Chapter 2

When Love Stops

     “I’m home!” I greeted loudly as I entered into my house.

       No reply was heard back, only silence. Hmm, why is the house so quiet? Where’s everybody? A voice was heard at a distance.

       “Is anybody at home, omma?” I asked as she entered the house.

       “Your brother’s in his room. Go and say hi to him,” she replied.

       In an instant, I decided to walk up the stairs to meet him. Step by step, his voice was getting clearer and louder. All I heard was the sounds of grunting and panting.

       “1….2…..3….4” What is he doing?

       When I arrived at his room door, I saw my brother on the floor doing his push-ups. He was drenched and his body is glistened with sweat.

        “Jongin-oppa!” I shouted.

        The moment he heard my voice, my brother quickly got onto his feet and a big smile was plastered onto his face.

         “Hye Ri ah!” he greeted in reply. What turns out next was, he spread out his arms in front of me saying, “Aww, give your brother a big hug just because he didn’t get to see you the whole day!”   

          “Urrrgghh oppa! Get away from me!” I belched in disgust.

          “You don’t want a hug?” he pouted at me.

          “I wouldn’t hug you if you’re not sweaty,” I sarcastically .

          “That would be a shame. You wouldn’t get a boyfriend easily if you’re acting like this in front of him,” he teased. I just stared at him with my eyes wide-open.

          “What? Did I offend you?” he sighed.

          “Nah It’s just that you’re the second person to say it,” I replied.

          “Well, who’s the first person?” he interrogated.


          “Oh, that boy? That one who you used to hold hands with during kindergarten?” he grinned at me.

           “Oppa, that was the past. Now, we’re just best friends!”

           “More than just best friends,” he emphasized every word.

           “What do you mean?” I was confused.

           “I mean, there could be more than just friendship, like mutual feelings or interests towards each other.”

           “No. I don’t think it will happen. Besides, he has a crush on someone else.”

           “Well, who’s the lucky girl?” he asked.

           “He didn’t mention her name. All he said was she makes him happy and she was there for her and all those sappy lovey-dovey stuff that I can’t remember else.”

           Jongin paused in silence before he spoke, “What if that ‘lucky girl’ was…. YOU?”

           “Puh-lease, oppa! Why would he have a crush on me? I’m some average girl, has a Chibi Maruko-Chan hair, a height way shorter than model. Which criteria would it fit into a guy’s ideal type?” I protested.

           “Who knows, some guy would prefer you than those popular girls out there,” he said while mimicking those stuck-up popular girls in my school. I reacted too hard while he was doing it. Gosh, this one of the reasons why I love my brother so much right to the core.

           As I felt that the topic was getting too deep and uncomfortable, I quickly make the decision to change the subject to avoid things to get serious which in turn, making me feel awkward.

           I spoke up, “So…. How long have you been working out?”

           “Me? I think…” while looking up the ceiling, “for an hour and a half?”

          “WHAT? Why so intense?” I bewildered in amazement. If I was in his place, I would just be jelly on the floor crying for help for someone to pick me from this cold floor.

          “I just want to get shaped and more toned,” he said this while lifting up his tank top to revealed his six-pack abs at me.

          “So, what do you think?” he grinned at me.

          “It looks… incredible. How did you do it?” I asked in bewilderment.

            “Strength exercises and a clean diet,” he explained. While I was still staring at it, he asked, “Want to feel it?”

            “Urrgghhh… no, puh-lease,” I protested back.

            “I know you want it. I can see it by the way you were staring at it,” he teased.

            “OPPA!! No way! And by the way, just save it for Jin Mi,” I replied in disgust.

           “Okay. Speaking of Jin Mi, she decided to join us for dinner tonight,” he said it while releasing his grip covering his abs.

           The moment when I heard it, I was super happy. Who’s Jin Mi? Well, she’s my brother’s girlfriend and I consider her as my unnie. Both of them met in high school and she was a fan of his dancing skills. Soon, they started dating and it’s been 3 years. And now, they are studying in the same university but of course, different majors. Jongin-oppa is majoring in dance while Jin Mi-unnie is majoring in mass communication. *Sigh* I do envy them as a sweet couple after all.

           “Hye Ri ah? Are you listening? Jin Mi is joining us for dinner tonight.” His voice just brought me out of my daydreams.

           “Yeah, I did hear you. Anyway, I got to finish my homework first. Will see you later…and Jin Mi,” I smiled.

           “Alright, Chibi. Go along,” he teased. I death-stared at him while he was laughing to himself as he walked out of his room.

          After that, I walked to my room and changed into my home clothes. At the meantime, I gathered myself at my desk and started to do my Algebra homework which has been requested by Mr. Joo.

         Two hours has passed and I’m still stuck on the last question. Darn, how long is this going to take? If worse comes to worse, I might have to ask Suho for help after all. He’s a freaking genius.

         While I was procrastinating nonstop, a voice was heard from downstairs.

         “Hye Ri ah! Come down. A guest is here!”

          “Okay!” I shouted back in reply.

       After placing all my things into my backpack, I quickly got out from my room to meet someone important downstairs. While running down the stairs, I saw Jin Mi greeting my parents while Jongin was standing by her side.

           Gosh, look at my brother! He has that kid dish smile again when he’s beside her.

        “Jin Mi-unnie!” I greeted loudly.

        She turned her head into my direction and a bright smile appeared on her face.

        “Hye Ri!” she replied.

        We both hug in a warm embrace as we haven’t been seeing each other for a long time.

        “Jin Mi ah! I didn’t see you for so long? How have you been doing?” I asked.

        “It’s been great, Hye Ri. It’s good to see you again!” she smiled.

        Soon, my mum interrupts us saying, “Dinner’s ready!”

        As we entered into the dining room, I elbowed my brother hard on the stomach.

         “Ow! What was that for?” he grimaced in pain.

        “I can see the way you’re blushing when you’re with her,” I teased.

       “Yah! Don’t embarrass me in front of her,” he pouted.

        “Nah! Don’t worry, okay?” I showed the okay sign at him.

       “You better,” he smiled.

      Once, we seated ourselves at the dining table, we were pretty shocked and amazed at the delicious displays of food on the table. From kimchi-jiggae to jjapchae to bibbimbbap and other side dishes.

        “Omma, you never cook this much!” I said.

        “Well, I only do this when a special guest arrives,” she smiled at Jin Mi.

        “Kamsahamida, Jongin omma!” she greeted happily.

        “Don’t mention it! You’re a part of us as a family,” my mum replied.

         “All right! Let’s dig in! I’m starving!” My dad butted in as he could not hold on any longer.

         While everyone was enjoying dinner to their hearts’ content, we soon joked, talked and laughed about every day topics such as the university that Jongin-oppa and Jin Mi-unnie attending to.

         When all of us were in silence, my father spoke up, “So, Jin Mi?”

         “Yes, Jongin-appa,” she replied while chewing onto a piece of meat.

        “When are you two planning to get married?”

        In that instant, Jin Mi choked on her food while Jongin coughed loudly.

         “Are you okay, Jin Mi? Hye Ri, get a glass of water for her,” my mum asked. I got up and managed to get for her a glass of water. She muttered thanks and she was alright after taking a few sips.

        “Jagiya, are you okay?” Jongin asked while rubbing Jin Mi’s back.

        “I’m alright, oppa,” Jin Mi replied.

        “Appa! That’s a wrong question to ask at a time like this!” Jongin protested.

        “Sorry! I thought you both look good to settle down to get married and who knows… I might have my first grandchild,” my father grinned.

          Gosh, my dad can be annoying sometimes.

         “Yeobo, don’t ever rush things too fast. You’re scaring them!” My mother slapped his hand.

          “I was joking, yeobo!” he replied. “Mianhe, Jin Mi,” my dad apologised.

           “It’s alright, Jongin-appa,” Jin Mi smiled.

           Then, Jongin got up and spoke, “Omma and appa, it’s already late now. I have to send Jin Mi back home.”

            “Yeah, you should now. Anyway, thank you Jin Mi for joining us for dinner. We will look forward to your presence another time,” my mum replied.

           As everyone walked towards the door, I hugged Jin Mi one last time before she leaves. “All the best for your studies, unnie,” I said.

                   “You too, Hye Ri. Take care of oppa for me ah!” she smiled.

            “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him!” I grinned mischievously at him.

           My brother rolled his eyes in annoyance at me.

           “Goodbye, Hye Ri!” she waved.

        In a moment, Jongin’s car drove off and it disappeared into the night. Feeling tired, I decided to sleep early because I wanted to meet Suho before school starts. After wishing my parents goodnight, I went off into my room and started to text Suho.

            “Oppa, I need your help. I’m stuck at the last question that Mr. Joo gave. Can you help me?”

         Few seconds later.

            “Sure. What time? Before school starts?”

             “Yeap, I’ll look out for you. Good night, oppa! J

             “Good night, ChibiJ

           After that text, I doze off asleep.

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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))