Don’t worry, Joo Ee. Your time will come. Who knows he might propose to you on Valentine’s Day?” I added.

       “Thanks, unnie. Anyway, Suho, what are you gonna do on Valentine’s Day?” Joo Ee asked.

        “Me? I don’t know. Maybe I’m going to stick to Hye Ri’s plan.”

        “Oh, come on. Don’t lie,” Ha Eun teased.

        “What? I don’t lie!” Suho retaliated.

        “Yes you do! Chanyeol told me you have an admirer!”

        I turned to face him. He stood there motionless and he looks shocked.

        “Oppa, are you alright?” I asked.

        “I’m fine.”

     “So, who is this admirer of yours?” I interrogated him.

     “Well… she’s some 3rd year student. Apparently, people were saying she had a crush on me since the last two years. But I failed to notice that she was the one who sent me that love letter and chocolates during last year’s Valentine’s Day.”

      “If she decides to confess to you this time, will you accept it?” Joo Ee asked.

      Everyone was waiting for his answer until he spoke,” I would definitely say… no.”

      “Oh my gosh. Why, Suho?! It’s your last chance to take that offer! She can be that perfect soul mate”, Joo Ee pleaded.

      His face expression hasn’t changed a bit when he said, “It’s just that… I have feelings for that special someone and I wouldn’t let it go to waste if I accepted her offer.”

      “Who is it?! Why didn’t you tell us?! We want to meet her right now!!” Joo Ee and Ha Eun barged into Suho with their intense questions. Gosh, those girls. Always hyper for small reasons thinking that it’s the end of the world.


      Once both of them have return to normal, Suho spoke, “She’s that one person who never fails to make people laugh with her idiocracy. That one woman who’s always there for me when I’m in my deepest troubles. She’s… the one.”

        Gosh, he looks so mesmerized and love struck when he said those words. Wonder who’s the lucky girl?

          “So, when are you going to confess to her?” I asked.

          “I decided to confess to her… on her birthday.” He smiled that dazzling white teeth at me.

          “All the best, then. Hwaiting!” I cheered him up.

         “Thanks, Hye Ri.” He said while he was messing my hair.

         “Yah! Just because I have short hair, doesn’t mean you can playfully mess it up!” I glared at him.

        “Whatever, Chibi Maruko-chan!” he grinned.

        “Don’t you dare say it!” I warned.


         In an instant, I raised my hand to strike his head but was interrupted by the honking of a car.

         Turns out, my mum has arrived to pick me up.

        “Too bad. Your mum will think what kind of daughter you are for bullying a poor kid like me,” he teased while showing that sad innocent face at me.

        “You’ll wait when I have the chance to strike again.” I gave the death stare at him.

        “I’m so scared~. Go along. Don’t make your mummy wait!” he mocked me while shooing me.

       “Bye, Hye Ri!” Joo Ee and Ha Eun shouted.

       “See you tomorrow!” I shouted as I walked towards the car.

      Just then, I saw that familiar figure standing with his basketball mates nearby. His tall, slick and sturdy figure with his ash-blonde hair highlights his features. Few girls were squirming with delight when they say him. Star athlete, genius, son of a millionaire. That’s what made him famous. Kris. That’s him and I did have a crush on him since the 1st year of high school. Then, he turned his head and caught me looking at him. I ducked down and acted cool as I entered the car.

       “Hi, mom!” I greeted.

       “Hi, honey. How’s school?”


      As the car drove off from school, I gazed out from the window. Maybe I shall see him again.



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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))