Chapter 30: Suho's POV Pt. 2

When Love Stops

           “So, what’s the story?” Chen asked as he clasped his hands together with his eyes focused on me. Kyungsoo, on the other hand, was leaning his face on his palm. Right now, we are at a restaurant in the mall that we used to hang out.

           “Take your time,” Kyungsoo placed his hand on mine as he noticed that I wasn’t answering Chen. Without hesitation, I decided to break the silence. “She’s with him… for now,” I sighed in frustration. Chen looked at me in a puzzling state.

            “Who’s ‘she’?” he asked. Kyungsoo immediately smacked his head from the back. “Yah pabo. That ‘she’ is Hye Ri!” Kyungsoo reasoned out at him. Chen rubbed the back of his head and argued back in reply, “Dude, you don’t have to hit my head!”

              “Okay, fine. Sorry, okay?” Kyungsoo crossed his arms at him and then he diverted his attention towards me and asked, “When… did it happen?” Without making them wait, I answered him, “It was yesterday.” Then, for the next half an hour, I narrated to them everything that happened today including Baekhyun’s version of the story and my frustrations about it. Both of them were so fixated on me that they just listened and didn’t make a comment about it.

         After I was done, both of them were silent until Chen spoke up, “You know what… I feel very fishy about this.”

            “I have to agree with Chen here,” Kyungsoo joined in. I was pretty astounded by their comments. Wanting to be more curious about it, I queried them, “Fishy? Like what?” Chen stretched his arms wide and finally gaining composure, he said, “I mean, it’s weird right… for them to be a couple so fast. And what’s with him saying that he needs time… and then the next day…. he planned some sappy surprise for her.”

              “I’ve got something to add to that,” Kyungsoo cut in. “They’re not that close… not best friends… but….isn’t it too fast? Not only that… it’s so weird that he always buys for her things. Come on, I wouldn’t be so easy to give up my money… for someone whom I don’t know so well.” I nodded my head in reply not wanting to answer their comments.

         “So… what are you going to do?” Kyungsoo asked. I shrugged my shoulders in reply. “I don’t know… I lost,” I mumbled. Chen banged his fist on the table. Both me and Kyungsoo looked at him in surprise. “What?! Did I hear my best friend whom I treat as my younger brother said… that he lost?” Kyungsoo went to his side to calm him down just because there were other customers who are staring at us.

            “Dude… you have to calm down. You’re making the other customers freaked out,” Kyungsoo held his hands. At the same time, he apologised to the other customers for the commotion that has just happened.

            “Please. You, Suho,” he pointed at me with his finger, “you can’t just let that jerk walk off with her. I know you love her… but are you going to let it be just like that and end up being a sore loser?”

             “Then… what do you want me to do?” It was my turn to get pissed at him now. “Break off their relationship,” Chen emphasized those words. “What the heck, hyung?” Kyungsoo immediately argued back. “I can’t do that,” I muttered.

              “Why?” he eyed me with suspicion. It took me a few seconds to say those words. Taking a deep breath I responded, “It’s because… I wanted her to be happy.” Now, Chen’s eyes reveal an expression of sympathy and concern. “I know that she has feelings for him… but… what’s there for me to stop her from what she wants. I can’t be taking control of her life! If she wants to be with him… then I cannot stop her… and her happiness from being robbed away.” Chen didn’t answer. Instead, he was looking down in guilt.

            “I understand what you’re going through. But… I’m proud of what you are doing. After all, we just hope for the best that their relationship might not work,” Kyungsoo smiled a smile of comfort. “Thanks… hyung,” I smiled back.

          “Forgive me if I was too… over reactive… just now,” Chen apologised. I pat his back and answered, “It’s alright, buddy.” Chen, then continued, “Well… it’s still not the time to give up.”

           “What do you mean?” I asked in confusion. Chen sighed, “What Kyungsoo said was true about hoping that their relationship might not work out. You know… you could make a move on her once their relationship is over.” I just nodded in silence. “Hopefully,” I mumbled.

           Kyungsoo then, spoke up while taking a glance at his watch, “Do you guys want to leave? We can walk around.” Chen answered, “Sure. How about you?” he asked at me. I answered back,” Sure thing.” We got out of the restaurant in no time after we had paid for our meals.

          While walking around the entire first floor of the mall, Chen suddenly asked, “Do you guys want to check out that arcade centre again? We didn’t get to play most of the games there.” After Kyungsoo and me agreed, we decided to head on towards the arcade centre. All of a sudden, thoughts of what happened the last time we were at the arcade centre flashback through my mind. Seeing Kris and Hye Ri holding on to each other like they were a couple kind of… killed me. Gawd, Suho… can you just not think about it? Jeez!

           “Suho!” Kyungsoo raised his voice at me which brought me back into reality. Both of them were eyeing at me. Next thing, I quickly answered them, “Sorry…. I was… dreaming.” At the same time, my stomach lurched and ached, as if someone had stabbed me right in the middle. My eyes clenched shut due to the pain. Dang it… don’t tell me it has to do with the food that I ate just now?

            “Are you okay… Suho?” Kyungsoo asked. “I think… I’m having a stomach ache, guys,” I gritted my teeth. “Omo! I think you better go to the washroom,” Chen suggested.

           “Then, what about you guys?” I asked. “We’ll wait for you here,” Chen answered. “You sure?” I confirmed again. “Yah! We’ll wait for you, okay? You better go now!” Kyungsoo hushed.

           Without hesitation, I quickly dashed my way for the washroom which was right nearby from where we stood. When I entered the men’s washroom, thankfully, there was an empty cubicle. I rushed towards the empty cubicle and sat on the seat and took my trousers off. I felt a sense of relief and the pain was washed away once I had gain composure.

          Suddenly, I heard the door of the washroom opened and I heard the sound of footsteps next. Judging by the shadows that could be seen from under the door of my cubicle, I could guess that two people had just walked in. Then, I heard the sound of water coming out of the tap and then there was no sound.

          Next, a voice spoke, “So… did you like… did it to her like what I told you to do?” Then, a familiar voice answered, “I did… and I can’t believe she’s that… dumb.” Wait… is that Kris’ voice? Cause it sounded like him.

         “What do you mean?” the second guy asked. Kris sighed before he answered, “Did you know… when I told her that I feelings for her… which of course… is fake, she just got so excited and she just quickly said yes when I asked her to be my girlfriend.” The hell… I was right all along. He was making use of her!

           “Gawd… I can’t believe girls fall for you so easily. You’re such a Casanova,” the second guy laughed. Kris scoffed in reply. My fists are clenched right now in anger. “Then… what are you going to do now?” the second guy asked.

           “You know what… I’m thinking of doing something,” Kris mumbled. “You’re… breaking up on her?” that friend suggested. “Gawd… you’re such a genius,” Kris laughed.

            “But… but… how are you going to do that?” the friend asked in confusion. “I think I should show her that I’m not the one meant for her… and… that should just stop her from tagging on me every day. You know why? It’s so annoying to see her face smiling there like some… stupid kid every time she sees me. Gawd… these type of girls,” he sighed. Part of me wanted to get out of that cubicle to just punch him straight in the face. But… another part of me wants to stay here because I don’t want Kris to know that I’m here and he might do something else.

         “That’s harsh, man. But what about the other girl that you’re dating? What’s her name…?  Cha Kyung or Eun Mi?” the friend further questioned him.

          “Who cares about her name? Anyway… I still intend to dump that girl. She’s another idiot. Always texts me for every freaking hour saying that she loves me and that she misses me. Like damn it. Can’t she just leave me alone?!” Kris raised his voice. That jerk has been dating other girls… besides Hye Ri. I’ve got to tell her about it before he breaks her heart.

           “Wow… I do feel for you, man. It’s like one day you get a girl… and the next day, you dump her! Don’t you think it’s too much, man?! The friend retaliated. Kris scoffed in reply saying, “Please. I have other things to deal with besides those girls… especially my dad.”

           “Did your dad like… said anything so far to you?” the friend asked. “I don’t know! He’s been furious with me for the past few days ever since I started coming back home late from all those parties. And now… he’s thinking that my sister should take over his company. That should be me holding it… not her!” I heard he banged his fist on the sink.

             “Dude, calm down! Just try to show him that you’re capable of handling it not your sister,” that friend hushed him. “I will… one day,” he growled in anger. Next, there was silence. Then, the friend spoke up, “Want to head back to the bar and get some more drinks?”

            “Sure! There might be more girls there!” Kris laughed. Next, the washroom door opened and closed and now, there were no voices to be heard and it was all silent. Now as I had realized, Kris was playing on Hye Ri’s feelings all along. And by that… I have to tell her.

           I quickly cleaned up and got out of the cubicle. After washing my hands, I looked at my bruised fist. It’s a darker purple than before this afternoon. I have to put some medicine on it when I reached home. I went out of the washroom to look for Chen and Kyungsoo. Just as I had known, the both of them were still standing at the same spot with their backs leaning against the railing. When they had noticed my presence, Chen asked, “There you are! Feeling better now?” I smiled back in reply.

           “Okay! Then, let’s go!” Chen laughed. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. Then on, we headed towards the arcade centre. Now… I have to try my best to provoked Hye Ri to stay away from Kris but… I have to make it less obvious…


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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))