Chapter 19: Suho's POV

When Love Stops

           Hours have passed and I’m still on my bed lazing around. Just then, thoughts of what happened at the cafeteria flashed back. Was I too rude towards Hye Ri? I bet she was wondering why am I like this to her? Of course, I was a bit heated off when I saw her laughing and smiling when she was with Kris. Maybe, I shouldn’t be like this in front of her but… but… I can’t control it! Urrgghh! Why does it have to be this way? I have to talk to her one day. Suddenly, my phone beeped a ringtone. Without hesitating, I answered my phone.

         “Hey buddy! What’s up?” Kyungsoo called.

         “Hey hyung!” I laughed.

         “Dude, I was wondering are you free to hang out with me and Chen?”

         “I’m free though. Are we going to hang out at your place again?” I queried.

         “Nah… I was thinking about that mall near you place,” he responded.

         “Oh… but what are we going to do there? I mean, there’s nothing to do there, after all,” I said.

          “You didn’t know did you? There’s this new arcade centre just opened at the mall and you know, Chen and I are curious about trying out that place. So, I was thinking… why not you come along with us?” he suggested.

           “Hmmm… Sounds good to me. Then, I’ll come by in half an hour’s time?”

           “Sure… You know after that, we can go for dinner. So, see you later!” Kyungsoo laughed. After putting the phone down, I quickly got dressed into a T-shirt and jeans and walked out of my room. When I had arrived downstairs, mum was watching television.


            “Yes, boy?” she cheered up.

            “I won’t be having dinner with you and dad. I’m meeting up with Chen and Kyungsoo,” I told her.

             “Oh… alright. Have fun and tell them I said hi,” she smiled. Soon, I walked out of the house, got into my car and drove off to the mall. When I arrived at the mall, I was having difficulty looking for a parking spot. Gosh. Why are there so many people today? Aissh, where am I going to find one? Finally, I managed to found one right at a corner. As I got out, I walked into the mall and I was utterly surprised that the mall was super crowded with people of many ages.

           Then, I took out my phone and sent a text to Kyungsoo:

           “Dude, I’m here. Where are you?”

            “We’re already at the arcade centre. You just take three lefts after passing by the fountain and two rights and you’ll be there. Don’t worry. It’s easy to find.”


           After following Kyungsoo’s instructions, I have finally found the arcade centre. There, I saw Kyungsoo and Chen standing there by the entrance. As we saw each other, we gave each other a bro hug.

           “Can we go now?” Chen asked in an impatient manner after releasing from each other’s embrace.

           “Pabo…  Can’t you wait?” Kyungsoo glared at him with those big eyes.

           “Yah… I’m too excited for it, that’s why,” Chen pouted.

           “Fine, let’s go in. Shall we?” Kyungsoo smiled.

         When we walked in, the whole place was filled with schoolchildren in their school uniforms. I had guessed they had come straight here after school.

           “So, which one shall we go for?” Chen asked.

            “Hmm… how about that racing game?” Kyungsoo pointed at a row of video game machines right in front of us.

             “Alright,” Chen smiled gleefully. As were walking towards that row of video game machines, someone familiar caught my eye. I looked again and I saw a couple walking together with their backs facing me. But judging by their appearance, they must be school students due to their school uniforms and that guy is super tall for her height. Hmm… She does looks like Hye Ri… from the back. Wait a sec… those school uniforms… they’re from the same school as me. And that guy with the ash blonde hair… is that Kris? It can’t be… maybe I am hallucinating at the moment. Aissh! You have to stop this, Suho. Just because you’ve never seen Hye Ri much for the whole day, doesn’t mean she will be the person who will be lingering in your mind right now.

             “Hello~?” Kyungsoo waved his hand in front of me which brought me back into consciousness. Both of them were gawking at me like I was an interesting subject in front of them.

             “Oh… sorry. What were you guys saying?” I confessed.

             “We were saying whether do you want to try first?” Chen looked at me annoyed while pointing at the video game machine.

             “Err… I think you try first, Chen,” I suggested. When I looked back, that couple disappeared. Maybe I was imagining too much.

             “Okay… if you say so,” Chen sighed. Then, Chen sat onto the car seat and put some coins into the coin slot. That instant, the game became alive with loud music instructing him to get ready. While he was busy playing, my ears perked upon a familiar voice among the noisy surroundings saying, “I think I should do it, Kris. Since you know you’ve done for me… a lot.” Wait… did I hear the name Kris? And by that voice, it sounds like… Hye Ri. This time, I could hear Kris’ voice. “You sure? I mean this is your first time doing it-”. “I can try doing it first.” Judging by their voice, they could be nearby.

          Without thinking straight, I said to Kyungsoo and Chen in a rushed tone, “Guys… I want to check the other games. I’ll meet you guys later.”

           “See ya!” Chen called while still focusing on the screen. Right on, I ran quickly from row to row finding the source of the voice. Each step I make, I can feel Hye Ri’s presence getting nearer and nearer. Then, right in front of my view were a few game stalls and there I saw Hye Ri holding onto a wooden gun aiming for one of the bottles and Kris… was there. What is he doing here? I didn’t want them to know I was watching so I decided to hide behind one of the stalls.

       Then, I saw Kris walked towards her saying, “I think I better help you with that.” Next, I saw her rejecting his offer. Phew! See? She doesn’t need your help. Suddenly, I saw him standing very close to her from behind. The heck. Right that moment, both my fists were clenched as I saw him holding on to her hands. That jerk! Get your hands off her! Part of me wanted to walk right up to them to separate the both of them and to punch him in the face. But another part of me is telling me that it isn’t the right thing. I mean, Hye Ri might be suspicious of me as being a stalker and at the same time… I don’t want to hurt her feelings. Now, as I saw her smiled at him, my heart felt like it was crumbling into pieces. The next moment, I continued to suffer in silence when I saw Kris holding on to Hye Ri guiding her to shoot properly.

         Suddenly, someone was grabbing on to my shoulder.

        “Ahhh!” I shrieked.

        “Yah. You got scared cause of that?!” Kyungsoo said.

        “At least, you should have called my name,” I answered him in annoyance.

       “Fine. So, shall we go for our dinner?” Kyungsoo asked.

       “Sure!” I answered.

       “I think we better go that way,” Chen suggested while pointing towards the entrance. Realizing that if we go out that way, Hye Ri and Kris might notice us. So, I decided to make an excuse, “Err hyung, I think we should go the other way.”

          “Come on, this entrance is nearer,” Chen pulled me along with him. Just as I was trying to stop him from pulling me towards the entrance, I saw Hye Ri and Kris were standing a few metres away staring at us. Hye Ri’s face shows a completely surprised reaction. I gulped in fear. Dang it. They both saw us. What should I do? Should I just say hi?

          “Oppa,” Hye Ri called. Both of them are walking towards us now. Chen and Kyungsoo were looking at me wanting an explanation.

          “Hey… wow… I didn’t know you would be… here,” I said.

          “Me too. Actually, Kris wanted someone to accompany him here. So… here I am,” she laughed nervously. Kris looked at me and said a simple ‘hi’. Please, doesn’t he have his friends to accompany him? Why her?

          “I see. I’m here too to accompany my friends here,” I showed Chen and Kyungsoo to her. Soon, both of them introduced themselves to her while she introduced herself and Kris to them. Then, Hye Ri looked at me and said, “I think we better go now. I have to be back home now. So, I’ll see you in school then!”

           “Sure. See you,” I said to her. Then, I saw her and Kris waved bye to Kyungsoo and Chen and they left off. Next thing, Chen said grinning, “I think you should give us an explanation on that ‘girlfriend’ of yours.”

           “I’ll tell you guys… when we find a place to eat, ok?” I assured him. They both nodded in reply. Then on, we walked along each restaurant that might attract us. Finally, we have found an Asian fusion restaurant and we went in. The whole atmosphere was quiet which is what I wanted. After ordering our food, Chen diverted his attention to me saying, “So, tell us about that girl?”

           Before I could answer, Kyungsoo cut in saying, “Suho… that girl. Is she the best friend that you… had a crush on?” I nodded in reply.

           “Wow… You’re smart Kyungsoo!” Chen laughed.

           “Of course. If you didn’t noticed how they behaved in front of each other,” Kyungsoo replied sarcastically.

            “Fine. But she’s cute, though,” Chen commented.

          “Yah! We’re supposed to be talking about Suho not about whether she’s cute,” Kyungsoo slapped his arm hardly. Chen winced in pain at what Kyungsoo did.

          “Anyway, that guy… is the one she has a crush on?” Kyungsoo asked.

          “Yeap,” I replied sadly.

          “Let me guess. When you said that you wanted to check out other games, you didn’t right? You were spying on them, did you?” Chen asked.

           “Yeah I was. I mean, she’s been spending more time with him, nowadays. And every time I see her with him or… she mentions about him, I feel like…like…like I want to strangle him to death,” I answered while clenching my fists. Then, I felt Kyungsoo’s hand placed on mine telling me to calm down.

           “Suho, I understand what you are facing. But you have to do something to make her change her mind.”

            “But… but hyung! I’ve been trying my best to hang out with her after school. But every time I’m with her, she always has to mention his name,” I said it out frustrated.

             “It takes patience, Suho. You have to show her that you will be the ‘special someone’ who will be there for her, no matter what it takes. I know that guy has the looks and the popularity but that… doesn’t make a person happy, but you… you are someone who can make a person happy with your heart,” Kyungsoo advised.

             “I agree with Kyungsoo. It takes time, of course. But show that you love her for what she is, alright?” Chen joined in.

             “Wow… thank you, you guys. I mean I couldn’t have done it without… you guys,” I smiled.

            “See?? That’s what friends are for!” Chen joked. Soon, the food had arrived and we decided that that topic should just be left aside. Instead, we talked and laughed about everything that was passing by including Chen’s and Kyungsoo’s university life. After an hour has passed by, it’s time that we should head back home. When we walked towards the mall entrance, we gave each other a hug. Kyungsoo reminded me again.

            “Show her, alright?”

             “Sure, hyung,” I smiled in reply.

             After that, I drove off back to my home and decided to ignore that awkward situation that had happened at the arcade centre.       

Omo! That was sad for Suho to see all this happening in front of him. But it was nice of Chen and Kyungsoo to be there for him :D

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))