Chapter 23: Suho's POV

When Love Stops

     I was walking along a dark alleyway. There it stood long, dark and menacing. I’m standing right between two walls and the surroundings were cold and uninviting. The gap between the two walls resembles a carnivorous mouth waiting to gobble up anyone who dares to enter it. The walls are running with slime which covered the now long graffiti brickwork. Everything seems to be silent and eerie around me.

        Suddenly, I heard a scream which sounds so horrifying that you wouldn’t want to hear it again. That scream repeated again on and on. It was a scream crying for help. Then, the next words caught me.

         “Heeeeeeeeeeelllpppp!!!! Suuuhhooooo!!!!! Heeeeeelllp!!!” It was Hye Ri’s voice. My heartbeat quickened in pace as I heard her voice. Where is she? All I see was darkness in front of me.

          “Suuuuuhhhhooo!!! Heeeeelllppp!!!” This time, I could not wait any longer. I ran further into the darkness ignoring those fears which are clouding my mind. The more steps I took, the louder her voice is. “Hyeeee Riiii!!! Wheeere aarrreee yooouuu!!!!” That voice echoed beyond the distance.

          “Heeellllpppp!!!” The voice replied back. I was being desperate trying to find that source of her screams. Everything was in darkness. I continued running trying to find her. Her voice still rings through my eardrums. Then, far off in the distance I saw two figures against a wall. Could it be her? In an instant, I decided to take larger steps not wanting to care how it will put a burden to my lungs.

            As I got nearer, I saw Hye Ri had her back against the wall and both of her hands were pinned against the wall on top of her head. A tall figure stood over her and had his hands on her with his face hidden from view. “Hye Ri,” I screamed with all my might. Hye Ri’s face had her eyes on me when her name was called. Her face shows an expression that she’s being powerless and defenceless.

             Suddenly, that tall figure turned his head and his face was shown. It was that face that I have resented every time I see him with her… Kris. “Leave her alone!” I shouted with full of rage. “You’ll never take her from me!” Kris gave a menacing laugh.

               “NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” That instant, both Hye Ri and Kris disappeared into fine mist and all I see was pitch black. Then, I felt someone was shaking my shoulder nonstop and that voice was repeating all over again, “Suho, wake up!”

         My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up straight in bed. I was covered in sweat and breathing heavily. I looked all around me trying to get a clear picture where I was. Phew! I’m still in hyung’s room. I looked beside me and Jongin was overwhelmed and speechless.

            “Hyung, are you alright?” I asked.

            “No, Suho. I should be the one asking whether are you alright?” he emphasized every word.

            “What do you mean, hyung?” I was still confused and dazed from that nightmare.

            “I don’t know. You were sweating and suddenly you were mumbling something and then you were just shouting ‘leave her alone’,” Jongin spoke while trying to find the words to say.

            “Oh, sorry, hyung. I was having…a nightmare,” I said while wiping the sweat off my forehead with my T-shirt.

            “Yahhh… you don’t scare me the next time alright? I almost had a heart attack!” Jongin urged while patting his chest.

            “Sorry… What time is it now?” I asked while looking for a clock around me.

            “It’s 6.50 in the morning. But you better get dressed before you and my sister are going off to school,” he suggested. “Sure,” I replied to him. Then, I got up from the bed and head on to the bathroom to take a bath and I got dressed into my school uniform. After checking one last time at the mirror adjusting my tie, I got my backpack and head downstairs. At the dinner table, Jongin and his parents were seated at the table.

              “Good morning,” I smiled.

              “Good morning, son. Here, have a seat,” Jongin’s dad greeted back in reply. As I sat at my respective seat, Jongin’s mum said, “All the food are here if you want cereal, jam or bread. But do make yourself at home.” I thanked her in reply. I looked around me and the only person missing is Hye Ri.

             “Where’s Hye Ri?” I asked.

             “She’s always the last person to be downstairs… as usual,” Jongin teased. Then, I heard the sound of running steps at the stairs. “Be careful, Hye Ri. I don’t want you to fall down,” her mum warned.

          When she sat at the seat opposite mine, Jongin mocked her saying, “Finally, the princess is here.”

          “Whatever, Jongin,” she rolled her eyes in annoyance. Next, Jongin looked at me and said, “You know the last time she woke up late, she was a mess running here and there around the house.”

          “Really?” I asked.

          “Suho, don’t listen to him. He’s just trying to be annoying towards me,” Hye Ri cut in before Jongin could reply to me. Then, it was all silent as Hye Ri and Jongin would intensely gaze at each other as though they are fighting with each other mentally. After everyone was finished with breakfast, Hye Ri’s mum said to the both of us, “You two better get to school early. I don’t want you both to be late for school.”

           “Alright, mum,” Hye Ri answered while she grab on to her backpack. I turned towards Hye Ri’s mum and said, “Thank you so much, Hye Ri omma for the dinner and letting me stay over for the night. Thank you for everything.”

           “Aigoo! You don’t have to thank me. I should thank you for keeping Hye Ri company last night. Anyway, I will be overjoyed if you could come another time,” Hye Ri’s mum smiled. After that, we wished both her parents and her brother goodbye before we head out of the house.

           Along the way, Hye Ri asked, “You have soccer practice after this?” I shook my head in reply. “Hye Ri ah, want to go noraebang after school?”

          “I don’t know, Suho. I’ll let you know during recess, alright?” she smiled while showing the ‘okay’ sign at me. Then, a car horn was heard. We looked at the road beside us and a black luxury car was driving beside us. Next, the windows rolled down and I see the face that I saw in my nightmare.

           “Hey, Kris!” Hye Ri waved. Her face brightens up when she saw him. Urrrggghhh…. Just when it was the right time to be alone with her, this jerk has to just come in.

           “Hey, Hye Ri… and Suho,” he replied and his voice sounds not pleasing when he said my name. I waved back in reply.

          “I just saw you guys walking together and I was wondering whether you guys want a ride?” Kris asked.

          “Oh… that’s nice of you, Kris. Isn’t he, Suho?” she asked while looking at me. Gawd, does she have to ask me this stupid question just to rub it in my face?

       “Yeap… that’s nice…,” I said it out awkwardly.

       “Anyway, you guys better get in. We don’t want to be late for school, do we?” Kris asked. Since, Hye Ri wanted, not decided to get into the car, I have no choice but to get into the car with her. When all of us are in the car, Hye Ri was sitting between me and Kris.

         Throughout the whole journey, I was left out in the corner as Kris and Hye Ri were conversing about everyday stuff. Wow, when she’s with him, she just left me out? Does she think I’m some light bulb?

          Then, Kris asked her this question, “Hye Ri ah, are you free after school?” Now it was Hye Ri’s turn to show a guilty expression realizing that I did ask the same question before this.

          “Why? Is there anything?” Hye Ri asked in curiosity.

          “Nah, I just need help with Biology. You know, test is coming up in a week’s time. And you know, I do need help from someone who’s good in it.”

          “Errmm…. ,” Hye Ri spoke up. Then, Kris put his arm around her shoulder. Why you little prick! Get your hands off her! “Come on, Hye Ri. You’re free to help me, are you?” Kris coaxed. I clenched my fists as Kris was trying to make a move on her. That instant, I brushed Kris’ arm off her shoulder and placed my right arm around her shoulder. I have to do something!

           “Hye Ri ah. You did remember right, that I asked you way earlier just now whether you could make it for noraebang?” I saw Kris has an expression of shock. Now it’s payback time, Kris! You want to play it that way? I can.

          “You asked her out?” Kris asked. I smirked back in reply. I looked at Hye Ri. She was still looking at the floor. Please say no, Hye Ri. Just say no.

          “It’s alright, Hye Ri. Maybe we can meet tomorrow after school. It’s not that urgent, by the way,” Kris made a retreat. Yes! Finally he backs off. Take that, you jerk!

           Then, Hye Ri spoke up in an instant, “Wait! It’s alright! I can meet you after school!” What the hell? She looked at me and gave a sorrowful look saying, “I think we can go noraebang another day. Is it alright, Suho?” Why is she doing this to me?

          “It’s fine, Hye Ri. Just go ahead with that tutoring. After all, Kris needs it,” I sighed in reply. Damn you, Kris. I’ll bet you were laughing deep inside thinking that you won this. “I’ll promise, alright? I’ll make it up for you the next time,” she apologized. “Sure,” I whispered.

          Then, the driver said, “We’re already here, master.” Wow, it’s so fast that I didn’t know we would arrive in school quickly. Feeling disappointed about that whole incident, I thanked the driver and walked out of the car without saying bye to Hye Ri or Kris. I heard Hye Ri’s voice calling out my name. At the same time, I turn around and she was running towards me. I quickened my pace hoping that she would not be able to catch me in time. But too bad, she got me.

           “Suho! Can’t you wait up!” she puffed out breaths while grabbing on to my wrist. That instant, I brushed her hand off my wrist. I continued walking further.

           “Suho! Listen to me! I’m sorry!” she apologized once more.

           “Come on, Hye Ri! I’m your best friend and you just… give in to him so easily even though you guys aren’t close friends at all!” I raised my voice at her in frustration.

           “But he needs my help!” she fought back.

            “Ok fine. He needs your help. But since when you were so desperate in helping people? What happened to the Hye Ri that I know who wouldn’t help anyone?” I quarrelled back at her. Hye Ri paused in silence.

            “I understand what you are trying to say, Suho. But you have to look at it the other way. He’s a nice guy. He always does things to return back my favour. That’s why I wouldn’t mind helping him,” she answered.

           “So, you only help people more if they buy you things in return. What…the…heck,” I emphasized every word.

           “At least he’s being appreciative!”

           “Appreciative, my . The problem with you, Hye Ri, is you simply trust people easily.”

           “Arrrgghhh!!! You know what, I think you’re worse than my brother!”

           “Fine. Since you think Kris is more important than me, just go ahead with him after school. If you want to hang out with me one day just because you’re bored, then don’t come looking for me.” I walked off this time.

            “Suho, wait! I’m sorry!” she cried out. This time, I don’t want to bother at all. I mean, I wanted to hang out with her and she chose him over me? Arggghh! Maybe I shouldn’t have been so rude to her. See what we are now? Maybe we’ll just see during recess. Maybe…

That's very sad for Suho isn't it? T.T I would seriously feel pissed off this happened. Anyway, I did tried my best to make a guy's POV more interesting. Hope you guys can give me some feedback! :)

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))