Chapter 6: Suho's POV

When Love Stops

        After accompanying Hye Ri, thoughts flooded my mind as I walked home. Why did I suddenly make the first move? The moment when I looked into her eyes, I swore my heart was beating fast. If Hye Ri’s mum didn’t call up, I would already have my first kiss with her.

          My thoughts were diminished from my mind as my phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket and answered it.

           “Hello?” I answered.

           “Hey, buddy! It’s Chen here!”

           “Hey, what’s up? It’s been so long I haven’t heard from you!” I acclaimed.

           “Yeah, me too! Anyway, want to have a mini reunion dinner together with Kyungsoo tonight?” he asked.

            “Sure, no problem! So, which restaurant? I’ll come by in an hour?” I said while looking at my watch.

            “Hey, don’t worry! We’re not going to some restaurant! We’re meeting up at Kyungsoo’s penthouse apartment since he’s cooking for us dinner,” he replied.

           “Oh, that’s great! I’ll come by as soon as possible.”

           “You bet’cha! I’ll see you later alright! Annyeong!” Then, a click was heard on the line. Man, I missed those two and it was hard to keep in touch with them since they are so busy with their university studies. Both of them were my seniors by two years and their parents are my dad’s business partners. As usual, business partners would always meet in a game of golf and that’s how I met Chen and Kyungsoo. Apparently, Kyungsoo is studying culinary art just because he had a dream of becoming a chef specializing in Italian cuisine. Whereas for Chen, he’s doing a degree in music specializing in vocals.

               When I arrived home, mom was in the living room with my dad watching TV. I greeted both of them when they saw me. Then, mom spoke up,”Joonmyeon, are you joining us for dinner?”

               “Oh, I can’t because I have dinner with Chen and Kyungsoo later,” I answered.

              “Oh, those two lovely boys! I wonder how they are now. But it’s good that all of you are keeping in touch with each other,” she smiled. I smiled back in reply.

            “Anyway, I’ve got to get dressed, first,” I told her as I was climbing up the stairs.

           “Sure, honey! When you meet them, say hi to them for me, will you?”

           “Sure, mum!”

           Soon, I took a shower and was already dressed. I took one more glance at the mirror to check whether I look alright for the dinner later. While busy styling my hair, my phone rang. The caller ID has stated that it was Baekhyun. Without hesitation, I answered the call.

            “Suho ah!” Baekhyun burst.

            “Are you okay?” I asked.

            “I’m alright. It’s just that I’m feeling nervous,” I already could hear the hint of nervousness in his voice.

            “Relax. Where are you now and is Joo Ee with you?” I asked.

            “We’ve just finished watching a movie but I’m waiting for Joo Ee now since she just went to the washroom,” Baekhyun explained.

            “So, when are you going to confess to her?” I queried further.

            “After dinner,” he answered.

           “Good. When you confess to her, take it slowly alright? And don’t rush. What you have to say has to come from the heart not those cheesy pick-up lines that you hear often. I wish you the best, bro!” I cheered him up.

           “Oh my god! Thank you so much, Suho! I would have died if I didn’t sought after you.”

             “No worries, bro! Call me later, alright?” I smiled.

            “Sure, bro. Anyway, I’ve got to go now. Joo Ee is coming! Bye!” he said in a rush.


            I smiled to myself. God, those two! Always hinting out one after another. Can’t they just act real and get it over? I knew those two have feelings for each other but they were afraid to admit. *sigh* I just hope they would work it out well later.

             Soon, I had left the house and drove off to Kyungsoo’s penthouse apartment which was 15 minutes away from my place. Once after parking at the parking lot, I went into the lift and clicked the button which was engraved in silver ink stating, “PENTHOUSE.” After waiting for the lift to arrive at the top of the building, I walked out and was at his front door. In an instant, I rang the doorbell.

              Muffled noises were heard behind the door and soon, the door opens to reveal Chen.

            “Hey, bro! What’s up?” Chen greeted loudly. We gave each other a friendly hug. The smell of delicious cooking was filled in the air and not to mention the strong scent of thyme and basil.

             “Whoa, something’s cooking!” I couldn’t resist the temptation of the smell.

             “Sure is! You should look at Kyungsoo’s way of cooking. It’s so intense!” Chen assured.

             Then, we walked to the kitchen and we found Kyungsoo cooking up some pasta. He looks as focused as a whole as he sautéed the vegetables and placing some angel hair pasta into the pan. He was so into it that he didn’t realize that we are right in front of him watching. Next, he took a bottle of olive oil and sprinkle over the vegetables. Finally, he was done and he off the fire and he poured the pasta into three different bowls. You could see that his forehead was glistened with sweat. When he looked up, he looked very shocked to see us and his eyes were almost bulging out from his eye sockets.

              “Y-y-you guys were watching me all along?” he stuttered.

              “Of course. We were so intrigued by the way you cook,” Chen smirked.

              “Yah! Next time, don’t ever do that again,” he warned.

              “Why not?” I asked.

              “Because I feel weird if people watch me… like they’re judging me,” he said in a pitied reaction.

              “Yah no one’s going to judge you, alright? Besides, you did great!” Chen cheered.

              “You sure?” he asked. We both nod in reply.

             “Thank you, guys! Anyway, let’s eat!” he cheered up in an instant.

               Soon, all plates were on the dining table and the food presentation looks attractive.

              “What’s this?” I asked.

              “That is Penne all'Arrabbiata,” he answered.

             In an instant, we had our first bite. The juices of the vegetables flows in through your mouth and the taste of olive oil could be felt within each munch of pasta.

              “Oh my god!” Both me and Chen shouted at the same time.

             “What’s going on? Is it bad? I knew it! I shouldn’t have put in too much olive oil!” he said in a worried tone.

             “Bro, relax alright?” Chen assured,

             “How can I relax when you’re not telling me what it is?!” God, Kyungsoo does have some insecurity issues.

            “It was perfect. I mean how did you do that?!” I said.

            “Oh, is it. I’m sorry,” he blushed.

            “Next time, don’t get tensed easily, okay?” Chen said.

            Then, the three of use ended up talking about what we have been going through the past 4 months since we last met. Kyungsoo and Chen were telling tales and rumours about their university. There were jokes and we all laughed to our heart’s content and it was silence.

            Kyungsoo looked at me and said, “Suho, you did told me you had some crush on a best friend of yours, right?”

            “You did? Why didn’t you tell me?!” Chen pleaded.

            “It’s because you were drunk that time and you didn’t bother to hear about what happened to Suho,” Kyungsoo smirked with sarcasm. Chen gave him a glare.

            “So, how has it been going? Did you manage to confess to her?” Kyungsoo asked.

           “I don’t know what to do. Besides, she already has a crush on someone,” I replied.

           “Who is it? Is it some popular guy in your school?” Chen asked.

           “You’re right. Some athlete he is,” I said in a sad tone.

            “Girls these days,” Chen shook his head while saying it.

            “What do you mean?” Kyungsoo asked.

            “They always prefer some popular and handsome guy as their ideal type even though they havn’t met them at all. It’s like they’re fangirling for that guy,” Chen explained.

            “I see,” Kyungsoo understood.

            “Anyway, Suho. It’s no point having feelings for her. Seriously, she’s just dumb to like some popular guy and I bet she’s never even friends with that guy,” Chen said.

            “Yah! Don’t say that to him. If he likes her, let him be!” Kyungsoo butted in while hitting Chen’s head. Chen was whining in pain.

            “So, is she friends with that guy?” Kyungsoo asked when he turned to face me.

           “She will… soon,” I said. Then, I explained to them about how Hye Ri was appointed to be Kris’ tutor for Biology. Kyungsoo and Chen constantly nodded when I spoke.

            “Well, I’ve got to say is stay with her as close as possible, alright? Maybe she might change her mind and will choose you instead,” Chen assured.

            “But, you said that you wanted to confess to her right?” Kyungsoo asked.

           “Yeap. I’m planning to confess to her on her birthday,” I smiled.

           “Then, I’m sure you can do it, alright?” Kyungsoo cheered.

           Thanks, sunbae,” I smiled in reply. I looked at my watch and it was already 10.30pm. “Oh guys, I have to go now. My parents would be waiting for me,” I stood up from my chair.

            “Sure. Anyway, thanks for coming. It was great having you here!” Kyungsoo said.

            Soon, we hugged each other as we said our goodbyes. “Bye!” Chen shouted. I smiled back and then, I was in the car driving out of the parking lot. By the time, I have arrived home, my parents were already sleeping. I crept quietly up to my room and changed into my pyjamas.

              Suddenly, my phone rang and I answered it in an instant.

              “Hello?” I asked.

             “Suho! I did it!” Turns out it was Baekhyun.

             “You did what?” I asked in confusion.

            “I took the courage to confess to her!” Baekhyun shouted on the phone. God, my eardrums are hurting right now.

             “You did?! So, how did she respond?” I queried further.

             “She accepted and I’m officially a boyfriend!”

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))